Cry Havok Part 4
• Project: Mothervine has been unleashed, and new mutants are emerging all over the world!
• Even though these new mutants cannot control their powers, MISS SINISTER can!
• A new team of X-MEN stand against the WHITE QUEEN, HAVOK, BASTION and MISS SINISTER!
Rated T+
Bunn and co. deliver an electrifying issue that sees the expansion of Mothervine and the creation of a new breed of mutants. As scary as it is to see a world so overcome with cruel, forced transformations, Bunn's masterful storytelling and Silva's linework will leave readers ready to take on the vicious Havok themselves! Read Full Review
Great issue with an interesting story that might cause and questionably raise some major impact/concern on the whole Marvel universe. Read Full Review
Mothervine is terrifying and reminds readers why the world will always need X-Men. Read Full Review
An interesting team, an incredible (and incredibly gross) threat and some nice world-building. Read Full Review
While the storyline of Cry Havok has been a chaotic mess, the end result has been incredibly entertaining so far. This new X-Team has some interesting histories and fantastic drama potential, though it remains to be seen if this team sticks around once the chaos is over. This is one of those comics that will probably read better collected, but, in a single issue, it reads like a big blockbuster movie trying to be clever: big, dumb action scenes with big, dumb plotting that actually leaves the reader wondering what might happen next. Read Full Review
X-Men Blue feels like it had a lot of its life sapped out of it due to its main character being elsewhere during what feels like the culmination of over 20 issues of stories. Read Full Review
There is a bit of cheesy dialog that drags this issue down for me. Even with that misstep I was very pleased with this issue. I had some low expectations since I was not excited by the new Blue team. After seeing how their powers were used and what roles the characters played I think they were used purposely which changed my mind. I also had very little interest in the Mothervine threat. It might not make sense that such a huge threat to the population would rest on the shoulders of a team on the run, but it is an enjoyable read. The conflict within the villainous team-up creates a story thread worth exploring. The art s very strong. There is not a ton of details to explore, but what is there looks great and tells the story well. It might nmore
this is getting good. the whole space things is kinda dumb. i like this set of x-men more than the originals
Mothervine spreads fresh mutations far and wide and the earthbound X-Men struggle to keep up. Emma Frost starts a slow roll back toward the side of the angels. This issue manages a tricky plot well and is blessed with some noteworthy art. Set against that, though, I think a lot of the same problems that are killing Cullen Bunn's Venomized event are lurking in the background of this arc: A bloated cast, excess attention paid to the antagonists, and shallow characterization that relies too much on prior writers' work.
I liked this issue even if I was really surprised to see Magneto free at the end of the book (But agains the marauders).
I like the new enemy the X-men have against them (At least Wildcard wasn't totally forgotten ^^ ).
I wonder where all of this would lead. I was less interested by the space trip issue.
Cover - Not related but not bad. 1/2
Writing - I really like this new team of X-men and how they was used. 3/3
Arts - The art was good even if I would have liked a name for some of the characters. I wonder is this his frenzy in Wildcard team ?) 2/3
Feeling - I liked it ... Maybe not all, but pretty much all ^^ 1/2
While I like the larger story being developed here as Mothervine is coming into focus, the execution is a mess, with too many characters (3 entire teams of super-villains!) and art that sometimes makes the action hard to follow.