Omega Men #2

Writer: Tom King Artist: Barnaby Bagenda Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 1, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 35
7.7Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

What do you do after the entire galaxy watches you murder the White Lantern Kyle Rayner? Run.

  • 9.3
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 2, 2015

    The Omega Men is my surprise hit of the DC You.  That's saying something as it was not even on my radar before June and I only got to review it because Eric didn't want to.  That's his huge loss because it is a great science fiction story that Tom King is slowly unraveling each month and I want more.  If you are a fan of gritty sci-fi, grey area anti-heroes or just great storytelling, pick up this book now. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Collectors - Joel Bowers Jul 8, 2015

    After exploding from the gate we have the after burn from the first issue. The intensity is lower, but the seriousness of this book has not. Great read! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Jul 1, 2015

    A fascinating series on a slow, enticing burn, Omega Men is proving itself the sci-fi equivalent to the latest fleet of war stories evolving out of our conflict in the Middle East. King, Bagenda, and Fajardo may be creating religions and alien worlds from scratch, but the root of their storytelling definitely hits home the deeper you dive. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Jul 2, 2015

    Symbolism permeates every aspect of "The Omega Men" #2. There is rich detail in both King's story and the artistry of the creative team that can easily be missed after simply one reading. This isn't a book to only enjoy for that which is on its surface (however enjoyable it is) but rewards another read in order to understand meaning you might have missed the first time. I appreciated this book much more (as well as the first issue) after constantly flipping through it. The effort is definitely worth it and the journey of this new and growing band of freedom fighters portends shocking and exciting events to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 2, 2015

    The Omega Men isn't one of the more immediately approachable DC books, what between the less recognizable cast, outer space setting and quirky storytelling approach that doesn't burden readers with any more exposition or back-story than absolutely necessary. The series is defintiely carving a niche for itself, though. It's stylish ad exciting as the build-up to the Omega Men's next mission continues. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Jul 4, 2015

    Though some might not take a shine to the subject matter or the series' tendency to keep plenty hidden from them, The Omega Men #2 officially stabilizes this book in my view. The art team and King are working together wonderfully and King's take on the high costs of both freedom and peace help carve out a unique niche in DC's universe. With Kyle Rayner's role becoming clearer and a sharp but entertaining story coming into focus, The Omega Men #2 solidifies this series as one of the most vibrant and interesting additions that DC You has to offer. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jul 2, 2015

    The Omega Men is a series where I fully feel like I get my value from the book with what it does. With a solid read to it and some beautifully detailed artwork with fantastic layout designs, I'm feeling fully immersed in this world even as I'm struggling to understand it all as a lot is place on the reader. We get a bit more about the Alpha and the Omega religious-ish aspect of the culture, more about the Citadel and their operations, and a nudge as to what Kyle's role in all of this may be as it goes on. There's some really stark moments that hit hard about what's happening as it does make it clear that these aren't heroes in the classical sense, but rather rebels that have to make hard choices in their struggles to free likeminded people. I'm definitely very hopeful about this series as it's off to a very promising start. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jul 1, 2015

    The Omega Men so far has continued the tradition of sci-fi to explore real world issues, and entertain at the same time. Here's to many more issues and see where King takes this story, especially with his interesting background and knowledge, a unique perspective in the industry. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 1, 2015

    Glimpses of this story may beg comparison to other space faring sagas and space operas, but "Omega Men" #2 defies comparison -- with previous "Omega Men" series or anything else. King, Bagenda, Fajardo and Brosseau give readers a solid mix of characters and action, uncertainty and comfortable familiarity. Like the nine-grid layout welcoming readers into this issue, this comic can change on a dime and become something else entirely, echoing the versatility of the grid, especially in Bagenda's hands. There is a lot to discover in the Vega system, and King and Bagenda promise to make it interesting and plenty entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Robert Reed Jul 2, 2015

    Providing deeper content than the previous issue,Omega Men#2 allows the series to take off. Tom King's script allows for readers to better know Primus via his argument with Rayner, and this helps the reader understand the criminal group even if what they do is despicable. Barnaby Bagendra's artwork is gorgeous in its design work and lines, but also in the way it makes this grimy universe come to life. The world ofOmega Menis a beautiful, but broken one, and the Omega Men are merely trying to survive it as best they can. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Jul 1, 2015

    King and Bagenda demonstrate how far these leaders, the Viceroy and Primus, will go in the name of their conflicts, there's no morality or lack thereof behind either side. At this point, it makes this issue into empty posturing as both sides show just how cruel and unjust their actions are. It cannot be as simple as the good guys versus the bad guys because the creators are going out of their way to color the protagonists of this story as morally compromised as the protagonists are. Omega Men #2 is a war comic but who are we supposed to be rooting for? This isn't as easy as old Sgt. Rock comic books ever were. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 5, 2015

    If Primus doesn't do something that makes him heroic next issue, I'll be out for the remainder of this series. If there's no hope, what's the point in following this? And the means by which a hero achieves their ends matter to me. Right now, I'm just not feeling the hope in this series. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicBuzz - JAdam Jul 17, 2015

    Omega Men #3 comes out August 5; it could still go either wayeither the third times the charm, or three strikes and this series is out. Ill give it one last opportunity to clear my befuddled mind. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Jul 2, 2015

    When Omega Men returns next month I'll give it one more shot, there are aspects that have me interested and Kyle's ultimate fate is one of them. If there isn't a hint of who The Omega Men are and what there actual goal is, then I'm bouncing. I need substance along with the flash.Thankfully the art is good to look it. Read Full Review

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