Batman Incorporated #4

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Chris Burnham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 24, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 15
8.3Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

BATMAN and TALIA AL GHUL continue their fight for control of their son DAMIAN better known as ROBIN! WINGMAN and REDBIRD descent upon GOTHAM CITY! Who are these heroes, and what is their relationship to THE DARK KNIGHT?

  • 10
    16BitMonster - Hamilton Ortiz Dec 2, 2012

    Batman Incorporated is definitely one of the books I look forward to reading monthly and too bad I did not get around to reading the series pre New 52. For those reading the main Batman and Detective titles and not Batman Inc should really check this series out for a completely different pace of action and story telling for Batman. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Oct 24, 2012

    The  Despite the cohesion issue, and the lack of Jason build up, this book is still so insane and unique, it's really hard for me to actually hold anything against it. The roller coast ride story, the emotional beats, and the art, all add up to one fantastic package. While you have books that are fantastic in their own right, like Batman, there will never be anything quite like Morrison's Batman Inc.  Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Oct 28, 2012

    Batman Incorporated has been a victim of circumstance since it began, and though that was partly Morrison's own fault, it's now growing into it's own as a solid title in the 'New 52' lineup. I'm skeptical it'll continue after Morrison steps down, as that would open up a spot for a new title in the roster while also trimming down the already massive number of Batman-related titles. That being said, if DC were to get someone like China Mieville to take over, the series might just stand a chance of continuing. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Oct 24, 2012

    Chris Burnham delivers the goods, as usual, here. His work seems little sketchier than usual, a bit more frantic and loose, which is not a bad thing given the issues level of action and movement. His panel layout in the first few pages is awesome stuff, adding to the desperate, chaotic feel of the scene. This is another entertaining and expertly drawn issue of Batman Incorporated. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 26, 2012

    As always, I applaud Morrison's ability to write something which is just purely entertaining, yet rises above a guilty pleasure. Still, it'd be nice to get some movement on the big, underlying plot though. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Oct 29, 2012

    It's just fun to look at and it looks the way a comic book should look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Justin Barnes Oct 26, 2012

    Something else I noticed was the scene with Talia and the Heretic standing before a theater called the Monarch. In last years Batman Inc.: Leviathan Strikes, they're standing before the same theater. However, this time the sign says it will be opening in three days and will have a Zorro restaurant. In Batman's origin, Zorro was the film that he saw the night is parents were killed. Morrison is known from putting so much detail in his stories and I am curious to find out what he is planning. Next month, Morrison is going back to the apocalyptic world from Batman #666 where Damien is the Batman in the future. Which by the way was a really cool story. Really fun issue. I would recommend rereading issue #3 beforehand so everything is fresh in your mind. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 26, 2012

    "Batman Incorporated" is the last portion of Morrison's take on Batman, and as a swan song it's shaping up quite nicely. It's great to see the book back on track now, and it's got that fun nature to it that will keep you eagerly reading from one month to the next. Bring it on. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Colin Bell Oct 24, 2012

    A final page, unceremoniously announced reveal feels somewhat out of nowhere, artificial even, and solely engineered to set up what's coming next month. It's as if Morrison has left readers - much like the character the revelation affects - almost too in the dark, and is holding back too much information for it to have any real impact. It's a bum note to go out on, but a minor one that ultimately doesn't hamper what is overall still the most fun a person can have reading a Batman title these days. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Oct 24, 2012

    This issue was pretty much a solid dose of popcorn entertainment. It's sporting a more than unique style as the action fluctuates from fun to downright painful. Throw in some sharp dialogue and an interesting cliffhanger and what you have is an issue well worth your time and money. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Oct 24, 2012

    This was an alright issue. Definitely better than last month's Zero issue, but not quite as good as issues #1-3 because it's the conclusion, the payoff for having read part 3 and nothing more. It'll read wonderfully in a TPB, but you definitely need issue #3 fresh in mind to fully enjoy it. The art is a bit more hurried than usual and the twist at the end was kind of stupid, but it's an enjoyable albeit fast read and it sets up some interesting (but somewhat confusing for the time being since we won't see those questions answered until next issue) elements for Batman Incorporated's future. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Oct 25, 2012

    "Batman Incorporated" is one of those books that has reached a certain point in its run where if you like it, you will probably keep liking it. Some issues may be less enthralling than others, but nothing has happened yet that will shake those who read and loved volume one (except maybe the DC Reboot, but that's outside of Morrison and Burnham's responsibility). To speak personally, I was not a fan of #2, but I didn't even hesitate to pick up #3. Editor-in-Chief Matt Meylikhov was not a fan of this issue, but you know what? I doubt he'd think twice about buying #5 without reading it. The latest issue of "Batman Incorporated" is what we'd expect from the book at this point: Morrison telling a great story, though not without his occasional flaws of execution, and Chris Burnham cranking out some great comics art. Sure, maybe "what we'd expect" isn't what some people are looking for in a Morrison comic, but that doesn't mean it isn't good. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Oct 31, 2012

    Batman Incorporated #4 is both disappointing yet somehow fulfilling. I can't describe it, but I can tell you this: Batman Incorporated #4 is still worth your time and money. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Oct 26, 2012

    We are glad this book exists, but sometimes its a tough love. The twist at the end of the book is sudden, hence being a "twist", and gives us the hook for issue 5. Who knows if it will be linear, but we mostly hope not. Squirrel. Read Full Review

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