THE RETURN OF LEX LUTHOR? During the battle of the House of Brainiac, Lex Luthor's memories were wiped clean...but now, after the events of DC All-In Special #1, the world needs Lex to remember his past. There is a key piece of information in Lex's lost memories that could unlock an epic mystery that plagues Superman and the Justice League! But what if Lex doesn't want to remember? Would Superman sacrifice Lex's newfound peace to solve a secret, even if it means the return of Superman's fiercest rival?
This isn't the first time someone has toyed with Lex taking on a more benevolent role in the DC Universe, but this might be the first time I've actually felt invested in what happens to the character. It's a testament to how good Williamson's writing is that these one-shot issues feel like essential character studies. Read Full Review
The rebirth of Evil? That is the problem facing Superman in a soul-stirring tale. Williamson throws in emotional reflections before heading into a difficult move. The art team shines with big moments mirroring the heavy soul of a great hero. No good choice ever works without grave consequences. Read Full Review
Superman: Lex Luthor Special could have been a few pages over some issues but it's so well done, it deserves to be a one-shot comic. But, it makes us want more than that. It shows the complicated man that is Luthor and he's a man who can, and now does, struggle with his past and future. In a real world of tech bro oligarchs manipulating us all, this comic makes me want to see Williamson focus on Luthor in his own series. Read Full Review
Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1 offers a new look at the Man of Steel's archnemesis, and a glimpse into his past. Readers will no doubt want to pick up future issues of Superman to see how it all plays out, but I hope Lex's turn to the side of the angels isn't too short-lived. Read Full Review
I would have liked to see this development play out a little longer throughout the Superman series, but the focus of this book worked well and, at least for me, gets you thinking about the intricacies of life experiences. The art was, as expected by this stellar team, a treat and really helped drive the heavier points of the story. Read Full Review
Outside of that one 'sympathetic backstory' piece (although for all I remember he had abusive parents in the past), I thought this was a good issue. For me, the most interesting part is that Superman seemingly bullied Lex into remembering things. Perhaps the Lex with his memories intact will be upset that the kind Lex was kicked to the curb. Perhaps Superman will regret bringing this threat back into the world. And this felt rushed given we were just seeing the amnestic Luthor. Barrows' art is always solid and I think he works best on specials and mini-series without the pressure of a monthly book. His stuff here worked well, especially the flashbacks. Read Full Review
Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1 is a fantastic deep dive into the mind of Lex Luthor. With creative storytelling and incredible art, this issue is a standout that answers all the questions weve been asking. Read Full Review
Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1is a reasonably well-done character study that explains the past that made old Lex a villain and gives new Lex a no-win choice for his future. Joshua Williamson's script does a commendable job of adding depth and complexity to Lex's character, and the art team's presentation looks great. That said, the big choice Lex is given lacks a clear rationale. Read Full Review
Another solid issue from Joshua Williamson. Fun fact: The song Lex Luthor plays is the Superman Theme from John Williams
Another great glimpse into the mind of one of DC’s best villains, with an added bonus of plot points that impact the Absolute Universe! Kudos as usual to Williamson and his team!