Chip Chipperson's Profile

Joined: Nov 27, 2016

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #49 Jun 20, 2018

Snyder is one of my all time favs. New 52 Batman is near perfect. So far Justice League is pretty good but I feel like I dont really have that emotional connection to it yet. For some reason with most Justice League series it's all action action action and I feel no connection with the characters. Maybe that's why I liked Snyders Batman and the new Bendis Superman so much, it delves deeper into the character and gives them depth. I dont know, maybe I'm just not a big Justice League fan in general for that reason. But aside from that the story and the story telling is good so I'm sticking with this

Loving Bendis' DC work so far. Was a moderate fan of his early work at Marvel but started getting stale towards the end. This seems like he's so refreshed. I've never looked forward to a new Superman issue hitting the shelves more than I do now!

Disappointing and exciting at the same time, good twist and we finally learn what X-Classified is!

Just gives me a good feeling like when Snyder took over Batman. Good dialog, story and art

All-Star Batman #11 Jun 22, 2017
Batman (2016) #25 Jun 22, 2017
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #1 Jun 22, 2017
Kill Or Be Killed #7 Mar 16, 2017
Batman (2016) #17 Feb 15, 2017
Kill Or Be Killed #1 Feb 15, 2017
Kill Or Be Killed #2 Feb 15, 2017
Kill Or Be Killed #3 Feb 15, 2017
Kill Or Be Killed #4 Feb 15, 2017
Kill Or Be Killed #5 Feb 15, 2017

Favorite current ongoing series next to Moon Knight

I was getting nervous about the direction of this series but I'm loving the last couple stories. This issue was really good, batburger was a cool concept (let's get that going for real!) and I liked seeing all the Robin's including duke in one place and acting like regular people. Looking forward to more!

Flash (2016) #14 Jan 24, 2017
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #3 Jan 21, 2017

I take back everything I said about Tom King... I get it now, the characterisations just keep getting better and more compelling

Black Hammer Annual #1 Jan 20, 2017

There has been a few tie-ins to IVX, and most of them seem non-essential to the main story line (as most tie-ins do) kind of filler stories just to fill gaps between the main series.... this however seems like it's on track to set up a resolution to the IVX story... if you buy no other tie-in, buy this one, could play a major roll in the IVX series!

Justice League (2016) #13 Jan 19, 2017
All-Star Batman #6 Jan 15, 2017

Wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about this, but after reading the 1st issue I think this is going to be a cool crossover. The set up was good so far, has potential for sure

Best series

Best the series has been so far

This has been my favorite series of 2016, very original and every issue just grabs you. This issue adds that old timey feel and style to a series that has seemed very much like a throwback all along. Looking forward to what's coming next!

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1 Dec 23, 2016
Aquaman (2016) #12 Dec 18, 2016

The rebirth series so far has been great and this loaded arc premiere looks promising as well

Suicide Squad (2016) #8 Dec 18, 2016

This is part 4 for "I am Suicide" and so far nothing has happened. Part 1 (issue 9) showed batman recruiting villians for what seemed like was gonna be an epic storyline... but the next 3 issues have been just weak writing including batman repeating himself over and over and love letters between Bruce and Selena pasted over the main story artwork (making the main story seem like background). I'm getting pretty tired of this series. "I am Gotham" was ok at best, "night of the monster men" was pretty bad, and this is just not going anywhere. The 6 rating is because the artwork is a 9 but the story about a 3.. just not strong enough. I love Batman so I hope I'm wrong and this story turns out being amazing in the next few issues... but in my opinion DETECTIVE COMICS is much much better right now.

Been loving the series since rebirth. This was a fun issue with a cool cliffhanger.. looks like more fun to come!

Very good issue. Got crazier than I thought it was going to so early in the series. Seems as though the arc has come to an end and definitely leaves you wondering... what the #$%&???

Moon Knight (2016) #1 Dec 6, 2016
Moon Knight (2016) #2 Dec 6, 2016
Moon Knight (2016) #3 Dec 6, 2016
Moon Knight (2016) #4 Dec 6, 2016
Moon Knight (2016) #5 Dec 6, 2016
Moon Knight (2016) #6 Dec 6, 2016
Moon Knight (2016) #7 Dec 6, 2016
Moon Knight (2016) #8 Dec 6, 2016

The only problem with this series is that I have to wait a whole month between Issues! Every issue flies by, I wish I could just keep reading more! The journey thru the first 9 issues to find himself (and find out what the heck was going on) was so fun and mind-bending, and now he's on a mission! Can't wait to see what happens next! Favorite series in a long time

Didn't read the last series with Robbie Reyes so didn't know much about him... and still don't. Had to check the cover mid way to make sure I wasn't mistakenly reading "Totally Awesome Hulk". Book wasn't terrible but didn't feel like Ghost Rider. Early tho, I'll check out the next issue to see where it goes

Just average. Surprisingly, King's story was the best one in the book, started to fall apart little by little with each story after that. One plus was Orlando's new villian tease though.

Hope we see Swamp Thing more in the rebirth era

This story arc has seemed a little slow at times, a little suspenseful at others, but it seems as though it has mainly been an arc to set up more important things to come. By the end of this issue you realize everything is about to change. Still waiting for more outcasts to join Kyle and for this series to pick up a little, but seems like that's not too far away

When you put 2 of the best in the business together, how can you go wrong? I like the choice of half graphic novel half prose. It actually works really well and the prose is very detailed. The new world seems Dark and mysterious with a vibe of "be careful what you wish for" living forever isn't all you'd hoped for. Good start, can't wait to see where this goes!

You can certainly feel the 70s vibe the author wants to get across especially with the old fashioned narrator and lingo used. This issue may be lacking in substance and story but the cartoonish art is beautiful and makes it feel like a real throwback. I'll keep checking out this series to see where it goes

This series bounces around a lot and can be confusing at times, but this issue finally delivers some answers! Also brings in Superman and sets up good things for the next issue

Great story arc, and great addition with this issue. Tynion's doing a great job with the rebirth series so far , 1st with the 7-part "Rise of the Batmen" now the "Victim Syndicate"... can't wait to see what happens next!

Flash (2016) #11 Nov 27, 2016
Star Trek: Boldly Go #2 Nov 27, 2016
Teen Titans (2016) #2 Nov 27, 2016

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