Riddle me this...when is a criminal not a criminal? The answer awaits you in the start of a brand-new Detective Comics story arc from writer Mariko Tamaki, guest co-writer Nadia Shammas, and legendary artist Ivan Reis! The Riddler is back in Gotham City in a big way, becoming a media personality and using his newfound influence to wreak havoc on the Dark Knight. As Batman chases down clues to put an end to Riddler's machinations, the clock ticks away for the citizens of Gotham whom Edward Nygma has placed in the line of fire... Then, in "Gotham Girl: Interrupted" part one, the super-powered Claire Clover returns to the city that helped ruin hmore
I am even more a fan of this book now and can't wait for the next issue. I know Batman is overrated these days, but don't let it stop you from reading this. Read Full Review
Ivan Reis returns to draw the issue instantly raising the status of this installment. Reis delivers his usual high quality, intensely detailed work and exceptionally expressive characters. Danny Mikis inking ensure the panels look sharp and Brad Andersons colors add another level to the elite presentation. Read Full Review
With ‘Shadows of the Bat' over, ‘Detective Comics' shifts focus and goes smaller scale again as the Riddler makes his big return and Batman races against time to solve a mystery that is putting Gothamites in serious danger. It's always great when Batman stories focus on and let the world's greatest detective do the detective thing and bring greater focus to characters alongside the action. Read Full Review
Ivan Reis delivers some great, character-centric art in the issue. I like Riddlers new look and the action is visually thrilling. Read Full Review
The smothering length of "The Tower," a six-part plot spread thin over twelve parts, always felt like it was thrust on Detective Comics creative team rather than chosen by it. Here, Tamaki and series newcomer Shammas seem to have begun a much more manageable yarn that returns the original Batman series to its detective roots. Additionally, it stars a villain in the Riddler who feels comparatively fresh when compared to the rest of Batmans overexposed rogues gallery. If the creative team continues to produce comics with this narrative quality and pacing, they will reclaim momentum lost on crossovers and weeklies in no time. Read Full Review
There are some intriguing details in this issue, especially once it's revealed who one of the conspirators is, but overall this take on Riddler just seems a little too schtick-y to be a really compelling threat. Read Full Review
The art is great on both stories, and the return of the Riddler (and Gotham Girl) open up interesting new possibilities for Batman, and for Bruce Wayne. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #1059 gave us a great kick-off to two new stories and I'm already completely invested in both. I cannot wait to see what comes next! Many twists and turns are ahead of us Bat Nerds, so we must keep reading in order to eventually get to the truth! Read Full Review
Despite the fact I'm still not onboard with the broke Batman idea, Detective Comics #1059 offers an interesting beginning to to the new arc that also may include a new love interest for Bruce Wayne. As to what's happening in Gotham City, and how it ties into the Riddler's shenanigans, that's a riddle Batman will need to solve. Also included is the beginning of a new back-up story for Gotham Girl. Read Full Review
Between introducing the Riddler again, crime done through the use of social media, and the mystery of why civilians are suddenly committing crimes this is a busy, but interesting start to a new arc. Tamaki is building a mystery here that could be genuinely interesting while also utilizing social media in a way that feels like it could work both with Riddler and in the world of DC comics. If you're looking for a good place to hop back into Detective Comics after Shadows of the Bat, this is a nice place to start. Read Full Review
Both stories are very solid and seem more promising than the bloated Tower arc that ran on for way too long. Read Full Review
Once again, a backup story negatively affects the final rating of the overall issue. I'm not certain the point of them anymore, especially considering these stories have nothing to do with the main story. I continue to look forward to reading whatever Mariko Tamaki put out in Detective Comics. But unfortunately, the backup stories as of late continue to disappoint. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #1059 is the start of a Riddler story that felt odd. The pacing was off, the Riddler didn't feel right, and the story was more convoluted than intriguing. Add to that an awful Gotham Girl backup story, and I think most will want to sit this out and wait for the new creative team to jump on this book in a couple of months. I know I want to. Read Full Review