As Eddie and Dylan Brock's father/son war breaks out, ANOTHER Dylan Brock is on a mission to make sure things go the way they're supposed to. And he's an OLDER Dylan Brock. That's right - OLD MAN VENOM is jumping through time to guarantee the correct victor in the Venom War - starting with a jaunt that takes him right into Spider-Man's history!
Rated T+
Venom #36 is another compelling entry in the Venom War event with some unexpected surprises for fans familiar with the obscurer members of Spider-Man's rogues gallery. Read Full Review
As convoluted as this new Venom arc has been at times, the "Venom War" crossover is shaping up to be one with interesting ideas at the least. Read Full Review
It's an interesting start to Old Man Dylan's adventure.
But the real highlight here is Cafu's art. It's simply amazing.
Surely making Old Man Dylan the spitting image of Cable - in looks, attitude, mission, everything - has to be intentional, right? This was a good book, with very good art, but I can't help but feel like I've read this already. Even so, that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. I haven't loved everything Venom leading up to this, but this issue was a solid well made issue and we'll see where it goes from here.
I don't, currently, really see how this ties into the grander scheme of things when it comes to Venom War, but I thought this was cool for what it was. CAFU's art is definitely a highlight. This started out pretty interesting, but it did lose me a bit as it went on. Hopefully a Spider-Man appearance in the next issue helps things out.
It had some good art. I liked some of it, but it didn't really make more invested in Venom War.