Austin Braun's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Watch Reviews: 35
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Batman: White Knight #6 is a headstrong issue that takes most what we have learned in the past issues and finally sheds some light on what's actually going to go down in the final confrontation. After six issues we may finally see why Jack, who seems to have everything going for him at this point, needs a chained up Batmans help. The only real question now that I have is how easy is it for Jack to change from Jack to Joker and back to Jack? Hopefully, we will get this information in the next issue so definitely keep up with this incredible story by Sean Murphy!

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I give Johns and Frank a perfect score for bringing the Watchmen back to life (figuratively speaking) in a sequel that many were very skeptical about, and knocking it out of the park. This book perfectly picks up where watchmen ends, and even though it mirrors Watchman in such a beautiful way its executed to feel like a true sequel and not just some stale copy of the original work by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. In an era that seems to feel a lot like the time when Watchmens themes were relevant, I cant think of a better time to pick these characters back up to see what truly has the bigger cost, hope or cynicism.

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If you haven't started reading Mister Miracle yet, I would recommend catching up just so you can read this issue. Actually, if you want to just read one Mister Miracle comic ever in your life, I'd recommend this issue.

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Tom King and Mitch Gerads have left a permanent mark on Jack Kirby's fourth world. Each issue makes Scott and Barda feel like people I could walk up to on the street and hold a conversation with. This issue adds to the humanization that King does best, as Cowles lettering ties the whole story together with an easy to read flow that doesn't take away from the art. Mister Miracle #6 was a flawless issue that I recommend for any fans of the series, character, or just fans of great stories and artwork.

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The dialogue between the two New Gods was so natural and well written that once again you forget that these are fantasy beings made up for comic books.

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I couldn't think of any other rating for this issue due to the fact that it was the first comic book to ever make me shed a tear. Mister Miracle is one of the most emotional series out right now with about every other issue being absolutely heartbreaking, and the other issues are action-packed adventures starring the most adorable comic couple ever known. I recommend Mister Miracle for anyone looking for an emotional read, and any fans of the creative team.

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I really don't have much to say about this annual except for I loved every second of it. The story that the artists told through this issue was easy to follow but complex enough to keep you wondering about a few of the characters. Tomasi makes Chimp the Oracle figure for the group making him a highlight of the issue, and for anyone who is a fan of super animals this Super-Pets story is definitely a must read for you!

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This is a title I look forward to reading every month. Sean Murphy's knowledge of the Batman mythos in and out of the comic realm has made for such a unique take on the characters that I see this book becoming an instant classic after being collected in trade. Every issue leaves you wondering what each character is going to do next, and should truly make every reader question who he is actually rooting for.

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Overall, I'd recommend this issue to anyone that wants to experience this series, and to the people that wanted their questions about Jason Todd in this universe answered.

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Once Again Geoff Johns and Gary Frank continue to break new grounds with such amazing story work. Just like their work on Batman: Earth One you can tell every piece of this story is carefully placed so the reader has only just enough information. This is the works of an incredible story and an instant classic that will hopefully keep it up on the back half as we near the stories gigantic blue conflict.

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Percy and the art team did an amazing job putting Beast Boy in the center of attention during this arc and this issue closed off the story flawlessly. Joran was introduced as a complex villain that would work perfectly as a recurring Beast Boy villain and maybe even the villain of a Beast Boy mini-series. Hopefully, we get to see Percy work with this team again after giving us some of the best times with the Teen Titans team since the beginning of the New 52!

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I recommend this issue to anyone that's a fan of Jeff Lemire's writing style, Ivan Reis getting the freedom to create some amazing art, or anyone wanting to see the DCU expanded on gracefully.

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Sean Murphy delivers another issue chock full of easter-eggs from all over Batman's history, dishing out more of his explosive new take on one of the most famous rivalries in comic book history. While taking on a story that has been done so many times, Sean has truly made the Batman vs. Joker feud feel new and exciting again in a book that will soon take its place with the many other great Batman tales that we have come to love through the years.

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This is definitely a must-read for anyone looking for a book that tries it's hardest to put this confusing world in retrospect and loves the Batman mythology as much as Sean Murphy.

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Geoff Johns, Gary Frank and anyone else that might have had even the smallest amount to do with this book deserves as many awards as they can get for capturing the bleak spirit of Watchmen and blending it so well with the ideals of mainstream comics.

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Once again Geoff Johns, Gary Frank and the rest of this incredible creative team create a story that once fully told may stand up to the quality of its predecessor. As long as Geoff Johns can bring this story out of setup and into the full swing of things I see Doomsday Clock becoming a story that gets passed down as the rightful sequel and continuation of the legacy that the story of Watchmen brings with it.

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This series is like "Watchmen" but with hope. This sort of optimism will hopefully set the trend for more hopeful stories in the future, and less than deal with so much realism in the fantasy world of superheroes!

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Geoff Johns continues to blend the DC Universe with the Watchmen Universe into one with an issue that sets up for the climax in Doomsday Clock #5. I recommend this issue to anyone trying to get this story as it comes out, and to any fan of "Batman Earth One" as the same creative team is just nailing this series with every issue. For those who can't deal with the messy release schedule though, this may be a title worth waiting until it gets put into trade-paperback.

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I find it tougher to give a single number rating to a filler issue like this. Although there is nothing very useful here its still a fun read and is the type of comic that helps you understand these characters in a more realistic sense. These types of issues can make you feel connected with these characters, unlike a full arc can. The fact that this will be a key issue due to the first appearance of the Fortress of Attitude, plus it also has some intense secrets to what the future holds. Id say all of that together makes this an issue you dont want to miss!

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This last arc is shaping out to be a good family-building story that I hope knocks it out of the park before Super Sons comes to its very early end after issue #16. I am very sad to see this series ending as it was easily one of my favorite Rebirth titles. Peter J. Tomasi promised we would see the boys again soon, not including the Hanna Barbera crossover the boys will have soon. I believe Tomasi will give this title the send-off that it deserves with this last arc, and this issue was definitely a good start to the end.

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Super-Sons has continued to impress issue after issue with fun characters and great stories. The villains have been a mix of simple and complex with this two-issue story being a pretty down to earth one.

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While the team does feel like its hit a bit of a snag, the character development makes up for the loss of action in this issue.

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I have been mostly rating this title high due to the art. Now I can finally say I have given this title a high rating for the story and the art. James Robinson finally knocks one home with the very last issue of Trinity. I recommend this issue to anyone looking to finish out the series, or for anyone looking for a big crazy shocker at the end of a story that concludes itself nicely.

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Reusing a villain we just met a month ago probably wasn't the best idea for this four-part crossover series, but the characters that will be joining the roster make the repeat villain necessary and surprising. The collaboration from Tomasi and Gleason are creating an entire world for our younger heroes, and even with such a large group of characters, the ambiance is thrilling while also fun. The fact alone that the Titans of tomorrow will be returning is enough to sell any DC or titans fan on this story.

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The final issue of this Trinity arc is definitely an upgrade from the previous issues. The action-packed ending with a few nail-biting moments gave it that Justice League feel you get from the cartoons and theres nothing bad to say about that. The art was much better fitting in this issue and it actually left me wanting more from this creative team. All in all, Id say keep reading Trinity if you already are and if not then next issue might be a good jumping-on point.

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James Robinson and Patch Zircher deliver the best issue of Trinity since Francis Manapul was writing and drawing, with a Wonder Woman-centered story that should give us some great evolution for the Trinity team. Hopefully, this will be the send-off that this team deserves as it will probably be the last arc before the title comes to an end.

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This series has started off as a unique and compelling new type of Batman story that if done right could become an instant classic, but if done wrong could sit as just another Batman vs. Joker story, and no one wants that.

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Tom King makes Scott Free and Big Barda the power couple I can't wait to catch up on every month, and it just wouldn't be the same without Mitch Gerads explosive and psychedelic art. I recommend this comic to old and new comic readers alike, and even when it feels like you have no idea what's going on you just can't help but enjoy the ride.

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While this crossover may not have worked for some, I found my mind just racing with the possibilities of what could come next. This eventually becomes the events' downfall, as not enough time was put into the plot but way too much time was spent setting up for whats to come. Luckily this issue stood mostly on its own, only being somewhat guilty of this crime. With some exceptional art and amazing character development, I wouldnt tell you to stray away from this story as it does truly add a lot to the DC universe altogether, with a fun ride along the way.

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James Robinson continues his magical journey with "The Heroes Three" that has its highs and lows. The linear adventure story is not a bad read and definitely makes you want to continue just to find out who the team is telling this story to. This issue is definitely mandatory for fans of the last issue but for anyone not a fan of Robinson's storytelling or his Wonder Woman run I can't say you will automatically change your mind when reading this.

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The final issue of James Robinson's Trinity comes to a close on a high point in my opinion. The narrative storytelling seems to be transitioning to a more linear style making the next arc more interesting to my personal preference. The twist at the end makes up for some sloppy storytelling early on, and the art by Jack Herbert along with colors by Carlos Mangual makes this issue well worth the read if you had read the last few issues.

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Jeff Lemire, Ivan Reis and the rest of this incredible creative team have developed four obscure heroes in one issue to the point that they already feel like family. Lemires plot-driven storytelling combined with Reis contemporary/classic artistic mix brings a fun new age for these classic DC characters that will hopefully see many issues and many good stories ahead. Anyone interested in anything to do with Plastic Man, The Element Man, or even just some more Dark Multiverse after Metal ends The Terrifics may just be the book for you.

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While I have wanted so badly to enjoy this last arc of Trinity James Robinson has truly made it difficult. At this point, I only read the title so I can warn fans of what unique taste youd have to have in order to enjoy this title. I grade the title so highly due to the incredible art by Zircher and the fact that, as a child, you may actually really enjoy this easy-to-read story that, in one way or another, maybe kind of fun. For someone that has a love for these characters and their complexities though, Id recommend staying away from it.

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Rob Williams ends his run on Trinity with a one-and-done that feels just a little too big. Connecting to a story from a year and a half ago doesn't make for good storytelling unless it shows itself in a big way later on like Doomsday Clock. Trinity #16 is a step up from the last arc of Trinity, but in the grand scheme of things falls short where Manapul was so strong. I can honestly say I'm excited to see James Robinson's work on Trinity, even though his work on Wonder Woman isn't quite as strong as Greg Rucka's.

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In retrospect, this issue could have been a fun story and adventure for the team. However, it falls short due to underutilized characters and just cringe-worthy dialogue from the core team. The art saves the Trinity once again with amazing work by Jack Herbert & Tyler Kirkham. I cant really say I recommend this issue unless you want to finish out the rest of Trinity, or really like the art style. But in my honest opinion, this issue just doesnt do the team the justice it deserves.

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