Ben Grimm throws on his hat and overcoat to solve a mystery that's come alive right out of his nightmares.
What is Dr. Strange's nemesis D'Spayre doing on Yancy Street?
Rated T
Garney is doing the work of his life here in the art department while Duggan nails the feelings of the characters and the supernatural shenanigans. Read Full Review
Marvel should give Duggan and Garney a shot at similar one-shot tales with other characters, or even more with the Thing. This is a great way to experience the character, get some genre storytelling in, and feast your eyes on some impeccable visuals. Read Full Review
Although the bit of rock falling off his body at the end suggests another harrowing adventure for him. Read Full Review
Ron Garney and colorist Matt Milla put together an absolute artistic masterpiece in an unexpectedly surreal Ben Grimm tale. Read Full Review
The moral of the story? Punch despair in the face. I think we can all get behind that message. Lovely stuff. Read Full Review
In Fantastic Four: Grimm Noir #1, the creative team gives us a uniquely dejected story. The Thing is written great as he ever was in an all too real story about fighting the false sense of hopelessness that can surround you even when you’re with the ones you love. Each page will be burned into your brain thanks to superb composition, acting, and lighting at every turn. Fans will not want to miss this one. Read Full Review
Final Verdict: 9.0 "Fantastic Four: Grimm Noir" #1 creates a comic that takes full advantage of the storytelling conventions of film noir while telling a powerful story about fighting back against your inner demons. Read Full Review
If you are a fan of noir type stories or a fan of Ben Grimm then you really have no excuse not to pick up Fantastic Four: Grimm Noir #1. It is a great one-shot story that will keep you engaged throughout. The whole creative team all work excellently together to deliver this story, and it is a story that takes some nice twists and turns along the way, as well. Read Full Review
Ben Grimm, The Thing, his life is hard enough having to live with the fact that he will never really be human again, but now he's suffering from a recurring nightmare. Or is has he always been living it? Read Full Review
Despite the potential of this creative team, Fantastic Four: Grimm Noir feels like there's some deeply missed potential. Read Full Review
Fantastic Four: Grimm Noir is a very, very pleasant surprise. Ron Garney’s art is incredible and his black and white depiction of the Thing immediately gave me parallels of Frank Miller. Garney truly is a living legend. Duggan presents a thrilling mystery and a truly intimidating D’Spayre. My one complaint is that the mystery itself would be lot better if this issue was longer/more stretched out. Duggan is on a hot streak as of late, and that continues in this one-shot
I liked this a lot even if the cover and title make this comic look a lot more noir than it actually is.
Atmospheric, dark story.
A fun, well-crafted read, with particularly awesome art. There's a 95% chance we'll all forget about this entirely, though, and then misremember it as "The Thing Vs. Nightmare."
Trippy.. Alternative..Original Artwork. B+
One shots are kind of hard to pull off nowadays just due to the fact its more money to spend on a story that probably isnt needed. And while this probably wasnt needed it had some great visuals and told a complete story that had me entertained. I can't complain at all.
I’m kind of disappointed that it wasn’t more noir. I liked the moments of noir!