Rob Stryczek's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Watch Reviews: 51
7.8Avg. Review Rating

America Chavez: Made in the USA #3

May 5, 2021

Vazquez absolutely came through this issue with reveal after reveal! I really do like the decision to reveal how Americas childhood is very different from how she remembers it. I enjoy how her mothers are scientists both from the Bronx making the two more relatable. My mom was born in the Bronx so that right there is something that I could personally connect to. I have high expectations of what this creative has planned for America!

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Black Cloak (2022) #2

Feb 22, 2023

Overall, the use of color in this artwork through this issue is phenomenal and breathes so much life into the story. Im incredibly curious as to where this next issue will take us and what Phaedra will continue to uncover going forward.

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Black Cloak (2022) #3

Mar 17, 2023

This creative team is bringing to life an exciting detective story that will have a reader continuing to wonder what awaits the Black Cloak Essex. A true detective story in the realm of comics isnt seen as often so it feels nice to read this storyline as it continues to unfold. From the compelling writing to the fantastic art style this is an enjoyable issue.

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Black Cloak (2022) #4

Apr 15, 2023

This fourth issue continues to explore the curious world of Black Cloak, while diving into the past of Phae. Thompson, McClaren, and Carey craft together another fantastic issue that meets expectations. Readers will certainly still be curious as to what this creative team has planned for the mysterious world that is being uncovered before their very eyes.

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Black Cloak (2022) #5

May 11, 2023

This creative team continues to build and build on the world that Black Cloak has to offer for readers. This issue itself dives more into what secrets and questions are plaguing the mind of the Protagonist.

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Black Cloak (2022) #6

Aug 3, 2023

These final scenes really begs the question on what this now means for Phaedras future. Will a realization like this gain her more allies and enemies to come?

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Blade (2023) #1

Jul 19, 2023

It always feels right and long awaited to see Blade make a return. In Blade #1 readers will discover a great first start to what has potential to be a great story. The nightmarish world that surrounds his day to day life is fascinating for readers to experience. This creative team makes a triumphant first issue giving an audience just a taste of what is to come for this new fresh story.

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Blade (2023) #6

Dec 13, 2023

In the final moments, the audience sees a surprising call from Bruce Banner hinting at the Hulk making a dynamic appearance in the next issue. Very curious to see how the Hulk will influence this story, and where that will lead Blade on his path.

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Blade (2023) #7

Jan 11, 2024

It's incredible to see a grand pairing in an issue that is Blade and Bruce Banner. This issue brought in such a suspenseful feeling that audiences will appreciate while having dynamic interactions between the duo.

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Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #2

Mar 10, 2023

Brielle is a character I really wish I could have had around in books when I was in high school. It brightens my day to see that a younger generation gets to connect to a fun character like Brielle while they also face struggles in high school. Im excited to see the potential that can grow between her and Blade in the future! Im also interested to see what an interaction between her parents will be like.

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Briar (2022) #4

Apr 13, 2023

This creative team is building a cast of characters to support Briar in a world that has abandoned her. These allies are ones who have had their dreams ripped from them in this nightmarish world that GrenDrid created in her quest for greed and power. This suspenseful tale is developing a new potential in the story of Briar Rose as this revamps her potential in this reimagining. With the reveal of Spider being the one to awaken Briar Rose, it's a wonder what this creative team has stored for readers ahead.

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Champions (2020) #4

Feb 17, 2021

I really enjoy how Ewing incorporates the X-Men into helping these on-the-run teen heroes. Its really important to show that Scott still remembers how much he cares about his old friends and is willing to do anything he can to protect them from harm. In these memorable interactions, we get to see Kamala, Riri, Miles, and Sam learning that it is absolutely okay to make mistakes. We even get a sweet scene of Viv learning the same from a different perspective. This creative team does a great job in keeping you engaged as these fearless heroes find themselves on the run. Ewing does an exceptional job building these teen heroes, and I cant wait to see them continue to live up to their potential.

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Champions (2020) #6

Apr 21, 2021

Lore sets this team in the direction in wanting to take down Roxxon and their negative influence over social media. We see the team trying to work through their unresolved conflict from the previous story arc, while facing their tyrant of a target. This creative team shows that these characters are nowhere near perfect, yet they won't give up in getting justice for how they have been wrongly treated. It's very clear that this team has a soft spot for Riri and I'm very excited to see their plans for her and the rest of the team.

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DC Pride (2021) #1

Jun 8, 2021

Tynion starts this anthology off with a story of self acceptance and learning to find comfort in who you are. Navigating through the alienating trenches of life can feel almost suffocating. This creative team put together a powerful story to show their love for Batwoman. Absolutely a beautiful story that hit me close to home.

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Eternals (2021) #1

Jan 1, 2021

Eternals is an enticing first issue that opens the door to a new era for this cosmic family. We get a very suspenseful glimpse into what is to come through what they discover. Ill be looking forward to what this prominent creative team has planned.

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Eternals (2021) #2

Feb 10, 2021

This creative team does a great job tying in together many different perspectives of what the Eternals experience. From intense fights to their interactions with each other to even how they interact with Humans. I have high expectations for the next issue.

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Excalibur (2019) #16

Dec 23, 2020

I love seeing Excalibur being able to support each other in their time of loss. Even when disagreeing, they can find ways to continue together. By the end, we see them forming a stronger unit with the beautiful flow of their powers coming together. Meggan joining this lineup is absolutely exciting to me, as I have been a long time fan of this character. Im really looking forward to what this creative team has planned for her and with the fun cliffhanger, the direction of the team in Reign of X.

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Excalibur (2019) #17

Jan 27, 2021

I give props to Tini Howard for using this issue as a doorway to demonstrate the unbreakable support system that Betsy has. In one reality she has the love from a nation and people who will do her any favor, and in the reality we are more familiar with she has the strength of a team that refuses to give up on her return. With each issue this lovely creative team continues to surprise me in wonderful ways while keeping my love for Betsy Braddock alive and strong.

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Excalibur (2019) #18

Feb 10, 2021

I am very interested by the threads of mutant magic that Howard has been building towards. With Apocalypse introducing Rictor and the cast to the concept, I am very curious to see how they will continue to incorporate this into future stories. I love seeing Kwannon appear before the end, this sets up questions on what her role will be the next issue.

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Excalibur (2019) #19

Mar 24, 2021

Kwannon takes the reins in this issue to bring back Betsy. Its nice to see the two of them being able to welcome each other, rather than continue to avoid each other. The inclusion of the other Captain Britains is a nice touch to show how interconnected Betsy is with them. We finally solved the issue of how to successfully bring our Betsy back, but now who will Malice possess? Malice hasnt always had the most pleasant interactions and goals so I imagine it cant be that friendly.

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Excalibur (2019) #21

Jun 9, 2021

Tini Howard excels at tying the Gala into the main storyline. This creative team brings fans a fun issue that utilized the excitement of the gala, while also mixing in some deliciously suspenseful moments to set up more stories for the team.

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Excalibur (2019) #22

Jul 14, 2021

For older fans of Excalibur its nice to see Meggan continuing to play a role in this story and to be able to have a voice of her own. Although, I do wish her and Jubilee would have more of an impact like the other characters do. I am very curious how this creative team will reveal what Merlin has planned with Arthur.

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Excalibur (2019) #23

Sep 8, 2021

This wonderful creative team continues to complete my needs for a DnD like story. It was very fun to see Doom in this issue. I enjoyed his interactions with Betsy. I'm happy to see Meggan continuing to become a part of the team.

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Excalibur (2019) #24

Oct 6, 2021

This creative team certainly filled the horror vibe for the month of October while also continuing to deliver a fun Arthurian inspired story. I love that we got to see more moments for Jubilee, Rictor, and Gambit.

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Excalibur (2019) #25

Nov 10, 2021

Im very curious how this end scene sets up an issue of Betsy and Saturnyne being separated from the team. Its no secret that Excalibur still has their suspicions about Saturnynes intentions. Maybe the two being stranded is what they will need before going forward.

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Excalibur (2019) #26

Dec 15, 2021

For the sneak peak of Knights of X I do hope that we get to see the creative team be able to build on Betsy and Rachels relationship. There is a lot of potential for the dynamic to continue to flourish in future stories. This creative team did a good job finishing up some plot threads while also leaving fans for a taste of what is to come.

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Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1

Jan 26, 2021

For the Black Adam story, we see heroes putting their last hope into Black Adam. While this story lacks an interesting cast of enemies, it does makes up for it with the dialogue Black Adam shares about how his past trauma affects him. The art does an incredible way of capturing the beauty of the planet of Kahndaq.

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Future State (2021): Teen Titans #1

Jan 12, 2021

Overall, I enjoy the setting we see the Titans in during the chaotic future that they find themselves in. The stakes are incredibly high, and even with them recovering from a destructive past they are able to persevere and work together as a strong unit. With a home destroyed and their foundation fractured the Teen Titans show that they are still a family. I am very curious as to what the next issue brings with Dick Grayson carrying the Deathstroke mantle and Red X and as to what this duo has planned.

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Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #2

Feb 23, 2021

The creative team for Future State: Suicide Squad is able to execute the stressful position that Task Force X brings onto the members. It's a traumatic job that forces the team to go beyond their comfort level all for the goal of someone who has them under control. Its an issue that will pull the heartstrings of those who have attachments for these unforgettable members. The Black Adam portion, this creative team shows us the sacrifices that heroes are willing to make in order to stop an evil force.

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Future State (2021): Teen Titans #2

Feb 9, 2021

I enjoy the placement of the flashback grave scene occurring right before the Titans get ready to leave for this mission. By them acknowledging Titans who died in the flashbacks, and later getting to see Red X summon their spirits was incredibly well done. This creative team is able to craft together an issue showing the unbreakable connection of family that the Teen Titans will forever have no matter what enemy they face. Im incredibly happy to see Red X finally being used in Titans books, and I now will be looking forward to Teen Titans Academy.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #2

Apr 27, 2021

I do enjoy this theme of taking accountability and how we see the two different types of it. Both Harley and Kevin come from a genuine place in wanting to atone for their past when the time is right. Strange, on the other hand, is willing to abuse someone in her own personal torture session. Phillips is able to set up dialogue to have Harley respond to show that she understands the mind very well and can see who is genuine in making up for their past crimes.

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Iron Man (2020) #7

Mar 17, 2021

Cantwell creates scenes that explore the vulnerability of Tony and Patsy in this series. While this issue focuses more on their telepathic confrontation with Korvac, we still see glimpses of that through interactions. This issue begins to show Hellcat that she can work to get the upper edge on Korvac through Tonys support even if he keeps blocking their attempts for the time being. This creative team flourishes in storytelling and beautiful art.

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Marauders (2022) #11

Feb 16, 2023

Overall, this issue is a great kickstart to a new story arc. Im curious to see what the team ends up bringing in the next issue of this. Can we also talk about how adorable it is that Lockheed gets their own character highlight bubble along with the team?

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Marauders (2022) #12

Mar 24, 2023

This creative team has given us a tale that has this phenomenal cast of characters traveling through hardships to find a key to hope. This cast has proven and defied what mutants have thought would be a permanent ending in the past. This issue brings to life themes of hope and how a future for mutants can be possible to flourish.

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Mary Jane & Black Cat (2022) #4

Mar 10, 2023

The core of this issue discusses the difficult conversations we have to have. MacKay really brings to light how guilt over a situation can really impact the potential in our connections. Did I have Mary Jane Watson being able to bring back dead limbo demons with god-like powers on my 2023 bingo card? No, however, I am absolutely living for a fun moment of her being the hero.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2022) #111

Aug 24, 2023

This issue continues to help the Power Rangers universe continue to grow. Continuing old threads of past arcs, this creative team helps bring alive more potential. The question next would really ask how the Power Rangers will ultimately face off with Dark Specter? Very curious on how this new ally will be able to change the game.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2022) #114

Nov 22, 2023

The big question next for the Rangers is if they will be able to find the whereabouts of the Morphin Masters and if it really can be feasible to do that. Everything is on the line for the many different teams of rangers, and their chances of survival are becoming more and more slim. This creative team excels at creating a sense of fear as well as hope that the Power Rangers are able to win in this fight.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2022): 30th Anniversary Special #1

Aug 30, 2023

This collection of short stories of the 30th anniversary are a love letter for fans of the spectacular franchise. Each creative team handled different aspects of the rangers with such love and care. Its great that for readers who might be picking up an issue for their first time or have dropped the series for a bit to see a reading guide in catching up on the phenomenal stories that have been told by Boom the recent years.

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New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #4

Jun 21, 2023

This forth installment gives a drive for readers to continue to want to see Dani, Karma, and Wolfsbane in more titles. This series gives a chance to see Martha Johnson in a very new way, and will have people wondering as to where writers will continue to take her after this story arc. Martha has always been an incredibly intriguing and fun character since her debut, so it is great to see her having more time to shine in a title. It also shows a deep side to Escapade that is intriguing to see.

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Runaways (2017) #33

Feb 3, 2021

For fellow X-Men fans, they will absolutely love the second half of this issue. The appearance of Wolverine and Pixie coming in for a rescue mission is a fun Krakoa connection and Im very curious to see how the next issue continues this. I absolutely adore the scenes showing how Nico is a huge support system for Karolina. If you enjoy the slice of life idea for superheroes then this is the issue for you.

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Runaways (2017) #34

Mar 3, 2021

This issue did a very good job using guest characters from another series and easily incorporating them to team up with some of the Runaways. I absolutely love the fun ways Nico and Pixie interact with each other throughout this. The reactions in the issue from Chase, Molly, Wolverine and even Old Lace were a joy to see. I would honestly love to see Rowell write more of Pixie in the future.

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Runaways (2017) #37

Jul 7, 2021

Runaways has a phenomenal creative team that shows the heart and emotion behind these characters. In a world that focuses on the intense action and stress of being a hero we instead get to see a scope into the complicated relationships that bring a team together. This silent issue captivates the team in a rare lens of finding comfort in each other's silence.

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Runaways (2017) #38

Aug 11, 2021

I would really like to take a moment to thank this creative team from the bottom of my heart. You all endlessly poured love into such a beloved and cherished group of characters. A cast that is loved so dearly by so many fans. This amazing creative team reunited a fractured and displaced group of friends back into becoming an unbreakable family. Thank you.

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Something is Killing the Children #18

Jul 31, 2021

This creative team continues to give fans a delicious and thought provoking story issue by issue. From the powerful storytelling to the strong collaboration of art and color this book is phenomenal. Run up to your nearest LCS and snatch up an issue!

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Something is Killing the Children #19

Aug 26, 2021

Tynion blends together a narrative that reveals so much information regarding the House of Slaugther while bringing readers the depth into Ericas past. This intriguing insight in a flashback arc continues to develop the story in a fresh way.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #6

Aug 31, 2021

This creative team is quickly developing a fun new generation of Titans with members who have so much potential to shine in future stories. With the combination of gorgeous art, coloring, and fun writing this is continuing to be a fun series for any Titans fan. I will always enjoy the idea of creating new characters to tell stories for a new generation of fans while continuing to keep the love alive for older characters.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #7

Nov 2, 2021

This is a fun issue that has Gorilla Gregg fighting between choosing his relation to Grodd or his relationship to the Titans. Having an issue that drives a character to solidify their connection to their chosen family is a great way to build the character, and their connection to other members.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #8

Nov 30, 2021

I appreciate how this issue explores past actions of a Titan, while it continues to set up what is to come for the future of the team. On the surface we tend to usually see how issues affect the older members and teachers, and I appreciate how we dive into the curiousness of the students and what they'll do to get answers.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #9

Dec 14, 2021

I'm curious what this shocking moment means for the cast and especially Red X. He made a difficult decision that is going to alter the course of the rest of the series. I wonder how the students will respond when they find out or how long it'll take for them to find out after what the Titans witnessed.

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X-Force (2019) #20

Jun 2, 2021

This issue Percy brings us a delicious glass of what our chaotic X-Force is up to. From the exciting moment of Logan and Domino taking Deadpool down to Emma Frost confronting Sage on Terra Verde this was an excellent issue. I love when a team is able to provide themes from their current story arc in an event that flows with many titles. This is an extension of how great the x office works with each other. Can we talk about how Emma served it that entire issue!? With Emma being my favorite x-men member this right here is the gala event I have been eagerly waiting for and I am very well satisfied.

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X-Force (2019) #21

Jul 7, 2021

This creative team clearly puts in a lot of work to tell a story for this complicated team. From the small comedic moments to the intricate art we get a fun issue. I'm very curious to see more behind Weapon Plus going forward.

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