As Eddie and Dylan Brock's father/son war rages, ANOTHER Dylan Brock is on a mission to make sure things go the way they're supposed to. An older Dylan - OLD MAN VENOM - travels back in time to Spider-Man's earliest days - but should he fail, it's not just the fates of the combatants of the Venom War at stake - but the fate of all of time itself!
Rated T+
Venom #37 is a heel-turn genre flip that whisks old man Dylan Brock off on a mystical adventure with Doctor Strange, offering a thrilling change of scenery and epic action. Read Full Review
This is a fun one, even if Dylan remains mostly a one note character. Read Full Review
I enjoyed this issue a bit more than the previous ones. The Venom War still doesn't grab me as much as it should, but this issue in particular was fun with Future Dylan's interactions with Dr. Strange. The art was also amazing.
My feelings towards this are pretty similar to my feelings towards the last issue, so you can read my review if that if you're interested. The stuff with Stephen was interesting here, and I'm fairly interested to see how things continue to play out.
Pretty solid issue that tapered off towards the end. Overall, a good story and a good use of Doctor Strange.
Not great but much better than her Thor run.