LAST VENOM STANDING! The Venom Symbiote has bonded with both Eddie Brock and his son Dylan at different points. Now both Brocks are going head-to-head, determined to be the one, true Venom! Father versus son in a showdown of showdowns that threatens to tear the world asunder! From heavyweight talent champions Al Ewing and Iban Coello comes a Battle for the 'Biote like you've never seen!
Rated T+
All in all, this is an event that seems tailor-made for Venom fans, and it shows with the amount of excitement coming off of each panel. Read Full Review
Venom War #1 is a promising start to the symbiote-filled crossover event with an interesting hook and many beloved characters at play. Read Full Review
Venom War is the rare event series that really builds upon everything that came before it. Not only are all of Venom's hosts over the years acknowledged to a degree, but the many facets of his own characterization in that same time is understood to have been pivotal to reaching this point. Read Full Review
Spider-Man saves Venom War #1 from being too goofy for its own good, but I remain hesitant and cautious as this series has a lot of tropes at work that already feel at odds. Is this a fun fight comic, or something more complex? It's hard to tell what it wants to be right out of the gate. Read Full Review
I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I expected. I haven't been loving the past year or so of Venom stories, but this issue kept the core of what's been going on with Venom and added some levity. I LOVED the wrestling stuff, and the Peter stuff was good too. Hope they keep up this tone.
Definitely an intriguing start to say the least. I wasn't really expecting the whole wrestling angle, but I'm not upset by it either. Though, that may be due to the fact that I'm a huge wrestling fan. Anyways, I thought everyone was well-written here, and the art from Coello was very strong. I genuinely don't know where this is headed, but I'm here for the ride.
in a perfect world, Al Ewing would have been the future writer of Peter Parker/Spider-Man.....
It's an itriguing start. A bit odd, but I mostly like this
Peter scenes were gold, Ewing come to ASM please...
Eddie arrives at a televised wrestling ring to announce that the Venom war begins, he is accompanied by the disembodied symbiotes Bedlam, Tyro and Wilde. Eddie needs his symbiote to return to his body.
The Venom symbiote is hiding and arrives at Peter Parker's house and asks him to join him, because he feels that he has only hurt Dylan and Eddie, he feels sorry for his actions.
On the other hand, Dylan talks to his future self who warns him that what he saw in the future with his father becoming King of KNull is true, Dylan sees his father on TV and decides to go accompanied by Toxin, Flexo, Red Goblin and Sleeper, they face him, Dylan tells his father Eddie that he does not have the symbiote in his body eith more
Kind of stupid with the whole wrestling thing, but really liked the flashbacks of Venom and the Peter Parker parts.