The story that began in VENOMVERSE reaches its epic conclusion with VENOMIZED! The POISONS, a species that hungers for super-powered symbiotes and their hosts, have picked their next target...THE MARVEL UNIVERSE ITSELF! Their first objective? Put every superhuman in a Klyntar symbiote - and CONSUME THEM! But with VENOM and the X-MEN still missing after the events of "Poison-X," the planet, and its heroes, is defenseless!
Rated T+
VENOMIZED #1 is just what Marvel needs to kickstart an exciting summer! Bunn masterfully creates a venomous world full of Poisons, symbiotes, and spiders. While the cast of characters is big, the storyline is clear and doesn't become convoluted like other crossover series. Anyone who is looking for a new and unexplored Marvel adventure needs to pick up VENOMIZED #1 today! Read Full Review
As you may have guessed, your enjoyment of this depends pretty heavily on how you feel about Venom. It's fun nonsense action that sets up its premise in a solid way. Clean, bright art makes it consistently fun to flip through. Check it out if you like Venom and didn't hate the Poisons. This could be the book to win you over. Read Full Review
A good first issue that's technically well made, but you'll get a somewhat hollow feeling from it all. Read Full Review
I'm torn on this book. I'll give it a hesitant thumbs up and will give it another shot next month. Read Full Review
The first issue of Venomized makes it clear that Cullen Bunn has thought long and hard about how the mechanics and ecology of symbiotes and Poisons work. Unfortunately, those details aren't particularly interesting to have explained. Read Full Review
Books like this bum me out because to me, they are anti-comics. I don't expect a publisher, especially one of the Big Two, to put art before commerce - that would be naive. But at least try something new. Read Full Review
Venomized #1 is an action-packed issue that has lots of fun in it.
Hey! it ws actually a fun read experience!
The Poisons unleash their assault on Earth. Tons of new designs, a Sinister Plan, a key role for Cletus Kasady, gorgeous art - and it's all virtually impossible to care about, thanks to cover-to-cover cardboard characterization. A huge cast of heroes show up at their flattest and most action-figure-y; individual takes range from the heinous (Hercules getting drunk? Oh, f!@#% you, Venomized!) to the forgettable (Kitty Pryde, Spidey, Cletus, everybody else). I'm rating this above average because the art is stellar, particularly in the front half, but it's a punishingly dull read.
Overexplanatory, with bad to average dialogues and cliche mechanics, but the overall idea is interesting and tempts me to keep reading regardless.
Art is OK.