Omega Men #10

Writer: Tom King Artist: Barnaby Bagenda Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 30, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 35
7.4Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The explosive revelations of issue #9 have turned all eyes toward Vega, and the Citadel must act fast to crush rebellion and maintain control over the most valuable resource in the cosmos. The Viceroys first target? Karna, the insurgent, jungle homeworld of the Omega Man by whom he feels most betrayed: Tigorr, his own wayward son. The epic final act of DCs critically acclaimed space opera begins here!

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Papi Nacho Apr 5, 2016

    If I was to summarize this issue in one word, it would be fallout. This issue is the fallout of everything that happened before in the series and now every character is powerless to affect the bloody outcome. And it just works. Tom King's writing works, Barnaby Baganda's art works. There's almost nothing that I could complain about here. That said, it also didn't really break any new ground, or say something relevant about life or something like that. So I'm gonna take a page out of Eric Shea's playbook and give this issue a... Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 31, 2016

    As events continue to grow and we dig into the harsh realities of it all, the Omega Men are on the frontlines and finally feel like they're achieving something. They've spent so long plotting and planning while surviving and trying to get things into place that they can now just act and feel like they're in the moment – even with all the chaos and the realities of a war like this. It'll be interesting to see how all this resolves as it feels like there are a few twists yet to hit, but damn if the ride isn't thrilling throughout. King and Bagenda have delivered since the start and this installment is no exception. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 31, 2016

    I hope to see King and Bagenda work together again shortly (with Trevor Hutchison on posters, because his travel advertisements for the various areas of the Vega System have been amazing), because I'm really going to miss "The Omega Men" when it wraps up in two months. This is a smart series that never takes the easy way out and rewards readers more and more each issue. As always, a job well done. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 31, 2016

    Fans of this series will love the way King characterizes his antiheroes, but this issue probably won't win any new converts. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 31, 2016

    The focus is very much on the soul-crushing horror of war rather than superhero spectacle. Unfortunately, the book's visual quality takes a significant dive at a critical time. Barnaby Bagenda's pencils seems noticeably looser and less refined in this chapter, to the point where readers can be forgiven for thinking another artist has come on board. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Apr 1, 2016

    We are swiftly approaching the end to this series and, as was revealed at DC's conference at Wondercon, Tom King is going to be moving on to the granddaddy book of the line, "Batman". And while that news is incredibly awesome, I am just hoping that it's not going to be to the detriment of "The Omega Men's" conclusion. This book was so much better than it had any right to be and I would love to see it make the landing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Mar 30, 2016

    I wanted to enjoy this issue of The Omega Men more, but despite the pushing of Princess Kalista this issue felt like complete filler. To put it simply the standard of excellence that The Omega Men has maintained was just not met. Now that only two remain, I am still positive that both Tom King and Barnaby Bagneda will nail the landing. Read Full Review

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