Batman #617

Writer: Jeph Loeb Artist: Jim Lee Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 30, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 24
6.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Hush Chapter Ten: The Grave
For months, the relationship between Batman and Catwoman has been heating up. Everyone seems happy about it, except for Robin, the Boy Wonder! Robin's got some issues with Catwoman and the secrets she knows. Does Batman's young partner have the stuff to take out Catwoman? Or will the Cat swallow the little bird? It all leads up to Batman making the most startling discovery of all - and here's a hint: the story is titled "The Grave!"

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Aug 1, 2003

    One of the most amusing panels in the book is Robin launching himself at Catwoman in the middle of page seven. It's one for the ages. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 6, 2003

    In my various online sessions I can't help but notice that Bat-fans in general looked to be quite pleased with Jeph Loeb/Jim Lee's run on this title, so perhaps my lack of enjoyment stems from the simple fact that I've never been a devoted fan of Batman. However, from a storytelling sense I find this entire arc has had a highly manufactured quality to it, as Jeph Loeb isn't offering up a story in so much as he's simply offering up a series of encounters that would appeal to the fans of Batman. This issue is the latest example of the rather thin plot, as basically the issue is three battles that run back to back to back, and then the issue wraps up with the big reveal regarding Hush's identity. Now I will concede that he Robin versus Catwoman fight caught my interest, and if it hadn't offered up some of the most overblown dialogue since Stan Lee's work on the early Marvel issues, I think I'd have enjoyed it a great deal more. As it stand the only real enjoyment I had with this issue ca Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Aug 3, 2003

    When I saw Jason Todd, I almost threw up in my mouth. Much like the rest of this disappointing story arc, this reeks of Loeb and Lee trying too hard to make a splash, and creators this talented shouldn't have to resort to that. I'm praying to the comic gods that this will turn out to be a hoax, but unless that happens I won't be able to forgive Loeb for ruining a poignant part of the Bat-mythos. Read Full Review

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