6.6 |
Overall Rating |
1.0 |
Batman (2011) #44 |
Mar 28, 2016 |
What is this BLM propaganda? This is a filler issue with no relevance to Superheavy whatsoever. Throw it in the trash and move on. |
10 |
All-New Hawkeye (2015) #1 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
Although this is technically All-New Hawkeye #6, this continues to be the best comic Marvel produces by a very wide margin. As long as Lemire does not go the way of the Fraction, this will be on my pull list. |
5.0 |
All-New Wolverine #1 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
This feels very forced somehow -- oh how I miss X-Force |
9.0 |
Clean Room #1 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
Beautiful comic, wonderfully written -- I can't wait until the next issue! |
10 |
Clean Room #2 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
As if it couldn't get any better, Gail goes all Grant Morrison on this issue! Nevermind the women in the refrigerator -- this book has me hooked like Red Sonja! |
3.5 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #2 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
Something happened between issue #1 and #2 that I cannot put my finger on. The writing is completely incoherent to the point of being Bendis-like. As much as I love Jason Aaron overall, he has laid a few eggs (Original Sin, Thor-post-Godkiller). With so many great comics available (none of them being Marvel save a few) I had to drop this. Maybe it will get better, but I doubt it. |
10 |
Green Lantern (2011) #46 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
Black Hand being absorbed into the Source Wall -- FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC!!! |
1.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #1 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
Bring back Carol Danvers!!! |
1.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #1 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
I will continue to reject this book on its premise |
10 |
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1 |
Nov 24, 2015 |
Beautiful, beautiful book |
8.5 |
Art Ops #1 |
Nov 9, 2015 |
Not endearing as his previous works, but Allred is really the only artist that could visualize this zaney story. I am really looking forward to Mona Lisa being in a "protection program"! |
8.0 |
Axcend #1 |
Nov 9, 2015 |
The first issue brings you right into the action. It's a little disorienting, but I think that is the initial premise. Read #2 before you give up on this series. You won't be disappointed. |
8.5 |
Axcend #2 |
Nov 9, 2015 |
This is expands on the first in many ways, introducing Rain and her contribution to this new universe. Great hook so far! |
5.0 |
Black Magick #1 |
Nov 9, 2015 |
PLEASE...NOT ANOTHER WITCH COMIC!!! Rucka -- you have more important projects to work on than this dribble. I will stick with Rachael Rises and Harrow County. PASS |
1.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600 |
Nov 5, 2015 |
good riddance |
10 |
ApocalyptiGirl: An Aria for the End Times #1 |
Oct 16, 2015 |
Perfect in every way -- highest recommendation! |
10 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #1 |
Oct 16, 2015 |
I wasn't sure how the Aaron-Bachalo comic was going to work out, so I came with very low expectations. Wow -- what can I say; I was completely blown away! 100x better than the weak debut of Invincible Iron Man by Brian "Regressive" Bendis. PULL!!! |
9.5 |
Green Lantern (2011) #45 |
Oct 16, 2015 |
This "renegade" arc has gotten off to a fantastic start! It's right up there with X-O Manowar, IMHO. Must read! |
10 |
Head Lopper #1 |
Oct 16, 2015 |
I absolutely love this comic! I wish I didn't have to wait 3 months for the next one :( |
3.5 |
Paper Girls #1 |
Oct 16, 2015 |
This comic is trying to be too many things at once. Is it Saga? Is it Goonies? Is it E.T.? I'm not sure Brian even knows. But he is obviously nostalgic, just like Rick Remender is in Deadly Class, so there is nothing really catchy about this comic book other than Cliff Chiang's art. PASS |
10 |
Reyn #7 |
Oct 16, 2015 |
This is such a great series -- very underrated. Think Krull on a spaceship! |
1.0 |
Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1 |
Oct 15, 2015 |
Impressive art. Vanilla writing. Zero action. Bendis is already starting on his "diversity" kick by having a female Sri Lankan scientist insinuate that fixing the mutant gene is ethically wrong and insults Evangelical Christians at the same time. DROP! |
9.0 |
Black Canary (2015) #3 |
Sep 10, 2015 |
This series continues to get better and better with each comic. The weird alien thing oddly fits perfectly in the series, and I can't really tell you why! As long as Fletcher keeps the appeal to a broad audience, I think this will continue to be a very good series indeed. |
6.0 |
Martian Manhunter (2015) #3 |
Sep 10, 2015 |
The art is fantastic, but I am really confused with the story. I will give it a few more issues. |
7.5 |
Superman (2011) #43 |
Sep 10, 2015 |
I think this is starting to pick up a bit. I had my doubts with the Supermen arc. I will give this some more time to develop. |
5.0 |
Batman (2011) #41 |
Aug 27, 2015 |
I'm sure this is a good comic, but why would I care about Gordon being Batman? At least with Grayson it made sense. |
1.0 |
Constantine: The Hellblazer #1 |
Aug 27, 2015 |
this comic is trash, and so is the author. They are perfect for each other. |
1.0 |
Constantine: The Hellblazer #2 |
Aug 27, 2015 |
again, absolute trash. Stop reading this before it rots your brain! |
10 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #2 |
Aug 27, 2015 |
Friggin' killer! Damian is my new favorite character! |
5.0 |
Star Wars: Darth Vader #8 |
Aug 27, 2015 |
Darth Vader having a female roadie is bordering on silliness. I have never been a fan of Gillen's work, but I really hope this series gets better. |
8.5 |
War Stories #10 |
Aug 27, 2015 |
This series continues to be a thoughtful and conservative staple of why America and it's allies are so great and that war is sometimes necessary to overcome evil in the world. |
1.0 |
Invisible Republic #5 |
Aug 6, 2015 |
Gay beekeepers? Really? DROP!!! |
8.5 |
Cyborg #1 |
Jul 29, 2015 |
Knowing David Walker, I really thought this was going to be a blacksploitation comic, but I was pleasantly surprised! There were no “black lives matter” references or social justice pleas; just a well-written, well-drawn comic book. I hope this trend continues. |
1.0 |
Saga #14 |
Jul 29, 2015 |
In good conscious, I had to drop this series. Why does every prolific comic writer have to introduce gay characters? And always good guys, never bad. |
1.0 |
Broken World #1 |
Jun 30, 2015 |
I hate when comic writers make fun of fundamentalist Christians, like they have some higher form of enlightenment than the rest of us. I think if a giant asteroid is coming towards Earth, I think it is time to pray! DROP! |
1.0 |
Midnighter (2015) #1 |
Jun 9, 2015 |
Why would anyone read this trash? |
8.5 |
Superman (2011) #38 |
May 22, 2015 |
This series has finally gotten good. Really good. I will definitely stick with Superman through the Convergence. |
1.0 |
All-New X-Men #40 |
May 21, 2015 |
I can't even tell you how sick and tired I am of gayness being introduced into Marvel comics these days. How on earth can young Ice Man be gay if he was never gay in the original X-Men comics and straight as an arrow as an adult? Bendis never did this before X-Men, so I have to assume the editors are forcing this down our throats. Here's a hint: why don't you actually have fellow X-Men come out as Evangelical Christians and disagree with some of the progressiveness on the team? You may just have a better story and conflict resolution on your hands than simply being one-sided. And no...Nightcrawler as a resurrected Catholic does not count! |
5.0 |
Arcadia #1 |
May 21, 2015 |
The debut issue of Arcadia was too fast-paced and all over the place in terms of sequence. There was nothing really new or groundbreaking here. Just okay. |
10 |
Cluster #4 |
May 21, 2015 |
This comic continues to be impressive! This is everything Avatar should have been! Rock on! |
10 |
Copperhead #7 |
May 21, 2015 |
I continue to love, love, love this series! This and Cluster are my top two at this moment! |
8.5 |
Hellbreak #2 |
May 21, 2015 |
So far, so good! I like what Cullen is selling here with hell extraction. Hope that team is around when I die! :) |
9.5 |
Pisces #1 |
May 21, 2015 |
A tripping first review! Love the synergistic flow and the artwork is amazing! Can't wait for the next issue! |
7.0 |
Robocop (2014) #10 |
May 21, 2015 |
I was very disappointed to hear that Joshua Williamson's Robocop series would be ending after 12 issues. You can tell now with the artist change and the quick steps toward resolution that this series is going to draw to a lackluster close. I was so excited to read this comic for the first 8 issues of this series. Now it's just "meh". Pick up Joshua's other works: Ghosted, Nailbiter, Birthright. You won't be disappointed! |
9.0 |
Roche Limit: Clandestiny #1 |
May 21, 2015 |
Just as good, if not better than the first series! Way more mysterious as well. |
9.0 |
Squarriors #2 |
May 21, 2015 |
How can a comic be both cute and bloody disgusting at the same time? And post-apocalyptic? And beautifully rendered? Read this comic! |
9.5 |
Suiciders #2 |
May 21, 2015 |
Believe me, this will definitely get made into a blockbuster film one day! It's that good! |
7.0 |
Rasputin #3 |
Jan 19, 2015 |
With so few words and so little understanding of Russian mythology, I find this comic series very hard to follow. I do find the artwork fascinating, even if is a bit muddled at times. |
10 |
Batman: Eternal #34 |
Jan 2, 2015 |
This was such a kick-ass issue! The fact that is took 34 issues to completely dismantle Wayne Industries is beyond amazing! And the creative team showed no-mercy to Penny-Two!! |
8.5 |
Deep Gravity #4 |
Dec 23, 2014 |
I feel like this mini-series got overlooked for some reason. This is a fantastic read, much better than Caliban IMHO. |
9.0 |
Gotham By Midnight #1 |
Dec 23, 2014 |
I am genuinely impressed with Templesmith in this book so far. This is much better than Squidder with Fawkes at the helm. I am definitely looking forward to issue #2. |
9.5 |
Rumble #1 |
Dec 23, 2014 |
This is a spectacular first issue! Action, mystery, demons, hillbillies...I love it! Right up there with Ghost Fleet and Birthright, IMO! |
9.0 |
Sally Of The Wasteland #5 |
Dec 23, 2014 |
This series was a complete hit for me! That, and Sally is just FN hot!!! |
1.0 |
Bitch Planet #1 |
Dec 16, 2014 |
If you are a man-hating fem-nazi, you will like this book. Otherwise, steer clear! |
7.5 |
Eternal #1 |
Dec 16, 2014 |
Interesting start. A little bit too fast-paced. This has all been done before, so let's see what makes this book so different in #2. |
3.0 |
ODY-C #1 |
Dec 16, 2014 |
A very difficult and confusing read. The artwork is just as confusing. Odds are if you are a Matt Fraction fan (which I am not) you will like this book. Pass. |
2.0 |
Escape from New York #1 |
Dec 10, 2014 |
As they say, don't judge a book by its cover (although I should have been prepared when I saw Sebela's name on it). It's as weak and discombobulated as Sebela's other works, including Ghost and Dead Letters. The story is too fast-paced for its own good and character development is nil. If you want good action-packed 80's scifi based of a movie, read Williamson's RoboCop. IMMEDIATE DROP! |
9.5 |
The Ghost Fleet #2 |
Dec 10, 2014 |
This comic continues to kick ass and provides us with epic twists and turns. I absolutely love this comic book! Keep 'em coming! |
10 |
The Life After #5 |
Dec 4, 2014 |
This series just keeps getting better and better! Right up there with Manhattan Projects with how weird and fun this book is! |
1.0 |
The Woods #7 |
Dec 4, 2014 |
Once again, another left-wing-hack comic book writer takes the low road and inserts a gay character into a coming-of-age-teen comic book. So very predictable and disgusting. I had such high hopes for this comic. DROP!! |
2.0 |
V-Wars #7 |
Dec 4, 2014 |
This series has gotten predictable and stale. Maberry is stealing themes from far better comic books and trying to make it his own. He is also predictable which way he leans politically. DROP! |
8.0 |
All-New X-Men #32 |
Nov 7, 2014 |
At first I was going to drop my subscription to All-New X-Men when I saw the cover with Miles Morales. I'm glad I didn't! This is set up to be a fun ride (and young Jean Grey further confused is hot, okay!). |
1.0 |
Cutter #1 |
Nov 7, 2014 |
This book is terrible. Don't even bother! |
10 |
The Ghost Fleet #1 |
Nov 7, 2014 |
I picked this up on a whim. I admit I judged the book by its cover thinking it would be cheezy. Boy, was I wrong! What a fantastic start! Cates jumps right into the action and never lets off the gas pedal. Buy this comic! |
8.0 |
Clive Barker's Nightbreed #6 |
Nov 4, 2014 |
I think what is interesting and ironic about Andreyko in this series is that he portrays homosexuality as sinful (which it is) even though he himself is gay. I may not agree with his personal lifestyle, but I applaud him for making readers uncomfortable with Lude's "lewdness". Very creepy indeed! |
1.0 |
Twilight Zone #9 |
Nov 4, 2014 |
Okay Straczynski; your anti-war liberal bias certainly shines through here. First, do your homework; Marine officers are not enlisted, and a Marine who served honorably wouldn't be caught dead leading an anti-war rally against his country. Why anybody would want to be like this traitor is beyond me. A far contrast from issues 5-8 which were brilliant. I think Straczynski himself is now living in the Twilight Zone. DROP! |
1.0 |
Chaos: The Chosen One-Shot #1 |
Nov 3, 2014 |
This was just flat-out bad! I would have expected this one-shot to be a prequel to the Chaos! series, seeing as The Chosen came out of nowhere and we had no idea who they were and why they were fighting. An origin of each character might have been good here. With forgettable characters, who cares about their story? FAIL |
8.5 |
Evil Ernie (2014) #1 |
Nov 3, 2014 |
Evil Ernie is back and better than ever! The Hell scene showing Ernie getting tortured I could have totally done without, but having Ernie reunited with Smiley is total bliss! Can't wait for installment #2! |
9.5 |
Rasputin #1 |
Nov 3, 2014 |
What a great debut! If pictures cay say a thousand words, then this is the most well executed version of this concept since Alpha Flight #13! Very well done with the art direction, and what little is said is powerful and meaningful. Can't wait for issue #2! |
10 |
Birthright #1 |
Oct 10, 2014 |
Oh...my...God! This is the best debut issue I have read this year! It's like "X-O Manowar" meets "Neverending Story"! This comic is so far under everybody's radar, but I'm telling you, this will be the next "Saga"! GET IT! |
5.0 |
Wytches #1 |
Oct 10, 2014 |
I had really high expectations from this debut issue. I must say this is the most underwhelmed I have felt after reading a debut issue since Stracyznski's "Dream Police" earlier this year. Jock's artwork is muddy and doesn't translate to horror very well. And as far as Sailor, I couldn't be more unsympathetic. Maybe it's just because I just read "Birthright" (which is probably the best debut issue I have read this year). Maybe it's because I hold Snyder on such a high pedal stool because of his work on "Batman" and "American Vampire". Or maybe I just want to wait until the trade comes out. If you want to read a great series about witches, read Terry Moore's "Rachel Rising" or "The Westwood Witches" by El Torres. |
9.0 |
Evil Ernie #1 |
Oct 6, 2014 |
I absolutely loved this series! The talking smiley-face button was hilarious! Great premise and execution overall. Must read! |
10 |
Men of Wrath #1 |
Oct 6, 2014 |
Phenomenal first issue! Right up there with Southern Bastards! Rath is a cold-hearted killer, and Jason Aaron has me hooked on him like flies to honey-butter. This is southern crime at its best! |
1.0 |
Morning Glories #41 |
Oct 6, 2014 |
I purposefully skipped this issue because of the focus on Guillime. If Jun is indeed resurrected, I may have to drop this series altogether. In other words, I have had enough with the gay!! |
9.5 |
Spread #3 |
Oct 6, 2014 |
This is the best issue of the series thus far. Fat Jack is fat nasty, and No's expressions are funny and awkward. Gory as hell and messed-up beyond all recognition, this post-apocalyptic nightmare is one of the best reads out there! |
5.0 |
V-Wars #2 |
Oct 6, 2014 |
I really like the series so far with the exception of one panel in issue #2. What was the intent on the "gay, interracial, vampire" couple? Were you inferring that the God of the human church was an "a**hole"? Are you saying that all of the "Bloods" are tolerant to "homosexuals" whether or not they are vampires? Does this have anything to to with the falling sales? |
9.0 |
Grimm Tales Of Terror #1 |
Oct 2, 2014 |
I really don't understand the critics of this series. These are, after all, short anthology stories. I personally have this series rated as "my guilty pleasure", and I am loving the creepy, Tales From the Crypt vibe with a moral at the end. Highly recommended. |
9.5 |
Grimm Tales Of Terror #2 |
Oct 2, 2014 |
As if the first book wasn't good on its own, the second one knocks it out of the park! Great stand-alone story, but now you start to see the "Grimm" reaper making her appearance. Don't listen to the pundits -- this is the best horror anthology out there! |
9.5 |
Annihilator #1 |
Oct 1, 2014 |
This is quite possibly one of the trippiest debut issues I have ever read! Morrison/Irving do an excellent job getting into Ray "Space"'s mind/reality, and I am so looking forward to next issue. |
1.0 |
Hawkeye (2012) #14 |
Oct 1, 2014 |
This issue officially killed my interest in this series. Stop pushing the gay agenda, Marvel! |
8.5 |
Purgatori #1 |
Oct 1, 2014 |
Ah, yes -- here come the politically correct bashers, who have no problem giving Collins' Vampirella praise. Is it because the writer is male and makes you feel uncomfortable? Isn't that the whole point of the story? It's absolutely gory horrific, and the fact fact that Sakkara is now "normal" makes this a very interesting read. Highly recommended! |
9.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #25 |
Oct 1, 2014 |
I am so glad this issues came out, because the SHIELD storyline was a bit weak, IMHO. I was completely suprised, thinking that Xavier's Last Will and Testament would be boring and nostalgic. Bendis completely proved me wrong, here. What a grat way to introduce a new, powerful character, and I am looking forward to see how this plot unfolds. |
1.0 |
Batman (2011) #12 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
The cover art is fantastic; too bad this is the worst book in the N52 series. I love Scott Snyder, but apparently he (and Greg Capullo) needed time between his two killer arcs and couldn't think of anything else to write, so the DC editors got involved. All of the major review depots are raving about this issue because of its overtly gay agenda. Yes, gay-bashing is at an all-time high, isn't it? Personally, I am tired of the political correctness -- you never see evil gay characters, do you? Thanks for ruining my run, DC -- this one's going in the trash! |
8.0 |
Chastity #1 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
I was pleasantly surprised with this issue! Don't let the chaos of Chaos! prevent you from picking this up. This story really picks up in issue #2 -- great job, Marc! |
10 |
Chastity #2 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
This issue is so kick-ass and can't even begin to start! The artwork is fantastic and gory, and storyline is horrific and tense! This is pure Chaos! at its best! |
7.5 |
Conan: The Avenger #4 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
I am not sure why this was rated so low -- maybe because there are only 2 critic reviews. But I would agree that the pacing doesn't pick up until #5, which makes all of this background reading worth it! |
9.0 |
Conan: The Avenger #5 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
I will be the first to admit that Conan the Avenger is a complex read for the first few issues. But be patient, my friend, because things really start to tie together in this issue! Definitely my favorite Dark Horse title and right up there for superhero titles. Must read! |
7.0 |
Enormous (2014) #3 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
I loved the one-shot and the first issue of this series. But it is starting to get repetitive. The art is gorgeous, but sometimes it's hard to tell if people on the ground are surprised or terrified. |
6.0 |
Low (2014) #1 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
If you have never read Black Science, you would think that Low was a fantastic book. However, I have read that incredible series, as well as Remender's other great Marvel works (Uncanny X-Force, Uncanny Avengers: Ragnaraok Now, Captain America: Planet Z), and this is very safe writing for him. Not great or spectacular by any means, just "eh". |
6.5 |
Superman (2011) #32 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
This is off to a very slow (and boring) start for such high anticipation. The way this was pitched, it was supposed to be on-par with All-Star Superman! JRJR is always great, and certainly his move to DC is monumental. I just hope Geoff can do to Superman what he did for Aquaman. |
6.5 |
Superman (2011) #33 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
Again, very slow and not epic by any means. I am very close to loosing interest, Geoff! |
7.0 |
Superman (2011) #34 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
Well, this is certainly better than the first two issues of Geoff's run, but the Machinist and Ulysses still feel like very random characters. I am also stating to think that Geoff is a little bit of a tree-hugger (no offense). Not buying supers being nanite-controlled... |
10 |
The Woods #5 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
This is my favorite indie series thus far! I was very leery about picking up this series, but I have had zero regrets. Makes Morning Glories look like summer camp, and it's "agenda free"! And how can you not fall in love love with Doctor Robot!? |
4.0 |
Wayward #1 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
This comic had me hooked right up until she encountered the evil teenage mutant ninja turtle gang. There is zero substance in this book, only flash. PASS |
10 |
X-O Manowar (2012) #1 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
What can I say, but EPIC! This is my favorite read out of my entire pull list of about 50 monthly series! I would write the exact same review for every comic in this series: great plot, great writing, great art (covers and interior), great antagonist (the Vine), great tie-ins, and Aric is everything Thor or Conan wishes he could be! If I was allowed only one series to read on a desert island, this would be it! |
10 |
X-O Manowar (2012) #5 |
Sep 26, 2014 |
Words cannot even describe how cool of a character Ninjak is! And the balance between Aric with the manowar armor and Ninjak and his fighting tactics are superb. Why are you not reading this series yet!? |