J. Rabbit's Profile

Location: Michigan Joined: Nov 13, 2020

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Overall Rating

Pencil/Ink: Very Good Writing: Great Story: Outstanding Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Good

Pencil/Ink: Very Good Writing: Great Story: Very Good Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Good

Pencil/Ink: Great Writing: Outstanding Story: Outstanding Layout: Good Color: Great Lettering: Great How can we tell who the real monsters among us are? Excellent steampunk with a generous helping of Victorian horror. A worthy backstory for Lady Mechanika.

Pencil/Ink: Great Writing: Outstanding Story: Better than Good Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Good I feel this story is building up to something big. Whether it does or not the character treatments alone are worth the read. Love seeing all the villains as their more mature selves and finding out where they've ended up.

Pencil/Ink: Great Writing: Great Story: Outstanding Layout: Great Color: Great Lettering: Great Long-time Lady Mechanika fan! Been waiting 12 years for this story and issue 1 doesn't disappoint. Very excited for the rest!

Pencil/Ink: Good Writing: Outstanding Story: Great Layout: Good Color: Great Lettering: Great This is a what-if series. What if vampires took over the DC world...and the beginning is more horrific than I had hoped. Tynion expertly twists expectations and surprises the reader. Excellent beginning. Edit: Upon reading other reviews...I did NOT pick up any vaccination politics in this book. Equating vamps and viruses and making an anti-vamp injection is a well established story element in the vampire genre. Maybe the writers ARE making a statement, but whether they are or not does not diminish this book if you are willing to ignore politics while reading this. It also happens to be Halloween. Maybe it's a statement about candy and diabetes. Doubtful but the point is...ignore the politics, enjoy the book.

Pencil/Ink: Good Writing: Great Story: Good Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Good

Pencil/Ink: Okay Writing: Great Story: Great Layout: Good Color: Okay Lettering: Okay

Pencil/Ink: Great Writing: Good Story: Great Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Meh

Pencil/Ink: Better than Good Writing: Better than Good Story: Great Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Good This book has some subtle but very well-done symbolism that gives the Yellow Lanterns a deeper, more meaningful, and nuanced angle to work with. I hope to see more of Cruz wearing the Yellow.

Pencil/Ink: Good Writing: Good Story: Great Layout: Outstanding Color: Outstanding Lettering: Great This mash-up fantasy/sci-fi world of magic, robots, and fast food has enormous potential. The artwork in this book is sometimes gorgeous and awe-inspiring and sometimes overwhelming. Can't wait to see more, though!

Pencil/Ink: Good Writing: Meh Story: Meh Layout: Great Color: Great Lettering: Good This is NOT a Huntress one-shot. It really has nothing to do with Huntress. It's a Batman story with Huntress co-starring in her own book. Sure, she gets all the screen-time in this side story but the main story starts and continues in Detective Comics. If you do NOT read this, you will miss nothing from the Batman story arc. If you DO read this you will miss nothing from the Batman story arc...so why bother? It feels like this could have been 4 or 5 books with a real story but they ran out of ink so had to cut out massive chunks.

Pencil/Ink: Great Writing: Great Story: Great Layout: Good Color: Great Lettering: Good This is what I would expect from a Black Label book. Real danger, real dialogue, and real characters. I'm hooked.

Pencil/Ink: Meh Writing: Meh Story: Meh Layout: Great Color: Good Lettering: Good There are gaping holes in the story that are glossed over perhaps for brevity but appear as laziness. This notion is supported by terrible dialog and a dull plot twist.

Pencil/Ink: Good Writing: Great Story: Outstanding Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Great Smooth read and an excellent beginning. Good balance of dark and light-hearted. Loved the "Junkyard Joe" strip on the back. What's the dog's name?!

Pencil/Ink: Outstanding Writing: Outstanding Story: Great Layout: Great Color: Great Lettering: Great Don't skim over the panels that are without dialog. Let the artwork tell the story. This is an outstanding first issue that builds on the lore of the Wise Dogs society.

Pencil/Ink: Great Writing: Good Story: Good Layout: Great Color: Good Lettering: Great

Pencil/Ink: Good Writing: Great Story: Great Layout: Good Color: Great Lettering: Good The artwork is growing on me. The cuteness of the artwork offsets the creepiness of the story in an interesting mix. Love the dogs! Lots of character.

This is an anthology of 3 stories about John Stewart, Jessica Cruz, and Guy Gardner. I would give the stories a 3.0, 7.5, and 6.5 respectively. The artwork in the first is straight up flawed while Guy's art was okay but not very compelling. Jessica's story may be recycled a bit but the writing was fun as well as the writing for Gardner. The writing for Stewart was, at best, an unfinished rough draft. Overall... Pencil/Ink: Flawed to Great Writing: Flawed to Good Story: Okay to Good Layout: Okay to Good Color: Okay to Good Lettering: Okay to Good

There are 4 stories here that I would rate 10, 10, 9, and 7.5 in whatever order you choose. Overall, an excellent book with some outstanding writing. Overall... Story: Good to Outstanding Writing: Good to Outstanding Pencil/Ink: Good to Great Layout: Good Color: Good to Great Lettering: Good to Great

Story: Good Writing: Meh Pencil/Ink: Good Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Good

Story: Good Writing: Outstanding Pencil/Ink: Outstanding Layout: Good Color: Great Lettering: Great The artwork is superb at contributing to the story and characterization. This book could stand alone with no lettering at all and still weave a good tale. The writing only makes this book better by telling two or three stories at the same time while making it look easy.

Story: Good Writing: Bad Pencil/Ink: Good Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Meh There's a good story in here somewhere but it gets glossed over for awkward, unnatural dialog. Interrupting the action to show us two pages of something happening somewhere else was confusing and served little or no purpose.

Story: Great Writing: Good Pencil/Ink: Good Layout: Good Color: Great Lettering: Good Excellent beginning. I love the ferryman concept. Add 2 cups boogeyman horror, 1 teaspoon of mystery, a pinch of salt and I'm hooked.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1 Feb 24, 2021
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2 Feb 24, 2021
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3 Feb 24, 2021
Endless Winter (2020): Justice League #1 Feb 24, 2021
Endless Winter (2020): Teen Titans #1 Feb 24, 2021
Endless Winter (2020): Justice League #2 Feb 24, 2021

Story: Great Writing: Good Pencil/Ink: Good Layout: Good Color: Good Lettering: Good

Story: Great Writing: Great Pencil/Ink: Meh* Layout: Good Color: Great Lettering: Good *Pencil/Ink: Entirely personal preference. It's well done but a bit too Saturday morning cartoon for me.

Once & Future #1 Nov 13, 2020
Once & Future #2 Nov 13, 2020
Once & Future #3 Nov 13, 2020
Once & Future #4 Nov 13, 2020
Once & Future #5 Nov 13, 2020

Reviews for the Week of...



