NostalgiaKills's Profile

Joined: Jan 02, 2019

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Captain Marvel (2019) Annual #1  
Champions (2019) #1  
Exceptional X-Men (2024) #3

Nov 21, 2024

This book is a delightful slice of life, even if it's a rather exceptional life. Kate and Emma were pirate queens of an intergalactic trade organization and two of the leaders of an island paradise of super-powered immortals. The plummet into the mundane to unpack the trauma of losing that life is such a surprisingly fantastic approach that gives us something quiet and introspective as compared to the rest of the line and particularly the other two core books which aren't nearly as grounded or character-driven. I dreaded the return to mundanity when this book was announced, but Kate going from a life of unlimited resources and adventures across spacetime to sharing an apartment with a childhood friend while bartending really resonates. While we've seen her do something like this before, it didn't have the emotional weight and tragedy that is does here. I'm so in love with the story and the cast, particularly Bronze. Don't get me started on the art which so perfectly suits the tone.

Green Lantern (2021) #7

Oct 20, 2021

I am 100% picking up what Geoffrey Thorne is putting down, but the art is terrible and truly beneath the mythology expanding epic he is trying to deliver. I’d give the writing an 7 and the art a 3, so we’ll just make it an all around 5.

Heroes In Crisis #4  
Immortal Hulk #11  
Immortal X-Men (2022) #1

Apr 6, 2022

This is the book I’ve been waiting for since HoX/PoX, and I’m delighted at how well it delivered. Krakoa has created so many opportunities to tell new kinds of stories with these characters, and what we have here is a political dramedy with loads of potential and a ridiculous number of egos to play off one another. The writing is of the quality expected, but the art was a real surprise. Werneck stepped his game on pencils, and the colors just make those pencils pop. Also, it should be noted that I am #teamSelene.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #2

May 18, 2022

Marauders (2019) #17

Feb 19, 2021

Great full circle moment for Storm and Callisto here, as well a great way to bring Storm’s time in this book full circle. Given how many “great” Storm moments have just been a redux of their original duel, I’m also hoping this is full circle for the endless nostalgia loop in which Storm has been stuck since Claremont’s initial departure. It is time for a whole lotta new for Ororo.

Marauders (2022) #1

Apr 6, 2022

This issue was a delight. Cassandra Nova is such a scene stealer in the best way, and I’m really enjoying the mystery of the map and the box. I also love hidden history. As a queer person, it’s panful and disappointing how much erasure has been applied to queer history, and as a compassionate human, it’s heartbreaking when any contributions are erased because of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual identity. The Marauders are following a treasure map to unlock the hidden history of mutantkind, and I’m here for it. I should mention that the art is so good, especially the renderings of Cassandra. She seems like a dangerously resourceful cartoon character, a sinister Bugs Bunny, and this is supported by the writing as well. Great start with a great creative team and fresh cast.

Marvel Knights: 20th #5  
Mr. and Mrs. X #7  
New Mutants (2019) #25  
Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1

Apr 8, 2022

One of my favorite single issues ever and definitely my favorite thing ever written by Duggan. There’s so much more wonder and excitement to be drawn from the premise of the X-Men than just fighting. This was a beautifully rendered tale of cooperation and the power of a group working with a singular purpose. Pepe Larraz is the true star of the Krakoan Era, and this book is a blazing reminder.

Resurrection of Magneto (2024) #1

Jan 24, 2024

Ewing says goodbye to the X-Men with a big swing that offers up a Storm/Magneto story unlike any either character has ever had.

Resurrection of Magneto (2024) #2

Feb 28, 2024

Resurrection of Magneto (2024) #3

Mar 20, 2024

Pitch perfect

Runaways (2017) #17  
Shatterstar #4  
Storm (2024) #1

Oct 3, 2024

Ignore the review bombing. These people hate black excellence.

Strange (2022) #2

Apr 6, 2022

This was ok. I like Clea, but I’m not convinced she’s an effective lead character. I think creating mystery and buzz around this that lead to the likes of Scarlet Witch and Magik as potential replacements really did this book no favors. I’d much rather read about one of those two as Sorcerer Supreme with Clea in an adversarial role.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #8  
Wonder Woman (2016) #61  
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) #2  
X-Factor (2024) #1

Aug 15, 2024

Not much to say except that Milligan & Allred did it better twenty years ago with X-Force/X-Statix. This was entirely derivative and worse than that, it was bland. My fears about this relaunch are in full force in this book. Very disappointing.

X-Force (2019) #27

Apr 6, 2022

This was a decent read, but I’m terribly bored with Beast, Quentin, Domino, and Logan. Sage foiling Hank is now what I live for when reading this series. It’s the best thing happening here. Art was nice, but I wish they’d have shaken up this book along with the others.

X-Force (2019) Annual #1  
X-Men '92: House of XCII #1

Apr 15, 2022

This was unoriginal and cheesy. It’s a fun idea, but there’s nothing clever or surprising here. Save your coins.

X-Men: Red (2022) #1

Apr 6, 2022

This was a stunning debut with a compelling cast, all of whom demonstrate a satisfying amount of agency. Team books often have characters standing around not offering much, but that’s not the case here. The core cast all have things to do and are working their own angles. I’ve been waiting for a proactive Storm who brings her own point of view, even if it unsettles others. Based on the cliffhanger, I think she’s on her way. Did I mention the stunning art? The pencils and colors blend so well to give us this vermilion fantasy that feels intimate in scope and epic in scale. Great issue.

X-Men: Red (2022) #2

May 18, 2022

From the core cast to the politics, I feel like book was made for me. The plotting, characterization, and dialogue are so strong, and the art is dynamic and stunning. What a creative team.

X-Men: Red (2022) #3

Jun 15, 2022

We’ve never had an X-Men book quite like this, and it is all the better for it. The characterization, plot, pace, politics, world-building, spectacle, dialogue, and, my goddess, the art are just all on point. The cast is a great mix of old and new in new situations with new dynamics that are rooted in characterization and history. This book feels made for me, and I couldn’t ask for more.

X-Men: Red (2022) #4

Sep 26, 2022

X-Men: Red (2022) #5

Sep 26, 2022

X-Men: Red (2022) #6

Sep 26, 2022

We did not come to make love; we came to make war.

X-Men: Red (2022) #9

Dec 9, 2022

X-Men: Red (2022) #10

Jan 7, 2023

The emancipation of Ororo continues. Finally, after three decades, she is being written as the force of nature she is—not just in power but in presence, personality, and effectiveness. She isn’t the only one. Sunspot is getting some shine, and Arakko is just everything. Ewing has humanized these people in a way Hickman never could. As great as he is, his work doesn’t have the humanity of Ewing’s. This book is perfect.

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #3

Oct 20, 2021

This is easily the worst comic I’ve ever read from Leah Williams.

Reviews for the Week of...


