To know him is to love him--that fab freak who can change himself into any element in the human body! He's the one and only Rex Mason, alias Metamorpho... but can even he win out against Cy.C.L.O.P.S., the hairy eyeball of crime that gazes from the top of the pop charts to the lowest depths of evil--and even into the far-off, far-out Ra-Realm? To find out, the Element Man must survive a hand-picked assassin who can match him change for change...and that's just the first issue! Join us for this covalent bond of friends and foes in the brand new ongoing series from superstar team Al Ewing and Steve Lieber!
This is a fast-paced read, but one that contains a lot of stuff to speculate over once you're done reading. If DC continues to lean into this new embrace of the weirder sci-fi corners of their universe, there could be some great things ahead for the company. Read Full Review
The characters are all spot-on, both in voice and appearance, with Lieber loosening his style to get closer to Ramona Fradon's cartoony (in a good way) art. The pacing is also fast and furious, like comic books used to be, and you get a complete story in this issue, though there are plenty of hooks dropped to reel you in for a next issue. Read Full Review
Rex Mason is back with a flare and style all his own. Ewings writing crafts the unique environment with a throwback style. Lieber, Loughridge and Delgado bring out the best and quirkiness of Masons heroics with the art. This one packs quite a punch! Read Full Review
Metamorpho: The Element Man #1 is gloriously, gorgeously weird. While a new year is just around the corner, its creators show us there is still plenty of fun to be found in the past. Read Full Review
Ewing, Lieber and company give us a Fab Freak who encapsulates his late sixties origins, with just enough of a modern twist to keep it all fresh, in both art and story. Read Full Review
Metamorpho: The Element Man #1 is an interesting comic as it feels disconnected from the DC Universe and it's style is a bit of a throwback. It's a debut where you can just pick it up and enjoy it without needing to know continuity or caught up with anything else that's going on. It's a nice throwback debut you can dive into and enjoy. Read Full Review
Metamorpho #1 will not appeal to everyone. However, for those who are brave and bold enough to enjoy a little Silver Age silliness, this comic is a thrilling throwback. If you're curious about that wrinkly-faced guy in the Superman movie trailer, pick this book up and learn more. Read Full Review
Wow an actual DC comic I enjoyed reading?!
Decided to give this a shot even though I've been practically avoiding DC for a long time. They have been real shit.
Seeing Al Ewing writing caught my attention and I'm happy I read this! This feels like it came straight out of the silver age, the dialogue has a nice rhythm and feels very natural along with the classy art.
Can't wait for the next ish! Keep this up please!
Groovy start to what seems like an interesting series.
Lieber’s art speaks for itself. Ewing’s writing evokes a Silver Age energy, and interesting premise that definitely makes you want to read what happens next.
it's a very interesting start, considering Al Ewing isn't my favorite type of writer. I am not a big fan of Silver Age comics or classic comic books where everyone says what they're thinking and they use certain words. But honestly I want to be fair and open-minded, and this wasn't too bad
It’s fun. We will see where it goes. Overall I like the different approaches being taken here as well as two face and new gods.