JHugh's Profile

Joined: Sep 08, 2020

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Overall Rating
A Dark Interlude #1

Jan 29, 2021

The artwork and colors were just beautiful. I'm personally hoping the storyline grabs me a bit more in issue #2. There were parts I felt it jumped from one thing to the next a bit quick for me. However, the close did leave me wanting more. We will see....

America Chavez: Made in the USA #1

Mar 17, 2021

I actually really liked the book. Art was well done and I liked the bits of humor. The flow and pacing of the story is spot on, you are left hanging with a mysterious figure. I'll grab the second issue for sure.

America Chavez: Made in the USA #2

Apr 25, 2021

Another good issue in this series. The artwork and storyline are great, leaves you wanting to read the next issue. We are starting to find out more about America's childhood and the choices she had to make being a super-hero.

Batman: Black & White (2020) #3

Feb 24, 2021

What is this? Smh

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #1

Mar 14, 2021

This one is hard to rate because the Red Hood story is a 10 for me. The Grifter story is good as well. However, the Black Lightening/Katana part? What is that? Awful, I couldn't get through it fast enough. The whole Harley Quinn/Poison-Ivy thing didn't fit in with the rest of the stories for me either. Given the price tag, it is hard to warrant paying that, when less than 50% of the book is a homerun.

Beasts of Burden: Occupied Territory #1

Apr 7, 2021

The idea was a good one but the flow is just so off on this book I couldn't enjoy it. It felt like someone in a hurry, trying to get through it all. Artwork was really good. Overall just seems rushed, won't be picking up the next issue.

Canto: The Hollow Men #1

Feb 12, 2021

I tried to like it, but I'm just not a fan of the story. Maybe someone younger would like it more, not sure. The backstory didn't really do it for me, it left me saying "Oh how convenient" rather than, "That makes sense." The artwork is extremely well done. In summary, It doesn't leave me wanting more, I won't be following the series.

Chasing the Dragon #1

Feb 25, 2021

Great opening and flow. Enjoying the different characters and story. My only real complain is the artwork in a few spots, the fingers especially look a bit bleh, lol. However, I think the colors fit the storyline PERFECT. Added to my pull-list.

Children of the Grave #1

Feb 10, 2021

I really enjoyed the story, I'm giving that a 9.5 The artwork is good but it's a bit odd in that, while there are some really great scenes, there are also some where the shading and symmetry seems a bit too off. What an ending! Got my attention, it's on my pull list.

Children of the Grave #2

Feb 10, 2021

What an opening, geez, that went to some gore in a hurry, haha. Storywise-We start to see the other kids for what they are, a bit brainless. The new character Cyrus is a welcome addition as the plot develops. Funny enough, they spell her name CRYrus in one spot, think the editors missed it. The artwork was even better in this issue. Really like the colors. This series so far has some cliff hanging endings.

Claim: A Song of Ire and Vice #1

Jan 29, 2021

They hit it out of the ballpark with this one. First and foremost, I just loved the humor, it was never forced, flowed perfect. All the characters are wonderfully done, artwork was great. I personally like a comic that doesn't take it self too seriously :)...Buy this one, you won't regret it.

Claim: A Song of Ire and Vice #2

Feb 6, 2021

First and foremost, this is the most I've laughed at a comic in a long time. Absolutely hilarious. It's off the wall, but that's what makes it good. Colors are great and the rest of the artwork fits the mood of the story. Can't wait for issue #3.

Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk #1

Apr 15, 2021

This was pretty bad and generic writing. Artwork was the only thing I enjoyed about it. Definitely wouldn't pick up the second issue.

Doctor Mirage (2019) #5

Sep 8, 2020

The artwork is incredible and the covers are great. The majority of the storyline is pretty good as well. However, I felt there were a number of moments that could have flowed better or been better developed. Grace was one of the highlights of the series for me.

Future State (2021): Aquaman #1

Mar 17, 2021

Artwork was great, parts of the story were ok. Just left me feeling, meh and not wanting to read the next issue. I had higher expectations, this isn't the Aquaman I want to read. Aqualad is simply weak and lame.

Future State (2021): Aquaman #2

Apr 8, 2021

This was awful. Two bad issues for Aquaman, won't be a 3rd for me. Artwork is fantastic, but the storyline is pitiful.

Geiger (2021) #1

Apr 15, 2021

The story pulled me in and I'm eager to read the rest of it. Artwork and colors are done well. The end is good too because it leaves you wanting more.

Gloomhaven: Fallen Lion #1

Feb 6, 2021

This comic just didn't have it for me, I won't be picking up the 2nd issue. It had some interesting characters but the writing just didn't leave me captivated or entertained.

I Walk With Monsters #3

Feb 22, 2021

So far, this was the weakest issue. I enjoyed the artwork but I just felt like it didn't flow properly. I hope they don't mess this one up, as I was enjoying the series.

Join the Future #1

Feb 6, 2021

Great story and artwork. Pacing and character introduction was done well.

Maniac of New York #1

Mar 5, 2021

I enjoyed the book, humorous at times and dialogue is good. However, you can't believe this one guy can kill so many people at once but maybe it will be revealed he has some special powers :). Only complaint I have is the artwork at times. Sometimes it took a second to realize if the character was male or female.

Nocterra #1

Apr 21, 2021

I thought this book was great. Story was super captivating, great dialogue and flow. Artwork was done well. I'm a fan, second issue here I come.

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #1

Mar 14, 2021

It was a bit chaotic but it grew on me as the story progressed. I can't say I liked the start. The artwork needs to slow it's roll. There were a few nice pages but man some of it is, it's too much, hard to make out things. I liked the last villain part. I'll pick up the next issue.

Silk (2021) #1

Apr 7, 2021

The storyline drew me in. The humor wasn't too forced and the flow of the story is good. Not hard to follow at all. I thought the art on some of the pages was a little weak, my only complaint really.

Specter Inspectors #1

Mar 2, 2021

It's funny and at times a bit ridiculous. Artwork is really good. No, I'm not blown away, but it does leave you wanting more and I'll pick up the next issue.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Apr 15, 2021

Not bad. The art and coloring was done well. It didn't blow me away but I'll most likely pick up issue #2.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Feb 11, 2021

Disappointing. Overall it's just boring and I won't be following the series, A few reasons-The writing simply isn't that creative. "The Needles"? Really? The main character doesn't even struggle to knock her master down, hilarious. I found it to be terribly incoherent with no flow. There are a few pieces of nice artwork but that's about it for me.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #1

Mar 2, 2021

Wow, this was much better than I expected. The Marvel one was a HUGE disappointment (those people need to go back to the drawing board, lol) I'll be getting the 2nd issue and following this book instead. The storyline, character introduction, and flow was excellent. Bravo.

Strange Adventures (2020) #1

Feb 6, 2021

I'm going back and rereading the entire series. This story isn't spectacular to me, it's not bad but it's just not great. Some of the faces just look kind of meh as far as the artwork as well.

Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Sep 8, 2020

This issue is getting it warmed up a bit better than the first. Headed in the right direction.

Strange Adventures (2020) #3

Feb 7, 2021

It's okay but I'm just not feeling the story.

Strange Adventures (2020) #4

Feb 7, 2021

I find myself enjoying Mr Terrific's character more than Adam Strange. I find Strange's interactions with Superman the most annoying. Speaking of Superman, on one page, the rendering of Superman looks off proportionally IMO. ON the other hand, over the next few pages there is a terrific scene with lasers and Mr Terrific. This issue is better than #3 but that's about all I can say.

Strange Adventures (2020) #5

Feb 7, 2021

First the positive-artwork is better and I liked the colors the best in this issue so far. However, the story is just silly. So they are stuck in a cave, hungry/thirsty, then decide to have sex, all of a sudden are out and are now making demands from the rock people that were too much to handle to start with? Absolutely Ridiculous, lol. On a more positive note, Alenna's character was better this issue, but that's it.

Strange Adventures (2020) #6

Feb 7, 2021

First off, Beautiful cover B :) Story wise-I simply fail to see how all of these different people get behind Strange, so much they are chanting his name and such. What has lead up to that? The development of that was missed. Artwork and colors continue to be good but the story isn't captivating nor entertaining. The highlight for me is the whole Alanna and Mr Terrific scenes.

Strange Adventures (2020) #7

Feb 7, 2021

Everything is fine, but then he is captured and tripping his face off, now he is back on earth and having another moment with Alanna. The scene with Batman was nice; however, overall the story once again doesn't flow. A bit garbled if you will.

Strange Adventures (2020) #8

Feb 7, 2021

I found this to be one of the worst of the series. The artwork has improved as it's went on, but the story isn't improving. At this point, I want someone to wrap it up and end it. Personally, this just might be the last issue for me. I found myself wanting Mr Terrific, Flash, Batman, and the rest to take over the book and forget about Adam Strange. Adam shoots first, ok, I get it, now let's move on to something else. The story always leads me feeling like someone hit a fast forward button and skipped something. I'm left not caring what happens, not good. If DC wants to go up on their prices, they better provide more.

The Eighth Immortal #1

Jan 29, 2021

First and foremost, I TOTALLY dug the artwork and colors of this issue. The use of contrast to bring out the features of the characters is just amazing. The pacing is good as well, none of the too many characters and no development stuff that can often plague comics. It keeps you guessing and it leaves you wanting more. This of course is a good thing. Will be picking up issue #2.

The Eighth Immortal #2

Mar 6, 2021

I was disappointed in this issue after really enjoying the first issue. The artwork is spot on again. However, I feel like the story didn't draw me in. It was kind of all over the place with the story lines/characters; I felt a bit lost. It was simply alright.

The Last God (2019) #1

Jan 29, 2021

The beginning of one of my favorite series. LOVED this book, artwork is incredible, great storyline and pacing.

The Last Witch #1

Feb 5, 2021

I liked the length and the characters. The colors were very well done. Story-wise, I'm enjoying it and it sets you up to want more; however, one of Nan's decisions seems a bit unbelievable. Oddly enough, one thing that bothered me for some reason was the fonts of the text. Something seemed off with a few of the bubble placements as well.

The Last Witch #2

Apr 5, 2021

I thought this issue was great. It was a bit fast paced but given the length of the comic, some things had to be skipped. Great artwork and storyline. Looking forward to the next one.

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #1

Feb 12, 2021

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #2

Feb 11, 2021

The Picture of Everything Else #1

Jan 29, 2021

Not sure why, but it took me a few pages to warm up to this one. However, from then on, it was just a great story. Artwork and colors were gorgeous. The moral stories fit the narrative (in many comics they are just thrown in with no connection). I'm a huge fan of Vault and this one didn't disappoint.

The Picture of Everything Else #2

Mar 1, 2021

The artwork and coloring is well done. Parts of the story are great as well. However, there are parts that feels crammed to me, where we have changing of scenes a bit much. Maybe I'll feel different about it if some of it is explored later. Overall, I feel like it is trying to push too many messages of being an artist at once. A certain famous artist pulling a gun on a critic twice? Seems a bit silly. I rated the first issue higher.

The Plot #1

Sep 8, 2020

This is one of the best comics I've read, loved the illustration as well. I'm hooked.

The Plot #2

Sep 8, 2020

The Plot continues to deliver with this issue, fantastic development.

The Plot #6

Sep 8, 2020

I love this series, my favorite one I'm reading.

We Live #1

Feb 5, 2021

Aftershock has done it again, GREAT comic. The artwork was just fabulous, in particular, on eof the monsters (wow!). Story-line grabbed me, characters, and the flashback was perfectly timed. I feel like some comics can really overdo the flashbacks, not here. Only one flaw-somewhere in the middle, it was simply a little too much too fast (they needed to slow down that action scene). I'm definitely adding it to the pull list.

We Live #2

Feb 12, 2021

I'm rating this issue a point lower than the first. Why? The flow of the story misses it in two little spots. I felt like they could have slowed down instead of not developing one of the main scenes. However, overall a great comic, artwork is just incredible, I like all of the characters. For the first time we are seeing the "real" Alice. Look forward to issue three.

Werewolf By Night (2020) #3

Jan 29, 2021

So far, this is the weakest issue in the series. It feels rushed, like someone is in a hurry. If you take away with the bullet point mythology and double spread page that follows, you aren't getting many pages to develop anything. I can't say I liked the colors as much either.

Werewolf By Night (2020) #4

Jan 29, 2021

Can we say letdown. I think it suffers from a length issue, four issues were simply not enough to provide any development and flow to the series. The first two issues started off strong, but it got weaker and weaker. The positives-The reintroduction of Pathmind I liked, and there is a nice two page spread where the artwork is great. I found the coloring of this issue better than #3. The negatives-The end wrap with the major villain was frankly just a bit stupid. Also, Jake's humor attempts seemed forced at the end and didn't really go with the character that had been presented. I think a ten issue series would have been a much better idea.

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