Pants24's Profile

Joined: Jan 05, 2017

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Overall Rating
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #5

Sep 7, 2017

This series has been phenomenal the whole way through. So much action, comedy, heart, and emotion in each issue. This issue ends the series in a fantastic way that I didn't see coming, though I don't think I wanted to. The build up and execution was near perfect. I can't recommend this book enough. 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank is easily one of my favorite comics of all time.

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1

May 4, 2017

This issue was a lot like "The Force Awakens" in that it mimicked something familiar and adored (MCU Guardians of the Galaxy) just like TFA mimicked "A New Hope". I wish it hadn't, but it's a successful blueprint to go off of. I think that mimic was the weakest part of an overall fantastic and enjoyable issue. I'm betting over time Duggan will make the series more obscure and whacky once he finishes establishing a solid jumping on point for new readers.

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #2

May 26, 2017

Kuder's art is weird, but it is absolutely perfect for this series. It's SUPPOSED to be weird. You put him on a more down to earth title (pun intended), and I'd probably have an issue with it. But this is cosmic Marvel he's working with. Let's get weird. Duggan's writing is fun and comedic as ever. Great fit for this title.

All-Star Batman #6

Jan 13, 2017

This issue has "meh" written all over it. However, Jock's art is vastly better than John Romita, Jr.'s so the book looks a lot nicer.

Amerikarate #1

Mar 16, 2017

This comic is stupidly, absurdly hysterical. Which I believe is the point. Nailed it.

Analog #1

Apr 5, 2018

I swear, it's like people see that Duggan writes Deadpool, immediately write him off, and critique his work unjustly. Deadpool has been great and his run will go down as one of, if not the best run, in the character's history. But this isn't a Deadpool review. This is an Analog review. This book had humor, action, and gave readers a solid amount of depth into who the main character is. Not only that, some questions were answered in the first issue without giving too much of the story away, which is much more than can be said for a great many of comics these days. Some don't give any answers until the end of the first arc. This is O'Sullivan's first series doing full interiors, I believe. His story telling is pretty clean and his figures are fairly unique. He's not a cookie cutter artist, that's for sure. I thought this was a great start to what could be a really fun and dark series.

Batman (2016) #14

Jan 6, 2017

I just can't get behind King's Batman like I could Snyder's. Good issue if you like the "Bat" and "Cat" relationship, however. The art from Gerads is solid as always, though I didn't like the way he drew Selina's face in a couple of panels early on. Do you think Batman has a cushion in his bat belt? Otherwise, those two are in for a very uncomfortable session of roof sex on top of loads of diamonds.

Batman (2016) #15

Jan 19, 2017

This was a doozie of a book. I read this issue while slightly intoxicated and it just made me feel all the feels ten fold. Some people have a problem with Batman getting injured by someone who wasn't a supervillain or something. Some people say "How could a he not see it coming? Batman would be prepared for that!" Well, from what I hear, being in love takes your guard down, which was portrayed pretty well throughout this issue and the past one. He's human. He made a mistake. Yes, it can even happen to Batman! I like that King showed that part of him. That part where he's not utterly invincible. (Though he did take out an entire island of armed guards in a previous issue, which made him seem pretty invincible then. But I digress.) I love the rapport that King and Gerads have together, and I love their nine panel pages. Just beautiful. Catwoman's face seemed a little odd in a couple panels, but that's my only gripe. I give it a niner!

Batman (2016) #23

May 22, 2017

Kite Man! Hell Yeah!

Batman (2016) #24

Jun 8, 2017

If you came into this issue (or series for that matter) expecting straightforward answers to untied ends, you're gonna have a bad time. That's not King's style, and I, for one, enjoy that. Eventually, questions will be answered, but King's in no hurry to give us those answers. If you take this issue for what it is, a character study on Batman's humanity and happiness, you'll love this issue.

Batman: White Knight #1

Oct 5, 2017

The role reversal is a very interesting premise, and the Elseworlds nature of the story is a great way to open new possibilities in Gotham. There are numerous flaws in this issue, but it's too early in the series to dwell on them significantly, as the they may be addressed later in the run. The art is amazing, as usual, for Sean Gordon Murphy. I could have done with a little more subtlety with the politics, but I'm hoping that will change as the series goes on. It will take a lot to win me over that the Joker can become a true hero. I hope Murphy is up to the challenge to give me a good reason to root for a "reformed" psychopathic serial killer turned good guy.

Batman: White Knight #3

Dec 8, 2017

Concept is still good, execution is still lacking. As time goes on, Sean Gordon Murphy will hone his writing skills, but they're not quite there yet. Don't think too while reading the series and you'll have a fun time.

DC / Looney Tunes: Martian Manhunter/Marvin the Martian #1

Jun 15, 2017

Main story grade: 5.5 Backup story grade: 8.5

Deadpool (2015) #24

Jan 12, 2017

Deadpool has been great since the issue he finally distanced himself from the first group of "Mercs for Money" and left those shenanigans for the "Mercs for Money" title. That's when things really started to go downhill for Deadpool (The character, not the series. I clearly like the series) which is when Deadpool is most enjoyable (both the character and the series.) The twist in this issue was fantastic. I did not see it coming, though I probably should have. What can I say, I like to enjoy the ride! Anywho, Lolli is probably my favorite Deadpool artist, and he kept up the great work by showing great emotion with facial expressions as well as drawing a doozie of a fight scene.

Deadpool (2015) #28

Mar 1, 2017

The art was detrimental to this issue. Salva Espin's art is very good, however, I do not believe it's a great choice for this Deadpool arc. The art is too light and colorful for what should be a forboding and impactful storyline. I am not a big fan of Shiklah so I hope this mini crossover puts her back in her coffin for good.

Deadpool (2015) #31

Jun 1, 2017

Man. This issue was deep. Great to see Lolli back on art. I hope this issue has repercussions in the Secret Empire series as a whole. I'd love to see Wade's wrath and heartbreak aimed at his hero who led him down a terrible path. This issue is up there in terms of fantastic next to Deadpool #20, also by Duggan and Lolli.

Deadpool (2015) #32

Jun 15, 2017

Duggan and Lolli. Straight killin it on Deadpool, as per usual.

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #1

Jul 6, 2017

This comic is the embodiment of everything wrong with Marvel right now. I'm a huge Deadpool fan so I thought I'd give it a try. It was pure trash. I figured it was an obvious cash grab, but I was hoping it might be a fun, creative take the second time around. I was dead wrong. Bunn's Deadpool is nowhere near as good as Duggan's and just adds fuel to the fire for people who perceive Deadpool as being an annoying, useless character.

Deadpool vs. The Punisher #4

Jun 2, 2017

I loved this issue and love this series. Good fun all around, and surprisingly heavy.

Doctor Strange (2015) #17

Feb 16, 2017

Oh man oh man oh man. I LOVED this issue. I was unfamiliar with the art of Frazer Irving before this issue (unless he's done other fill-in issues for this series that I didn't realize) but my goodness, I love it. The tone, the use of colors, the detail. It's everything I could have asked for in a Dr. Strange comic. Aaron's writing was witty and sardonic as ever, but the art just brought out literally everything I wanted from this series. This issue is eerie, dark, and has real weight to it. Long story short, Frazer Irving just got a new fan, and this book was awesome.

Doctor Strange (2015) #18

Mar 3, 2017

I miss Frazer Irving's art...

Flash (2016) #22

May 22, 2017

Good issue, fun arc. My low score is based on the fact that this arc did just about nothing to further the story of the Watchmen in the DC Universe, which is how it was advertised. If this was advertised as an epilogue to Flashpoint, I'd rate it higher.

Hawkeye (2016) #2

Jan 5, 2017

This book is not up my alley, but the art and colors are great.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3

Jan 6, 2017

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

Jan 12, 2017

This is an entertaining and enjoyable romp of a smash em up book. The biggest downfall of this book is the biggest upside: lots and lots of characters. It's tough to give each character their space in the pages and have their own moments. Superman had his time in the beginning pages of the book and then got lost in the commotion. Williamson gave him his time and then had to spread the rest of the story out to the rest of the many characters. He's mainly successful with this tough task and has quite a few entertaining moments between heroes/anti-heroes and the villains, especially with Flash and Captain Boomerang. The art and colors really shine early in the book, but get a bit muddled in the splash pages due to the extremely busy nature of the fight scenes. With the exception of a few panels and tough splash pages, I enjoyed the Pasarin's art and the vibrant colors.

Kill Or Be Killed #5

Jan 19, 2017

Brubaker does a fantastic job of describing complicated relationships and Phillips does an even better job showing it. I can feel the regret, sadness, and anguish coming off Dylan and his best friend/ former lover (whose name escapes me at the moment, but don't hold it against me too much) as they part ways. The facial work is incredible and will hit anyone who's been in a similar situation as Dylan right in the gut. Also, killing bad people in violent, graphic ways is always cool. Brubaker has a good grip on Dylan and his struggles socially, emotionally, and morally.

Monstress #10

Feb 25, 2017

Monstress #12

Jun 2, 2017

Moon Knight (2017) #189

Nov 30, 2017

Overall solid book. Love how insane Moon Knight is. Some of the dialogue felt a bit clunky, and I'm not the biggest fan of the color palette for the early pages of the book. Still, nice to see Moon Knight do some actual ass kicking.

Nova (2016) #2

Jan 5, 2017

It's good to see Rich Rider back.

Nova (2016) #6

May 5, 2017

Enjoyable issue that legitimately makes you feel for Rich. He makes a tough choice that no one wants to have to make. I'm glad we finally find out what happens to Rich, as grueling as the truth might be. I fear the final issue will be too rushed to satisfy the readers.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #6  
Rocket Raccoon (2016) #2

Jan 12, 2017

BLAM! Murdered You!

Secret Warriors (2017) #1

May 11, 2017

Did IGN think this was a sequal to Hickman's Secret Warriors and got butthurt when they realized he wasn't writing? That's the only thing I can think of for such the low score. My only beef with this book is the colors seem a bit too bright for how dark the script really is.

Spider-Man / Deadpool #13

Jan 12, 2017

Spider-Man / Deadpool #14

Feb 22, 2017

This is a great comic. I love the creators and the art is solid. The splash pages can be a bit difficult to follow at times which made me go back and re read a number of times to figure things out. Other than that, top notch take on these characters with repercussions that make sense. It's tough to go through hell twice and leave unscathed mentally, I assume.

The Unworthy Thor #3

Jan 5, 2017

Another great entry in what looks to be an instant classic arc.

Wild Storm #1

Feb 16, 2017

This was an enjoyable first issue. I have no idea what's going on, but that's not uncommon for me when I read a book by Warren Ellis. Let's hope he progresses the story in a better, not so snail-like pace as he did in Injection and Karnak.

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