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Joined: May 10, 2018

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #3

Aug 20, 2018

This was my first time reading a Spider-man comic and I really enjoyed it. It was a fun issue with a nice twist in the middle that will probably cause some serious issues in the future. The only downside was the first page in the comic. The panels seemed out of place and didn't have a connection with the current story line. I don't know if it was addressed in the prior issue but it just felt weird in this issue. The artwork matched the tone of the comic, bright and bold. I absolutely loved how Peter and MJ looked. Everything had a real fresh vibe to it. I will definitely continue following this story. The plot twist is intriguing and I can see it causing Peter a lot of trouble in the near future.

Batman (2016) #48

Jun 8, 2018

This was a very complex issue for me, which is a good thing. On the one hand, it was very interesting to see Joker losing it over the possibility of Batman getting married. Their relationship is very twisted and he is spiraling out of control. On the other hand, I'm starting to question Batman's effectiveness with his criminals. Joker was out of control and there was nothing Batman could do about it. At this point, Batman needs to evaluate if he is really doing a disservice to Gotham. The lock em' up for them to break out trope is not working. At the rate of these killings, a new victim syndicate team could be formed. How many people have to die for Batman and Catwoman to be happy? After this story arc, I hope we get some real reflection from Batman. I'll definitely keep reading to see where they go from here.

Batman (2016) #49

Jun 29, 2018

I was getting tired of the Joker dominating these Prelude to the Wedding issues, but they found a way to get me invested again. The relationship between Joker and Batman has been explored heavily in the past, but I've never seen a real deep dive in the Catwoman and Joker relationship. It was an interesting take. This issue was a reminder that Catwoman is a villain and probably always will be to a degree. Despite this she knows Batman better than anyone and they chose to be together. While I liked Catwoman's portrayal in the issue, Batman's incompetency shown thru like the previous issue. Hopefully he will get back to form with the wedding finally happening.

Batman (2016) #50

Jul 8, 2018

I'm not going to lie, I wanted to hate this issue. I was very disappointed in the spoiler 4 days before the event and the false promises. If I was giving a biased review, I would have given this comic a 1. Honestly, spoiling the comic 4 days early may have saved this comic from the 1 rating because by the time the issue was released I was fine and ready to read the issue with an open mind. This was a beautiful issue that showcased the love between Batman and Catwoman. The love they have is so genuine that I am hopeful that they will be married by the end of this 100 issue arc. Even if they do not invite the entire superhero community, I would like the Batfamily to be present. For that reason alone, I'm glad the wedding didn't happen. I also need Catwoman to leave her criminal friends in the PAST (with the exception of Harley and maybe Ivy). It has bit her in the butt the last two issues of Batman. One of my favorite moments in the issue was between Bruce and Alfred. I am glad they acknowledged the significant impact Alfred has had in Bruce's life. He took on the role of his Father when he didn't have to and it was nice to see Alfred appreciated for his efforts. I also enjoyed the numerous pictures depicting Batman and Catwoman together. I was going to quit this comic but I will carry on and continue to hope for the payoff Batman and Catwoman deserve. I took off a point for the spoiler fiasco & the crazy notion that Bruce cannot be an effective Batman without sadness in his life.

Batman (2016) #51

Aug 2, 2018

This issue takes place after Catwoman leaves Batman at the alter and he is not handling it well (understandably). He has become extremely aggressive in the field. In my Batman 48 review I said that Batman needed to evaluate how effective he was with his villains. The time for self-reflection has finally arrived as Bruce was in favor of Mr Freeze after Batman turned him over to the police. It'll be interesting to see how Bruce justifies his decision in the next issue. This issue was drawn like an episode of Law & Order, which was appropriate considering the content. I didn't like Bruce's portrayal in a couple of the panels but otherwise the artwork was good. This issue was a decent follow-up to Batman 50. It was not as good as Catwoman 1 but it served it's purpose. Bruce is handling his breakup with Selena in a destructive manner. It is sad to watch.

Batman (2016) #52

Aug 3, 2018

I found a quote on tumblr from @tterrymcginnis that said Bruce would fight his own reflection if you caught him in the right mood. He was definitely in the mood in this issue. Bruce gave a compelling argument against Batman to the jurors; arguing in defense of Mr. Freeze. It's almost ridiculous at this point. This makes you wonder what is next for Batman; because his mind is definitely not into it. The artwork continues to be reminiscent of a Law & Order episode, which I really like. Once again I was less than impressed with how Bruce looked. It was actually distracting in a couple of panels. This arc is interesting because it can lead to so many story lines. While I was advocating for some self-reflection, I didn't think it would come in the form of Bruce self-sabotaging. We'll see what part 3 brings.

Batman (2016) #53

Aug 27, 2018

This was the issue I have been waiting for. I have been saying since Batman 48 that I wanted Bruce to really do some self-reflection; and we got that in this issue . This issue was very emotional as Bruce spoke honestly with 11 citizens of Gotham about Batman. Bruce has finally come to the realization that Batman alone cannot fill the voids in his life. Batman cannot bring him peace. Batman cannot bring him love. The symbol that he originally thought gave him salvation has actually left him damned. There were a lot of poignant comments in this comic; but the main takeaway is behind the cape and cowl is a man; and men makes mistakes. There was a humbleness in this issue that we rarely get to see in Bruce; and I’m glad we finally got to see it. I am looking forward to seeing where Batman goes from here.

Batman (2016) #57

Oct 19, 2018

This issue was very lackluster. While the fight scenes were brutal, it moved very slow. There was no excitement until Batman hit that devastating blow in the end. To make matters worse, there was no dialog between Batman and KGBeast until page 21. Unless the folktale was being read, the issue consisted of action sounds as dialog. The folktale was the best part of this issue. "The Animals and the Pit" is a folktale that was read to Bruce and Anatoli by their Fathers when they were children. It follows 5 different animals that fall in a pit and must eat each other to survive another day. The tale ends with you wondering if Batman is the Pig or the Fox. At first I was thinking Batman was the Fox. The Fox outsmarted the Pig by convincing the Pig to eat himself. In the end Batman outsmarted KGBeast. But now I am thinking the Fox is Bane and the Pig is Batman. Foxes are creatures of the night. They have agile minds that are always active; and have developed a reputation for slyness and manipulation. Bane has manipulated this entire situation (based on Batman # 50). While Batman got the upper hand on KGBeast in the end; what was the cost? Batman has a strict no killing rule; and while he technically didn't kill KGBeast, he didn't save him either. He left him in the snow, in the middle of nowhere with a broken neck. Batman has lost himself. He is throwing his moral compass out the window. He's eating himself up on the inside; which is literally what the Pig did in the folktale. I may be wrong but that's how I see it in this current moment. The other saving grace in this issue was the artwork. The artwork was beautiful. Because of the artwork and folktale, I'll give this issue a 6.5.

Batman (2016) #60

Dec 5, 2018

I really liked the last two issues of Batman. It feels like the issues are finally picking up steam. Bane is becoming more dangerous with each passing issue and Batman is on the cusp of a complete mental breakdown. It legitimately feels like Batman is going to kill someone if one more thing happens in his life. In the words of the Joker "All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy." The exchange between Penguin and Alfred was really well done. The fact that Penguin almost had Alfred murdered in issue # 58 is not lost on me. The dialog was so good that I ALMOST felt bad for Penguin; however he's done too much to have my sympathy. "Live by the sword, die by the sword." This issue did a good job showing the fracture in Commissioner Gordon and Batman's relationship. This was my favorite part of the issue. Commissioner Gordon, like Alfred, has always been a constant presence in Batman's life. To see Gordon lose trust in Batman is a testament to how far Bruce has fallen. I personally think there is more than meets the eye with Gordon, but we'll have to wait and see what happens next. Over 95% of the art in this issue was very well done. Unfortunately Batman was the 5% that I didn't like, which is a problem in a Batman comic. He looked more like Batman 66 than the Rebirth Batman we are used to. The ending was great and makes me excited for the next issue.

Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 18, 2018

Where would Bruce be without Alfred? This was a very heartfelt issue narrated from Alfred’s point of view. The murder of Bruce’s parents not only changed the trajectory of Bruce's life, but it also changed Alfred’s. This issue does a great job highlighting all the sacrifices that Alfred makes to support Bruce. Alfred doesn't rest until Bruce is done with patrol. He makes sure he eats, provides emergency pick-ups, prepares his clothes...anything that Bruce may need; including taking a beating from local thugs. I can only imagine the anxiety Alfred deals with on a daily basis. I'm so thankful the batfamily has Dr. Leslie Thompkins in their life. She keeps it 100% real with both Alfred and Bruce. She encourages Bruce to stop being selfish and look at how his lifestyle is impacting Alfred. He's beat up, exhausted and has the flu. Bruce listens to her advice and takes some days off from patrol so Alfred can get some rest. It was nice to see Bruce concede for Alfred’s sake. There were only two things I didn’t care for in this issue: (1) Bruce’s depiction. I am not a fan of how he has been drawn in the last two issues. (2) This was a Father’s Day issue in December. It goes without saying that Alfred is Bruce’s Father figure. We don’t need a Father’s Day issue in December to drive that home. By including the Father’s Day tag at the end, it makes it appear that Bruce is celebrating Alfred because it's Father's Day instead of just celebrating him because he’s awesome and deserves it. Aside from that little hiccup, this was a really good issue.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #1

May 14, 2019

I am so excited this comic is finally out. First the artwork was great. I enjoyed Dexter's work on Red Hood and The Outlaws and he didn't disappoint here. My only criticism is Bruce looks EXACTLY like Jason. If you did a side-by-side you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Other than that, everything else is fantastic. I love character development and I can tell from this issue we will get a lot of that in this comic book. I also liked the fact that the book focused on the Outsiders and not Batman. I honestly wouldn't mind if he's phased out at some point altogether and this comic elevates Black Lightning and Katana as leaders in the DC Universe. This was a great start & I highly recommend this book

Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) #11

Jun 30, 2020

I really enjoyed both of these stories; the first giving us a glimpse at Jason's time living at Ma Gunn's, and the second a detective story featuring Red Hood and Nightwing. Both showcased Jason's strengths and we got some bonding moments between Jason and Dick. For $.99 you can't beat the value.

Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush #1

Jun 8, 2018

This was a very enjoyable and touching read that really focused on Dick and Bruce's relationship. I think it's great that we are seeing how Bruce's upcoming nuptials are impacting his children(something that seems glossed over in the main stories). The ending conversation with Dick and Bruce was beautifully done and showed a lot of promise for their relationship moving forward. The story ended with the spiral of Joker which is a connecting factor in all of the stories.

Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul #1

Jun 8, 2018

This was a decent issue. I wish the arcade scene was written better because I was initially confused by what was happening. The conversations between Damian/Ra's and Damian/Selina were the highlight for me and saved the comic. As mentioned in my Nightwing vs Hush review, it's good that they are finally showing how the upcoming wedding is impacting Bruce's children. Some of Damian's insecurities showed in this issue. I was hoping for a better start to the Prelude to the Wedding series but it was ok, not great but not bad either

Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Batgirl vs. The Riddler #1

Jun 13, 2018

This was a very clever issue that had really good pacing. I found myself trying to solve as much of the riddles as possible with Barbara. We didn't get an emotional ending like the previous two issues, but that makes sense considering the first two issues dealt with Batman's sons instead of a mentee. Barbara did however do some self-reflecting on some personal choices that might impact her future moving forward. The Batman/Catwoman union is indeed impacting both the heroes and villains alike in unexpected ways. This issue makes me wonder what is in-store for Barbara moving forward.

Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Red Hood vs. Anarky #1

Jun 29, 2018

This was my first introduction to Anarky and the parallels between him and Red Hood made this a very interesting read. At one point Anarky states that Batman only cares about his rules and enforcing them, a sentiment that Red Hood has shared in the past. This issue did not have the emotional pull as the first two Preludes To The Wedding, however there was some fun banter between Red Hood and Batman, giving us a glimpse of what their relationship could be. One of my favorite parts of the issue was the artwork. The reflections in Jason's hood was griping, reflecting the fear he instills in criminals. Of course a Prelude issue would not be complete without Joker spiraling, tying all of the issues together.

Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Harley Quinn vs. Joker #1

Jun 29, 2018

This was my least favorite issue in the Prelude To The Wedding series. If this was part of Harley Quinn's comic it would have been fine, but it felt out of place as a lead in to the Batman/Catwoman wedding. This issue should have went to Tim Drake or even Alfred. While the Joker's appearances in the previous Prelude issues have been fine due to limited exposure, this was the turning point where it was too much. This series has shifted from Batman and Catwoman to The Joker and it's putting a damper on the series. Batman and Catwoman have a long history and the lead up to their wedding deserves more than just being a plot device for the Joker. This was a sour note on an otherwise good series.

Catwoman (2018) #1

Jul 10, 2018

Catwoman # 1 follows Selena as she deals with the repercussions of her decision in Batman 50. The writer did a great job showing the emotional turmoil Selena is in as she tries to put her life back together. While dealing with the end of her engagement to Bruce, a new villainess is on the scene creating serious problems for Catwoman. The women in this issue are fierce and based off first impressions, Selena's foe will give her a run for her money. She's the type of villain that will elevate Catwoman as a hero. It'll be interesting to watch everything unfold. The artwork in this issue is amazing and I loved the vibrant colors throughout. The blues, greens, oranges and pinks popped on the page without being too much. All-in-all this was a good follow-up to Batman 50 and a great start to Catwoman's solo title.

Deathstroke (2016) #34

Aug 6, 2018

This was the best issue in the arc so far. This issue had family drama, amazing fight scenes and some great detective work. Batman and Deathstroke have used all of their skills to get the drop on each other. The similarities between the two has never been as noticeable than in this issue. I imagine that the conclusion to this arc will be epic. The artwork in this comic was excellent. I really like the dark outlining. Everything was crisp and vibrant. There's nothing bad I can say about this comic. It was really enjoyable. Some of the previous comics in this arc had too much dialog; thankfully it was dialed down in this issue. I can't wait for the conclusion.

Detective Comics (2016) #983

Jun 30, 2018

This was a great start to a new story line arc. While the villain's motivation is cliche, the team fighting alongside Batman makes it fresh. I'm a huge fan of Blacklightning the television show, so I was eager to read this team-up. If you are a fan of the show then you will be a fan of his characterization in this comic. Besides Jefferson Pierce, Batman is also teaming up with Duke Thomas and Cassandra Cain. I am interested to see how the revelations at the end of Detective Comics 980 will affect Cassandra, since she knows her true potential now. Overall this was a well written comic with some really good artwork and a fresh team-up. There were some very good emotional points in the story and most importantly Bryan Hill got Batman's character right (he has been out of character in Batman #48 and #49). This is a good place to start if you haven't been following Detective Comics.

Detective Comics (2016) #984

Jul 14, 2018

We are on the 2nd issue of Bryan Hill's run and things are developing nicely. Black Lightnings incorporation into this comic is very well done. At this point, Bruce knows he does not have the skills required to guide Duke and Cassandra properly. This may be a reason why Cassandra is staying with Dr Leslie Thompkins and being mentored by Barbara (It was Cassandra's idea but she realized she needed help that Bruce couldn't provide). Maybe some of Bruce's failings with Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian have led him to this conclusion. Hopefully it will be explored at a later date because it's an interesting development. At first the villain seemed cliche but he has a weapon that is putting an interesting spin on his character. This villain will be harder to defeat than initially thought. How can you defeat someone who knows everything about you? Once again the artwork was well done in this issue. This story line is interesting because it seems that we are getting some growth out of Bruce. He is realizing his limitations with being a parental figure and is asking for help.

Detective Comics (2016) #985

Aug 1, 2018

I really enjoyed this comic a lot. This arc gets better with each issue. Bruce's characterization was on point and his dialog with Alfred was A+. I have nothing to complain about on those fronts. We finally find out who Karma is and his motivation for targeting Batman. The twist adds an extra layer to the story and asks the age old question; are Gotham's villains a direct result of Batman?? There was some fun dialog between Jefferson, Barbara, Cass and Duke in this issue. Barbara, Cass and Duke reacted how Bruce predicted in Detective 984. Jefferson gave as good as he got, which was good at establishing him as a leader. The artwork in this comic was very good. My only complaint was Cassandra's portrayal. She looked closer to 30 than in her teens. If you are not reading Hill's run, I would highly recommend you check it out.

Detective Comics (2016) #986

Aug 10, 2018

This issue wasn't as good as the last one but it was decent and hit all the right notes. It seems like we are shaping up for an Outsiders spinoff; with the final member making their appearance. If this arc is a segue into an Outsiders title, then it has done a good job introducing the key players and their future roles on the team. The artwork in this issue was good. Although this was just a decent issue, I still recommend it because this arc as a whole has been great.

Detective Comics (2016) #987

Aug 24, 2018

We have finally reached the conclusion of Hill's 5 issue story line. I have really enjoyed the arc in it's entirety and I can't wait for The Outsiders in December. The 1st half of this comic was a 9 but the 2nd half dropped to a 7; which is a shame. The 1st half had a lot of interaction with the newly formed Outsiders team, which was nice to see. They work well together and Black Lightning is demonstrating strong leadership skills. The 2nd half was the final showdown between Batman and Karma. It was very anti-climatic. I was really hoping for an epic mental battle between the two but it was over pretty quickly. An additional 5-8 pages would have really helped this comic. The art work in this issue was the best in this series. The highlight was a panel showing the thoughts Bruce keeps locked away. Overall, this was a really good arc from Hill. It may have been a little too ambitious for only 5 issues, but he did a great job introducing the new Outsiders team; showcasing Black Lightning as a leader; and his characterization of Bruce was on point.

Detective Comics (2016) #988

Sep 15, 2018

Detective 988 sees Batman working solo to solve a murder mystery (aside from witty commentary from Alfred). This seems like a simple case that has Jim questioning why Batman is involving himself; but with all the chaos currently in Batman’s life, he needed to reset. As Batman stated, “Bottom Line This is a Mystery and I’m a Detective”. Of course, no murder is simple as Batman so eloquently told Commissioner Gordon; and a larger plot revealed itself by the end of the issue. There was nothing really exciting about this book; it was just Batman getting back to basics. However based on how the comic ends, big things are in store for the Dark Knight.

Domino (2018) #3

Jul 30, 2018

As a first time reader of Domino, I was happy with how easy this comic was to follow. I jumped right in and didn't feel lost at all. This issue gave us a glimpse into Domino's past as she tries to figure out what is happening to her powers and whose behind everything. Her origin story is very generic; however I liked how the past scenes were black and white and the present scenes were in vibrant colors. It was a good reflection of how Domino's life started out in a dark place but became brighter as she created a new life with her friends. Speaking of friends, we get a fun background into how Domino met her posse, Inez and Outlaw. We also got some good interactions between Domino and Amadeus Cho. I really loved Amadeus in this issue as he had Domino's best interest at heart. The art work was very good in this issue, especially the scenes with a lot of motion happening. This made the fight scenes look extremely impactful. Overall this was a fun comic that does a great job introducing Domino to readers. It will be interesting to see where her journey leads her; and how her past is trying to destroy her present life.

Fantastic Four (2018) #1

Aug 13, 2018

This was my first time reading a Fantastic Four comic and it was a fun issue. This issue had a little bit of comedy, romance and drama; but don’t expect any action-packed scenes. This issue mainly served as a reintroduction into the characters; and showed how important the Fantastic Four is to the city and superhero community. Based on the ending, the action should pick up in the next couple issues. The last ¼ of this comic focused on the villain. I didn’t really enjoy this part of the story. The comic up until that point did a great job introducing the heroes and their friends. Unfortunately, we did not get the same effort with the villain. Someone new to the Fantastic Four would have been lost. The artwork in the first ¾ of this comic was very vibrant and fun. Then the art took on a darker tone. Transitioning the art from fun and vibrant to darker once the villain was introduced was smart and impactful. I really enjoyed the first ¾ of this comic but the last ¼ could have been left off and explored in more detail in the 2nd issue.

Green Arrow (2016) #41

Jul 7, 2018

This is the first Green Arrow book I have ever read. Prior to the television show, Green Arrow was a character I was aware of but not invested in. For my first issue it was decent. I really liked the banter Green Arrow had with the warden and inmates. His personality was spot on. The downside was this issue felt like filler to me with Green Arrow just fighting off the villain of the day with no real history between the two. I am not familiar with the character Parasite and the only background we got about him in this issue was he has the ability to take the powers of Metahumans he touches. The most interesting thing about this issue was the internal struggle Green Arrow seems to be going thru. Hopefully this will be further explored in the title. The art work was very detailed and the fight scenes were fun (which there were plenty of). The composition of the panels in this comic were great. This was a good issue to begin my Arrow journey.

Green Arrow (2016) #42

Jul 7, 2018

Part 2 of Better Than was a huge improvement from Part 1. A hero truly needs a great villain to be great. In this issue we got some background into Parasite and by elevating his character Green Arrow was also elevated. Parasite's backstory was truly sad and it is easy to see why he chose the path he went on. Green Arrow was compassionate but still fierce and showcased why he is a top hero in DC. The artwork and composition of the panels were great. The last panel in this issue left me wanting more & wondering what journey Green Arrow is about to go on. This was a great read.

Heroes In Crisis #1

Sep 26, 2018

After a lot of hype and anticipation, Heroes in Crisis finally arrives. This issue lives up to the hype with beautiful artwork and some powerful messages. Going into this issue, I knew who the two major deaths were because of spoilers. While the predictability of the deaths was frustrating, the storytelling was so compelling that it’s a non-issue. Right from the start the issue is loaded with emotions and tension. Superman was heartbreaking to behold from the beginning until the end of this issue. Harley was absolutely gripping. In my opinion, this was the best I have ever seen her character portrayed. This issue focused heavily on the victims and their stories. It was very emotional because their biggest fears and worries came true. This issue moved me in a way that I have never been moved by a comic book before; which is what this is all about at the end of the day. While some people will write this comic off because of the characters who died; give it a chance. It evokes real emotions that are applicable to the world we live in today. None of the deaths felt pointless or cheap. This issue was a game changer.

Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #4

Jun 30, 2018

This comic is perfect for someone who is looking for something edgy. As a new reader of Mother Panic, I caught up to the plot quickly. The panels were well laid-out and the plot line was easy to follow. The protagonist is Violet Paige. Violet has returned to Gotham after years of being presumed dead. In her absence, Jason Todd was appointed Lord Robin to his followers and is the perfect antagonist for Violet. In addition to a delusional Jason Todd, Violet has to battle The Collective; an organization funded by her brother. Issue 4 did not delve too deeply into the Collective but we have enough information to be intrigued. This comic is very dark and not for the faint of heart. The artwork was a high point in this comic. The colors were vibrant and everything looked crisp. This comic is perfect for first time readers of Mother Panic. It's definitely worth checking out.

Nightwing (2016) #51

Oct 19, 2018

I decided to start following Nightwing # 50, since it begins a new arc for the character. While there were some inconsistencies in issue 51 (Dick's appearance starting on page 14), this arc is opening up endless possibilities for the character. Richard is trying desperately to forget his life as Dick and forge a new path as Ric; however his subconscious and body will not let him forget who he truly is. He realizes that becoming a blank slate will not be as easy as he anticipated. It'll be interesting to watch him try to suppress his former life. Alfred proves time and time again that he is the true patriarch of the Batfamily. Ric was more receptive to Alfred than he was to Barbara in # 50. Alfred was more understanding and patient with Ric's current circumstances; whereas Barbara just seemed desperate to have things return to normal without considering the situation. It's cool to see how Ric reacts to the different members of the family. Hopefully we'll get Tim, Damian, Jason and Bruce in upcoming issues; sooner rather than later. I could see Damian or Tim breaking through to Ric. Something else interesting we learn is that Ric remembers his parents and his life before the Batfamily. This actually explains a lot about his current behavior. Moving from home to home; not caring about putting down permanent roots and trying to forget his time as a vigilante. Out of all the Batfamily, Dick had the most idyllic childhood. It's understandable that Ric would cling to the best parts of his life and try to suppress the trauma's that occurred as Nightwing. While Nightwing helped shape the man he is today, we can't deny his life has been riddled with trauma. I hope they explore more of Dick's childhood before his parent's death in the circus. He referenced it in #50 and we got a panel in #51. I would love to see a young and carefree Richard Grayson. We may see a side of him we've never seen before. The reader is introduced to a new character who is going to take up the mantle of Nightwing in Dick's absence. Without Nightwing, Bludhaven is going to hell. It's a testament of how important Nightwing is to his city. Although Bludhaven needs a protector, I don't see this going over well with the Batfamily; and based on future solicitations, he's not the Nightwing the city needs. If anything, Dick will have some new allies after he reclaims the Nightwing mantle. And finally, Scarecrow is operating in Bludhaven. We get a short panel tying Scarecrow to a crime in # 50. Scarecrow is a scary villain on your best day; but him facing off with a trauma filled Nightwing (Dick) and a rookie trying to be Nightwing will lead to disaster. I can't wait to see what horrors unfold. If you have not followed Nightwing in Rebirth, # 50 is a great place to begin because everything is new and fresh. Ric's subconscious is fighting to come to the forefront and it'll be amazing when it finally happens.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #22

May 25, 2018

This was a sad and beautifully written issue. I really wish this was a bi-weekly series because I want to know what is happening with Bizarro. One of the best things about this series is it focuses on character development as well as action. Can't wait for issue 23

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #23

Jun 13, 2018

This was an AMAZING issue. This issue wasn't action packed but the storyline more than made up for it. This issue was simply captivating and very easy to read. We finally know what was in the letters that were teased in the last issue. While it sucks that we didn't get a payoff to Bizarro's arc, it was good to see some spotlight shined on the title character. Between the storylines for Red Hood and Bizarro, this comic is a must read. The only thing we need now is more character development for Artemis. We've gotten bits and pieces, but it's time to go all-in on her development. Once that happens The Dark Trinity will be a force to reckon with.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #24

Jul 14, 2018

The beginning of this issue gives the readers a preview of what the Outlaws can become if they reach their full potential. I never knew how much I needed this lineup until now. It's an amazing scene and something I hope comes to fruition one day. We finally learn the fate of Bizarro and as expected it was emotional. Lobdell has done a great job developing Bizarro's character regardless if he is a super genius or Superman's opposite. Because of this, I know Bizarro will continue being a dynamic character in this series so I am fine with the outcome. On to Red Hood. Jason played up the theatrics spectacularly in this issue. Everything he did had a layer of EXTRA to it. I am a huge Red Hood fan but I can admit he let his emotions get the best of him, something he realizes a little too late. His actions in this issues has a lot of long-term consequences and it will be interesting to see how he deals with the fall out in the next two issues. While I enjoyed a lot of the art in the previous issue, it was nice to see Jason looking like Jason. All-in-all this is a story line that has the potential to take Red Hood and the Outlaws to the next level. This is a must read.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25

Aug 9, 2018

The issue everyone was waiting for is finally here. I have not been looking forward to this showdown between Jason and Bruce. Lobdell did a great job rebuilding their relationship; and it was something I enjoyed seeing in other titles like Batman and Detective Comics. That said, this issue was very well done. It hit on so many different emotions; you're angry, sad, happy, surprised, frustrated and curious within the span of 36 pages. Jason's journey is far from over and the cliffhanger at the end foreshadows more adventures for the Outlaws. The artwork was amazing in this issue. The coloring in the first 4 pages was spectacular. This issue had some of my favorite art so far in Red Hood and the Outlaws. Do I hate that Bruce and Jason's relationship is at ground 0? Yes. While that door has closed for the time being, another door has opened and I can't wait to see Jason walk thru it.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #26

Sep 16, 2018

The Red Hood is back and fiercer than ever. While Red Hood has had some decent fight scenes in the Outlaws title, he really let loose in this one. He was brutal and over the top and it was glorious to see. This issue showed the true potential of Red Hood when he lets go. I could see the training from Batman and the League of Assassins; something that has been missing in this title. He was a one-man wrecking crew and I can’t wait to where this new road takes him. Even with his new brutal style of fighting (killing included); he’s still showing his heroic side. Even at the risk of being arrested, he went out of his way to return a prized possession to an injured FBI agent. The new costume, from the buzz cut to his boots, really fits Jason’s new attitude. I’m surprised at how much I like it. I would still get rid of the crowbar, but the rest looks real good.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #29

Dec 5, 2018

I really enjoyed this issue a lot more than the previous one. There was more substance and Lobdell did a great job addressing Kate & Jason's issues. Their vibes really complement each other and I wouldn't mind seeing Kate sticking around and becoming a genuine ally for Jason. With the cancellation of her title, it would give her something substantial and she plays well off Jason. Even if he doesn’t want it, she offers sound advice and a mature perspective. He can learn a lot from Kate and she’s a grounding force that can offer him some stability. With that said, I wish they addressed why Kate showed up in the first place. She's obviously on good terms with Batman, so why is she operating outside Gotham? Is she keeping an eye on Jason per Bruce's orders? Was she concerned for his wellbeing and decided to lend a hand? It's just way too convenient that she showed up with a plan and schematics of the Underlife's operation. Knowing the reason why would have taken this comic to the next level. This was a good read with some awesome visuals. I would definitely recommend it.

Teen Titans (2016) #20

Aug 1, 2018

Robin has assembled a new Teen Titans crew and they are certainly different from past teams. For one, this team is off the books so anything goes. Robin is walking a dangerous path in this comic. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. While his reasoning is sound, things are not going to end well when Batman finds out about his activities. This comic was packed with TOO much information. This comic could have easily been three comics. They showed Robin recruiting his new team and leading them on a mission. I would have much rather got 2 issues of recruitment, so the new characters could have been fleshed out more, and an issue with their mission. The artwork was a highlight for this comic. Overall this issue was decent. Sometimes less is more. Hopefully they correct this mistake in the next issue.

Teen Titans (2016) #22

Sep 19, 2018

This was a really good issue.  The team is starting to learn that it takes more than powers to be effective in the field. Although Kid Flash went off course again, he is taking the mission more seriously.  We also got a sweet moment between Robin and Djinn; and an awesome reveal for Robin’s new mentor; who is definitely going to rub Batman the wrong way.

Teen Titans (2016) #23

Oct 19, 2018

This issue was narrated by Djinn. I'm enjoying this title more and more as the issues move forward. While the team still has some problems to work out, they are gelling more; and Robin is asserting his leadership At the end of Teen Titans # 22, Robin received their next mission from Red Hood. Issue # 23 starts with the team executing their mission. This was actually a very huge mission and the writers did a great job explaining why Batman was not involved. Robin formulated a great action plan and established his self as a strong leader. We sort of find out how Roundhouse survived the explosion in # 21, as he is reintroduced back on the team. Let me say that Roundhouse is becoming my favorite character in this title. He brings a lot of comic relief and is also extremely smart. He is also the only member of the team with a normal family life; so he comes across as a real teenager compared to his teammates. The bromance between Roundhouse and Kid Flash is great. Kid Flash really needs someone in his life who can lighten him up because he has a lot of angst, and Roundhouse is the perfect person for that role. It's great to have Roundhouse in a full issue; and for him to be respected by his teammates. The best part of this issue is the budding romance between Robin and Djinn. It was teased last issue but we're starting to see solid proof that they have feelings for each other. Damian literally risked everything for Djinn; and she outright admitted her feelings. I'm excited to see where this goes. Has he met his "partner in crime". His teammates are not as excited as I am; especially Red Arrow; who thinks their relationship could jeopardize the team. We'll see how this romance plays out. All in all, this was a very fun issue. This team will be an unstoppable force once they workout all the kinks.

Xerxes: The Fall of the House of Darius and the Rise of Alexander #3

Jul 7, 2018

This is my first time reading a Frank Miller comic. This issue was basically a historical comic and was dedicated to providing a backstory for Xerxes and Esther. I did not realize this comic would focus on real characters in history until the introduction of Esther. I had never heard of Xerxes but knew Esther's story from the Book of Esther in the Bible. Xerxes was identified as Ahasuerus in the Bible. After reading this comic, I did some research to see how accurate it was. For the most part it was pretty accurate. There were some things left out but nothing pertinent to the story being told. There is not a lot of action in this comic however I don't mind a slow buildup to establish characters. The artwork in this comic was awesome. It was very abstract and definitely sets this comic apart. I'm interested to see how this comic unfolds.

Xerxes: The Fall of the House of Darius and the Rise of Alexander #4

Jul 7, 2018

This issue left a lot to be desired. A lot of things were happening but we did not receive an explanation for anything. Darius is now the King but we don't know anything about him. The last issue did a good job giving us some insight into Xerxes' reign as King. None of that was in this issue. I can't tell you what anyone's motivation is. On the bright side, there was an epic action sequence in this issue that was well executed however 4 pages from the battle could have been used to develop the characters. The highlight of this issue was the action & art work. The story line was lacking. We'll see what the next issue brings.

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