After the Flash Family freed Barry Allen from the dimension Pariah locked him in, the Scarlet Speedster was able to return home for some quality time with Iris and his other loved ones. But after the world is plunged into the Nightmare Realm, Barry’s trapped in a different cage, and he’ll have to find a way out on his own!
Knight Terrors: The Flash #1 is a fantastic exploration of emotions. One of the greatest tie-ins to Knight Terrors so far, Paknadel perfectly toes the line of understanding what a dreamworld is like. Read Full Review
Barrys heroism comes across quite vividly. Paknadel even allows him a chance to completely mess with the speed force if it will allow him to save the life of Wally. There are some truly touching moments in an issue based on a dreamlike reality that rests beyond the tapestry of DCs tattered continuity to speak to something a bit more real and emotionally resonant. Its impressive stuff. Read Full Review
Knight Terrors #1: The Flash is a ride. From beginning to end, it's difficult to tell which way is up and what will happen from one page to the next. Simply put, it is a must-read if you are following the Knight Terrors storyline. Read Full Review
Knight Terrors: The Flash #1is a solid chapter of the event even though it does suffer from no direct references tying it back to the main story being written by Williamson. It will be interesting to see how and when Barry realizes that the events occurring are not real and how it all ties into Insomnia's looking for the Nightmare Stone. If none of this is addressed then the question of why this needed to be included in the event is a fair one. Read Full Review
Knight Terrors: The Flash #1 has a different take on nightmares as Barry Allen fights against his worst for losing a friend while not yet fighting anything he can particularly punch. It's a nightmare of the mind in an intriguing horror psychological horror story. Read Full Review
It's a unique depiction of events we've seen before, and Barry's slow descent into madness is actually far scarier than the strange creatures we see lurking around the fringes. Read Full Review
I was glad that I picked this up, as I've missed the Flash after dropping the previous volume. It's a great superhero story, but even better it shows how to cross the genre with horror effectively. Read Full Review
No installment of "Knight Terrors" has integrated the concept of dreaming so neatly into a hero's own story as The Flash, and the result is one of the better Barry Allen stories I have read in a long time. Read Full Review
Knight Terrors: The Flash #1 is a solid, urgent, emotional adventure for Bally Allen and his Flash-family. The issue contains great writing from Paknadel and fascinating art from Bayliss, but oddly, this issue has almost nothing to do with nightmares, Insomnia, or Knight Terrors. Read Full Review