On Earth, Chris Powell is a patrol officer with the NYPD, protecting and serving the people of New York...but out in space, he's Darkhawk, the galaxy's only line of defense against the return of the ancient army of the Fraternity of Raptors! Spinning out of the Infinity Countdown storyline, the 'hawk is back to fight for justice from the edge of Manhattan to the edge of the universe!s!
Rated T+
Darkhawk is back once more, and it seems Sims and Bowers have one heck of an adventure in store. Even if youve never heard of the guy, this is a comic worth picking up. Read Full Review
INFINITY COUNTDOWN: DARKHAWK #1 by Chris Sims, Chad Bowers, and Gang Hyuk Lim is a great continuation of Darkhawk's saga. While the connection to INFINITY COUNTDOWN could have been stronger, Darkhawk fans will appreciate this issue. Read Full Review
Ol' Wingclaw is back and honestly, he might just be better than ever. Read Full Review
Solid storytelling and gorgeous art. Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #1 expands on the Infinity Countdown narrative in natural ways, carrying weight and a sense of import to the overall event. Chris Sims and Chad Bowers capture the characters' personalities and maintain the continuity, building upon what came before rather than rebooting it. All the while keeping the book accessible to new readers. And Gang Hyuk Lim's art is stunning. This is Marvel Comics at their best. Read Full Review
There’s a few things to consider when deciding whether or not this book is right for you. Are you a Darkhawk fan? There’s dozens of you! You should obviously pick this up. If you’re not necessarily a fan of him but are interested in Infinity Countdown, I would say maybe just wait until next issue. This one doesn’t really have too much that you won’t be able to quickly understand just by context in the next. Read Full Review
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #1 is flawed but promising. Chris Powell is a character that should never have been left by the wayside, and the complex conflicts he faces in this book could lead to some interesting places if the narrative can tighten, quicken, and trim the fat. Gang Hyuk Lims artwork looks quite good and adds a youthful air to the book. All things considered, this one still earns a recommendation. Read Full Review
All of the pieces are in place by the end of this issue, and offer hope that Darkhawk will finally discover a foothold in the Marvel universe in the story to come. Read Full Review
A good reintroduction to the character and the start to something but ultimately nothing special. Lim's art and the return of Death's Head are the big draws. Read Full Review
This is marketed as a direct tie-in to the Infinity Countdown story, but is more of a story that has reference to the event. Officer Chris Powell has been operating as Darkhawk while on patrol and decides he wants to travel into space to bring down the Fraternity of Raptors who have powered suits like Powells. He looks to old friend Richard Rider who is operating as Nova and was a teammate in the New Warriors to provide a space ship so he can track them down. Rider informs him he cannot because he is busy with the whole Infinity Stone thing. He also asks that Chris leave Talanar to him because *spoiler* it is his brother Robbie behind the mask as shown in the Infinity event. Chris is attacked by one of the strangest 1990's cameos ever when more
Chris Powell is stuck on the Earth-sidelines as Big Raptor Events unfold out in the cosmic world. A left-field fight opens up a surprising hitchhiking opportunity for him, though. This series kicks off with tons of promise and some distinctively great manga-style art. This issue burns a few too many words mulling over new power limitations, but that's a pretty minor nitpick. The balance of the book is thoroughly enjoyable, and it does an excellent job building "and then what happened?" anticipation.
Pretty cool stuff. It's like a 1990's wet dream. It just needs sleepwalker and night thrasher and I'm good.
Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.
Let me start by saying I have no idea what a Darkhawk is or a Raptor for that matter. But what I do know is that they looked cool and that they are somehow tied to the Infinity Stones in some way. So, I said “what the heck?!?” and I took it for a test spin. And as a first time reader of Darkhawk, it wasn’t too bad. So, let me give you a rundown from the perspective of someone truly going into this hero and fan base totally blind. Ready?
We open with Robbie Rider, brother of Rich Rider ( one of the current Nova’s from Earth), trying to ope more
...what a, truly, unexpected and pleasant surprise INFINITY COUNTDOWN: DARKHAWK #1 was.
SCORE : 7.5
Pretty good, picks up straight where the Darkhawk's oneshot (aka isasue 51) left off. Ties into the Infinity Countdown without requiring much detail. Looks like it's going to be quite fun miniseries.