The Return of Junkyard Joe! As Tariq Geiger's quest to find a cure to his radioactive condition continues, he finds himself once again face to face with the U.S. Army's most dangerous weapon. But with Geiger's powers growing out of control, who will come to his rescue? You won't believe it.
Geiger #10 is a strong entry in the series with some very solid character work showing more of the connective tissue of the Ghost Machine universe. The cliffhanger offers a tantalizing tease of what could be in store for the crewor at least Geiger. Read Full Review
GEIGER #10 cranks up the plot progress, action, and anticipation when Junkyard Joe arrives at the moment the Glowing Man is at his lowest. Geoff Johns pens a script that pushes the journey to Lewistown ahead by leaps and bounds, and Gary Frank's artwork is phenomenal. Read Full Review
Geiger #10 is a very good bridge issue in this series. Taking us from the aftermath of Grovers Corner to whats next on the road. As we get a few solutions, we also get a few more unforeseen problems. Add in the return of Junkyard Joe and the introduction of a new threat, this issue delivers it all. Read Full Review
Ghost machine shows how to make comics great and Geiger leads the way consistently.
Gary Frank is back and the story is back on track as well. I’m still not sure why we have a Zebra sidekick in this book, but I’m confident that Johns is going somewhere with this.
Geiger and Nate save an elderly couple who were attacked by thieves, of course, Geiger eliminates them in the most painful way, when they were going to take the road again, Geiger loses control and explodes, regardless of having the boron rods.
There is a flashback that shows Tariq Geiger helping to build houses for war veterans just before the nuclear catastrophe.
In this crisis, Nate goes away with Barney and Zig Zag, to see how Junkyard Joe appears, who as we all know does not speak but reactivates Geiger's heart using electricity, saving his life.
Junkyard Joe, Nate and Geiger arrive at a fortress in the middle of nowhere called Ash Arden, whose exuberant leader does not let them enter.
Other solid issue.
Another good issue. It's not the most riveting issue, but some of the art in here is phenomenal.