Paul Dale Roberts's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 310
7.9Avg. Review Rating

100 Bullets #41

Feb 13, 2003

When a man named Daniel Peres is murdered, the twists in the story move faster than a bull with gas. 100 Bullets is as entertaining as the movie Goodfellas...maybe more!

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10th Muse #1

Dec 9, 2002

Beautiful colors, beautiful artwork that will have your jaw agape in wonder as you see some of your favorite heroes in flight. The story is exceptional, especially when you know you are dealing with a villain that feeds on energy. Lots of energy!

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10th Muse #2

Dec 10, 2002

Emma v. the bad guys and all hell breaks loose! Great climatic cliffhanger as Emma finds Trident at her doorstep, injured and he tells her he is being sought after.

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Alita Last Order #6

Mar 23, 2003

You'll learn a lot about the factory of clones and the DNA data bank. Intriguing science fiction done with precise expert story-telling.

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Army of Darkness - Shop Till You Drop Dead #1

Feb 3, 2005

Army of Darkness - Shop Till You Drop Dead #1 was filled with comedy and some scary moments! I had a good laugh when Ash's boss tells him that he is one of his favorite employees in Housewares, but since he used many Houseware's supplies to ward off a Deadite, his wages will be garnished. Poor Ash saves the world once again and gets screwed. If it wasn't for bad luck, Ash wouldn't have any luck at all. Ash does have the way with women and now I know what Moxie means...mucho machoismo! I would say that Ash has Moxie. It was incredible how the Book was moving about, possesses the body of a wandering scorpion, crawls into the city, possesses a human and then is on a flight headed to see Ash. Never judge a pretty face as someone pure and innocent, they can turn into a hidious demonic creature, especially in the reality of Ash. I know Ash is used to that and can keep his composure in that sort of crisis, but for anyone else, it would be a nightmare to deal with. At the end, all hel

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Ashes #1

Jan 31, 2005

Comments: Ever wonder what it felt like to be a vampire? The guy depicted in this story is wandering the streets, having a burning feeling inside, a craving, a hunger, a thirst. This very strange guy is named Ash. Ash compares his craving to what junkies on heroin feel. So he finds himself going to this large nightclub for Goths. The nightclub is called Hell and he refers the place as the Disney for Goths. The artwork in this comic book is over-the-top! Highly detailed and each panel is like a masterpiece done by Rembrandts great-great-great grandson. Some slippery methods are depicted as our vampire gives us a tour of the nightclub innards and tells some big guy that he dropped some money on the floor, when he goes down to retrieve it, the vampire breaks his neck and carries him off into the restroom, where he sticks a corkscrew into his neck for his drinking purposes. This is not your typical Anne Rice Interview with a Vampire vampire, nor is it anything like the vampi

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Atlas #1

Dec 9, 2002

Emma Sonnet the 10th Muse is in this exciting story also! Watch as Atlas plays security guard and confronts a girl who was frozen for 30 years! Also, with this electrifying story you get another story about a very unusual superhero called Wonderboy – Hero for Hire!

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Autumn Moon Part I of II #1

Nov 20, 2003

There is more drama as Autumn deals with her so-called boyfriend named Kirk. Kirk is ready for some 'action' from Autumn and Autumn is not ready to lose her virginity in the front seat of Kirk's vehicle. I must say that Autumn Moon is a splendidly well-written story with excellent drawings depicting the saga of Autumn. I hope that Autumn Moon will become a series, because there is so much to explore. I would love to learn more about Gwenevere and the coven she belongs to. I would love to know about how some of Gwenevere's descendents coped with becoming a werewolf and of course I want to know more about Autumn Moon. This is a forbidding thrill ride into the depths of darkness. Are you ready?

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B.P.R.D.: The Dead #2

Dec 14, 2004

I kind of enjoy the drama within the ranks of the BPRD. No office works in total harmony and BPRD is no exception, there are quarrels, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, the team works perfectly together in accomplishing the task at hand. Out of all the comic books I have read, I must admit that Johann is the weirdest character I have yet to encounter. In the X-Files, Mulder and Scully in one episode dealt with raining frogs, but with the BPRD, they are dealing with terrifying frog creatures! You can't get any better than that!

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Barbarossa & the Lost Corsairs #1

Jan 17, 2005

During their escape, there are archers with dangerous weapons at the end of their arrows, there are explosions and there is even a guy named Lucius that is asked for assistance during this battle with his magic, that he refers to as science. When you think you saw everything, there is a pounding storm that hinders the Barbary Raiders escape with their fair maiden, then in the brewing storm is an incredible vortex. A vortex that takes them to a mystical fantasy land with 2 gorgeous islands and ships that actually fly in the air. An incredible bridge that brings both islands together can also be seen. A haunting image that will make you salivate for the next issue! Barbarossa & the Lost Corsairs is adventure on the high seas that will have you applauding for more!

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Battle of the Planets #6

Feb 21, 2003

My hat is off to Wilson Tortosa for his outstanding penciling! Spectacular artwork from cover to cover! Wait...what's this, the Multiverse just got bigger! Witchblade is crossing over with Battle of Planets and nothing will ever be the same again! Whooo hoo!

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Beautiful Killer #2

Sep 16, 2002

I would have never thought about allowing someone to use my credit cards overseas to throw the government off-track, so I could hide somewhere. Brigit's family knows all of the tricks of the trade. Brigit being the daughter of the two most wanted spies in the world, has her work cut out for her. This is truly an exciting series and I was absolutely flabbergasted with the cliffhanger! Wow! I can't wait for the next issue!

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Birds of Prey (1998) #54

Jun 3, 2003

Then I better mention that there is some tension going on between Black Canary and Barbara 'Babs' Gordon. There is an appearance from Metamorpho - The Element Man and talk of some old DC villains like Despero, late Doctor Light and Felix Faust. In fact Felix Faust is the main focus of this story. Artwork is mediocre.

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Blanche, The Baby Killer #0

Mar 3, 2003

The mother of this baby looks worse for wear. When this little evil baby (demon) looks upon her, it brought chills right down my spine! This demon uses illusions to bind you to its will! Blanche The Baby Killer is taking the reader in the next evolutionary step to great comic book reading!! I highly recommend this comic book and please look out for this comic book in the stands in either April or May! Make sure to tell your comic book retailer about this comic book, you definitely don't want to miss out! Blanche the Baby Killer has the makings of a major blockbuster movie! I kid you not!!

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Blind Mice #4

Dec 18, 2002

The story runs smoothly with visually stimulating artwork! Instead of spending your 2 bucks on a Baskin & Robbins malt milkshake, use it to purchase Blind Mice #4!

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Bone #48

Jul 13, 2002

Phoney has delusions of grandeur as he shows off his 20 pieces of gold and wants his mug on the coins. Phoney doesn't stop there, he wants to be the king of the village. The dramatic seriousness came through as evil swept the air and Princess Thorn is wanted and there is talk of burning her at the stake for worshipping dragons. The cliffhanger definitely made me nervous! 50 is around the corner!

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Brath #2

Apr 1, 2003

The clans that Brath leads are quite surprised to see that the Iron Helms have elephants. They have never seen elephants before and how these elephants will be used in battle will be quite interesting! Andrea Di Vito does a splendid job with the artwork in this issue!

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Brath #3

May 6, 2003

In this reality, young boys learn the way of the warrior life quickly, as you will see a young boy named Bryllin MacGaren play fight with a wooden sword against his friend Kyra. Bryllin has a warrior destiny as he easily smites his friend Kyra in this play battle. Brath may be the next level of comic book reading.

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Brath #4

May 29, 2003

Brath's son Bryllin will most likely become a great warrior like his father and it will be interesting to see if this transpires as the series continues. CGE has some of the best cliffhangers and I absolutely almost fell out of my chair when I saw the zillions of Cythian archers with arrows flying everywhere. I do believe Brath has a fight on his hands!! A standing ovation to Brath!

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Brath #5

Jun 23, 2003

It is rumored that Brath MacGaren (warrior extraordinaire) will lead his people to destruction. General Vala and Drusus have a very interesting conversation and their talk throws you head deep into the story. I love the huge battle and the ancient weapons that the soldiers use. The ancient weapons look like something out of the History Channel's Mail Call.

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Brath Prequel #1

Jan 28, 2003

The Brath Prequel was the taste of great things to come! The Decurian reminded me of Roman soldiers and it was very fascinating to see other type of tribes using weapons that they have mastered battling alongside the Decurian, as they fight against the Wildmen of Irisium. The Wildmen of Irisium reminds me of Scottish Highlanders. Also, I enjoyed how one of the main characters a soldier named Anthonius Casta narrates throughout this story. We the reader, get to see this story unfold through his eyes and ears. Brath MacGaren who this comic book is named after is a very charismic leader and the battle that the Decurian and Wildmen are involved in is very detailed, thanks to the gorgeous artwork by Andrea Di Vito. When the 13th or also known as the Legionnaires return from battle, it is a sad sight seeing fellow soldiers helping their wounded and now they are less in numbers. This is a sight that is familiar to all men and women who have served our country in war. I want to know more about

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Captain America (2002) #12

Apr 28, 2003

Meet the labcoat named Severs as he talks with his fellow scientist about his conquest with a beautiful woman and how he got her sister too. Talk about making a guy jealous. If you want a rehash of the Captain America story, it's all in this issue as the good Captain watches an old film that shows him being pulled out of a block of ice. It shows how Prince Namor came upon Cap. When Cap revives he finds his sidekick Bucky dead. There are others that reminisce about this period of time. Where this story is leading, I'm not too sure, because I haven't been keeping up with the continuity of Captain America...but, I must say I am a little curious. They show a glimpse of the undersea Kingdom of Lemuria and I hope Marvel does more on this kingdom, because I would love to see their take of legendary Lemuria.

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Captain America (2004) #2

Jan 17, 2005

The Red Skull loses his life over this precious object, but who did it?

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Cartoon Cartoons #16

Apr 13, 2003

In this issue Courage deals with Long John Longjohns and his band of spectral pirates. Then when things look bad for Courage, things only get worse when Courage also has to deal with a virus on his computer. This is no ordinary virus! Weasel has a Lara Croft: Tombraider/Indiana Jones type of adventure in which he fights off mummies and the desert heat. Not to mention running into tombs in various catacombs. All ends well when they start up their own business in the desert, not in selling gold, but starting "Frank's Taco House". Cow and Chicken open up their own superhero school and superheroing will never be the same again!

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Case Files: Sam and Twitch #8

Apr 24, 2004

I loved the way Sam & Twitch enter the room with guns drawn. Sam says it's anti-climactic, because it seems like an open bare room, but Twitch has that positive humorous attitude and says...'it's stylish'. Bravo to Marc Andreyko for this fascinating story and Paul Lee for his incredible detailed artwork! By the way, I have Spawn #134, so I am having a great night tonight of reading!

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Children of the Grave #1

Feb 14, 2005

The horror of the enemy, that being Colonel Akbar Assan is sheer terrifying, a man who instigated genocide. Now the orders to kill Assan and his troops have been given. For this assignment, it will take radio silence and Team Orphan will be on their own. The LT is having sleep loss because he must plan out this mass assassination mission. Assan has a few cards up his sleeve, since he has the legendary "Desert Jackals" on his side. I must commend the way you give the history of Assan in this story, it made it easier for me to hate this guy. A guy right up there with Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden! The paranormal runs deep in this story as one of the soldiers exclaims that he had a dream of seeing the children coming back as zombies. How can 3 top-notch soldiers deal with not only Assan and his soldiers, but also the children of the grave? Well, Reese is good with the blades and he had better be fast, because he will need all the blades that he can muster up! I love the hu

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Chimera #3

Apr 30, 2003

This strange looking Emperor has tubes running down from his head and he just gives me the creeps! Chimera is a combination of Farscape meets Battlestar Galactica meets the Transformers! Chimera left me in 'shock and awe'!

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Comic Effect #31

Oct 26, 2002

That is a lot of reviews in one digest!! You have to spend some time with this booklet to absorb all of the information that it contains! This is the ‘bible' to comics of our past!! Get it now!

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Comic Effect #32

Jan 12, 2003

Great Spider-Man cover by Mike Hall! In the 'Letter from the Editor', Jim Kingman discusses great places to sit and read his comics and the talk of his 'vacation' comics! Hey...the best place to read comics is on a nice Spring or Summer day in the park, that's where I love reading my comics! What you will find in this issue: Media Blitz - an Article by Mike Hall with talk of the 2002 San Diego Comic Con; Dan Beck reviews of Lois Lane - Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl; Robert Andres' review of Whodunnit? #1 and some talk of Robert's visit to the 1995 Sacramento Comic Book and Magic Convention; My Ten Favorite Small Press Creators by Carol Pond as she talks about creators from John MacLeod to Matt Feazell; Green Lantern meets Aaron Burr (talk about a crossover!) by Jim Kingman; Review of the Shield by Howard Leroy Davis; Gene Popa's review on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow & Tara #1; Captain Future in the Comics....Almost by John M. Burt; Asian Stereotypes in the Comics 1937 - 1956 (from

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Comic Effect #34

Jun 9, 2003

As I go through my latest edition of Comic Effect, I am humbled by the superb reviews of the publisher other than Jim Kingman! He talks about DC's Kong, Beowulf, Stalker, Hercules Unbound, Super-Team Family, All Star Super Squad, The New Blackhawk, Codename: Assassin. All of the reviews are filled with exciting details! Then Mike Hall takes over with Zatanna. Other features: War Story: Condors Vertigo/DC by Jim Kingman; Lucifer #36 by Jim Kingman; The Ultimates. Volume One: "Superhuman" Marvel Comics by Mike Hall; Batman #139 by Dan Beck; The Essential Thor: Volume One by Mike Hall; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #122 by Steve Chung; Star Trek #58 by Robert Andres. Tiger-Man: Whew!! That is a lot of reviews!! Where is my popcorn, I'm kicking back and reading each and every one of them!

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Comic Effect #37

Dec 14, 2003

Had enough of horror? Then read Jim Kingman's "The Face of Horror" as he talks about a humor comic book: Welcome Back Kotter #6, but then he delves into other things, even things that may be considered 'dark'. Then Jim has the final word on "Rainmaker" and "The House of Mystery/Cake". You'll get a kick out of the front cover with Dracula, Wolfman, Creature of the Black Lagoon, The Phantom Stranger, Frankenstein & even the Hulk in a place called Ghost Gulch. Then the back cover has the House of Secrets. Yep, can't get any better than this!! Get this issue now!

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Comic Effect #38

Apr 17, 2004

With the great reviews of various comics, you have also great articles such as: The Pirates and the Mouse - Disney's War Against Counterculture which details Disney's fight against a group of rebel cartoonists that came out with a comic book called "Air Pirate Funnies". In this comic book, you have Mickey with his pants down coming onto Clarabelle Cow and so on. Of course, this got Disney upset and litigation was Disney's next step to save their famous mouse. You will find pictures of the covers to Air Pirates, a very interesting and researched article! At the end of this informative publication, Jim Kingman takes a look back at Wildcat!

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Comic Effect #39

Jul 3, 2004

Jim Kingman has a definite passion for comics and it really shows when he does a special to a great giant like Julius Schwartz. A lot of the areas of this special will bring fond memories and will touch your heart. A great man left the comic book society, but his legend will live on forever and Comic Effect just keeps that legend alive!

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Comic Effect #40

Oct 9, 2004

Well, that is a taste to this very incredibly researched article, get Comic Effect #40 and enjoy! Before I go, there is also The Starlingly New Metal Men and a Prelude from Jim Kingman in which he discusses driving down historic Route 66 and coming to the revelation of the importance of art.

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Crossovers #4

Apr 29, 2003

You will find a nasty vampire in this story and an alien named PiPC, don't ask me how to pronounce his name. Then there is Sturm and Drang who are super villains of sorts. They have some intimidating weaponry. The Crossovers is maddening fun!

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Crossovers #6

Jun 27, 2003

You like Krypto? You like Rin Tin Tin? Then you just might like the super hero prowness of Cubby the superdog!

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Crux #17

Sep 1, 2002

This comic book definitely gets an exceptional 'wow!'

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Crux #18

Sep 25, 2002

Zephyre and Galvin are very close lovers and their lives are anything but boring. The Old West projection is quite intriguing and I can't wait to see what will happen now that Danik and his two cronies are in the picture. What will happen to the Atlanteans who are now part of this Old West projection?

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Crux #19

Oct 28, 2002

It's a race towards a destination unknown with Crux and I just can't wait to see where Chuck Dixon is headed with this imaginary story of sci-fi fantasy!

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Crux #21

Dec 24, 2002

This is definitely an earth shaker of a story!

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Crux #22

Feb 3, 2003

The only thing that gave me a bit of relief is seeing the hairy alien creature Thraxis doing his thing, he's a cool looking character and I am glad he is a friend of the Atlanteans. I'd hate to be on Thraxis bad side. Superior artwork that goes with a superior story!

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Crux #25

Apr 30, 2003

There is talk of Samandahl Rey in this issue, making the CGE Universe a little bit like a neighborhood of sorts, because we have the reality of Samandahl Rey and the reality of the Atlanteans coming more and more together. Airplanes, spaceships, spaceports and great beasts are all in this exciting issue that will leave you salivating for more!

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Crux #26

May 26, 2003

And there are certain somebodies who would love to see Atlantis turned into a big smoking crater! Standing ovation to Paul Ryan for his exceptional artwork in Crux! Crux is a moving story with heart, it's hard to put down!

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Crux #27

Jun 25, 2003

The Negation has an impressive invasion force and now it's time to awaken the other Atlanteans. It's either sunset of their civilization or the dawn of a new age! Let's get ready to ruuuummmble!!

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Defiance #3

Oct 13, 2002

Can Cleo and Syrus stop Satan from taking over the world? Only time will tell with this exciting series!

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Ellium v2 #1

Dec 21, 2004

Then there is Dr. Elizabeth Sutton. A normal doctor? No way, she created the cyber gorillas that are half-machine and half living tissue. There was some humor in this dramatic story as the gorillas were able to talk English to one another and one gorilla was irritated with another gorilla and said that he was looking for something to fling at him. We all know what gorillas like to fling at the zoo! These apes are intelligent, strong and invisible (when they want to be). The Ellium knows about the upcoming Apocalypse. The Ellium tell the story that it was our self appointed savior that was the one that banished them. There was one story in which agent Elston deals with a creature that looks like he or she stepped out of the "Species' movie. This creature is 1/2 demon and 1/2 human. The creature claims that its mom got it on with a Ellium agent. As the story moves along, you will find some swordplay and even a disembowlment. There are plenty of monstrous demonic characters throughout the

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Fade From Blue #2

Jul 18, 2002

There is a scene in which Marit and a mortician are looking at some stiff and discuss in some detail how he died. Of course, professionals whacked this stiff. There are some great funny moments between a brother and his sister (Trev & Jess), as Jess discusses some sexually explicit things about herself to her brother. Her brother gets grossed out, hearing this from his own sister. Then there is mean smart mouth half-sister Christa. To tell you the truth this half-sister is actually my favorite. She is a female version of Don Rickles. She is able to belt out smart remarks quickly and she is a looker too! Fade of Blue is an intriguing mystery that leaves you spellbound! I can't get enough!

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Fade From Blue #3

Sep 8, 2002

Another real funny moment is when one of the sisters discovers that there is a new addition to their family, a homeless cat named Blizzy. There are good dramatic interactions between an old woman neighbor named Doris who talks about a daughter that she loves, who uses drugs. I want to see more of the story unfold when it comes to Marit. Marit seems to be the leader of the sisters and I am curious on why she dresses in a manly fashion. There is so much to reveal and no wonder that this comic book is being recognized by Wizard, CBG to name just a few. If you haven't jumped on board yet, hurry up and do so, before you miss out on this outstanding series!

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Fade From Blue #4

Nov 20, 2002

Christa has a nasty disposition and when she says that men are crude by creation, made me dislike her a little more. She definitely can play the heavy with ease. Now the cliffhanger left me salivating for more as Christa and Elisa run into an unexpected friend and the reader will have to sit back and see what will happen in the next chapter to this mystifying story! Fade from Blue is a tantalizing masterpiece!

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Fade From Blue #5

Feb 2, 2003

There is a nice paced scene shift to two cops, one is a Captain and the other is a Sergeant. They discuss how another body has been pulled from the river, totaling 4 dead people. They also discuss that Scalamantri may beat his rap and its because they let a rat named Marco go from custody. They get into a heated dramatic argument that left me right on the edge of my seat! With everything that is going on, there is an assassin in the midst of things. This all takes place pre-9/11 because you will get to see the New York skyline depicting the Empire State Building and the twin towers in the background. With this thrilling dramatic story you get an added bonus called: Celebrity Sex Counselor by Christa Shermot (the writer among her 3 sisters)! What she writes is hilarious! Who needs reality TV shows when you have Fade from Blue!

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Fade From Blue #6

Mar 23, 2003

Even though this story centers on Elisa, Myatt starts the story with a bang as Mr. Banjax goes through a horrific ordeal in a parking garage. I will hint to the fact there is a dramatic scene with a man who is armed and lying in wait and plenty of gunfire. If you don't know about the suspense, twists and surprises to Fade from Blue, then check out their website and order some back issues! You want's all here in Fade from Blue!

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Fade From Blue #7

Jun 12, 2003

There is plenty of mental abuse that takes place and when he calls her a whore and tells her that no man will ever want her, I wanted to put my arm around Iya and tell her everything will be okay. Iya is told that she has to go and that he no longer wants her in his life. Very sad scenario. These are the adventures and misadventures of the Shermot sisters. The story will make you laugh, cry and at times get mad. You never know what to expect with Fade from Blue! You will love the sketches at the end of the story! Fade from Blue dazzles the reader like a meteor shower on a Summer night!

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Fantastic Four (1998) #60

Sep 1, 2002

Are the FF superheroes? They are more than superheroes Mr. Shertzer learns, they are also trailblazers that take humankind into the new. Now back to the zaniness of the FF, as Thing and the Human Torch play around with Reed's time machine and now they have to go back and help Davey Crockett! Only in the reality of the FF can we find such delightful madness.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #520

Dec 4, 2004

Karragan the Unforgiving comes across with anger and bitterness because he lost his world and when he faced down Johnny, I thought all hell was going to break loose, but Johnny now has the power cosmic and is able to defeat him with ease. Johnny is scared of that power and what else can he do with this kind of power? I enjoyed the flashback to the Thing's first date with Alicia and how Johnny coaxed the Thing on, to get him to kiss Alicia. If Quasar hadn't joined the FF on their quest for Johnny, I don't see how they could have went after Johnny in deep space. They are fortunate to have Quasar temporarilly on their team!

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Fantastic Four (1998) #521

Jan 17, 2005

Johnny is trying to help this world from being devoured and this world is ready to turn over another world that they have been in war with forever. Then what a shocker to see Johnny find a world that has no cities, no people and finally discover that the inhabitants are intelligent bugs! The poor bugs ask Johnny if he could spare their larvae. Poor bugs! Johnny really plays hero in this story and if that isn't good enough, he actually stands up to the big guy and even calls him Galen and tells him he is not the cosmic big shot that he thinks he is. This should be interesting!!

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Far From Saints #1

Nov 20, 2002

What destroys the Earth? How about no fish, no planet. What is Project Bijou? Would you believe Ms. Bijou who Dorian describes as a two-bit Jersey whore and she is all part of the scheme of things in saving the world. When everything is all said and done, Dorian winds up saving 9.2 billion lives and has extended the human race to the year 2342. Is Sunday god? Wait until Dorian confronts him with's hilarious! You will love the artwork in this comic book, highly detailed and everyone is anatomically correct! Far from Saints gave me a kick in the pants and got me jump started!!

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Fishnet Angel: Jane Doe #1

Feb 14, 2005

Comments: Ashtanyaka aka Fishnet Angel aka Jane Doe aka 'once-a-man' is one top notch super heroine and goddess! The talking intelligent bugs in this story gave me the willies. Then I really got some shivers seeing a beheading that is related to the justice of the gods! Jane Doe aka Fishnet Angel has lost her memory and now she is having dreams and visions, that gave her glimpses of her past life. It must be a heavy ordeal for Fishnet Angel to try and figure out who she is. Then if that is not enough, she is pregnant. I had a laugh when Fishnet Angel receives her fishnets and she thought she might be a prostitute and discovers through a newspaper article, that she actually might be a heroine that saved LA! Fishnet Angel's obsessed lover is a scary person, he wants to keep her confined, so he can have her forever, which reminded me of the movie "Boxing Helena". Now the city is infested with those intelligent bug creatures and I can only wonder what will happen in the next ins

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Frank Millers RoboCop #1

Nov 29, 2003

As the story moves with powerful images, you will see the hero of the story RoboCop collapse. When another RoboCop needs to be on the streets, there is a creation that will blow you away. A menacing character called RoboCop 2! Things are just starting to get even more exciting! RoboCop is a story that shakes, rattles and rolls into areas of the story that tantalizes the readers' senses! A must read!

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Fused #2

Jul 28, 2002

Thank you for the added bonus called The Implementers with the intriguing Department of National Security Implementers Headquarters and Kid Crash. A reality of high security and Big Brother everywhere, this should be a very interesting story as it continues. All in all, this baby is a winner!

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Futurama Comics #10

Jan 8, 2003

In this futuristic setting, when it is Wintertime, it is compared to a nuclear Winter wonderland. There are some funny cracks made on Canadian football. There are thrills when the characters get ready for the Olympics and you learn that when they play hockey that the carnivorous goalie will eat the losing team!

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Futurama Comics #16

Mar 2, 2004

I really got a kick out of Futurama Comics #16. Here the professor is so upset that his son Cubert's IQ has dropped by 5 points, making him a mere genius, compared to a super genius. During the whole story, Cubert acts sort of rebellious and he was desperately seeking some 'time out' discipline. The various schools that Cubert experiences was hilarious. The school in which an alien teaches his students through telepathy was way bizarre. But things got even crazier as Cubert visits the school of spells and magic, a school that Harry Potter frequents! I loved the Harry Potter cameo and this story was definitely a laugh out loud type of story!

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Futurama Comics #19

Dec 4, 2004

I had a good laugh as Fry gets a true "pow' to his chin and is thrown in the POW camp, now he knows why they call it a 'pow' camp. The other realities were just as much fun as Leela is in ancient Greece and met various gods and was later thrown into Hades. Of course Bender would be in a world where robots v. man, I am surprised he was not thrown into the Matrix or Terminator reality. Good ending as Earth is placed into quarantine and the aliens were afraid of catching the disease known as 'stupidity'. The invaders are vanquished!

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G.I. Joe #10

Sep 23, 2002

I want to know more about Sneak Peak the undercover FBI agent! This comic book is good.real gooooood!

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G.I. Joe #13

Feb 21, 2003

There are things going on in the high echelon as it is learned that Senator Cartwright is doing some dirty work for Winters. This comic book is filled with shock full of fun and adventure!

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G.I. Joe #14

Mar 19, 2003

I love the good one liners, like when Giovanni compliments the Baroness who is a real knock-out. His line? He says that a potato sack would look good on her. This is a good line for any single guy going after a real looker. I love the action, the drama, the superb artwork and I always get a heated battle and I found it right there with Mutt who is struggling for his life! GI Joe really hits homebase everytime!

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G.I. Joe #15

Apr 7, 2003

I like the way the Joes also investigate as they try to piece the puzzle together and find the connection with B.A.T. and the infamous mercenary Firefly. Now there is trouble for the ex-GI Joe who landed a gig at the Cobra front company, I hope there is no torture involved for the ex-GI Joe! Excellent story!

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G.I. Joe #18

Jul 1, 2003

I really enjoyed watching Flint and the Baroness fight a multitude of men in this very intriguing "James Bondian" type of story. I also got a kick to the reference to MacGuyver. Intrigue and drama, it's all here in GI Joe!

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G.I. Joe #24

Dec 14, 2003

I wonder how long it will be in our own reality when we will have genetically enhanced engineered soldiers to do our bidding. Soldiers who can fight better, who can run better, who can think better, who are stronger. In the reality of GI Joe, they are already here, they are called the New Vipers. Damn! I love this stuff!

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Geminar #5

Aug 13, 2002

'The Planet Watchers' reminds me of the TV series 'Lost in Space' Meet astronaut Gary Scott as he explores a planet that may not contain any life forms due to the devastation of the asteroid. An asteroid collided with this planet killing plant and animal life in a heart beat. The change to the planet is incredible as Gary explores the planet further. As he explores he encounters an animal called the Greelok. He finds a cave with plants. He encounters an animal predator called the Charok. He finally comes across some aliens called the 'Quetocans' who he convinces to erupt a volcano to thicken the atmosphere so there is new chance for life on this devastated world! Outstanding story!

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Ghost in the Shell 2 - Man/Machine Interface #1

Feb 13, 2003

You also get technical blueprints on some of the vessels used in this story, like detailed information on the Ikura, Class 24 Milov. As you get into the story, you will learn what a E Brain Hacker is. The story is filled with intriguing excitement!

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Ghost in the Shell 2 - Man/Machine Interface #2

Mar 23, 2003

I love the footnotes that detail more insight into the story. Clones, cyborgs and's all here in Ghost in the Shell - Man-Machine Interface 2 of 11! Standing ovation to Masamune Shirow!

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Ghost in the Shell 2 - Man/Machine Interface #2

Jan 11, 2004

When it was said that 'taking a vacation in space sounds boring, that there was nothing to do but stare at Earth'. I don't think that would be the case at all. Maybe if you took several vacations into outerspace and were going to the same place everytime, it might be boring, but if the exploratory vacation was expanded each time and you knew you were going to see something different, then I don't think the vacationeer would find this boring at all. But of course, that is my thought on the whole matter and I wouldn't believe that every character in Ghost in the Shell would have agreed that a vacation in space would be boring. Anyway, this story definitely rocked and rolled! Thank you for the amazing artwork once again!

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Ghost in the Shell 2 - Man/Machine Interface #6

Sep 7, 2003

The bee with the transmitter reminded me of an article in Eye Spy magazine. Scientists are now working on nano-mites and nano-gnats that could fly and transmit images and audio to the receiver. The perfect spy gadget. In Ghost in the Shell the future is here, from the visionary eyes of Masamune Shirow!

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Ghost in the Shell 2 - Man/Machine Interface #9

Dec 7, 2003

Greg Harvey, author, now has a book out called 'The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-Earth for Dummies', I wish he would do a Ghost in the Shell for Dummies. It sure would be beneficial for all Ghost in the Shell fans. I must also thank Mr. Shirow for the variant images placed in the back of his superb comic book! A good reference for potential comic book artists!

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Gotham Adventures #56

Jan 8, 2003

Batman is bombarded by riddles and he is kept busy throughout this fascinating story. You will get a kick when Batman goes to Arkham Asylum and encounters an assortment of colorful Gotham criminals from the Joker to the Riddler. Arkham Asylum is a place that Hannibal Lecter would feel comfortable at; in fact I wouldn't be surprised if ol' Lecter hasn't been incarcerated once or twice in this institution.

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Green Arrow (2001) #22

Apr 13, 2003

There is one interesting character to this story and that is Director Bones of the Department of Extranormal Affairs. If the story and artwork continue down the same path, I can't see Green Arrow reaching #50. Ho hum.

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Green Arrow (2001) #27

Jul 7, 2003

Green Arrow and Conner witness one cop using his methods of racial profiling to take in a young black man for questioning. Could have worse things have happened if Green Arrow and Conner didn't intervine? That is the question that goes through Conner's mind as they patrol the streets. It is discovered that they actually have a monster on their hands. When they discover that actually they have many monsters to deal with, Green Arrow can only mutter one word......'crap'.

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Harley Quinn (2000) #32

Jul 7, 2003

This issue is amazing, because you see Joker and Harley Quinn out on a date and even at some point of time, the Joker is a bit jealous of a Gotham policeman and Harley Quinn teases him about it. Joker completely denies it and Joker doesn't even seem himself, because of his strong infatuation with Harley. Harley says to Joker at the end..."I hate you Joker!' Joker says amusingly: "What's hate, but love with some friction?"

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Hawkman (2002) #13

Apr 13, 2003

What I didn't understand is how this cop killer cop changed his identity and landed a job with the St. Roch Police Force. Didn't they do a background check? This cop killer cop also is responsible for the murders of Kendra's parents. Carter (Hawkman) finds Kendra in flight and ready to extract vengeance!

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Hellblazer #181

Mar 28, 2003

I really enjoyed this issue, since everything took place right in London. I have been to London and Whitechapel and both places are depicted in this story. I felt like John Constantine walked in the same areas as I did, tracing my footsteps as I tried to trace the footsteps of such infamous notables as the Kray Twins and Jack the Ripper in Whitechapel. In a way I felt like I was part of the story, only because of my familiarity of the surroundings. How odd and bizarre to see John Constantine talk to a cadaver on a slab in a mortuary, but with Hellblazer anything peculiar can happen and will. Seeing the markings on John Constantine reminded me of Ray Bradbury's The Illustrated Man. It was a thrill to see John go up against some very unique looking demons and destroys them by having them step in an area that once was the hospital known as Bedlam. Since Bedlam is the short version of 'Mary of Bethlehem', the land in that area is consecrated ground in which the demons are vanquished

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Hellboy: The Third Wish #1

Jul 28, 2002

Here is the enemy I don't like, the huge talking fish and the way he deceitfully granted 3 wishes to the sisters and destroys them with trickery. All 3 sisters get terrible wishes and wind up dead. Yes, this story is definitely creepy. I can just imagine what the Hellboy movie will be like. Yikes!

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Hellboy Weird Tales #1

Mar 19, 2003

I couldn't believe it, I got other stories with this incredible comic book. There was "Party Pooper", a cartoonish Hellboy story which was enjoyable. Then "Children of the Black Mound", which was very gothic and the artwork was filled with incredible details and last, but not least "Lobster Johnson", a cool story with great Golden Age of Comics type of artwork, along with Nazis too! This was a magnificent comic book filled with great stories! I just wish Hellboy would narrate each and every story.

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Hellboy Weird Tales #5

Nov 8, 2003

With the extreme drama, it was nice to get some comical relief as Hellboy learns that his whole love life is on the Internet for anyone to read. The heat of passion sometimes brings on evil and in this story it brought on the Goatman. The Goatman was attracted to this 'heat', the same way the Son of Sam and the Zodiac were also attracted to couples that were caught in a romantic liaison that lead to their untimely deaths. Hellboy was foolish to let Emma go, he had a chance for a nice fling, but decided to walk away. I can root for Hellboy for defeating the Goatman, but I can't root for him in not following through with Emma who was extremely hot for this hellish fellow!

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Hellboy Weird Tales #6

Jan 11, 2004

Then the story "Friday" was incredibly exciting too. Of course, I really like Lobster Johnson. This was some very good entertainment for this evening! (Hellboy Weird Tales #6). Fast MOE Sidenote: Be on the lookout for Shrek #2 of 3 from Dark Horse Comics, Ferret and Vesuvius are trying to get rid of Shrek, but it won't be easy! Appearances of Hansel and Gretel & Little Bo Peep are in this issue and there is even homage to the Wizard of Oz!

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Hellboy Weird Tales #7

Mar 2, 2004

All of the stories in Hellboy Weird Tales #7 were extraordinary, but I was thrilled to read "Theatre of the Dead". This is the type of story that would have had George (Night of the Living Dead) Romero smiling. The zombie holding his head while firing a machine gun was very bizarre. When you have a mixture of gangsters and zombies in one story, you have a story that fires up the imagination of the reader. These zombies were more than . Hellboy had his hands full in this strange event. I could just imagine the music that would derive from a zombie orchestra. I will always love the investigations that the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense investigates. They are a combination of your classic X-Files mixed in with the real-life OSIR (Office of Scientific Investigation and Research). You never know what they might stumble onto next!

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Hellboy Weird Tales #8

Apr 24, 2004

The second story in which Sasaki-San reunites with Hellboy was splendid too! Hellboy deals with all kinds of paranormal activities, but this one was unusual, because he has to deal with restless children ghosts. Hellboy cracked me up, when he seems somewhat reluctant and mentions that he has to deal with immature apparations. Imamature apparations that take on the form of Sailor Moon, Transformers and Godzilla! I never saw that one coming! Then I like the homage to the movie "Poltergeist" as Hellboy says...'they're here!" I am doing a Hellboy Special with my newsletter the Peoples' Comic Book Newsletter and I will mail Dark Horse Comics a copy. I think you will love some of the artwork in this issue! It's our way to pay homage to the great big red one! Also, thank Hellboy for making me a reserve member of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense! The story "Toy Soldier" in which chidren ghosts are after toys, was a fascinating read!!

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Heroes Anonymous #3

Jan 3, 2004

The purple tones in the artwork, really dazzles. The artwork is quite unique and has a style that is eye-candy to the reader! I want to learn more about the happenings in Gothopolis City and with the Super Crime Syndicate in the shadows, our heroes will always be busy! This is a true winner coming out of Bongo Comics! Now only if the Simpsons would show up in this strange reality!

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Holy Terror #1

Aug 21, 2002

Jason: Zak and I have a new hero in the wrestling world and that's Max Brody aka The Holy Terror! Zak wants to see more of Tito 'Boneshaker' Crane. Zak: Who is the creepy guy called the Backbiter? Jason: Why does this story go as far back as 1897 when a tornado nearly destroyed the town called Gillespie in Texas? Then you mention another disaster in 1952 in which a fire at a local textile mill killed one third of the town's population? Is that where the paranormal comes in? Anyway, me and Zak go to all of the WWE Events here at the Arco Arena in Sacramento and we are both into backyard wrestling. We play it safe and no one gets hurt. I joined the TWF (Tracy Wrestling Federation) which appears on Sacramento Access TV and now have a feel on how it would be like to be a professional wrestler. Your comic book gives me and Zak plenty of inspiration to continue on with our careers in wrestling. The Holy Terror is one bad dude and now it looks like I will have to wrestle my dad for this comic

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Iron Man (1998) #60

Oct 12, 2002

All I can say is 'bravo' to this well-conceived story!

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Jagger - Crimson Bounty #2

Feb 27, 2004

When Madam Guardian in her very alluring costume finds Mark, Mark feels like Madam Guardian is stalking him. Madam Guardian is relentless until this mystery is solved. Very dramatic story and you will want to know what happens at the end of this story! And where in the heck does Mark disappear to??

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Jagger - Crimson Bounty #3

Apr 21, 2004

In this issue, it's the final showdown between good guy Mark Jagger v. Xavier McGenis. There is plenty of ultra-violence and fight scenes that will make the average Streetfighter videoholic wanting more! Bad guys galore, from Shang-Hi, Xavier and Minotaur. There is a dramatic scene in which good girl Heather runs into Sara (Xavier's daughter). Sara actually admits that Xavier is not only her father, but her lover. Then if that isn't bad enough, Sara does a Madonna on Sara and kisses her right on the lips and says that she can taste her brother on Sara's lips. Yep, Heather and Xavier's son have had a rendevous or sorts. Heather is later captured and is manhandled in a provocative way. This conclusion will have you right on the edge of your seat, this one is not to be missed. Not for the kiddies!

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John Carpenter's Snake Plissken Chronicles #1

May 29, 2003

Then I got a kick, seeing Snake enter that dive called the Snake Pit. Perfect place for Snake and what a make-up of characters that inhabit this bar. When the intimidating Phobos and Deimos confront Snake, I knew Snake was knee deep in trouble, but I never expected that he would be thrown into the sea in a locked metal cage! Talk about a cliffhanger! Wow! Looks like good things will be happening with CrossGen's Hurricane line, I am looking forward to reading The Diplomats too! Snake Plissken's misadventures continue and I couldn't be happier!

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John Lustig's Last Kiss #4

Jun 9, 2003

After going through these two stories, I had more to come. Of course, I had to meet the lovely gangster woman named Sherell Dubuque. This lady joined a rock band that played charity concerts at prisons. She caused a riot when she sang: "Help Me Doc! I've Got Penal Envy!" You will also enjoy: Martha Stewtart - Big House Living; Interview with Jim Stewart - comic book store owner and parole officer (interview conducted by John Lustig); some cool Last Kiss strips. One more lady from The Ladies of Last Kiss are: Alex Kohl who is naive, when she learns she was playing strip poker instead of Old Maid, she kills the guy who initiated the game. Results of a writing contest, where contestants try to put in their own script to word balloons from Last Kiss! Other stories featured are: "In the Arms of the Law" (a lady who is in love with a traffic cop); "Escape from Killigan's Island" (a parody of Gilligan's Island - find out what really happened on that island!). John Lustig's Last Kiss i

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Jonas - Tales of an Ironstar #2

Dec 24, 2004

I really like the character named Gareth, he is quite knowledgeable on what occurred before the Great War and after the Great War. He collects artifacts that hint upon the truth and studies the lost sciences, like a microscope. Gareth is ranked as a Thirdstar. I am loking forward to the continuation of this story to see how the ranking works from a Firststar to a Thirdstar and so on. It is mentioned that 700 years back that Ironstars kept the people safe and when a book is opened and Wyatt Earp is shown in a photo, it is mentioned that he probably would have been a good Firststar. After the Great War, parts of the lands that we are familiar with are now underwater. It seems that planes dropped bombs and from there people and animals had to adapt after the war. That adaptation lead to mutations and that is why the lands are filled with demons, monsters and whatnot. It was either adapt or die. From the cavewalls, the tribes tried to record the events of what happened and what I

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Judge Dredd Megazine #202

Apr 7, 2003

With Devlin Waugh story, the art was outstanding and breath-taking! It is interesting on the concept of Nosferatu (vampires). That vampires don't always have to suck blood, but there are vampires who feed on various body secretions from tears, semen, milk and even lymphatic fluid! The vampires that drink other fluids are referred to as subspecies. I have always believed that there are energy vampires, for example the high school history teacher that would drain you mentally with his monotone voice as he talked about Charlemagne. Or the sexual vampires who must go from one partner to another, they are never satisfied with one person. Or the negative vampires who are so full of negativity that when they walk into a room, everyone is feeling down, because of their negative attitude and irrational behavior. But, that is only my theory. Enjoyed the interesting talk of Lilith, she is a diabolical being that gave me the chills. Then as the vampire was talking of his first kill and ho

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Justice League Adventures #26

Dec 28, 2003

Enjoyed the ending when Superman invites Adam Strange to join the JLA and Adam is flattered and right about the time he give his answer, the JLA are zapped back to Earth.

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Kameelman #1

Oct 24, 2002

Note that this book is not yet available on the shelves, it will be released on 29th November - ask your retailer to put a copy aside

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Kameelman #2

Apr 10, 2003

Life is a beach and so is Kameelman!! Ahhhnow where is my Pina Colada!

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Kiss #3

Nov 11, 2002

Catman seemed to have a small part in this story, while Demon and Starchild dominate every moment and move. If the mirror image dimension equals to Hell, then perhaps it is Hell all along, it would be fitting to know that the Unholy Agent of the Outer Dark is looking to gather souls. Hell has many disguises, so KISS may be facing the depths of Hell and not even realize it yet. KISS is a force to be reckoned with and it will be fascinating to see them get through this horrific ordeal!

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Kiss #7

Mar 28, 2003

Kiss #7 had all of the elements of excitement and intrigue rolled up in one. I felt the rush of excitement as a beautiful young lady named Dani is searching for a rave in a slum area that seems very dangerous. Knowing that she is beautiful and being in an area like that is exciting in a scary kind of way. Her beauty can attract dangerous elements and I was correct as she happens upon Preston and his goons. Dani knows that she is young and being young you feel invincible. How I remember those days...sigh. My teenage stepson went to a rave and he was describing how it was located in some god forsaken place and in this story Dani thinks on how raves are located in the worst areas. I was thrilled when Mr. Speed (new superhero on the block comes to her rescue). It was quite intriguing to see that Dani had aged 20 years after being intimate with her savior Mr. Speed and seeks help from KISS. Mr. Speed is far from being a hero like Quicksilver or Flash. He must siphon life energies

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Kiss #10

Jun 9, 2003

There is so much going on, Beast King is getting out of control. Demon and Starchild feel they are still normal and can carry on with their mission, but are worried about the Beast King and Celestrial and his 'eccentric schedule'. And of course the cliffhanger in which Gretchen has eyes that have monster DNA in them and she can see through people. This is getting weird and can't wait for the conclusion!

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Kiss #11

Aug 14, 2003

The story of creatures being squeezed into a wormhole and falling into our dimension, sort of reminds me of the Mothman saga that supposedly really did occur in which numerous books have written about this odd phenomenon and Fortean Times has countless articles on this incident. Not to mention a movie "The Mothman Prophecies" was based on this incident. Christine is quite the character, she is infactuated with the Demon and thinks that The Beast King stinks. The Kiss legend continues with this excellent series!

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Kiss #12

Sep 7, 2003

I was wondering if KISS would make a deal with Satan...thank goodness they didn't, now it's time to kick some Satan butt! I'm still mad at ol' Scratch in the way he twisted poor Linda Blair's head around and made her throw up pea soup in the Exorcist! Go KISS!

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Lady Death #1

Feb 27, 2003

The origin of Lady Death is all here!! This comic book is absolutely amazing. I would have never imagined seeing Lady Death go from Chaos! Comics to CGE, but here it is and the excitement of the story got my blood flowing rapidly as I learn about the Eldritch that terrorized Novgorods populace in the year 1207 AD. There is a huge battle between mankind and the Eldritch. I was impressed with some of the characters in this story, like Wolfram Von Bach a Teutonic knight under orders of Pope Paul V. There is a romantic liaison between the lovely human Marion and an Eldritch named Tvarus. Eldritch have a taste for human blood and have been around for a long time. Mankind like disgusting rodents has multiplied and now outnumber the Eldritch. The Eldritch despise man. Eldritch are known as beasties to humans and you can see why when picking up this powerful issue! Lets jump ahead to Novgorud 18 years later. Let me introduce you to Hope, the daughter of Marion. Remember, Marion was intim

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Lady Death #2

Apr 2, 2003

The Greelums reminded me of the gremlins found in the movie by the same name 'Gremlin'. Lady Death #2 is an excellent story that will keep you riveted to your chair!

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Lady Death #3

Apr 17, 2003

Greelum is worried about Lady Death. Is she Eldritch or human? As the previous story indicates, Lady Death is both. She has the powers of the Eldritch and she doesnt have any of their weaknesses. She is able to touch iron and she is able to hold onto a crucifix without any side negative effects. This story is filled with magical beings and whatnot. The Eldritch have daily twilight festivals filled with magical beasts. No wonder the humans are wary of them. Lord Gara (Eldritch) listens to the legendary exploits of Lady Death and his curiosity peaks. It is interesting on how the majority of the Eldritch would rather just eliminate humankind. They dont think much of humans and find it a disgusting thought that an Eldritch man could possibly be with a female human. Lady Death is shown in this story to be a great warrior, but heck, we all knew that!

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Lady Death #4

May 14, 2003

Archbishop Helmut Von Krakhauer says it all when he asks her to explain her pale skin, soulless eyes and incredible strength. Yes, Lady Death can you explain that, if you have no Eldritch blood flowing through your body? Shades of Joan of Arc, as the chills ran up and down my spine as the threat of being burned at the stake was a main issue in this chilling story! Lady Death is gravitating towards a horrific melee that the reader is expecting in earnest!

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Lady Death #5

Jun 25, 2003

The way I see the new approach on Lady Death is as if you mixed a stirring bowl and threw in a bit of "Braveheart", "Lord of the Rings" with a dash of "Clive Barker's Hellraiser". More exciting times ahead as the newly appointed King Thorm Gara has now declared war on Novgorod - the birthplace of the Hybrid!

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Lament of the Lamb Vol. 1 #1

May 14, 2004

Kazuna Tukashiro is trying to escape the pain from her heart. Her mother died and now she is having nightmares and visions. She encounters her long lost sister Chizuna. Chizuna and Kazuna start researching their family history and discover that her family have a strange disease in their blood. A disease that makes them eventually into full blown vampires. Both sisters do not accept their destiny and they try to contain their craving for blood. With this review, I had to ask Dracula his opinion on this vampire Manga comic. Paul: Drac, what do you think of Lament of the Lamb? Dracula: When I read that Chizuna and Kazuna do not accept their destiny, I personally went over and visited them. I had a long talk with them and perhaps now, they will understand. If not, they will feel my wrath! Now, don't bother me, I must return to Transylvania and finish "Model 1" by Lee So-Young and Vampire Game by Judal, two excellent Manga vampire tales! If you have not read them, then you sh

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Lara Croft: Tomb-Raider #38

Mar 7, 2004

Stonehenge attracts people from all around the world, who feel compelled to be near this monument. My ex-wife of course referred Stonehenge as a bunch of old rocks. Sigh. In this story the dream of Stonehenge becomes a reality of scary proportions. I enjoyed watching Inspector Castleberry in this story, he reminded me of a young Sherlock Holmes. This story was a tale that touches upon the paranormal with an exceptional dramatic outcome!

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Legacy #1

Jun 4, 2003

Carmen Treffiletti writes an amazing story that opens the eyes of the reader to wonderment. I loved the scene, which depicts Sorrow's Keep - the former capitol of Zelandria. Even though the city seems to be somewhat in ruins, it still depicts beauty. There are some powerful weapons that will be used in this story. For example, the Scepter of the Mindseye, ancient Mages once used this weapon against formidable foes called the 'Shriekers'. Legacy is an enchanting story that delves on the balance of good and evil!

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Mark of Charon #2

May 2, 2003

Javi has a gift, or perhaps it is a curse. He has the power to heal others and his power is being used by the God/emperor known as Charon. With this great power, comes great responsibility, he is supposed to also lead new Sigil-bearers against a minor rebellion on a planet called Yitbos. You get plenty in this story; you get the heart and guts of what the CGE Universe is all about. Get all of the Mark of Charon issues and start putting together your own 'bible' on the concept of the CGE Universe. Also, an added bonus is you get to see how ugly those Lawbringers can really be, if you don't believe me, check them out in this issue! Charon is a magnificent ride into an incredible reality!

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Mark of Charon #3

May 28, 2003

Talk about enthusiasm for one story, as I witnessed the birthing of the Lawbringers via Charon. I see Charon's once equal Appolyon was very much against the creation of the Lawbringers and I can see why! Mark of Charon is another fascinating facet of the CGE Universe!

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Mark of Charon #4

Jun 23, 2003

The CrossGen Universe is huge and with this story I learn that our heroes are in a pocket universe, that could be an extension of Hell, but who knows for sure. Lord Appolyon talks about Earth 10,000 years ago and how he and Charon were sent to Negation space. It is also interesting on how they received their powers and how various people were affected by what is called a transition wave.

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Marky Comics #1

Dec 28, 2002

Most incredible!! I have never been so impressed with this 4 CD collection of Marky Comics. Each CD carries up to 3 stories, along with Marky Comics artwork on his various characters with some guest artists! With each CD comes some GREAT rock music. I'm not a rocker, but I had to admit I found myself twitching on the chair as I was going past the slide show of these Marky Comics stories! If you want action, drama, thrills, suspense and even a bit of comedy, you will find it in each story! Mark is an outstanding artist and he portrays the female anatomy with perfection. You will love and hate the evil Madam Guardian! Jagger Masquerade 1 through 3 was sheer drama that unfolded like a blockbuster movie! There are some romantic interludes shown and mystery abound when a mob boss is murdered! If you want some scary suspense, you will find it in Jagger Obsession 1 through 3 in which the lovely Heather is being stalked by a masked man. There is some nudity shown, but done in a decent artistic

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Marky Comics CD #1

Jan 19, 2003

The evolution of Mark Cardoso's characters are amazing! From comic books in a large format to his ashcan size comics to comics on CD Roms! His artwork has changed from light with little details to lots of details, with the great use of shadows! From light text to heavy text and plenty to read! Even the character's costumes have changed! On these discs you get good rock music with the use of the Spider-Man movie theme! I can still here the lyrics...'when a hero can save us' in my head! There is some heavy violence and adult language. The story is very dramatic when an altercation with a crime boss takes place. There is a nice Heather pin-up that you will enjoy! Plus there are many pin-ups at the end of the discs and some are in livid color! You will get some biting, drop kicks and other means of fighting in these stories! You will be horrified when you see a victim who falls to the abuse of a bad guy named Bectin and his henchmen. You will get a kick out of a girl heroine named Tiffany,

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Marky Comics on CD #1

Feb 2, 2003

You'll get to see a page from the exclusive A.S.H. file records on Evilily as The Legendary Dark Silhouette....'senses her evil presence!' Moving along you have the Lex & Rex #4 CD in which we have another cool crossover! Lex & Rex meet the Teenage Vigilantes! Move over M.I.B., because they have a fight with some very terrifying aliens! Lex gets into a very hot scene and find out who the lucky lady is! There is a nice Cammi pin-up at the end with a very cool green Vinnie pin-up! Get your Marky Comics CDs while you can! Check out the Marky Comics website and find out about the Marky Comics Universe! You'll be glad you did!

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Meridian #25

Jul 3, 2002

The horrifying aspect of this whole story is when Sephie finally gets the best of Ilahn; she lets him go and doesn't kill him. To the eyes of others, it looks like Sephie did annihilate him. What will happen now?

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Meridian #27

Sep 6, 2002

At the end, I see that she takes a moment to grieve on lives that were lost, so perhaps this is all a charade to show that she is strong, but maybe not all that strong on an emotional level? Powerfully charged story that delves on the emotional psyche in all of us!

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Meridian #28

Oct 4, 2002

Gosh darn it, I love the adventures of Sephie. Just imagine how she first started out and now look at her, she is the minister of two lands and everyone is looking upon her for leadership! What drama as Reesha first learns about the death of Ilahn by the hands of Sephie and now she takes over his rule. Sephie has plenty in store for the future and she makes sure that the people know that her best interests are for Cadador! Besides being the minister for all of these people, she must now decide upon a heir. Will she become disenchanted with herself and the people knowing that they want her to marry and that they want to choose her groom? Talk about major complications for Sephie!! Meridian #28 is only the tip of the iceberg!

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Meridian #29

Oct 30, 2002

What happens when an airship enters forbidden Aroud airspace? Geesh, that airship gets boarded by very colorful security personnel with kite wings attached to their bodies, only in Meridian can a reader find such fanciful fantasy! Then the lovely General Jalea Coragam is not only a leader of the highest command, but she is a gorgeous and sensuous woman of classy high caliber. Men can only dream about being with a woman like this. After reading Meridian #29, I had a hard time getting one image out of my mind. That image is of that man who is yelling ‘no kill' as he has Jalea's blade to his throat and then everyone moves away from the man, only to see an arrow in all of it's horrid detail penetrate that man's chest! Steve McNiven shocks the reader with his splendid detailed artwork, while Barbara Kesel dazzles our senses with her story!

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Meridian #30

Dec 16, 2002

What a wham-banger of a cliffhanger as Ilahn in now back! I didn't see that one coming!

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Meridian #31

Jan 4, 2003

Then the madness continues as Sephie in the most passive manner, accepts Reesha as the true minister of Cadador. This is sure a climactic story with more to come!

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Meridian #32

Jan 28, 2003

Wow! Hope to see more of Deren, she is hip and cool. She is also sassy and one heck of a good fighter, the way she trains her own people was amazing, it even surprised Sephie. Sephie's mind is definitely not clear and she must always be alone in her thoughts, now she has one more thing to worry about. Could she actually lose her Sigil power? The destination to Akasia was a fun ride for the reader and it was even more exciting to Sephie unleash her power. A power that she called the ‘red rush'. She is at Akasia to free the slave children from their chains and they turn against her the same way as the Somalians went against our own troops who were only trying to feed them. Well, of course we were after one of their warlords, but that whole peace effort turned into a disaster. Sephie has her own disaster in Akasia, she thinks she is doing a great deed and she is being banished and shunned by the children that she freed. Sephie likes to make a grand appearance and when the children s

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Meridian #33

Mar 1, 2003

When Jad has the showdown with the great watery beast, it appears that Jad has tricked the beast into beaching himself upon the sand, but the shocking part of this killing is when Jad rips himself out of the belly of the beast and the populace is stunned by his show of bravery! Stunning story with exceptional artwork!

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Meridian #34

Apr 1, 2003

There will be more surprises for Sephie as this series continues and the biggest surprise is that Jad is on his way home! Steve McNiven like always does a superb majestic job with his crafty artwork!

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Meridian #35

Apr 29, 2003

Ilahn is enraged beyond anything that is normal and he says that he must meet death and destroy it! Would you believe that Ilahn shall make himself a willing vassal for the Muse? Yes, I do believe Ilahn has an ultimatum that is beyond reasoning!

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Meridian #36

May 29, 2003

Everyone is so happy to see his return and are grateful that he did not die. It's nice to see Jad completely back in the picture again. I was also cheering at his return. You start off with an analogy on predator and prey and you end it there with an eagle killing a dove. Perfectly done! Meridian shows the reader unexpected sights, that are unforgettable.

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Micronauts #2

Sep 2, 2002

Not only was this story incredible, but it had good action at the end when General Azura fought with Acroyear. She may be a female, but she is definitely lethal. Acroyear is lucky he survived and now has to go to the Iso-pen. This story kept me on the edge from the beginning of the story to the end, looking forward to more of the same!

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Micronauts #3

Nov 9, 2002

With the great artwork and this magnificent story, how could I ever complain?

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Micronauts #4

Feb 21, 2003

I loved the way the unusual Din Visal (not Vin Diesel) and his motley crew is ready to defend Ryan in every possible way. There is great action and great artwork in Micronauts and when I pick up an issue, I'm always smiling!

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Micronauts #5

Mar 19, 2003

The artwork by E.J. Su is amazing! There is an excellent cliffhanger as it is mentioned that there is a...bumpy ride ahead and the answer to that is determined that this is the understatement of the century. So that tells me there is going to be something very big coming up in this great installment....I just can't wait!

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Micronauts #6

Apr 7, 2003

The feats that the person or being has done and Acroyear fits well in that category. Karza is ready to invade Earth and all I can say is there is plenty of trouble ahead! Wow!

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Micronauts #7

Jul 1, 2003

I also learn that the 'time travelers' are also very good manipulators. Ryan Archer as he converses with Microtron still wonders if he is the Nexus of power. I do believe he will learn soon enough!

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Mortal Coils #1

Oct 31, 2002

Step aside Stephen King, step aside Wes Craven, there is a new kid on the block and his name is A. David Lewis, his writing in Mortal Coils will take the comic book industry by storm!

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Mortal Coils #2

Feb 26, 2003

Wow! The first story 'What Gazes Also' is pretty wild stuff! A tough cookie named Marlo discusses a reality TV show that is very popular called 'Irreality Chasm Unlimited' with Nellie Conrad, an African American lady who has been running the show. Marlo wants to do a ruthless take over and says that she wants to see them 'wither on vine and that they will keep their licensing. Irreality Chasm then will become their syndicated cash cow." Marlo and Nellie get into a heated debate on the scripts of the show and it was kind of comical when Nellie briefly mentions George Lucas - Skywalker Ranch in her discussion with Marlo, but you will see the inside comedy, when picking up this exciting comic book. It was something right out of the Twilight Zone as Marlo learns about this TV show, because she learns about the Abyss, a gateway to alternate time zones, alternate realities and dimensions. Let's say that Marlo got more than she bargained for! If you love the bizarre, you will love th

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Movie Monsters Crossover Event #1

Oct 14, 2003

Special Note: This is a hot item comic and if you have a chance to pick it up in this reality, you are one lucky beast, because you won't find it in any comic book store, well, not in this reality anyway. Happy Halloween!

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Mucha Lucha #1

Jun 3, 2003

Rikochet tries to be a tough wrestler, but when the Headmistress gives him 2 weeks detention, then you realize that he's not tough at all! The artwork is cartoonish, but works well with the story.

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Mystic #26

Jul 20, 2002

A fear that lies deep in her sister/sister relationship with Gen. The defeat comes about and this story has a very happy ending. The whole story was spectacular and the artwork made the story even better!

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Mystic #28

Sep 19, 2002

Mystic reminds me of Harry Potter, you never know what to expect. Of course, everyone loves that chatterbox named Skitter!

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Mystic #29

Oct 8, 2002

My head was spinning as soon as Giselle was accused of murder, I was much reliefed when Giselle learns that it is a Succubus that is committing these heinious acts. Can a Succubus seduce Giselle? Maybe it's a good thing that she has a Squit on her side to keep this seduction from taking place!

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Mystic #30

Nov 5, 2002

I really got a kick out of the human dressing demon named MoMo and what is with all of these weird bone machine guns? Those are the strangest looking guns I have ever seen. Guns made out of human bone. The Jazzrats nightclub is quite an interesting place and I hope this nightclub will be explored further.

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Mystic #31

Dec 12, 2002

The artwork of the city of Vardan Ree was break taking! Vardan Ree reminds me of the Mayan temples and the sheer cliffs and foot bridge was eye candy to any reader. The cave man looking mud hunters on pterodactyls was another incredible sight! All I can say is Tony and Aaron hit it on the nail with this thrilling story!

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Mystic #32

Jan 14, 2003

But, luckily Giselle is smart enough to mind meld with a Mud-Hunter and discovers that it is Sachem and his savages who are sacrificing the children and the Mud-Hunters are just trying to save them. Is Giselle peeved, or was that just my imagination?

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Mystic #33

Feb 6, 2003

I see you get everything in Mystic #33. You get a charging rabid carnocerous! You get Cro-Magnum looking Mud-Hunters and the dessert is getting Giselle in a nice looking purple cavewoman outfit! With all of this you get some intense drama as Giselle's magic stops working and you get an elaborate history of the Mud-Hunters. I had a good laugh as the hideous looking Mud-Hunters think that the beautiful Giselle is ugly. It was also very fascinating that the Mud-Hunters broke up into two groups and the other group was made into beings with human type of features, while the Mud-Hunters still look Cro-Magnum. I would also like to know whom the magical beings that the Mud-Hunters encountered back in their history. Lots of mysteries are unfolded and now I need to know who the Geometer Guild is and why does Giselle not freeze in the snow, while she wears a scantily clad outfit? It was a treat to get the lovely Master Vashua in this story too. You never know what to find in Mystic and I guess Gi

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Mystic #35

Apr 10, 2003

Youll get a kick out of Archemus this is a very strange entity. The uniqueness of Mystic makes this comic book magical.

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Mystic #36

May 18, 2003

Tancred begs for a rematch with Magus, but it's too late, because now Master Archemus rules, alongside the Magus and Vashua. The most sickening part of this story is when the lovely Vashua actually eats Tancred and afterwards burps. Giselle is helpless amongst this deadly trio. Mystic keeps you coming back for more!

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Mystic #37

Jun 23, 2003

You will love getting drawn into this world of magic.

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Nature's Guard #1

Jul 10, 2002

The next target is Hightree City, which is populated by millions. There is a liberal named Senator Toil who wants to give in to the terrorists. There is major fear factor here. I love Natures Guard's battlecry….'Let's Get Wild!'. President Raccoon had much to decide and if #1 is this hot, can you imagine what #2 will be like! Not only is the story superb, but the artwork is done with triumphant excellence! I've seen adventure, it's called Natures Guard!

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Negation #9

Aug 19, 2002

I had a good laugh seeing the dog named Gullit. That is one massive size dog! Charon is the big bad guy, and seems to be the center of everything in this story and now Qztr thinks Charon is withholding information about the other universe. Will Charon be upsurged by Qztr if these type of accusations continue? Can Qztr actually do anything to Charon? We shall see!

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Negation #10

Sep 19, 2002

Now our heroes seek out the child and Westin should be ashamed of himself for being reluctant in going. He reminded me of ‘Shaggy' from Scooby Doo.

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Negation #11

Oct 20, 2002

Farscape sci-fi TV show is popular due to its uniqueness, great quality special effects and fantastic storyline. I find the same qualities right here with Negation and issue #11 is no exception. Tony Bedard moves the story in such a flowing methodical way, as Murquade meets the lovely Evinlea of the First and her handmaiden Iress. We get tantalizing teases as Lawbringer Qztr is mentioned. I must say I was shocked and quite started when Iress speaks her mind against Murquade. Evinlea does not hesitate in disciplining her on the spot with a slap first, then the use of her incredible powers. The conclusion is powerful and extremely violent with a major explosion and now you leave us with a big mystery…who are those strange entities found in the void of space? Riveting, absolutely riveting!

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Negation #12

Nov 19, 2002

Observe another universe and see Earth is what you will find in this powerful sci-fi story. Take the Jump-Gate into a new level of awareness. Gammid is mentioned, so don't be surprised when Gammid shows up in the next thrilling story about a war that seems to have no end!

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Negation #13

Dec 17, 2002

Yes, Kaine and the others are in serious trouble indeed! This is a must-read!

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Negation #14

Jan 14, 2003

It is an interesting fact on how the Atlanteans have developed their minds to the extent of giving them great powers. Charon's minions remind me a lot like the demons known as Cenobites as see in Clive Barker's Hellraiser, but I must admit…Charon's demon horde are more frightening!

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Negation #15

Mar 3, 2003

Again, Paul Pelletier's mind goes wild as he creates a most unusual creature that snatches Komptin and Kaine and runs off with them, holding them with his tentacles.

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Negation #17

Apr 17, 2003

Gammid feels lots of grief. The reason being is that the Australians that they befriended may be gone or may be dead, because of the Negation. Gammid has sworn to protect the humans and now he feels that somehow he has failed. What I enjoy with this story and many of the other CGE stories, there are always explanations of catch words or phrases and this time there is an explanation to The Great Transition. This is where Atlanteans sought out to evolve into higher state of beings. The reader is reminded about Gammids power. His Sigil filters chaotic energies into a power he can utilize. Every Sigil bearer exhibits various forms of power and it is always interesting to see what those powers are. There is some discussion on where the Negation came from. I wonder if the Negation were once Atlanteans? Hmmmm.

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Negation #18

May 14, 2003

The night club scene was exceptional! Shades of Star Wars as I saw all of the different criminal aliens, lowlife aliens, alien wannabes and alien college kids of various species. Remember I said there is some shocking drama to this story, it was quite shocking the way Paul Pelletier draws Liz being shot. I actually believed Westin may be telling the story correctly, when out of nowhere Liz shows up and eliminates Westin's captors!! Seeing the blood dripping down from her hands was drawn with perfection! The story and artwork in Negation is setting the example for other comic books! It's taking comic books to the next level of evolution!

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Negation Lawbringer #1

Oct 17, 2002

Wow!! This is one exciting comic book!! I mean really exciting!! Negation Lawbringer #1 is dark, mysterious and foreboding! The readers will love the beginning in which the strange character known as Meroh the Scholar encounters that very tall Lawbringer entity. The origin of the Lawbringers is brought to focus in this incredibly told story. Great story, great art, but hey, anyone who reads CGE knows that this company goes for quality in their stories and with their artwork. Witnessing a meteor, that's not a meteor, but a living god who crashes down upon the planet. Because of this astonishing crash, there is now a temporary band of light around the planet. Questions pop out of this story faster than Hopalong Cassidy can pull out his six-shooter, as it is realized that the universe changes and the law of physics seems to be in chaos. When there is chaos, it is ample time for a mad god to take over the universe, sort of like when the Germany economics and social system was in chaos and

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Outsiders (2003) #1

Jun 23, 2003

First up you think they might start off easy. Well your wrong Gorilla Grodd sails into town with an army of armed Gorillas. So Nightwing will have to suck it up and bring this team together. The book is drawn a little dark reflecting the heroes and their attitudes. If handled right this comic will be a must have on many readers lists.

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PDR Talks: Quantum: Rock of Ages Act 1 #1

Nov 16, 2004

This book has a fantastic reference guide, a regular Who's Who on the characters of the story. You'll learn more about Nick Vargas, Frederich Stoltz, Billy Capra, the very sensual Skyler Hope. An added dessert is the pin-ups and sketches from various professional artists. Then another great add-on is the creator bios, get the scoop, it's all here, see how they started off and where they have been and may be going. The creator bios feature information and pictures on Philip Clark - Writer/Publisher, James Rodriguez - Artist, the lovely Supriya Kalay - inker and the lovely Jennifer Kwon - grayscale colorist. Then if you want to publish your own comic book, you must read the article "Writing for Comics - The Passion and the Perils" by Philip Clark! Then you get one more article called "My Two Cents" by James Rodriguez, in which he discusses the love of the comic book medium. You want some thrills, then I highly suggest you pick up Quantum: Rock of Ages Act 1, you can't get any better than

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Plastic Farm #1

Feb 21, 2003

Then the second story is called "The Hope". Excellent sci-fi and some good font lettering which is easy on the eyes. The astronauts of this story land on a planet and are ready to rape the planet of its minerals. All under the leadership of Captain Morgan Basset and his crew of the Endeavor. They encounter some aliens that will have the hair up on your back stand up on end! I give this comic book high regards, it's the next evolutionary step in comic book reading!

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Poison Elves (Sirius) #70

Sep 2, 2002

The interruption by Nurse Hyena was done in an unusual way, but it worked well with the story. Her explanation on how you acquired Sleep Apnia was fascinating. I never knew nothing about this disorder and how it causes a lack of oxygen during sleep and how your heart has to pump more blood because of this disorder. What really blew me away is that the blood is transferred to your feet and lower legs, causing you to have elephant legs. My god, you went through hell. Hang in there Drew, you'll pull completely through this mess. You're tough and you're a survivor!

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Power Corps #6

Aug 14, 2002

You love Austin Powers, well meet someone that I know Austin Powers had contact with! Heck, reading these secret NSA files, I can tell you that Laurie Wilds is friends with not only Austin Powers, but friends of Honey West...ahh, I better close those NSA files before I get in trouble.

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Powers #23

Sep 16, 2002

How odd that superheroes must register their powers, but again it makes sense. If someone is a black belt in some kind of martial art, they must register that they are a black belt…or so I have been told. Wow! Like the movie Pulp Fiction, there is intense violence on the suspected cop killer. I wanted action and drama and it's all here in Powers #23!!

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Quantum: Rock of Ages #1

Mar 15, 2004

Nick also has a very unusual rock on his forehead and he tries to cover it up with a scarf. Nick finally starts getting some answers in the 2nd issue, when he encounters Frederick Stoltz of the 4th Reich. Yep, that is what I said...4th Reich. Would you believe that Adolf Hitler is dead and his son Kristof Hitler is now the leader. In fact Kristof Hitler has been running things since the disco 70s. A major shock that Nick discovers is that the whole west coast (yep, I am talking about California) is now gone! This is the type of comic book that is impossible to put down!

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Queen & Country #10

Oct 4, 2002

What a great way to start off Queen & Country #10, by having the story start off 9,870 feet above Northern Iraq! I'm surprised that "Eye Spy Magazine" hasn't learned about this comic book! This is a comic book for all Spooks and non-Spooks! Since I once worked for US Army's Military Intelligence, this comic book is right up my alley! Knowing that the CIA is in the shadows, the possibilities are endless! The OPS Room gets confirmation from Ankara on the parachute drops and the drama unfolds in a furious manner! Wow! Now the CIA wants to send in a minder to take down Imad Mugniyeh in Northern Iraq and I was sitting on the edge of my chair waiting to see what will happen next. Operation Crystal Ball is a magnificent operation that is moving at breakneck speed. This is something out of a Tom Clancy novel! You never know where you are going in this story, from Rome to Cairo to Cukurca, Turkey, it's all here and more! James Bond watch out, because Queen and Country is where it's at! Now ther

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R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars #2

Jun 10, 2003

I had a good laugh when Powrie tells the barbarian known as Andacanavar to drop the cloth and compare manhoods. Great action, great thrills and artwork that will take your breath away is all found in R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars!

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R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars - Eye for an Eye #1

May 18, 2003

The ruthless slaughter of Kroran the Ranger is unimaginable, but I guess anything can happen in this reality. The chills went right down my spine as the assassin came for Yatol Murgan. This is an assassin that leaves his image in your mind because of his mask and attire. Now there will be a start of a war and things will be getting a tad bit nastier. Demon Wars is definitely a story that takes you down towards a path of unknown horizons.

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R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars - Eye for an Eye #3

Oct 12, 2003

Anyway, if I had my druthers, this comic book story is a blast and the story is dramatically entertaining! You'll especially love it when Nur-al-Din a demon Djinn (or genie) goes up against our hero Andacanavar! You'll also enjoy indulging yourself with "A Traveler's Guide to Corona" with a very cool "timeline" and "glossary"! Great use of shadows and fantastic night scenes are found in this comic book!

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R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars - Trial by Fire #1

Dec 11, 2002

This is a great world of fantasy and there are so many interesting characters from Chieftain Byggvir to the very lovely and sexy Moira! This is going to be a very exciting series, all the way to #5!

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R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars - Trial by Fire #2

Jan 14, 2003

With the newly arrived demons at Alpinador, anything can happen. I was petrified with fear as I saw the giant tied up to the tree and a stake pointed at his eye. A stake that could be easily released and the severe penetration would have either killed him and definitely would have blinded him. And what is this? A war started…egads, there is plenty of action in this comic book!

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R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars - Trial by Fire #3

Feb 5, 2003

It will be interesting to see how Moira's role fits into this story and the way she can use her magic to benefit the cause. How powerful is her magic and will it be useful in the grand purpose of things? I was completely thrilled seeing the monstrous creatures breaking out from the ice, but wasn't too thrilled seeing them attack one of my favorite characters Moira. The way Moira carries herself; I do believe she can handle any dire situation.

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R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars - Trial by Fire #5

Apr 10, 2003

The main focus of this story is to destroy the terrifying fire demon known as Managarm. A demon that possesses the innocence of a young woman. There is sadness at the end of this epic tale as Moiras body is lost forever, but also happiness as many of these warriors have Abellican gemstones to live on for their rest of their lives!

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Raijin Comics #28

Jul 7, 2003

Then with 'Slam Dunk', this was truly a sports adventure! Enthusiastic excitement got me pumped up for this story, felt the adrenaline in my blood as the story moved to a climatic ending. Any fan of basketball will enjoy this story tremendously! Especially those darn Sacramento Kings fans!

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Raijin Comics #39

Nov 8, 2003

The petition to open the castle gate is a important document that effects the populace in whole. With uncle v. nephew, the tension is thick. Keiji is filled with pride and it gets in his way. The subjects hate Keiji and he has every reason to fear the worse. This is a superb story that kept me mesmerized from one page to the next! And yet this is just one story with a collection of other greatsexcellent value for money.

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Raijin Comics #40

Dec 14, 2003

With many other quality manga series included, this is a must-have.

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Romance and Coffee #1

Mar 24, 2005

At one point of the story L.B.W. goes against Bret's own mom. L.B.W. is more threatening verbally than the Incredible Hulk! There are alternate endings to this sad scenario that will have you busting up with laughter at some of the incidents that occur. You want to jump into the comic book and stop Bret from taking some wrong paths in his life with L.B.W. Yes, alternate endings to stop the grief, to stop the agony, to stop the misery. L.B.W. at some point of the relationship even files a restraining order against Bret and in one verbal struggle L.B.W.'s brother gets in the way and gets clobbered by Bret, making Bret look like the bad guy. Bret comes out as the anti-hero of this story and you will come to terms with Bret's dilemma. You will even enjoy the "tasty snacky bitch cakes!" This comic book has black and white artwork that is done with simple clarity. It's an enjoyable read that will have you salivating for more and remember it's a true story!!

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Route 666 #3

Sep 6, 2002

I couldn't believe all of the bad luck Cassie is now facing. After this atrocious ordeal, she now must be on the run, because she is being blamed for Malachi's homicide! Mix the Evil Dead with the Fugitive and maybe even some car chase movies like ‘Vanishing Point' and ‘Smokey the Bandit', you have Route 666 #3 – god knows what will happen in future issues! Then you end it with a possible fatal car crash? This is just way too creepy!

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Route 666 #4

Sep 25, 2002

It was uncanny that the cop was nicknamed Cisco' after Francisco, because during my undercover MP - Drug Suppression Team days in the Army, I carried two nicknames, one was Porkchops and the other was Cisco after San Francisco'. If my cover were blown as Porkchops', my new persona would be Cisco with an altered appearance.

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Route 666 #5

Oct 28, 2002

What is very sad for Cassie is that when she kills a monster, they turn back into a human and when the police arrive; they assume she is a calculated cold-blooded murderer. Will Cassie always have to be on the run? Will we learn about Berkely's mysterious history? Will both Cassie and Berkely remain together as a team?

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Route 666 #7

Dec 24, 2002

We all know that J. Edgar Hoover was a cross dresser and I was intrigued on the way Tony Bedard has combined these facts and came up with a character named Purvis who is the head of the NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) who is also a cigar chomping cross dresser. How chilling that the Board of Directors to Harlequin Healthcare are impersonating the NBI so they can take away the captured Ms. Starkweather. If the Perdition operatives have Cassie in their custody, what kind of torture would they put her through before killing her? This story is giving me goosebumps!

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Route 666 #8

Feb 3, 2003

I liked it when Braathwaate did the ‘Hulk' bit by lifting a car and slamming it down. I was a bit shocked when this great fierce demon succumbs to a terrifying female demon that rips his tongue out. That was pretty grotesque, but done in such a way, I didn't lose my lunch. I had a big laugh watching Melchior in the restroom using spray to hide the odor and then I thought it was some kind of ‘crap' monster that came out of the toilet, but in reality, this monster is made of many bugs. When Cisco fires on the monster, all heck broke out!

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Route 666 #11

May 1, 2003

Strange things happen around Cassandra and if you have been keeping up with this series, you'll understand why. I have seen some freaky things in my life, but 'the twins' take the cake. The 'twins' remind me of the Yellow Kid, but worse. Then I'm not going to mention how I lost my appetite when seeing the Gastronomically Grandiose Geek eat a live chicken. Oh...should I go on, you have to pick up Route 666 #11 to believe your eyes! Route 666 #11 makes Rob Zombie's 1000 Corpses movie look like a Disney film in comparison.

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Route 666 #12

May 27, 2003

Something sinister is taking place and Director Purvis can feel it in his bones. All the time these fake parents are contemplating murdering Cassie. When 2 bureau men who are actually werewolves confront a demonic ghost, perhaps the tides will turn for Cassie. Let's hope and see if Cassie can get herself out of this mess. I am having a demonic good time with Route 666!

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Route 666 #13

Jun 27, 2003

All this is happening and luckily for her she has the grandfather ghost who is trying to save her. She learns that this ghost is not truly her granddaddy. What will happen to Cassandra next?

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Ruse #9

Jul 3, 2002

Simon never gives up; he seeks the motive to a murder with relish. His explanations are always on the mark. Lightbourne may be a big hindrance to Simon and will the taunting be overwhelming for Simon? Lightbourne has the same taunting techniques as a real serial killer of our own reality. A killer that taunted the San Francisco police, Vallejo police and various media. That killer was known as the San Francisco Zodiac and he was never caught. The police and media are still haunted by this elusive masked killer. Could Simon fall into the same dilemma?

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Ruse #11

Sep 6, 2002

There is no remorse in Malcolm's eyes, as he thinks he has killed Simon. The blow-by-blow with Malcolm and Simon kept me right on the edge of my seat! Powerful emotionally charged story!

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Ruse #12

Oct 3, 2002

Simon Archard and Emma Bishop have the most incredible investigative adventures since Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes! I loved the winged gargoyles in the sky that was depicted in Ruse #12! What an incredible place that Simon Archard lives in. The Enigmatic Prism is a jewel that seems to be as hexed as the Hope Diamond or the Crystal Skull. Death surrounds the Enigmatic Prism and a madman like Malcolm Lightbourne will easily kill to get his hands on this mysterious gem. It was quite horrifying to see Malcolm torture Simon, just to find out where the jewel was. It was almost like something out of the new Hannibal Lecter movie "The Red Dragon". What a marvelous twist in the story as Malcolm learns that he had the jewel all along and now his life is in danger and he falls to his death...or does he?

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Ruse #13

Oct 30, 2002

Just like the dreaded Bermuda Triangle we have talk of missing ships in Ruse #13! Then to really get the juices going, then there is talk of giant squid (Kraken) who may be taking ships down underneath the waves. With the gothic style of artwork done on Ruse #13, this comic book would fare good with any scary Halloween story. Even the dark and shadowy character Master Obed Joy gives me the goosebumps. Not the type of guy I would want to come into contact with in a dark alley. I couldn't help feel sorry for the dainty Sarah Ainsley being harassed in a bad way by all of those seedy men in that tavern. Then comes Obed Joy who seems to rescue this damsel in distress, but can she be safe with this mysterious stranger? What a powerful and explosive conclusion as Simon Archard is burying Emma alive! This is right out of an Alfred Hitchcock tale! Wow!

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Ruse #14

Dec 11, 2002

This was truly a dark story and the artwork was very dark in the use of various shades. Magnificent!

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Ruse #15

Dec 30, 2002

Shocking scene as the manservant falls to his death and now Simon desperately tries to save Emma and his own life. There are 3 ways to die, the fall from the airship, drowning in the sea below, or get consumed by the flames on the Gossamer. Simon has Emma take off her dress. How will this help in saving their lives? Pure adrenaline rush!

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Ruse #16

Jan 27, 2003

Ruse is getting to become the equivalent of CSI, when it comes to murders and solving murders. The heap of dead people was a real chiller for the reader. Mr. DeWinter learns of the news that Simon Archard and Emma Bishop are missing from the airship known as the Gossamer and probably wonders what else could go wrong. I like the Archard agent known as Adeline, the way she talks with a lisp is quite comical. This is one of the strangest Ruse stories yet, as there are monkeys who are involved in this crime. What's with these attacking monkeys? Who is controlling them and why are they so darn evil?

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Ruse #17

Mar 2, 2003

Theo is surprised to encounter Simon on this deserted island and how Simon and Emma will work out with Dave's Dodgers is anyone's guess. Simon learns from Theo that the people and their culture were probably eaten by the gargoyles of this island. At the end there are some natives still on the island and Theo and Simon will get to meet them! Superb artwork throughout this whole action-packed story!

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Ruse #18

Apr 2, 2003

Archard and Emma do find each other and there is a happy ending as the two leave the island. Emma may not be so happy, since she also lost her beloved journal on this island. Artwork by Butch Guise is always on the money - you won't be disappointed!

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Ruse #19

May 6, 2003

I love the sci-fi/fantasy element of the story, as you see several gargoyles in flight over the gothic city. I enjoyed watching two great detective minds like Simon Archard and Iain Crombie meeting for the first time. You will be thrilled at the exciting end when you actually meet Aldo and Alva (a hideous monstrosity) - twin siblings who were never separated. One twin looks fairly normal while the other one makes the Elephant Man look handsome! What a shocking sight for Simon, but he remains unrattled. Ruse is detective sleuthing done with calculating brilliance!

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Ruse #20

May 27, 2003

It was way cool to see Simon in that one-piece white outfit and opaque goggles on, for a minute there he looked like a superhero of sorts. Everything is meticulously detailed in Ruse, even the blueprint of the proto-type steam propelled population delivery vehicle! Simon Archard will be remembered with the great icons like Doc Savage and Sherlock Holmes!

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Ruse #21

Jun 23, 2003

Simon also has knowledge of arcane potions and is quite aware of undetectable poisons that are able to affect humans. There is a classic scene in which Simon confronts a very large prisoner who is asking for a toll. Simon manages to take the big lug down when the toll is tripled.

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Samurai Guard #5

May 19, 2003

When the channeller uses this move, he or she is weak for a few seconds. Those seconds are critical and if they are attacked, they could lose their life in the process. Kirk Abrigo also does the artwork in this incredible comic book and the Sakura Castle setting was wonderfully done. I love the way the drama is set forth as Shogun Tomada-Sama talks with Zato-Sama. Zato tells how he could not find any evidence to indicate that Miamoto Shindo is a traitor. I felt like I was eavesdropping on these two and then sitting back as the story unfolds in front of me. Excellent storytelling! If you want to see some magic in the form of a 'dragon flame', or possibly a Noh assassin, then this is the comic book for you. If you were to take Samurai Guard and place it on the silver screen, the action you would see would equal to the action displayed in Matrix: Reloaded!

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Satyr (Midas Well) Vol. 1 #2

Oct 24, 2002

The two main things I learned from this story is that Prometheus created all living things and life begins anew. You'll find out why Dionysus died, came back alive and died again. Mike Indovina takes ancient mythology, does a few adjustments and comes up with the brilliant saga called: Satyr!

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Savage Dragon (1993) #99

Jul 5, 2002

It all comes down to the fact that the good Savage Dragon killed Darklord and this ruined the bad Savage Dragon's plans. The bad Dragon doesn't hesitate to let it be known that he is the Dragon from Darkworld! What a way to go, the Dragon from Darkworld who Savage Dragon couldn't have killed anyway, is sent out to oblivion, into the dark void forever and ever! What a good way to end this segment!

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Savage Planet #2

Jul 20, 2002

One way to tell if an alien 'crawler' is actually a crawler is that the weather is cold and this human is lightly dressed and the weather seems not to effect him. I like the MIB movie reference made in the conversation between characters, it brings light-hearted humor to the story. I also love Autumn, she is one lady that has strength in personality and attitude. I love everything about Savage Planet and very much looking forward to the next issue!

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Science Fiction Darkside #2

Jul 18, 2002

Hmm…what else you might ask? How about a story called ‘Sparkling Memories' by Joel Owens, an episode guide; a five-page sci-fi story done comic book style – created by Jon Gilbert and Seppo Makinen. Beyond Spandex column by Jon Gilbert, Yul Tolbert sci-fi artwork and MORE! This ‘zine has the potential to shake up the sci-fi world with its fabulous information. There is plenty to read and look at. This ‘zine will definitely keep you away from the video games and from TV!! For a buck fifty you get lots of entertainment!

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Science Fiction Darkside #4

Jul 1, 2003

Also in the zine, you actually get a comic book of superb science fiction material called "Space Locust". If you love science fiction, this is the Sci-Fi Channel in a booklet!

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Scion #27

Sep 1, 2002

The lesser races love Ethan and chant his name, but how long will this last when they find out the would be assassin is actually slain by Exeter who has disobeyed Ethan's direct order. Exeter is he truly an ally or something else?? If Ethan is a hero to the lesser races, maybe he should take out the word 'lesser' to show them that they truly are equal. This story is truly a mystery as I haven't a clue what will occur next!! Talk about intriguing, it's all here with Scion!

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Scion #29

Oct 28, 2002

Ashleigh holds her head up in pride, but she is feeling the pressure from Kai and she knows that Kai blames her brother for Artor's murder. Kai is a very bitter man. I have a hard time fathoming that Kai is ready to disown Ethan. At least Ethan's sister Ylena and Ashleigh are getting along and Ashleigh is receiving some very sound advice from Ylena, which should help her with her relationship with Ethan.

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Scion #31

Dec 24, 2002

It can't get any more suspenseful than this!!

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Scion #35

May 2, 2003

Wow! Can you believe it? Ylena - Princess of the Heron Dynasty is marrying Bron - King of the Raven Dynasty! Why would the Heron King allow this? What madness is this? Why would the Heron King allow his princess daughter to marry a savage murderer? All for peace between the two kingdoms? Hogwash, I don't believe it for one moment. Ashleigh and Ethan are very concerned over this marriage and they can't understand why Ethan's king father would allow such a marriage to happen. Ylena cries during her wedding vows, she is against this marriage and Ethan at the last moment tries to stop the marriage. The marriage continues and there is an evil smile upon Bron's face as he seals the marriage bonding with a kiss. Things just can't get any crazier than this!

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Scion #36

May 27, 2003

What a terrible thing to say during a wedding and of all things Mai Shen was impersonating Ethans' father, so where in the heck is Ethan's father? I can't take this anymore, everything is turning out chaotic and I believe life is going to be hell for Ethan and his brothers. Terrible things are going to happen in Scion and I can't wait to find out exactly what it is! The suspense is killing me!

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Scion #37

Jun 25, 2003

King Bron is such a jokester, he tells Ylena, that he is not a cruel man, unless forced to be.....ya, right! I was quite surprised to see Prince Kort slay his own brother King Bron!! Yep, it all happens here in Scion #37! Ylena is now a widow......geesh! Imagine that!

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Shades of Blue #1

Jul 2, 2003

The story flows like scripts from Beverly Hills 90210, but done in a humorous vein. There is always a tattletale in any student body and there is one here, named Heidi. The artwork is cartoony and in black and white, but it works great with the story. Shades of Blue are shades of hilarity!

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Shaman King #1

Dec 25, 2004

Comments: Yoh Asakura is a transfer student at Shinra Private Junior High School. Yoh is a very unique individual, he is a shaman and has the ability to befriend and talk with ghosts. His sensei was a deceased Samurai named Amidamaru. Amidamaru taught Yoh how to channel spirits within his body, to allow the spirit to possess him and use his powers. At times, this can be very dangerous and this story deals with a dangerous episode in Yohs life. Average Manga black and white artwork with basic detailing.

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Shi #1

Dec 9, 2002

Slight humor as Yuri keeps being teased that she fights like a girl. But, let me tell you this girl can fight better than most male warriors. I could hear that Rocky movie theme song ‘Eye of the Tiger' as it is mentioned that Yuri must fight like the Tiger of Death! Pure adrenalin rush! Pure excitement!

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Shi #2

Dec 10, 2002

Shi #2 will have you gyrating in your seat, as you will receive some shocking images that will give you a jolt right up the spinal cord!

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Shooting Star Comics Anthology #3

Feb 9, 2004

Then 'Looking for Lou' was some great cowpoke fun, as one character is ready to attend a hanging and everything centers around the death of Louis McGillicuddy. There is the reading of the will and ol' Lou wants his saloon to go the eldest next of kin. I must say this was one entertaining comic book and each page, I was taken aback by the superb artwork! The staff at Shooting Star are exceptionally talented in their artwork, stories and lettering. I was quite impressed, this is truly a gem of a comic book!

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Sigil #26

Jul 28, 2002

What's beautiful about this comic book, is not only do you get this story, but you also get a story called 'Nonessential Personnel', which deals with the Saurians outlook on events. What I loved was seeing the battle inside one large spaceship and then watching the interactions of the human Ronolo who has sided with Saurian general Hrad and the readers learn that they are responsible for thousands of Saurians deaths. Now all they wish is to escape and hope that they will be forgotten.

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Sigil #27

Aug 19, 2002

When Sam teleports he connects many of the other CrossGen worlds, but he is missing a few like The Way of the Rat, Route 666 and The Ruse. I'm still waiting to see The Ruse, Route 666 and The Way of the Rat connection, but I am a little ambivalent because we're not supposed to have any cross-overs or intermingling of the CG worlds, yet here's Sam wondering around (supposedly) at will…ok, so the central conceit of the Sigil and the beings who gifted the sigils on the bearers links all the books, with The First stepping in to more than one book too linking things together, but we don't want to force people to read other stories for crappy DC-like crossover reasons…

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Sigil #28

Sep 25, 2002

Climactic scene after scene as Khyradon went up against Sam. Khyradon is obsessed with wanting genocide against all of humankind. Sigil #28 has a weapon of mass destruction that would make President Bush shake in his boots. A weapon that could collapse a star and is Sam going to get the blame for mishandling this weapon?

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Sigil #29

Oct 20, 2002

Everytime I turn on CNN News, I hear about Iraq or North Korea possibly building weapons of mass destruction, but what would they do with a weapon called The Sun-Dampener? A weapon so powerful that if you project the weapon into the sun, it will absorb the heat of the sun. This kind of technology is on the godly level. Sigil #29 gets you pondering about the CrossGen Universe and the incredible encounters that you will find in each and every title. What makes you shake, rattle and roll with Sigil #29 is when you see the powerful Sigil bearing Samandahl Rey go toe-to-toe in a battle galore with Kyradon! Admiral Umpala claims the Saurian threat is neutralized, but for how long? Now that the lizards are engaged in their own civil war, will this lead into the ultimate downfall of those nasty lizards? Well, only time will tell, so I will stay turned to the next exciting episode of Sigil!

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Sigil #30

Nov 19, 2002

As our heroes ponder what will happen when you enter a wormhole and where you might wind up at, there is also the discovery of the Walando T-78 that is affectionately known as The Defiance. General Samandahl Rey enters the Defiance and is given a powerful recognition salute from the troops! When the hoopla dies down Sam learns the terrible news of how the Bitterluck went missing and nothing seems to be going right. If order is actually chaos...then we have it right here in this series!

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Sigil #31

Dec 18, 2002

The General has a nice surprising answer and is confident on what needs to be done. This story gives you a major rush to all of your known senses! You'll gasp in delight at the outstanding artwork by Scot Eaton!

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Sigil #32

Jan 12, 2003

Chuck Dixon delivers the humor in Sigil #32! There were many good one-liners and I enjoyed the battle scene as the Bitterluck crew face down the monstrous slug also known as a 'mountain of snot'. I got plenty of shivers as some of the crew became nothing more than skeletal remains after this slug finished them off. Then the goosebumps came as all of the fauna of this strange world stands ready to attack and eat the Bitterluck crew. I don't think I would ever want to be a crew member of a starship called the Bitterluck, because that is exactly what they are having....bitter luck! It is fortunate that the fauna are afraid of that one thing on the Bitterluck and can it be the other Roiya? And for what reason? What a grotesque scene as the monstrocities turn on each other and start eating each other. What is fascinating is that every animal of this world is carnivorous. There was a tad bit of romance in this story too, as Zanni and Jons are battling these creatures and during the time that

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Sigil #33

Feb 25, 2003

Superior artwork along with a marvelous story that moves with a pounding rhythm. I love the junk-collecting alien that is depicted in this story too. Where do the creators get the ideas for these characters?

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Sigil #35

Apr 17, 2003

The Saurians will not find any mercy when they face up to Vega. One of the lizards announces that they are surrendering and that they have wounded. Vega goes ballistic and fires his weapons killing them all! Samandahl Rey scolds Vega for this vicious act, but to Vega he thinks he has done nothing wrong, to him the enemies are just lizards. Vega has a bitterness that goes to the core of his being. The lizards as he calls them, killed his whole family on Azimor Colony. This is something that Vega will never forget and he seeks vengeance with all of his heart. Sam loses his anger with Vega, when Vega steps in to save a young girls life from the hands of a lizard. Sam is grateful for Vegas heroism. The artwork is incredible and the Raptor Riders were incredibly awesome to look at. I would think Sam and his crew would think this was an intimidating sight to see, but I know they will be able to handle any situation that comes up.

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Sigil #36

May 14, 2003

What was a shock is to see that the hologram Roiya is actually true Negation and now Sam is being blamed by the Negation themselves for opening a portal from their world to Sam's world. It's bad enough that Sam and his Bitterluck crew have to deal with Saurians, but now they have to deal with the Negation! Things can't get any worse...or can they? Sigil is a fraction of endless possibilities on what the CGE Universe is all about!

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Simpsons Comics #89

Jan 11, 2004

Simpsons Comics #89 was a fun house of laughs from bits and pieces that included on how Marge's garden is doing so well, because of the nuclear plant that is nearby to how Homer adopts Nelson because his parents are in the witness protection program. Then seeing Homer using Nelson as a bouncer at his home, to get rid of solicitors was just plain crazy fun!

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Sojourn #14

Aug 19, 2002

As I thought this could be a sequel to the Scorpion King, things took a different turn as Arwyn and Gareth encounter the Governors' Harem Chambers. The Ankhavan that clutches Gareth's throat is a giant. Gareth had better place his wits together and come up with some fast talking!

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Sojourn #15

Sep 25, 2002

Sojourn #15 has mystique. That mystique falls upon the Dawn Warrior who searches out the lost Dawn Sword that harnesses the power of the sun, things are going to get pretty doggone exciting!

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Sojourn #16

Oct 17, 2002

What a great way to trick the reader. In Sojourn #16's beginning it appears that Arwyn and Gareth are intimate and Gareth is shocked to find Arwyn in his bed, he thought they were supposed to be platonic. When seeing this, I was shocked as when Mulder and Scully kissed for the first time on X-Files. Then…bam! It was all a dream, poor Gareth! Will Gareth ever have the chance to become Arwyn's lover? Maybe after the mission is all over with, these two will actually hook up. The story is quite intriguing as the Ankharan known as Rahm leads Arwyn & Gareth to closed lower passages. When this corridor is finally opened, the air is filled with stench odor and Gareth has a hard time breathing this dead air, it reminded me of when they first opened up King Tut's tomb. High intensity drama as Arwyn falls into some kind of pit. What I couldn't understand is why Rahm who has angel wings didn't follow Arwyn into the hole to save her? Arwyn literally stumbles upon the great artifact called the

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Sojourn #17

Nov 19, 2002

Gareth hears the words...'where are the rebels? How many are there? Who is Dawn Warrior that leads them?' Gareth submits, a very tragic scene. What is more tragic is seeing Gareth lead to the cliffs to be thrown over and gives Arwyn her first and last kiss. This story moved so fast, it practically gave me a nose bleed! What a dynamic cliffhanger! Will Gareth survive? Will a flying Ankharan save his life in time? Only time will tell and believe me, I'll be right there!

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Sojourn #18

Dec 18, 2002

May the gods look down upon Arwyn's lonely journey of revenge against Mordath!

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Sojourn #19

Jan 14, 2003

What a beautiful way to present the past history of Arwyn, it allows the reader to get even more closer to this great heroine!

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Sojourn #20

Feb 25, 2003

How did Gareth survive his fall? Will Gareth and Arwyn really show their hidden love to each other, now that Gareth is back? Did Gareth lose a tooth when Arwyn punched him in the mouth, for not letting her know that he was alive? All these answers and more, in the next exciting issue of Sojourn!

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Sojourn #22

May 2, 2003

Gorgeous cover!! If you love the beauty of Arwyn, she's depicted in all her beauty in this knock-out cover! A troll soldier named Harren is told to stand down by Captain Bohr. Harren had his sword in the air and was ready to behead Francis. Captain Bohr feels that Francis may be useful in their crusade against Arwyn and the others. Seeing the troll soldiers in this blistering desert reminds me of scenes from the movie "Dune". The sand creatures that hide themselves underneath rocks are amazing and the way the Urinethi (sand creature) grabs ahold of a large lizard and drags him into the sandhole was amazing. I can't find this on the Animal Planet, that's for sure! It's great to see Arwyn and Gareth back together again. Wait a minute, the Urinethi are not just sand creatures, but they are some kind of people of the desert sand! Gareth and Arwyn are swallowed up by the sand as they were surrounded by the Urinethi! Soujourn #22 has a desert mystery that would rival anything that Lawrence o

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Sojourn #23

May 14, 2003

Is Gareth correct? Could the trolls be united with the Urnethi? I think I was more shocked than Gareth was, when Cassidy betrays them to the enemy. Did Cassidy do this for a grander reason? A reasonable betrayal that can possibly help Gareth and Arwyn to escape from their nightmare? Sojourn is definitely a step into the unknown!

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Solus #1

Apr 1, 2003

Solus is not to be confused with the lame George Clooney movie called Solaris. Solus is much more than that and will take you beyond the realms of imagination!

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Solus #2

May 1, 2003

See a comic book like this gets the reader thinking about all kinds of stuff! If you want energy, there is plenty of energy in this comic book! Energy that comes alive through the story and the artwork! A power cosmic that is unbelievable! You will have to check out the unusual weapons in this issue too, like The Circlet and 6 other mysterious weapons. The Seven Weapons of Altwaal are shown in their full glory in this exciting story. If you want to understand the CGE Universe a little bit better, then this is a definite must read!

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Solus #3

May 24, 2003

Miracles happen at CGE everyday and Solus is just one more creative miracle that is catching the comic book industry by storm!

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Solus #4

Jun 27, 2003

A very unusual aspect that Andra accepts, since she is pleased with her appearance on any world she visits. There is some chaos going on in this story, as the populace of this world was turned into salt by the Sigil's power. Miko is the guilty sigil bearer and he has much to learn about his powers.

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Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) #143

Dec 4, 2004

I think Col. Stripe and the Freedom Fighters would have probably given Scales another chance. Now Scales has no one. This was just as bad as when I went on my Hawaiian honeymoon with my ex-wife Patricia Mary Roberts and we went to see Don Ho back stage and he had the audicity to kiss my ex-wife on the lips, as I looked on. Don Ho reminds me of Scales!

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Spawn #123

Mar 28, 2003

It's odd to see Spawn helpless, but when he is in the form of Al Simmons, I guess this is possible. Who would think Nyx, a mere Wiccan could make Al Simmons feel helpless and powerless. A man who has been described as a 'soldier from Hell'. I felt sorry for Al, as his loneliness is overwhelming and all he wants is to be touched and Nyx is available for him. Nyx is attractive and Al falls for her enchanting beauty. The scene in which Al pulls a shard from his arm and his blood spills out and becomes his Spawn cape was an incredible scene. Angel Medina depicts this with awesome clarity. Al in this scene feels his curse in being Spawn. It was a horrifying scene to see Al entrapped by the seductive Nyx and now she takes a large blade and is ready to thrust it into his chest. It still echoes in my mind on what she had to say to Al: "I won't lie to you Al, this is going to hurt!" As the blade is placed squarely over his heart! Wow!

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Spawn #129

Nov 8, 2003

While this is going on, the scene shifts to Al Simmons being held hostage by Twitch. I love stories within stories and then back to the killing in which the killer known as Jason is fighting with some inner demon. Poor Jason tries to wrestle back control, but this inner demon is a whole lot stronger than Jason's will. It was strange to see a helpless Al Simmons being verbally tormented by Twitch, but the tables turn on Twitch as Al Simmons resumes his role as Spawn and gives Twitch a few things to think about. Then the cliffhanger with Al Simmons being shot really through me off guard! What an excellent story! Keep them coming!

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Spawn #130

Dec 14, 2003

It was heartbreaking to see how Max's father was ready to show his full support and love for his son, no matter what he has become. Then seeing the haunting image of the little girl named Sally with a gun and how Max may be in jeopardy. There is something freaky about a little psychotic girl. This story was definitely enthralling and I am surely looking forward to the next installment!

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Spider-Girl (1998) #52

Oct 3, 2002

Wow! Spider-Girl and The Scarlet Spider on the front cover of Spider-Girl #52! May 'Maydey' Parker really must step out of her father's shadow. Being the daughter of Spider-Man seems to have jinxed her as she now feels incompetant as a superhero. Just the mention of the names Kaine & Mongrain has May's mother startled. Those names bring back too many memories of a bad past and I can only wonder what will happen next. Jack Jameson aka The Buzz is a hoot, as he really has it bad for May. May is a beautiful young lady that must deal with many boys that are infactuated with her. It will be interesting to see who she will fall for eventually. Peter Parker to retire? I don't believe that for one moment. Peter makes a good point. Superheroes just like sports athletics only have so many good years in them and retirement at a certain age does seem like a logical move. But, I could never imagine Spider-Man retiring, the Marvel Universe will never allow him. Dark Devil has one cool costume and it

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Star Wars: Republic (2002) #47

Jan 8, 2003

The drama runs high when Obi disciplines Anakin and tells him to take responsibility for his own mistakes. Wait until you see what this rebellious young man does next!

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Starr Security Service #2

Aug 14, 2003

Sam: It's okay kid, we all learn from our mistakes.

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Steel Kitty #1

Dec 21, 2003

Some of the characters of this comic book are quite colorful. One colorful character is Koebi Knight, who is a news anchor for Channel 7 - K-PEG in Sioux City. This lady has a mouth on her that you won't believe. As crime gets heavy in Sioux City, Nebraska, it's time for one little lady to don an outfit and become a vigilante crusader against bad guys like Happy the Clown! Meet Steel Kitty! Yowza! This will be a continuing story, that is self-published. The story maintains a degree of dramatic excitemet and the artwork flows well with the story. The artwork is black and white with plenty of clarity. This is a comic book for adults, because of some of the graphic scenes and the adult language that is used. This comic book will get you hooked after the first story! Give it a try!

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Steven Grant's Mortal Souls #1

Dec 3, 2002

With all of the excitement that this comic book produces, you also have a very sexy dominatrix angelic woman named Roni Dasher who is a major player in this story of intrigue, horror, mystery and bountiful action!

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Steven Grant's Mortal Souls #2

Dec 10, 2002

What is interesting is to learn that Qelipoth are afraid of dogs. Why? Because dogs love bones and rotten meat and that is exactly what Qelipoth are, not to mention the maggots! Superb details are shown in the artwork!

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Steven Grant's Mortal Souls #3

Dec 3, 2002

Fight the Qelipoth! What is the Qelipoth? Find out through this thrilling series! If the story and artwork doesn't hook you, then the main character Roni Dasher will! She's dangerous, but she's hot!

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Super Kinetic Ultra Magnetic #1

Jul 2, 2003

The color to these detailed drawings are standout type of colors. The drawings are highly exceptional and if I didn't know better, I would think that the characters would jump out of the comic book! There is a character that has an exposed brain, skeletal warriors, warriors with painted faces and claws, cool motorcycles and one character that is quite intimidating named Lord Kong! A must read for ALL sci-fi fans!

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Super Patriot #3

Sep 24, 2002

I wouldn't miss the next issue even if I were attacked by a horde of bikini wearing babes!

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Tall Tails #6

Jul 20, 2002

The Quest is what the Knight of Kreston has on his mind. The Knight of Kreston is distracted himself towards an affair with another woman and it shames him. The story is brilliant, but did I mention the beautiful illustrations by Daphne Lage? Her artistic style is right on the money. She has a strong flair with perfection. You won't be disappointed with her gorgeous panels! The story races on with the next issue. If you want a story that has thrilling gusto and dramatic medieval intrigue, then you found it right here with Tall Tails! It's the kind of comic book that will leave you salivating for more!

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Tech Storm #1

Feb 26, 2003

Ryan rock and rolls with this sci-fi adventure as everything takes place in the year 3050! The big threat to civilization is Death and his cyborg minions! Death has created a new breed of monstrosities called Brontos. Ryan draws his characters with enthusiasm. You can see that with the very unique outfits his characters wear. Everything comes to a climax when the hero Tech Storm starts wailing on Death. This is a battle to the bitter end. Tech Storm cries outbring it on! Things get somewhat tense, as the reader will witness a loss of an arm during battle and an explosion from a tech-bomb! When Tech Storm and Death come face-to-face its not a pretty picture!

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The Big O Part 3 #4

Apr 7, 2003

The Big O itself is a mere memory and I love the possibility of robots popping up here and there in this story. I was pleased when I saw the huge robot called Megadeus! Things will happen with The Big O and I would like to be around to see this story forge ahead!

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The Crossovers #5

May 25, 2003

What I like about this comic book, is that it does make you think, henceforth my Icke speculations. You like X-Files and alien conspiracies, you will find the same in here. You'll also get a kick out the cool superhero known as Prototype. Now it's time to destroy all beings with the last name "Crossovers"! What am I talking about, well, you better pick up an issue and find out for yourself, otherwise you will be missing out! The Crossovers is intellectual magnificence!!

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The First #21

Jul 16, 2002

Great conclusion as Yala joins Gannish in the voids of space. They remain side-by-side and Yala may never return to her world.

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The First #23

Sep 18, 2002

A climactic death battle with a climatic kiss between Pryem and Ingra ended this story beautifully!

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The First #24

Oct 8, 2002

I especially love the way he displays the might of Trenin in The First #24. The action scenes are done incredibly well. It will be interesting to see if Seahn who seems to be headed for godhood, can survive his own ascension.

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The First #25

Nov 4, 2002

There are two paths and two fates and wherever paths these gods follow…I know I definitely want to see the conclusion!

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The First #26

Dec 11, 2002

Things are going to become chaotic and I can see why Trenin wants to find some new allies….

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The First #27

Jan 12, 2003

Are Ingra & Pyrem truly in love? The way The First #27 starts off and seeing these two together, that is what I gathered. But as the story progresses, Ingra shows a different side to Enson. I can say for sure Pyrem is indeed in love and who is to blame him, Ingra is a very beautiful woman. Kudos to Greg Tocchini for his magnificent artwork in this issue! There were many scenic landscapes depicted in this story and I was thrown for a loop at every gorgeous scene! Especially the beautiful garden that Ingra and Pyrem were walking through. Pyrem throws a lot of trust upon his love Ingra as Enson wants to talk with him privately and Pyrem doesn't allow this, he feels comfortable with Ingra by his side. It was a strange world that Enson shows Pyrem & Ingra. A world called 'Forest' in which a great warrior carries the Sigil mark. Pyrem steps upon this world as a mighty godly figure that he is and saves the Sigil bearing warrior and the warrior is more than thankful. It nows sheds light on the

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The First #28

Feb 6, 2003

Andy Smith knows how to draw characters that will catch the eye of the reader. In the beginning of this story, we have two ravishing women who are in a deep conversation. Shinnsa with her long flaming orange hair and the gorgeous Tiena with her green skin. Tiena is a very interesting character. She has long-range big plans and one of her plans is to be able to control the new leader of House Sinister, named Seahn. Tiena is like a siren and any man seems to fall under her spell. She uses her flirtatious ways to convince a man like Empher to get rid of Seahn. Will Tiena really get her way with this madness? The leadership of the House of Sinister and House of Dexter is leading everything into a spiraling chaotic course! I wanted some excitement and I seemed to have found it here in The First #28!

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The First #31

May 18, 2003

He is accused of not taking back both houses Dexter and Sinister, but what true plan does Orium have in his mind? The First definitely takes the reader to the edge!

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The First #32

Jun 9, 2003

The First is getting more and more spicy.

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The Freedom Collective #1

Jul 10, 2002

I highly recommend this comic book, it's extremely entertaining and adventurous. You don't have to be a communist to enjoy it! Also, you will get some bonus stuff, like a hilarious letter's page and some information on the origin of the Krimson Kommissar & Freedom Collective!

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The Incal #10

Jul 5, 2002

Like I said once before, I love this sci-fi strangeness, it definitely blows me away!

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The Invincible Ed #1

Jan 19, 2003

Wow! Talk about some weekend thrills! I got to sit here on this cold ugly day in my nice warm house reading Ryan Woodward's The Invincible Ed #1 and #2! I was taken on a rollercoaster ride of sci-fi fun as I learn that the Council of Galaxies are meeting to decide the fate of planet Earth on a centralized planet of the galaxy known as Quanda. The Counsel decides on intervention because the Earth is in turmoil with the rising crime rate and everything else you can imagine. The Counsel decides to give a gift to a good person on Earth that is looked upon as an icon. The gift is called "The Right". Would you believe that the Counsel sends one of their alien scouts that finds a character named Lance Lundgren who scores a touchdown for his high school football team. Lance may be a local sports star, but he is also known as a bully and troublemaker and when he picks on nerdy Ed, the fate of the world will fall upon the shoulders of these two boys. Because Lance and Ed are double whammied by T

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The Meteor Strikes #1

Aug 13, 2002

'Captain Sentinel and the Lads of Liberty'. We get the ravages of WWII. There is intrigue thrown in when the lads happen upon a guy named Carson who is in his cabin sending out morse code to the Nazis? Is he a spy? Captain Jim Parker takes immediate action and thinks of the mystery men of WWII and finds a 4th of July costume in a trunk and dons the costume and becomes no other than Captain Sentinel! A name he took because he is the 'sentinel' of the kids on his ship. Those kids become part of his team and we now have Captain Sentinel and the Lads of Liberty! It's time to kick some Nazi butt!

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The Path #4

Jul 4, 2002

Obo-san is a determined man and he is just as tough as his adversary the Emperor Mitsumune, who is the ruler of Nayado. Now a beautiful woman named Yukio may try her hand in getting the weapon and Nayado may be crushed? What a powerful cliffhanger for such a powerful story!

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The Path #7

Oct 3, 2002

Bart Sears really delivers in some incredible artwork that depicts graphic violence that even made me a slight queasy. The talk of Warlord Todosi and how he is the protector of Nayado only kept me going for the whole story in the Path #7! The main focus is to get that weapon from heaven and with all of the intriguing possibilities, anything can happen! It's hard to imagine that a warlord can be so heartless that he is willing to lose the lives of his soldiers to gain advantage upon the enemy. But, then again with tyrants in our own history from Hitler to Napolean Bonaparte anything is possible in warfare!

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The Path #8

Oct 30, 2002

The Path would be perfect for a Playstation game, because of all the major battles this comic book has and The Path #8 was no exception! Humongous battle that left me quivering in my hush puppy shoes! The art is dark and forbidding and very complicated. It's hard to describe, but works well with the story. The opposing army is vast and enormous and when the weapon of heaven goes off, it was like a pre-emptive nuclear strike that wipes out millions of soldiers. A land of sheer devastation is left in its wake. The warriors must choose a path and a path of unknown destinations is one of the many things that set this story in high-paced motion!

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The Path #9

Dec 16, 2002

Emperor Mitsumune confronts General Ryuichi and is very disappointed with Ryuichi, because Obo-San still has that weapon of heaven. At anytime I think the Emperor will take Ryuichi's head, but Ryuichi is spared. What is ominous is that Mitsumune says that he will obtain the weapon by use of stealth. Does he mean that he will use Ninjas to obtain this weapon? Only time will tell in this most exciting story of mystery.

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The Path #10

Jan 4, 2003

Bart Sears draws a grizzly scene as things heat up in the palace. Now the question remains is the she-devil known as Yukio dead? With everything that is going on, it is a cliffhanger ending as it is told that Obo-san is gone, that he seeks out his own path. Absolutely mesmerizing!

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The Path #11

Jan 27, 2003

Will Obo-san ever find that path he is searching for? I think Sojirou-San describes it the best when confronting Obo-san when he says that Obo-san is like a river that tries to flow in two different directions at once, a river must flow to the sea. If Obo-san doesn't get his path coordinates right, the balance of things to come in The Path could turn chaotic. His mind is set that he is the god destroyer and wishes to destroy the gods with their own weapons, will he ever achieve this, it will be interesting to find out.

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The Path #12

Feb 25, 2003

Nayado may plunge into oblivion and this cannot be. The chills raced down my spine as Obo-san returns to his people and says that Mitsumune must fall and Nayado must be preserved at all costs. Its time to go to war!!

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The Path #13

Apr 1, 2003

More things will get jazzed up as Aiko makes it clear to Obo-san that he wants to adventure with him into Nogawa lands. Anything can happen from here on out!

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The Path #14

May 6, 2003

She claims that she recently seen him and it is a known fact that he perished in battle. Nobuyuki merely plays along with her. It was interesting to see some background history of these brothers Nobuyuki and Todosi. That history delves in a secretive place where both as young boys would play heroes. Many dramatic twists and turns will be found in The Path!

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The Path #15

May 26, 2003

What's this? More intrigue, more mystery! As Todosi is back from the dead! Todosi confronts his brother in an excellent sword fight. Nobuyuki does everything to avoid this confrontation, but things get completely out of hand. Todosi has the weapon of Heaven and doesn't want to return it. It is the burden of Nobuyuki to protect the weapon. After all is said and done Todosi feels comfortable that Nobuyuki will not cause any more problems. Hmmm...I have a wait and see attitude on this one! The Path is an epic of major proportions!

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The Silken Ghost #1

May 14, 2003

The reader learns that one of the banished souls was banished because of the sin known as 'betrayal'. Now the Captain wants to know why The Silken Ghost was banished. Did I mention that the good Captain also seems to be attracted to this lethal stealth ninja woman? The Silken Ghost proves herself by fighting many to save one in this dynamic story. You want to be sucked into a portal filled with mystery, and then all you have to do is pick up The Silken Ghost!

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The Walking Dead #13

Nov 29, 2004

This is definitely a comic book that is impossible to put down!

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The Walking Dead #15

Feb 12, 2005

Even with the horror that is happening, a couple find time to become intimate on a barbershop chair at this prison that they hide out in. There are zombies everywhere and whenever they have to fight through a crowd of zombies, my heart races fast. I still can't get the image of Tyreese being engulfed by the undead. Another image that will stay with me, is when Shane rises from the grave, gets a lecture and then is shot in the head...yikes! I don't know if I can take anymore of this, it's giving me the willies.

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Tim Vigil's Webwitch #1

Dec 9, 2002

Added note that Tim Vigil is an outstanding writer, but also a very incredible artist! You will be stunned by Tim's masterful artistic craftmanship!

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Tim Vigil's Webwitch #2

Dec 11, 2002

Go inside the hive and find out what the Web Witch is really about! There is graphic violence and some graphic sex scenes!

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Tim Vigil's Webwitch #3

Dec 19, 2002

If you love to be scared…well, I think you got it by now!

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Tomb Raider #31

Jul 17, 2003

The battle for gold to stop an unusual disease of the heart is intense drama. The drama intensifies as men become desperadoes for this precious gold. This is a story that gave me chills right down my spine as I sat there and admired the fighting bravado of Lara! Tomb Raider is nothing more than superb excellence!

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Triple Noir Theater #3

Sep 1, 2002

Cole Mundy is a man with a chiseled jaw and rugged good looks. Mundy just like Bond, has a license to kill. When Mundy confronts the Director, he learns that he must take out Nemat Khobar and rescue Agent Gail Hardison who infiltrated Khobar's underground organization. The reader is taken to Cold Springs Cove, in which Mundy makes a bold sky dive into Khobar's stronghold. There is side humor as Mundy takes ideas from watching old McGyver reruns. Those ideas lead to many explosions. The adventure and excitement continues! Excellent little comic book that will leave you salivating for more!

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Triple Noir Theater #4

Dec 18, 2002

So to end this misery, he sets off to kill his wife with piano wire rigged across the stairwell. He plans to collect the insurance money after his wife accidentally trips on the piano wire. The only thing is this guy is a complete loser and trips over the piano wire himself and is killed and his wife collects his life insurance. An odyssey of Twilight Zone zaniness is found in every story!

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Valentine #8

Aug 16, 2002

Gunshots fall heavily towards the end of this story and finally Dana and Sophia face off for one last time. Dana has Sophia in her sights, the police come and yell for Dana to drop her weapon. Dana raises her weapon to the air as if she gives up and shoots down part of the glass ceiling. The glass breaks, falls and impales Sophia. Sophia dies a grisly death. What a powerful story. After I finished reading this baby, it stuck in my mind a long time afterwards! This comic book gets a standing ovation!

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Vault of Shadows #6

Aug 13, 2002

Solomon Wyrd in Picture Perfect'. Keep the lights on, because things only get stranger folks! Here is this painting that belonged to some sorcerer who was known as "He Who Strikes", and this painting is being auctioned off. Solomon knows that painting is cursed and terrible fates fall upon whoever owns it. Solomon tries to save a man from possessing it and tries to outbid him. There is a rescue effort on Solomon's part in which he goes into the painting to save a woman. A strange land he encounters and faces upon an old adversary. A great serpent waits for Solomon and things will never be the same again! If you love Marvel's Doctor Strange, then you're going to love Solomon Wyrd! I wouldn't be surprised if Doctor Strange and Solomon Wyrd hang out together in some nether plane!

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Walkabout #1

Oct 20, 2002

The first story is called ‘Missy and Meg Diary'. If you like John Carpenter's Vampires, then you'll like this story, because there is a heck of a lot of slicing and dicing! Take Missy the vampire who has a chainsaw that says ‘bite me' on the blade of it. She doesn't hesitate to make like ‘Leatherface of Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and do some serious cutting! Then there is Meg who is also part of the living dead. When these two girls team-up anything can happen and it does! You want bloody violence? Well, you have it all here! Next story is called ‘Sector 5' and you will meet a very unique vigilante named Trevor Holland. Trevor is not afraid to walk the back streets of any city. He can assess a problem quickly in his mind, for example: 2 females, 2 guns and a knife – a woman is being held hostage. From there he wrecks total havoc on the perpetrators. The news media considers him a wildman and if you get this comic book you will find out why! You get an added

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Warren Ellis's Strange Killings #1

Dec 11, 2002

Everyone is hooping and hollering about the new James Bond movie…but, they haven't seen anything yet until they pick up the latest Strange Killings. The readers who want gunfire and action will find it here.

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Warren Ellis's Strange Killings #4

Dec 18, 2002

Warren Ellis takes us on a wild ride with the ever-flamboyant hardcore Sergeant Major in Strange Killings! A must read!

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Warren Ellis's Strange Killings - Strong Medicine #1

Nov 29, 2003

In fact Gravel feels this type of magic will lead to a terrible race riot. Things start happening at the Massai Mara Suites and when Grooters does finally make an appearance, the reader will be shocked on what happens next! This is a story that will take you further than any X-Files episode. It's a surreal landscape of the paranormal done with exceptional dramatic flair!

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Warren Ellis's Strange Killings - The Body Orchard #2

Dec 12, 2002

You will think you are watching The Terminator as Sergeant Major breaks through several walls and jumps from an incredible height from the building he is holed up in. If you want action, it's all here!

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Warren Ellis's Strange Killings - The Body Orchard #3

Dec 13, 2002

This story is not for the weak hearted. Mike Wolfer does a magnificent job with his drawings that go perfectly well with this action packed story!

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Warriors of Tao #1

Dec 25, 2004

Comments: It all comes down to the survival of the fittest. This is what Toma must learn outside of the classroom. This is sci-fi at its best. Toma is not merely fighting, he is fighting in behalf of the Earth. Toma is fighting for the survival of the Earth in an interplanetary tournament. If Toma loses, then he condemns all of the Earths population to be raised as food for aliens. If he loses, he also will be dead meat for the aliens known as feeders. It will be one world feeding off another world. Aliens eating humans. Only one planet can, whats on the menu? Artwork is pretty dog-gone good! Lots of great details!

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Way of the Rat #3

Jul 16, 2002

Absolutely loved the walled city drawing and if that wasn't enough, then the whistling sound and the walled city falls like the walls of Jericho.

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Way of the Rat #6

Oct 8, 2002

What I can't understand is the fact that Boon places the ring of blades on his finger, but he is not fated to inherit this ring and doesn't listen to the advise of PoPo. Will this somehow backfire on Boon?

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Way of the Rat #7

Nov 3, 2002

With all of this for Boon to contemplate, then the Judge does some gambling with Boon. Gambling that Boon's monkey PoPo is opposed of. PoPo seems to always have sound advice, but does Boon listen? I actually had a hearty laugh as Boon says on the very last panel that he has solved all of their problems and Popo isn't buying it!

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Way of the Rat #8

Dec 12, 2002

Judge Xain is quite smart on the way he handles the scroll and convinces one of his foolish followers to read the scroll at the bottom of a grain well. The way the dragons manifested from out of the poor guy's nose was horrific. Many dragons appear and it's interesting on how they eat each other and the remaining ones become bigger. Why do I gather that only one HUMONGOUS dragon will be left, to cause havoc throughout the land?

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Way of the Rat #9

Jan 12, 2003

No wasting time in Way of the Rat #9 as Boon is going up against many warriors who are knowledgeable of the martial arts. Popo the monkey tries to give Boon advice, but with Boon wielding the sword and doing so well, of course he doesn't listen and continues his onslaught. While all of this is happening Princess Mai at the Imperial City has been shunned by her own father who requested her presence. Now why would a father ignore his beautiful daughter? Only time will tell in this very intriguing story! I love the way this story sort of ends with two cliffhangers as Boon & Popo now face down expert archers and all of the dragons have eaten each other, leaving one huge monstrous dragon. What will happen next is anyone's guess as Chuck Dixon has taken the reigns of the story and thrilled us with each turning page!

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Way of the Rat #10

Feb 5, 2003

I had a big laugh listening to the monkey named PoPo call Boon an idiot and then later telling Boon it's like...'speaking to a cabbage', when he has to address Boon. Boon seems nonchalant when it comes to the ribbing that PoPo snidely loves to do. PoPo seems very knowledgeable about the rings that Boon wears. PoPo knows that the rings can defeat the dragon, but if he knows more about the rings, then he needs to share that knowledge with Boon. At least PoPo was truly on the side of Boon, as Boon retrieves the sword to defeat this dragon! I have seen some big dragons depicted in my lifetime, but this dragon really takes the cake!

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Way of the Rat #12

Apr 10, 2003

He knows that the Phoenix Heart is the most powerful object around and how these mystical objects will affect Boons life is anyones guess. Mystique of the orient is the essence of Way of the Rat!

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Way of the Rat #13

May 18, 2003

What will happen next is anyone's guess. Boon Sai Hong's middle name should be 'trouble', because wherever he turns there is trouble and now he has the ghost of Judge X'ain haunting him. To make matters worse, Judge X'ain has brought along a whole slew of revengeful ghosts! Way of the Rat is the way towards adventure!

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Way of the Rat #14

Jun 9, 2003

Livid thrills are found in the Way of the Rat!

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Wildflower: Tribal Screams #3

Aug 16, 2002

Had a kick out of the second story as you allowed the readers to get into the mind of a tattoo artist who is honored with the presence of Henna. The tattoo artist loves the human canvas he gets to work with. Henna is quite sexy and to allow the tattoo artist to place a dominent tattoo on her behind and legs was much joy for our tattoo artist. Henna has other tattoos on her body, but she still looks appealing. I just can't believe she is going back to the tattoo artist, doesn't she have enough tattoos? Billy, again you hit the mark with this issue. Definitely looking for more adventures in this reality of fantasy!

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Wonder Woman (1987) #191

Jun 3, 2003

Many of the Amazons are turned into statues and you can tell that this story originates from the Medusa myth. Wonder Woman looks good in her new haircut. There is some interesting dialogue between Lady Ala and Trevor Barnes that will get you hooked more into this dramatic story. Of course, you'll love Diana - Goddess of the Hunt.

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Wonderverse: Nexus #2

Aug 16, 2002

I also felt like I was getting into the mind of the inspector as he investigates the shooting. With the mysteries thrown out here and there, I didn't know what to expect next. The strange costumed characters places more mystique into the story. I couldn't help but feel somewhat sorry for Bergman-Jones as he is placed in a dire situation. Now he is being kicked out of England and will be placed in exile. All I can say is, what will happen next? I had a thrill a minute with this exceptional comic book! Thank you for taking me on another vacation!

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Zen #0

Apr 27, 2003

It's possible, there are many great possibilities to the Zen story. There is plenty to explore. I love it when an another icon falls into the story and this time it was Nira! Nira recruits Zen to do some bounty hunter work. Somewhere in this exciting will hear the words: 'death to the Imperialist Warmongers' and things just get a tad more intriguing from that point on. This is a comic book that has a story that moves like a locomotive and has artwork to match! I was touched to see Zen and Nira assisting firefighters at Ground Zero after 9/11 at the end of this story! You want a story with punch, then I say pick up Zen!

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