The final battle between Maxwell Lord and Wonder Woman is here-and it’s winner take all in the war-torn nation of Vlatava! This rivalry has spanned many years and many timelines, but Diana of Themyscira has a thing or two to say to her adversary: “No more!” This will be a fight for the ages-we’ve seen the art, so we know! Plus, don’t miss the return of Liar Liar!
Tamaki signing on to one of DC's flagship titles was a huge get for the company, and so far she's proven the acclaim is well justified. Read Full Review
To bring it all together, I think Wonder Woman #767 delivers a great confrontational moment, filled with the over the top power, fortitude, and emotion the superhero genre is best known for. Read Full Review
Rafa Sandoval delivers some beautiful art in this issue. All of the scenes with Diana fighting for control are beautifully drawn and filled with energy and power. The art matches the tone of the story and gives it a boost with its stunning imagery. Read Full Review
This was a fantastic issue, a solid read. Read Full Review
Im less optimistic about the next arc as Tamaki is already revisiting a character from her previous arc who wasnt that thrilling an addition in the first place. Maybe this time will be different but I dont have a ton of hope. Read Full Review
Mariko Tamaki continues to inch her story forward as things come to a head between Diana and Maxwell Lord. Explanations are still minimal, but it all looks good, and maybe things will pick up from here. I can only hope because so far, this story has been a whole bunch of nothing. Read Full Review