KaijuSHENANIGANS's Profile

Joined: Feb 16, 2022 About Me: I read a lot of comics and i like most of them

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #89

Feb 22, 2022

Not sure i love the new character yet, although i do like the remix of the penance stare. With that said if you have been a fan of this beyond arc, like myself, you'll definitely enjoy this issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #91

Mar 3, 2022

This issue was like a fun roller coaster that makes your body hurt after you ride it. Many highs, and lows, the change in artists was jarring. Unlike most however, I was a fan of the art overall. I cant lie though, something about the THWIP barrage was insanely hilarious to me. What an image. The ending was also great. I found the slow build and reveal of door z rendered and written in classic Spidey fashion.

Animal Castle #1

Feb 22, 2022

Animal Castle #2

Feb 22, 2022

Animal Castle #3

Feb 22, 2022

This is easily my favorite Indie book in quite some time. For my money, this is comic book perfection. Felix Delep, is putting on a masterclass in conveying emotion, and story with illustration. The facial work alone is worth the price of admission. Then you read it. Its moving, equally haunting and inspiring. The animal farm comparisons are warranted, but the art and characters elevate it to something more in my eyes. Corruption, hope, family, community are some of the many themes dancing throughout the pages of this series. A hard look into some political what ifs, but using animals brilliantly and the caste system they create. Not allowing readers to lean on their judgmental crutches (race, creed, religion, etc.) Nope, we are forced to discern our opinions on the merits of ones character. Whos going to argue that a cat should be a duck, and male dogs shouldn't sniff each others butts, a loon that's who. Do yourself a favor, read this book.

Arkham City: The Order of the World #6

Mar 3, 2022

This was a fantastic finale to a surprisingly great series from DC. Its dark, its moody, the dialogue is lush, poignant, and engaging. There is no filler, each issue hooked me and I couldn't put them down. Ten eyed man is eerily fantastic throughout. The subversion of the slaughterhouse was brilliant. I never knew where this story was taking me. Every step of the way was densely dreadful. HBO if you're listening, this would be an awesome mini series to adapt and release near Halloween. With this finger I can see it would be a huge success.

Avengers Assemble (2022): Omega #1  
Black Widow (2020) #14

Feb 23, 2022

My favorite marvel series back at again with another banger. Holy sh*tsnacks!! Casagrande is god level on the art. The ending, WOW!!! Like wtf, the living blade is great. The action and pace of this book is flawless. I don't want to spoil anything for actual readers of this series, but #15 cant come soon enough.

Carnage Forever (2022) #1

Feb 22, 2022

great art, fun stories within. This and ghost rider, both surprisingly dark for marvel books. Really excited for the Rom V run

Crimson Cage #1

Feb 22, 2022

What a surprise this book was. WOW!!!

Crimson Cage #2

Feb 22, 2022

Crimson Cage #3

Feb 22, 2022

This series has no business being as good as it is, but here we are. Retelling Macbeth through the filter of throw back, territorial wrestling? Sounds crazy right? Its brilliant, the writing and pace are perfect. The art bursts off the page. There is a sense of Dred lurking around each page turn. I never thought id fall in love with wrestling again, let alone in the pages of a comic book. Do yourself a favor and take a chance on this series.

Crossover (2020) #12  
Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #5

Mar 3, 2022

I LOVED this issue, Tom Taylor is really writing a fun and engaging DC of thrones story. The subversion of character motivations is beautifully handled here. So many fun little twisties. My personal favorite being what is done with the ladies on the cover. I am not the most devote enthusiast of the DC brand, and i am a big sucker for genre bending. With that said, this series has been right up my alley. This so far, has been the highlight issue. Until the next one comes out I guess. Somehow this story keeps getting better with each release.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #5

Feb 22, 2022

I am not the biggest DC, but this elseworlds tale has been amazing. Right up there with dark knights of steel for me. My personal favorite issue thus far.

Devil's Reign (2021) #5

Mar 9, 2022

This issue is what an event should feel and look like, Checchetto's art is captivating. I love that devils reign is a Fisk story above all else, and he really shines here. Focused and brutal. The hero moments are a fun b side, with some amazing splash action.

Devil's Reign (2021): Moon Knight #1

Mar 9, 2022

The story and art are at extreme odds in this book. Otherwise I would give it a 10, because the story is that good. Sabbatini's art isn't bad, its just entirely miscast. Moon is a force of nature here, reminds of Rorschach and the watchmen prison escape. If we had Alessandro Cappuccio on the art, or any other number of available artists, we are looking at a classic moon knight one shot. Which it still is, by way of script if you ask me, even if it ends up looking like a Saturday morning cartoon. What a huge missed opportunity.

Devil's Reign: Superior Four #3

Mar 9, 2022

I am normally a fan of spectacle. When things are non sensical, outrageous and ridiculous I usually find the charm and have a good time. This was almost that, i will say the art is rather good in this issue. However the dialogue is bloated and empty. There is no meat to this story outside of "prime" Otto, whos depiction I enjoyed. As a whole, No meat, just a bag of bones clanging down the stairs making noise.

Eternals (2021) #10

Mar 9, 2022

Eternals has been one of my favorite on going series from marvel, and this issue is no exception. The Thanos stuff is exciting for fans of the character. This issue will not win over new readers however, its very on brand with everything eternals has been giving us. Its talkie, its punchy, and it juggles a lot of characters and mythology. With all that said, I'm docking all the points based solely on one depiction of Carol Danvers, or should I say Ole grandpa Carl Danvers. Esad is so much better than one panel we get in this book. Lol, I know its probably killing him that it made it to publication. Grandpa Carl for the win.

G.I. Joe: Saturday Morning Adventures (2022) #1

Feb 22, 2022

Ever hang with your buddy, and they do something unexpectedly brilliant, and all you can do is shake your head in disapproval while you quietly laugh out a "you f@#$%^g idiot"? Thats this book in a nutshell, it is so lovingly dumb, in the best of ways.

Ghost Rider (2022) #1

Feb 22, 2022

Bit of a slow burn out of the gates, happy to see blaze back in the saddle. Im hoping the horror story vibe can keep up for the run. Lets see where this goes, right now this is shaping up to be a must read ghost rider series. Hopefully it doesn't get randomly cancelled this time.

Hulk (2021) #4

Feb 17, 2022

President General ross nuking a version of earth, unleashing a Gamma-Peter-Kaiju-Man to be fought by a multiverse displaced banner piloting his hulk, who's level four mental antagonist are the marvel Zombies.........might not be for everyone. But i am loving how bombastic, nutty, and fun this series has been. Sure its no immortal hulk, few things are. Immortal hulk was like a stressful succession of interviews to land that job you always wanted. Cates hulk is like having drinks with your buddies after getting the first paycheck from it.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #3

Jun 23, 2022

Wow, This was a wonderfully told love story, one of the best ever written in a marvel book. If not all of comics. This is the X-men version of "The Constant", a beloved episode for all the "LOST" fans out there. Gillen has perfected destiny's voice here, her motivations. This was a hauntingly beautiful read, i could here the orchestral score in my head swelling with the turn of each page as the story weaved in and out of its threads. Truly engaging from start to finish. Bravo Gillen, Bravo.

Iron Fist (2022) #1

Feb 16, 2022

Not the strongest first issue, I like the idea of who the new iron fist is. I'm mostly on board to see how they bridge the gap to the present, that is this book, to when we last saw you know who take a dive. I also didn't love the art.

Marvel's Voices: 2022 #1  
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #35

Feb 23, 2022

This is one of the most beautifuly illustrated miles books I've read, the action, color pallets, and spalshes explode from the page. This battle unfolds at a breakneck pace. People might not like the new suit, but contrasting with shift, every panel and character design is flawlessly rendered. I have really been enjoying this beyond arc unfolding throughout the spider books, but the ending here takes a turn I'm very excited about. Art is subjective but this and black widow are easily marvels two most visually stunning books if you're into a more graphic style. Great, time, super fun series that keeps getting better.

Monkey Prince (2022) #2

Mar 3, 2022

Surprisingly, I really find myself enjoying this run thus far. This book is definitely geared towards, younger, hypebeast types. And that's okay, I really like it what it is. I especially found enjoyment with the throw away line explaining batman's gooberness pertaining to a failed fight with an angsty, teenage, monkey man. The art is solid and playful, Chang definitely has a unique style within the greater dc landscape. Very reminiscent of Humberto Ramos, all and all, solid fun for now. The b covers have been bangers as well.

Moon Knight (2021) #9

Mar 3, 2022

Wow, this was some danny the street, Doom Patrol level insanity here. The art is majestic. Mackay is writing his tuchus off on this run.

Primordial #6

Feb 22, 2022

This series has it all for me, its trippy, its whimsical, it has heart for days. As a dog owner who would fight 10 karate bears for his pup, these issues hit me right in the heart. Especially the end scene of #6. Chefs kiss Jeff, bravo.

Punisher (2022) #1

Mar 10, 2022

This was awesome, chilling off knives in the fridge with leftovers is fantastic. The action scenes in this book are top notch. The art in general is quite good. Aaron seems to be the writer of the month to dog on, but i always enjoy his work personally. With punisher being no exception. The reasons for aligning frank with the hand, and changing the logo, makes sense here. Great first issue.

Sabretooth (2022) #1

Feb 22, 2022

I didnt know i needed a sabretooth king of hell groundhogs day series, but this is the type of wild stuff i read comics for.

Silver Surfer: Rebirth (2022) #2  
Strange (2022) #1

Mar 3, 2022

The only thing preventing me, a non Sorcerer Supreme from rating this issue about a new Sorcerer Supreme taking on the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme from the old Sorcerer Supreme a little higher. Is because the new Sorcerer Supreme really likes telling all the non Sorcerer Supremes, how supreme of a Sorcerer Supreme they really are. Jokes aside, "Sorcerer Supreme" is said A LOT. Other than that, Mackay is strong here yet again and this issue delivers. Harvestman is a great character design that I look forward to seeing more of. I like how Clea is portrayed here as well. She's powerful, heartbroken, and zoned in on resurrecting the love of her life for a magical smoosh session. By the eyes of Vishanti, let'em watch. Some of the more sensitive, purist, types may sour on an interaction she has with DOOM. Spoiler alert.........she sassy as @#$% . Anyway, the art is also great, truly a highlight. Ferreira really brings it all home. If you're not some conspiracy loon hung up on agendas, this was a really fun book and worthy of a read. sorcerer supreme, sorcerer supreme, sorcerer supreme, sorcerer supreme!!!!!!

Thanos (2023) #4

Mar 7, 2024

This entire experience felt rushed and disjointed, exhibiting lazy art and storytelling. As a dedicated Thanos fanboy, I found myself questioning the purpose of this. While I generally try to appreciate most things to some extent, I couldn't overlook the shortcomings of this particular mini. My reviews usually lean towards a higher average, but this was undeniably subpar. I'm willing to revisit all four issues to confirm my initial impression, but upon completing the fourth installment, the storyline appeared utterly nonsensical. It felt like listening to the incoherent ramblings of a gas station panhandler before ending abruptly and them asking for spare change. On paper, the concept boasted cool elements like the new illuminati, Thanos versus Death, cosmic consequences, and the potential for a significant Marvel storyline. However, the execution across the four issues left much to be desired. It seems as though something must have transpired behind the scenes, possibly a pivot within Marvel's editorial decisions. The lackadaisical nature of this entire miniseries is perplexing.

The Nice House on the Lake #7

Mar 3, 2022

I'm normally long winded in my reviews but here ill keep it short and sweet. Nice house is finally back and it didn't miss a beat. Its perfect. Go read it and fall in love like the rest of us. This is a classic unfolding before our eyes.

The Thing (2021) #5

Mar 3, 2022

This run is the best kind of escapist insanity. It is nuts, nothing makes sense and I love it. This is the kind of mindless fun I need sometimes. From jump, thingy boy Ben has been punching his way through a rolodex of WTF moments. The escalation of shenanigans here is hilarious, like.....why Ben, and why all of this. Mosley must have had the time of his life accepting the green light of this project. Cracked his knuckles, cocked his hat to a tilt, poured an aged brandy and said "let's get weird." Don't compare this series to anything Ben Grimm before it, abandon what you know about him. Turn your brain off and strap in. Because this series is fuggin great.

Venom (2021) #5

Feb 22, 2022

I miss the days of Stegman on the art, something about Hitch that I don't quite love, but man. This run has been so well written. Slower than some people might enjoy, its taking its time to set up its story. Some key factor here if that's what you're collecting for. I am very excited to see the payoffs of what i think is being set up here.

X-Men (2021) #8

Feb 22, 2022

I hate fill in artists but Pina always does a great PEPE impression, cookout modok is worth the price of admission. I am really coming around on this new x team, and i really enjoyed the synch and cyclops dialogue about his time in the vault. Fun monster of the week book.

X-Men (2021) #9

Mar 3, 2022

What a cover!!. This was at times a fun issue, i really enjoyed the Archy and Meathead thing Destiny had going on with Remy. Nimrod was a highlight for me with his brutality. Although i LOVE pepe on interiors, Villa held their own. The arrako bits where a little clunky for my tastes but all and all, a solid issue of x-men.

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