With the tumultuous battle for Korugar past them, Sinestro and Hal are left at a crossroads. They must pick up the pieces of their lives. The question is, will they do it aloneor together?
And just like that, Geoff Johns starts reeling me back in! If these premonitions are a window into future Green Lanternarcs, it's going to be an exciting road for Green Lantern fans. Read Full Review
I really enjoyed this issue. It was nice, given the tumultuous events of Jordan's life over the past few years, to see him given a chance to enjoy life – even without a ring. Of course this respite was going to be short lived, but now we'll find out just how far Sinestro is willing to go to stop the future he glimpsed from happening. Worth a look. Read Full Review
I suppose you should be happy that Hal's happy, but you can't help feeling like there's something not quite right with him settling down to a quiet life of domesticity. Read Full Review
Strong issue overall, and a nice set-up for the next storyline. Read Full Review
And then there's the issue itself. “The Other Hero”, the failed planetary protector who holds up such a dark mirror to Sinestro that Sin himself is forced to rethink the role Hal Jordan will play. There's something about this song of loss and age and experience that speaks vividly to the deep currents of a Hunter S. Thompson struggling with the (possible) loss of his longtime friend, and the shape of the world after his assertion of Gonzo Journalism. Ah, the things we choose to choose… “The Other Hero” is its very own sort of signal, not from any unconscious in particular, but from the collective unconscious of popculture. And who can say what ideas may come from there? Read Full Review
This issue was even more slowly paced than the previous five issues, but it performs nicely in its goal of drawing both Hal and the reader further into the overarching storyline. The action is markedly declined, and certain aspects of the story are less fluid than in previous issues. However, by capitalizing on the emotional beats of this issue, Johns and Choi have shunted the story in an interesting new direction. Read Full Review
With Doug Mahnke taking a break, this issue feels a little like a filler. Geoff Johns is still on board and there are some big develops that shouldn't be missed. Mike Choi steps in as guest artist and offers an interesting take on Hal and Sinestro. While his art worked in many parts, Hal looked like a little too young. Sinestro teams up with a character from his past but it was difficult to care about him. There's some big things coming and this issue is setting it up and giving us a chance to breathe before it all explodes in our faces. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #6 is a needed pause, letting readers catch their breath before all hell begins to break loose again. While this issue is primarily a character piece, there's certainly enough action and tasty foreshadowing to keep this book from plodding along. The glaring art style changes caused by a guest artist really hurt this issue in my mind and knock it down a peg in my ranking. Three out of five lanterns. Read Full Review
Overall issue #6 was a good read. Johns continues to extend his legendary run by giving great characterization to Sinestro and Hal, directing their new directions while bringing in some old threads from earlier in his run. What keeps this issue from being better is the art but this is still a good read for any Green Lantern fan. Read Full Review
This is a filler issue. This doesn't mean that, like most fillers, it is totally bad. Read Full Review
I would say do not pick up this issue if you want to save your money for another title that came out this week. Just because in this issue we did not see much happen, I would say do not pick it up. But I think we are going to see a lot happen in the next couple of issues. I can't wait for more issues to come out from this series even though this issue might have not been the best. Read Full Review
The art in Green Lantern #6 is atrocious. Mike Choi needs to stop with comics and look for work in the dentist office painting industry. Why does Hal Jordan look like an Asian teenager? Why does Sinestro look like Vinnie The Butcher from some bad gangster movie? I understand the whole hand-painted fine art thing, but this is just bad. Green Lantern needs a better artist and writers who are interested in telling great stories, not dragging bad stories out. Read Full Review
I loved Hal and Carol being together and Hal living a civilian life, but the Sinestro portion of this comic was quite boring and Choi’s art is far worse than Mahnke’s
This issue definetely takes a step back from the past issues in both story and art. Hal and Carol are back together and Sinestro uses Starstorm to help him find Lyssa Drak and the "The Book of the Black." I enjoyed the Hal & Carol scenes (especially when Hal took on the four guys solo), but I was confused by the Starstorm parts. Who is that guy? So, Sinestro couldn't find Lyssa without him? I found it kind of boring. This definetely is not Johns best work.
Really don't like the art