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Location: America Joined: Oct 26, 2016

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Damn, this was worth the 4.99 price tag, and probably my favorite 5 dollar book. Kaare Andrews is one hell of a good artist, I took a moment to really appreciate the cover. I guess this book is necessary on behalf of the first marvel flop being the inhuman series. Donny Cates is the hero marvel needs.

I love Kelly Thompson for what she’s done and currently doing with the newly wed Mr. and Mrs X.



Blackwood #2 Aug 5, 2018

Can’t say I’m excited to see how this story ends but I’m 3 issues deep. Overall it’s okay, just forgettable.

Come Into Me #1 Aug 5, 2018

It is combination of sci-fi movies like, the fly, eternal sunshine, being john malkovich and now get out. The art is great I just couldn’t care less for the main character or any of the characters.

Definitely one of the more unique indie books I’ve read so far. It reads as if it’s successfully being Educational and entertaining.

Mata Hari (2018) #2 Aug 5, 2018

It’s a bit of a hot mess but I’m enjoying it, the writing is good but I prefer the stellar art. +1 for the Milo Manara variant!

Dare I say: best debut of 2018. Loved the art, definitely a new favorite cover.

So the sophomore effort got a bit weird. I’m enjoying this story, and I really like Glory. Dark is fine with me, and I liked the ending but on the same token being edgy for what seems like “the sake of trying to be edgy’ drops the book -2.

Wow so I really enjoyed this comic, the main story feels intense and I can’t wait for #4. -1 for the first half of the comic. Not to say it was bad, I felt the back story was touching however the political overtones felt forced. I get this book has a multiple messages and themes, its just seems to be trying a bit too hard. +1 for the Bullit inspired cover!!

It may just be me but I like that Kirkman doesn’t use narration boxes.

Weakest issue so far, but not bad. The main character was stubborn to the point of being annoying. Everything else was okay, I Liked the ending.

Oblivion Song #4 Jul 31, 2018
Oblivion Song #5 Jul 31, 2018

Mark knows how to pick some of the best artist in the industry To work with. Netflix’s advertisement on the back really makes me wonder.,

+1 for r. Grampa’s variant cover. Maybe Millar is better writing villains than he does with the hero’s, I liked this issue better than the first

Oblivion Song #1 Jul 30, 2018

Didn’t really like the beginning, I think when Peter hooked back up with MJ the story shifted in a better direction. This is also my first exposure to ottleys Amazing artwork. Fun book, want more!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #2 Jul 29, 2018

Can I help you boys with something?

I promise I'm here to help.



Slow burner

I'm sorry. There is no other way

I bought all five issues of this story based on this issues cover art. Fantastic art, thrilling story, definitely recommended

Intense. Amazing. Read this if you want blood.

One of the better issues.

Writing is good. Art is bland

I love this book, possibly my favorite issue #1. Also the first piece of work I've read by terry moore. Honestly I can only recommend this peice of art to people like me, which makes me sad

Motor Girl #2 Mar 25, 2017

My favorite cover of the series !! Beautiful art.

He doesn't know me. I'm not alone.

'...we protect our own.' The price tag is the main problem with this book. Enjoyable story, even if you are familiar with the terrigan mist, this book offers a very readable and understandable view point from both x-men and inhumans and what this cloud represents.

'Ah. You know me Emma... I'm always happy to help.'

one of my favorite covers. kudos Kuder

'...and ideas never die.'

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #3 Mar 18, 2017
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #4 Mar 18, 2017

'Right, because I've never done That before.'

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #6 Mar 18, 2017

Great, an amazon

This issue introduced me to Artemis. I have to say I laughed out loud at every smartassbremark she threw at jason. Oh and she delivered when it came to battle. Fantastic art

I've always liked Jason. Death in the family being the first comic book I remember reading maybe he's more sentimental to me. Robin and batmans relationship especially that of dick and jason are my favorite. They are both adults and treat batman still as father as well as maintain their own independence and individuality so they have to journey separate paths than that of their mentor. Jadon however frequently being the most mislabeled/ misunderstood robin is in part my second favorite because of his rebellious behavior yet his solid and good heart. Deep down there is a longing for batmans approval such as a fathers, and even the jealousy towards dick such as a little brothers. Red hood is a bad ass character and this book does justice for him. I can't wait to see where it goes as he gets a team together.

Intriguing beginning. I can eat anything that azzarello and risso cooks up, well in this case gulp down like one big ass shot.

Moonshine (2016) #2 Mar 16, 2017
Moonshine (2016) #3 Mar 16, 2017
Moonshine (2016) #4 Mar 16, 2017
Moonshine (2016) #5 Mar 16, 2017
Reborn #1 Mar 16, 2017

So far the art is the main attraction..

I enjoyed the cliff hanger ending and all the crazy shit that's going on. Capullo's art just amazes me, however Millar's writing and story is just...not doing it for me. I'm not even sure if I care about any of the characters or the whole lot of the mystery behind the plot, I'm sure future issues will flesh out ...

Maybe not shitty writing, but absolutely no originality whatsoever. Capullo is seriously carrying this book. On a side note, where the f**k is Jupiters legacy 2's #5 at?!?!?

Snotgirl (2016) #5 Jan 1, 2017
Suicide Squad (2016) #1 Nov 13, 2016
Suicide Squad (2016) #2 Nov 13, 2016

Too bad the movie isn't this good..

Suicide Squad (2016) #4 Nov 13, 2016


Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad: April Fool's Special #1 Nov 12, 2016

Stereotypical. Melodramatic. But entertaining. Finch is awesome. I think King IS trying.. I want to see where this goes with Gotham and Gotham gal.

I thought this was quite a bit better than #1, truly. Reads like kings steppin it up

Batman (2016) #3 Nov 3, 2016
Batman (2016) #4 Nov 3, 2016

King finishes strong. Could've fleshed out the story, I guess. I really enjoyed this arc!

Hell yeah! Kite Man!...Feels..

Janin's back!

Kill Or Be Killed #1 Nov 3, 2016

This was an odd book. Calendar man doing stuff? Kicking a tree with new/not robin? Lucius doing business in 132 degree weather? and why does everyone think that batman can't complete an impossibly dangerous mission??? I mean he is batman... I really like Janins art, high five man

This is a boring trip. None of the characters are interesting nor engaging. Too many random scenes that honestly, I couldn't care less to follow up with. I liked Gerard's work with marvel and Mcr but eh, I can't tell if he's trying too hard or not hard enough, ill try one before dropping this one.

She put milk in my latte! Flawed. Insecure. Vain. Insanely fun.

I thought this book was okay. The story/characters seemed really cliched. The art was cool, same with the cover. Pretty bland to gush out a ten with. I feel the same blandness with 'we can never go home' however I thought the coolest scene was with Duncan in jail. I'll try one more. Black mask studios is just kinda meh.

Sweet cover bro. PASS

Packs a punch.

Cool but odd. Feels too

Life is but a dream.

Reviews for the Week of...




