Donovan Turner's Profile

Joined: Mar 02, 2023

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Knight Terrors: First Blood #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jul 5, 2023

When Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman find the body of one of their earliest enemies inside the Hall of Justice, their investigation takes them past the land of the living, beyond the land of the dead, and directly to a new villain called Insomnia…who uses his powers to engulf every single hero and villain in their own dark and twisted nightmar...

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #4

By: Tom Taylor, Darick Robertson
Released: Jun 7, 2023

The faces are familiar, but the situation is a nightmare. Jon Kent finds himself on an Earth where his friends and loved ones are at war--a place where his personal heroes fight each other for control of the world. What will he do when he discovers that this world's version of his father, Clark Kent, is on the verge of becoming a dictator?

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1

By: Tom King, Dan Mora
Released: May 17, 2023

Written by Tom King, Ed Brisson, Christopher Cantwell, and Dan Mora Art by Mitch Gerads, Jeff Spokes, Javier Rodriguez, and Dan Mora Coming off the spectacular success of Batman - One Bad Day: The Riddler, the Eisner Award-winning team of Tom King and Mitch Gerads reunite for a horrifying four-part retelling of the first bloody clash between The Jo...

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Donovan Turner rated Batman #135 May 2, 2023

Batman #135

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: May 3, 2023

It's Batman versus Red Mask in a brutal Gotham that's never known hope! Can the Dark Knight overcome the terrifying infection that Red Mask has unleashed? Only one thing is certain: he won't be able to do it alone. The conclusion to the bestselling The Bat-Man of Gotham is so big it could only be contained in an oversize #900 anniversary issue feat...

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Worst dawn of dc title.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #3

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: May 3, 2023

Jon Kent arrives on an Earth he's never seen...the world of Injustice! While a Kal-El rules this world in seeming peace, why does everyone Jon meets fear the S symbol on his chest? And why is Batman public enemy number one? Jon has to pick a side, and the consequences make either choice a dangerous one!

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StarKnight - May 2, 2023

Salty much?

JBL Reviews - Jun 7, 2023

@StarKnight it’s worse than that. Three issues in, each comic is the lowest rating one can give, which means there are no worse comics than this. Somehow, though, three issues in, he’s still reading it? Like if this is an honest review, it literally couldn’t be any worse, but he keeps reading? Now that is odd.

Donovan Turner reviewed Planet of the Apes #1 Apr 6, 2023

Truly an incredible issue. Can’t wait to see what happens next

Planet of the Apes #1

By: David F. Walker, Dave Wachter
Released: Apr 5, 2023

A new era of apes kicks off with part 1 of "Devolution"! The ALZ-113 virus has rampaged across planet Earth, and humanity is crumbling. While well-meaning researchers hunt for a cure, a fanatical group of humans has their own solution: Kill all a...

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Amazing Spider-Man #23

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 5, 2023

We opened this series with a question.
The centerpiece of the answer is a flat-out fight.
Rated T

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Honestly i tried to give this the benifit of the doubt but each issue continues to prove me wrong with its nonsensical and idiotic story

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #7

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Carmine Di Guandomenico
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Following his explosive plans last issue, The Joker has turned L.A. into a war zone and worn out his welcome. He makes plans to leave and head back to Gotham to settle some unfinished business there, but discovers the City of Angels' darkest secret: nobody gets out easily. Now he must choose--face the manhunt or the Manhunter.

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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Stargirl: The Lost Children #5

By: Geoff Johns, Todd Nauck
Released: Mar 29, 2023

The battle for the fate of the Lost Children has begun as Stargirl leads a raid on the Childminder’s castle! But who has been asking the Childminder to round up these kids, and for what purpose? The buyer has arrived, and Stargirl is not ready for him!

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Justice Society of America #3

By: Geoff Johns, Mikel Janin
Released: Mar 15, 2023

Huntress's journey to save the Justice Society of America lands her smack dab in the middle of the 1940s at the birth of the team! Can Huntress and the present-day JSA work together long enough to figure out how to stop the strike on the '40s team?!

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Donovan Turner rated Batman #133 Mar 12, 2023

Batman #133

By: Chip Zdarsky, Adrian
Released: Mar 8, 2023

Everyone goes insane eventually. And then they belong to the terrifying Red Mask! But Gotham City has a new savior. He strikes from the shadows, exhumes the dead, and is known only as...the Batman. And in our backup story, Tim Drake's search for Batman continues as he and Superman, Jon Kent, team up to stop the terror of the Toyman!

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Ever since reading injustice I've been waiting for tom Taylor to live up those standards. I'm sad to say this series so far has not.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #1

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Mar 8, 2023

ANOTHER SUPERMAN HAS FALLEN. Across the Multiverse, Kal-Els are being murdered. Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2, believes only one man can help stop the killing-Kal-El's son, Jon Kent! Jon will have to step across dimensions and face the killer of the Kal-Els, the monstrous Ultraman, the man who kidnapped and tortured him for years. And Val-Zod is...

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Stargirl: The Lost Children #4

By: Geoff Johns, Todd Nauck
Released: Mar 1, 2023

Courtney and the missing sidekicks are on a mission to bust out their friends from the Childminder’s stronghold, but a plan is hard to come by. Have no fear, Hypertime’s greatest protector is here to lend a hand: Corky Baxter, Time Master! Meanwhile, Emiko learns the secret history of Judy Garrick, the lost daughter of Jay and Joan Garrick!

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