Patadu94's Profile

Joined: Mar 28, 2022

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #1

Jul 19, 2022

I first read this issue, and all the Venom run from Cates, online but when I found a copy of it in my LCS I could't not grab it. I read it again and oh boy, I love Absolute Carnage so much. The plot and the art are phenomenals. Stegman panels are great and how Venom, Carnage, and Spidey are drawn is great. At the moment I am also reading Carnage from Ram V, but this one is so much better, so much fun, so much dark, so much Carnage. Hope I can get the other four issues as well. Let there be Carnage!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

May 12, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #2

May 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #4

Jul 4, 2022

Some great action is packed in this issues and Spidey did not see coming the twist at the end of the issue!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #6

Aug 10, 2022

I've been reading some very negative review on this issue, but also on this new run in general. I really do not understand why. This issue was great (not just its doubled (?) size). I enjoyed a lot while I was reading, it was full of humor (thing that I did not feel much in the previous 5 issues). I do not know all the story of 'The Living Brain" and when Spidey first met him, but I could follow all the story present in the issue. Moreover, a great battle is present in the comic, and also that one will make you laugh more than once. Lastly, you have a very cute/fun relationship between Spidey and Octavius tentacles. One very thing I loved about LGY 900 was the art. The first 5 issues felt a bit weird, specially some questionable Spidey drawing from JRJR (Parker beaten face, big splash of blood on the mask). But here, oh boy, really enjoyed looking all the panels. Great read until now!

Astronaut Down (2022) #1

Aug 15, 2022

That was a good start. I came to know about this comic on social media and I did not know what to expect. I must say that I really enjoyed the first issue. It has all the potential to be a great sci-fi comic story.

Batman (2016) #125

Jul 17, 2022

That's my first ever issue of the main Batman comic, although I am huge fan of him. ***SPOILER*** I really enjoyed it. I like Zdarsky way of writing and I like this first issue. The plot is relatively simple, with the excuse of killing all billionaire in Gotham, Penguin wants to frame Batman for his death. In my opinion the story is gripping, I really wanted to read more about it. I read some reviewer complaining about the so re-used "plot", but I must say it is well done in the first issue and if it continues to be so entertaining like this there would be no problem with me. One thing that I like to say and that makes this issue amazing is Jimenez art. Oh boy, the first pages reminded me of the movie The Batman and the way Penguin is drawn is way similar to the one in Batman Returns. I loved the dark tome of the comic and the color palette, hope he can keep up with this amazing art. Lastly, the bonus story of Catwoman was also very enjoyable.

Batman (2016) #126

Aug 6, 2022

Second issue of Zdarsky's Batman and I am really enjoying it. Mostly the issue is a long fight between Batman and Failsafe. Not much talking but a lot of thoughts going on in Batman's mind. Nice to see his human side. At the end of the issue we are introduced to a new character which I do not know whom could be, however, it's getting more and more intriguing. In the issue there is also the second part of the story focused on Catwoman, it was a nice read and Penguin relatives are introduced in the series. The art is great, love the dark palette and how the fight scene is drawn.

Batman: One Dark Knight (2021) #1

Mar 30, 2022

I loved this issue from the beginning to the end. It is my first time reading a work from JOCK my I am positively surprised by the great story and the artwork. I love this dark Gotham. The characterization of each character is great, I already hate Vasquez. I am really curious on how Batman could escort EMP to Blackgate.

Beware The Eye of Odin #1

Jun 26, 2022

A very good first issue for this comic based on Norse Mythology. The story follows the deeds of Helgi, a Viking prince and his task of returning the eye of Odin to Mimir before the next new moon. The story has a nice pace, gives an introduction of Helgi past and why all the people from the his village think he is cursed. Many are the references to names, creatures and Norse myths. The art is also great, I like how the creatures and all the environment around are drawn. Although most of the story is set in a cursed forest (reminds me of Fangorn from "The Lord of the Rings"), Odland does a great job in making that forest alive. Really look forward for the next issues and I really hope this would have not been just a mini-serie.

Beware The Eye of Odin #2

Aug 14, 2022

I have enjoyed this issue slightly a bit less than the first one. Storywise, not much is told in this issue, just some hint about Helgi axe, Mostly, is a big battle issue between the trolls and the three companion, aided by the Earthen Smith. The panels are drawn flawlessly by Odland and it's great to watch them while reading. Really like the design of trolls and Earthen Smith. Must read for fantasy/nordic mythology fans.

Carnage (2022) #1

Mar 30, 2022

Amazing first issue. I read before Carnage Forever but it did not give me the same feeling. This is another level. A great horror story focusing on Carnage. It is like to watch Saw. However, just when we are starting to know more about Carnage, the issue stop. I really hope they can keep so high the story, it's amazing. In this issue are included also two other stories, one from Michelinie and the other by Ty Templeton. The latter is a very fun story to read.

Carnage (2022) #2

May 12, 2022

Carnage (2022) #4

Jul 20, 2022

Another good issue by Ram V. This 4th read had a slower pace compared with the previous three. We do not see much killing here, but two new world are introduced and as well new characters. I enjoyed it reading, specially because of the Elven mythology present in this issue.

Carnage Forever (2022) #1  
Eight Billion Genies #1  
Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer (2022) #1

Jun 27, 2022

Until now I never read anything about the Death Dealer. When I first came up to this comic I was very curious, and wanted to read it at any cost. However, after reading the first issue I might say I was a bit disappointed! Let's start with the story, wait which story/plot. In the first issue, the writer does not tell any detail (past or present) about Death Dealer. He is just there in the woods and, ironically, the best written part of the comic it involve a mature scene between Death Dealer and a woman found in the woods. Anyway, one thing that I really loved about the comic was the art. The pencils and the color palette are amazing. This dark fantasy tone (similar to a Dark Soul) is great, love the Helmet and the details in the cave.

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer (2022) #2

Jun 27, 2022

This second issues have the same problematic of the first one, does not tell much about the plot. Although now we know who is following Death Dealer and why he went to the Sorceress, we do not know yet why the woman and the baby were kidnapped or why they want the Death Dealer (dead?). Again, the art is fabolous, the winter woods, the deserts or just the big fight in this issue are drawn flawlessly. I will continue to read this serie but I might drop it there aren't new information in the coming 2 issues. Moreover, 4.99€ might be too much for 32 pages with little or none story.

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer (2022) #3

Aug 14, 2022

After the first two issues I was a bit perplexed about this serie. Art was great, but the minimalist story was a big drawback for me. However, in this third issue the great art was supported by a very good story a many were the addition to the lore of the Death Dealer. I enjoyed my read throughout all the issue and some panels were great. Now I can say that this was a very good issue. I really hope to know more in the coming ones.

Ghost Rider (2022) #1

Mar 30, 2022

Ghost Rider (2022) #3

Jun 22, 2022

Hulk (2021) #1

Mar 28, 2022

I started to read Hulk because I loved Venom run by Donny Cates. This first issues does not give much on story but I must say I have enjoyed a lot the smashing in it and the fact that Banner can control Hulk and use his rage in combat. Overall is a great start for this run. The art from Ryan Ottley is amazing, and the color palette chosen is more vibrant if compared with the Immortal Hulk.

Hulk (2021) #2

Mar 29, 2022

Another solid issue. Since the beginning of the comic you will have a lot blood and fights, specially in the "Engine Room". However, it does not add much to the story but it is still enjoyable to see Banner struggling with the Starship Hulk.

Hulk (2021) #3

Mar 29, 2022

This issue was amazing. Now we know what might have happened in El Paso, but yet who is that shadow? The story is further explained and one new villain from this new universe in introduced. The art and the color palette are always top notch!

Hulk (2021) #4

Mar 30, 2022

Another good issue. The story continues, although very slow, but now we have more information on what happened to most of the superheroes in this alternate universe. We see again a lot of smashing and Ottley's artwork is always phenomenal. The battles are amazing although sometimes I felt that the color palette could be a bit more 'darker'.

Hulk (2021) #5

Mar 30, 2022

So far, I am happy with this run. This issue is more story focused and Banner is fighting to keep control of Starship Hulk.

Hulk (2021) #6

Apr 24, 2022

So far, this is the best issue of the serie. I enjoyed it reading it from the beginning till the end. But let's start with the art. Ottley work is still great, he draws the Titan and the various battle scene flawlessly. The design of Hulk-Galactus is amazing, although it is seen just for few pages. Finally, we can see Betty for what she really is, a kind of witch/robot/mutant from another dimension or personification of Bruce trauma. The story is great, finally Titan is raveled and maybe describe as the Hulk of the Hulk. I hope to see more of him in the next coming issues. Last but not least, the next arc/crossover Banner of War is introduced and we will know more about the El Paso incident. I can't wait for the next issue.

Hulk (2021) #8

Aug 18, 2022

Great Finale! I’ll start saying that I was disappointed by the last issue, it was the weakest of the crossover in my opinion. However, with this one everything is changed. I enjoyed reading and watching at the panels. The battle got fiercesome, with the Hulk loosing an arm. At the beginning of the crossover, we were told that we would know who would be the strongest one there is and, in a way,, we do not. Odin, and the magic found in Mjöllnir were able to end this great fight. In the end , was nice to see how Odin became the main character of the crossover The art, is again great, love the battle scene panels. By the way, last page was weird, can the Titan infect or be transmitted to others? I really look forward to the next arc now, and I might purchase and read Planet Hulk before the new issue is out. PS: really do not understand why people are criticising this issue so much.

Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War (2022): Alpha #1

May 14, 2022

I am loving this issue, even more than the whole 1st Hulk arc. Donny Cates does a great job. It introduces both characher stories so far using an external narrator. They are both seen as having problems with "voices" in their heards. Thor, fighting his Father and Bruce fighting Betty. The story adds some more details on the El Paso accident, not as much as I would hoped for though. We can see here two of the strongest superheros both struggling with their inner battles. The art is gorgeous. Coccolo does a great job. Battle scenes are very well done and overall it seems to be in a kind of videogame. Definitely, he is a great artist on this series other than Ryan Ottley. I am really waiting from the second part of this crossover, it really is a great read.

Jurassic League (2022) #3

Jul 31, 2022

So far the worst issue (not that the other we great) of this limited serie. Uhm, still really like the concept of a Justice League formed by dinosaurs but in this issue the art is awful. It’s just a big mess of color, sometimes was difficult to know what was happening. Storywise, we know a bit more but mostly this issue was packed with a lot of action! Still keeping it in my pull list although it’s very disappointing!

New Fantastic Four (2022) #1

Jul 4, 2022

Never been a great fan of the FF but seeing my all time favourite Superheroes taking the place of the original ones was a blast! The story is very entertaining, with some humor and action. These improbable team gathered together because of the feeling that something mysterious was happening in Las Vegas. As we will see, a Demons is corrupting humans! The art is great, it reminds me the 90’s a period which I personally loved. Lastly, also the color palette is good, really love Spidey costume and Mr. Fixit. I really look forward to know more about Father Priest and how the new FF will handle Mr. Ash!

New Fantastic Four (2022) #2

Aug 14, 2022

Punisher (2022) #1

Jul 10, 2022

Punisher (2022) #2

Jul 10, 2022

Punisher (2022) #3

Jul 10, 2022

I was very intrigued by the new Punisher run after the conclusion of Devil's Reign and how the character was introduced. However, I am a bit disappointed until now. I understand Frank would like his family back but the whole story with the Hand feels a bit weird and I do hope that in the coming issues The Punisher could reveal his intentions and maybe stop being a part of the Hand. However, this third issue was the one I liked the most. It was nice to read about Frank's childhood and his first murder, even more, because he used a Cap America mask. The main story I do not think adds much and it starts to be a bit boring (excluding the part where Maria goes crazy because she cannot find the children). Art, is fine, not the best but I liked the change of art when Frank's childhood was depicted. I continue to read the other issues just out of curiosity once in a while, hoping would get better. They cannot ruin\depict The Punisher as a puppet of the Hand.

Punisher War Journal (2022): Blitz #1  
Rogues (2022) #1

May 20, 2022

Rogues (2022) #2

May 20, 2022

Saga #60  
Something is Killing the Children Vol. 1

Aug 17, 2022

Just finished to read this first TP of "Something is Killing the Children". I am very impressed. I am no horror fan but this book was gripping since the first pages. I really enjoyed reading it and starting to know the different characters. The story is very well written and engaging and the appearance of the monsters are very well pondered. Moreover, it's a very clever idea that only children who "believe" in monsters are able to see them and, the last issue is a good example of that. Lastly, all characters are very well characterized and Erica and James are already my favourites. The art is top-notch. Although it might seem minimalist, many details are given and I felt in love with Archer's Peak and how is drawn. I also like the design of the monster, they look like kind of spiders/insects with many legs. Definitely, I'll purchase the other TP and enjoy the hunt with Erica (luckily I do not believe in monsters). Really look forward to know more about her and how she became a monster hunter.

Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1

Apr 28, 2022

I have to make a small premise, I am not familiar with the Swamp Thing and my first ever read was the TP of Swamp Thing by Ram V (which I enjoyed a lot). I really enjoyed reading this first issue. The story is engaging and it has a great pace from the middle part to the end. The "new" evil Swamp Thing is phenomenal. It's very gruesome, a lot of gore but at the same time the dialogues are very well written. The art is another great surprise, the Swamp Thing had a great design and there are a lot of details. I am really waiting for the next issue, although it might be delayed again.

The Joker (2021) #1

Jul 19, 2022

I recently came to know about a series dedicated to the greatest villain of all, The Joker, and I was lucky enough to find the first issue. Well, it’s not what I expected but I really loved it. As the name suggested, I thought the issue would focus entirely on The Joker but although he was there, the main character, or the narrator, was Jim Gordon. I guess the story is set after “The Killing Joke” and it’s look like a noir. Gordon, as narrator, tells about his life and what did Joker do to his family. After this first chapter, Gordon is contacted by a mysterious women who wants to engage him in order to find the Joker. Why? Who could be a better hitman than the Commissioner knowing his past? The art is another great point. Loved the dark tone, and the color palette. Panels looked great, at some points I thought I was looking at one of Edward Hopper’s painting for the similarities!

Thor (2020) #26

Jun 21, 2022

This is the weakest issue I've read so far in the Banner of War crossover. I really liked the idea of a Thor-Hulked version and how was it introduced in the previous issue but, this was not a good issue, neither battles scene were so exciting. Almost no dialogue at all, nor a clear story, this was really just punching (and in previous issues was done much better). Another weak point in this issue is how Hulk is drawn. It really reminds me the one present in the movies, a version which I do not like at all for its "smart" look. I really hope that the last issue could be better, specially now that we also have a Hulk-Thored piloted by Banner and the All Father.

Twig (2022) #1

Jul 11, 2022

I loved this first issue. I just finished to read it and, oh boy, it started very good. Although we do not know much about the Twig past, the only thing that matters is that he is late for his first day of job. Storywise, the first issue introduce us to Twig, his friend Splat (very funny creature), and Twig's first job assignment. He will have to discover what is the function of a mysterious red stone/item. From here, his journey will start and Twing will have to find the Pathsayer, a creature who will guide him on the right path! The art is top notch. I love the vibrant color of the environment and how all the characters are designed. The panel where Mount Guphin is introcuded is amazing. Moreover, by the end of the issue there are few slides depicting Twig'journey to the Pathslayer and they are just peerfect. Great start for this serie!

Venom (2021) #9

Aug 6, 2022

This issue is a good read. I think it is the third time that we have read about Eddie's death, this time from his perspective (?). Anyway, it was enjoyable, although still a bit confusing and we still do not know what Meridius is planning. Last page was surprising and in the end it was worth the read.

Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) #1

Apr 15, 2022

A great start for a classic Venom comic. I really enjoyed the story. For now is much more simple and without gods or other cosmic creature as we are used nowadays. The story set just after Eddie is fired from his journal and it still hates Peter for what he did. In this issue he tries to be good, but unfortunately no-one ever belives him. Moreover, the presence of the life foundation is very interesting, what are they up to. This new foe, "Humbug", seems a bit weird but I have to say it works and hipe to understand more why he hates Eddie and Venom. Great issue, grab it if you still can, a very old-fanshioned Venom story.

Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) #2

Jun 6, 2022

Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) #3

Aug 3, 2022

Another very good issue. We learn what the Life Foundation wanted to do we Venom and Eddie and we have some more street-level battle with a new Villain attacking Venom. There are some funny moments in the issue and a small Spidey sighting.

Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) #4

Aug 4, 2022

I am liking this mini-serie much more than the main on. Here there is everything I ask for, Venom, some bad-ass street level battles and also some hilarious moments. The story is well written with a nice pace. Also this is issue bring to a final battle with some new opponents that tries to claim the bounty on Venom's head. Lastly, we finally know who is after Venom. The art is great and the color palette as well. I am really enjoying it, and the story and the way Venom is designed is much better than the main title at the moment.

We Have Demons #2

Apr 30, 2022

So, I did not read the first issue of "We have Demons", but, I must say that I really enjoyed it. The plot written by Snyder is engaging and the pace is very well mastered, alternating Demons fight with a detailed story on the Halo and Horn. All the story is supported by a beautiful work from Capullo. Its drawing, specially the battles, are gorgeous and I really like the way the Demonfolks are designed. It was a nice pick up and definitely I will buy the first and the last issues.

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