Tony Stark has worked hard to pull himself up by his iron bootstraps, and after a few detours, he finally tracks down his old friend and employee Vic Martinelli...only to find he's arrived too late and Vic's been murdered. Before a guilt-ridden Tony can get a bead on why, he's attacked by Vic's assailant...THE TITANIUM MAN. In the battle, he learns the sinister plot goes deeper. The Titanium Man is working for those even more mysterious, and Vic was killed because he'd gotten possession of THE MANDARIN'S RINGS. Tony flies overseas to Asia and headlong into a cloak of conspiracy, hell-bent on tracking down the rings of his most fearsome adversmore
This book is a Marvel hidden gem. While it is a name brand title, I feel like this book hasnt received the accolades it should. The story is engaging, the characters seem like real people with real problems. Oh, and the artwork is great. Why havent you bought this yet? Read Full Review
This is easily one of the more subdued, but satisfying, installments that Iron Man has had as of late which is surprising, considering how stellar the series already is. Read Full Review
Iron Man #22 contains extraordinary acceleration. What begins as a slow and methodical issue ramps up into one of intensity and drama. It isnt just a mechanical melee between good and evil but a brush with something much more dangerous. The mix between action and storytelling is balanced remarkably well by Cantwell and Unzueta is comfortable bringing both the loud and quiet moments to life. Read Full Review
Unzueta delivers some great visuals that do a wonderful job of showcasing the thrilling elements of the story as well as the characters. Read Full Review
After a rocky, and long opening arc, Cantwell and Unzueta seem to be getting their bearings on Tony, and what makes him tick. Its a shame to see it coming to a close over the course of the next three issues, but it looks like hes going out with a bang. Read Full Review
Cantwell's Iron Man looks back to the days of Layton and Michelinie, but for all the good stuff, it feels a little bit out-of-sync, and the road to the last page reveal confused me. Read Full Review
Vic Martenlli, Force, Titanium Man, Mandarin rings, Technovore easter egg
Man, can I first say I love how Cantwell brings back all this Iron man lore & characters.
Now, onto the criticism:
Wtf Cap?! How do you go see Tony in a coma and go "Oh my god... Welp Rhodes looks like there's a spot in the Avengers now. Want to join?" Like Cantwell I know u suck at writing Tony, but not Steve too.
I do not like Titanium man's armour. I get using theme of this run is to callback to classics, but I'm sorry that suit is goofy and lame af. Always has been. Idk why they didn't give him a updated new design when they did it with Tony. Plus it would fit the context of the story considering Titanium Man works for S more
this is still good after all the issues, I love it