Bedlam #1
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Bedlam #1

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Riley Rossmo Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 31, 2012 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 28 User Reviews: 3
8.3Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Fillmore Press was once Madder Red, a homicidal maniac and criminal overlord who terrorized the town of Bedlam for years. Then he got better. This is what happens next.
A double-sized introduction to a blood-soaked cityscape of murder, mayhem, and mystery by NICK SPENCER (MORNING GLORIES, THIEF OF THIEVES) and RILEY ROSSMO (REBEL BLOOD, GREEN WAKE)!

  • 10
    Comics Crux - Wesley Messer May 10, 2013

    I cannot recommend Bedlam #1 enough. A beautifully crafted first issue from the writing, storytelling, and art perspectives, everything involved is top notch. Nick Spencer and Riley Rossmo have brought to us a new series that everyone should check out. Come visit the city of Bedlam, Madder Red is waiting eagerly for you. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Oct 27, 2012

    2012 has been a fantastic year for comics and I can’t even imagine how I will ever be able to pick a best series or issue at the end of the year, but I do know that this book will be up for consideration. It was a fantastic read that has captured my attention as I wait to see the many layers of story unfold. The character design for Madder Red is iconic and will no doubt inspire many a Cosplayer and has the potential to become a character that influences writers, artists and fans for years to come. What a great fucking book to have. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geekality - Julius Freeman Oct 29, 2012

    Seamless, invigorating, sucks you into a vortex of chaos, and madness, which makes Bedlam an instant classic. Where is Spencer taking this story? I dont know, but I cant wait to find out. I just hope he sticks with this one and not leave it hanging like he did Infinite Vacation (I know, I know, I should let it go, but I really wanted to know how Infinite Vacation was going to end). From what Ive read so far, this book is seriously a blockbuster book. It reads like one. It feels like one. It really is quite the start and at 54 pages at $3.50! Who else does that, but Image Comics? Who does it better than Image Comics? No one. Read Full Review

  • 10
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Nov 4, 2012

    It may be too soon to say that this series is going to be a massive hit. However, the main characters in this book are written so well, it is difficult to see how this book can fail. Also bear in mind that this is written by none other than Nick Spencer (Morning Glories), and we are pretty much onto a winner with this title. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Ryan Rodriguez Nov 17, 2012

    Bedlam is an extremely interesting read both visually and mentally that dives into the mind of a sociopath and how he perceives society and he can have a positive effect in its revival. At first glance Bedlam appears it will have an obvious outcome of killer kills killer that has been emulating his killings, but as the first few pages tease the appearance of multiple psychopathic entities that go unmentioned during the first issue, there is much more to be revealed. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 31, 2012

    If you're looking for a new comic to check out, BEDLAM is one to pick up. Besides being oversized for the price of a single issue. Nick Spencer and Riley Rossmo bring us a dark and creepy story that will make you feel uneasy...but in a good way. It's a darker look at the role a crazed psychopath plays in comics and the way the story is presented along with the art is definitely something to see. It's a "mature comic" for good reasons. Image Comics does it once again with another great new series. Get this now so you don't regret having to search for it later. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Nov 2, 2012

    This was a smoking first issue. It's twisted and unsettling and completely unpredictable. LOVE the art. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Nov 1, 2012

    From cover to cover, “Bedlam” is a grade-A comic book thriller. Spencer knows just how much disturbing imagery is enough, and stops right at the magical Price-Is-Right line that keeps us horrified and yet dying for more, while Rossmo draws the crap out of it — like everything he does. At $3.50 for a double-sized issue, there is really no reason not to check this new series out… that, of course, and because it's just damn good comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Chris Wilkinson Dec 19, 2012

    It's fascinating that so many revel in something as warped as Bedlam but it isn't hard to see why it's gaining quite the popularity. It's an intriguing piece of work. Nothing can be certain. It takes into perspective life through the eyes of Madder Red, the psycho murderer, and Fillmore Press, a "reformed" Madder Red, though it can be said you'd use the term "reformed" lightly. Could a man really be getting well again if he directs someone else's gun to shoot him? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Fanboy Ramblings - Fanboy Ramblings Oct 25, 2012

    This book is genuinely creepy, violent, and disturbing. I recommend you go out and get this today because I feel like this book is going to be doing some special things and you should be along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Mark Brassington Oct 31, 2012

    I will be carrying on with this dark and twisted psychological thriller, in short " just buy this is its crazy fun (and not for kids) and I really want to see where Madder Red takes us. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Marcell Oct 31, 2012

    This was solid 1st issue, with a nice setup, great art, great characters, and overall great atmosphere. We get a double-sized issue with tons of intrigue and story to it. This is sort of like a comic book version of Dexter which I think is pretty nice. The tagline asks: "Is Evil just something you are or something you do?" either way I'll be strapped in and reading this book looking forward to the answer. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Oct 28, 2012

    Glorifying bad guys has been done before, but with the right script & originality, a new villain like Madder Red emerges to offer something fresh & new. This was a remarkable & unexpected comic, I can’t recommend this one enough. And finally, to summarize Madder Red, I’d like to quote Tony Montana by saying “Say hello to the (new) bad guy!” Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dylan B. Tano Oct 31, 2012

    I've tried to describe the feeling of reading this book the first time to you, but my words can't do it justice. Do yourself a favor; whether you liked my review or not... just read the fucking book. It's worth it.  Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Zach Woolf Nov 5, 2012

    Bedlam #1 caught me by surprise last week. I knew going into the read what the book was roughly about but I wasn't mentally prepared for this. If you don't like large amounts of blood, dismemberment, child endangerment, with spats of foul language in your comics than Bedlam isn't for you. Now if you are capable of handling those inside your weekly reading you must check this out. Madder Red could be compared to The Joker in The Dark Knight and Madder is just as entertaining to read as it was to watch Heth Ledger. The hook that finished off the book will take this series in an interesting direction and you aren't going to want to miss it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Syndicate - GI Jolie Oct 31, 2012

    Who knows. Maybe Spencer has something planned for our anti-hero. If he does, I can't wait to read it because so far I don't buy it. The rehabilitation part, I WILL buy the actual book. The question is, will you?  Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Oct 31, 2012

    Where Bedlam truly excels is in its visuals. Riley Rossmo and colorist Jean-Paul Csuka just nail it. Madder Red looks amazing; the use of the color red through out the opening sequence is a true marvel. This is one attractive comic book. The artwork alone makes it a must buy. Even if you hate the story, or find it over-written or too familiar, you'll fall in love with the art. It's that good. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - johnlees Dec 23, 2012

    So, in closing, is Bedlam the next breathtaking creator-owned comics sensation? Not quite yet. However, there are enough promising elements in the mix here that, given time, it could very well develop into it. Definitely worth a read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Diego Chi Nov 5, 2012

    Spencer shows his experience with the comic book medium, allowing the visuals to really the tell the story. Often, his captions do not directly narrate the visuals, but rather supplement them. Riley Rossmo's artwork does a lot of heavy lifting and does it well. The pencils feel raw and almost dirty but it fits the backdrop of crime-filled Bedlam. Rossmo's use of body language is powerful and sells the humor-- taking a masked Madder Red and making him appear happily animated while carrying out his plans. Jean-Paul Csuka's coloring effectively contrasts the drab color schemes of Fillmore's life with black-and-white flashback sequences accented with red-- of which there was plenty due to Madder Red's bloody exploits. Despite Madder Red's close resemblance to the Joker, the storytelling stands strong. All in all, a solid first issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Oct 31, 2012

    "Bedlam" #1 showcases Spencer's gifts for concept, dialogue and mystery as well as Rossmo's skills with mood and pacing, and it's a promising mix of concept and character, creepy and clever, funny and grotesque. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Addicts - Anubhav Dasgupta Nov 7, 2012

    Bedlam is an interesting comic. It doesn't entirely succeed in what it set out to do, but it does fare quite well and has a very compelling story to tell. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - GreenBasterd Nov 1, 2012

    Bedlam has a lot of potential, though the story was confusing at times the ending tied together well, leaving so much room for the creative team to run free. The issue is also extra-sized, which gives you an extra bang for your buck. Every fan of the horror genre should read this book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Oct 31, 2012

    The resulting combination of the two artists' work is not only beautiful, but curiously may express more about the story's main character than the script itself. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Nov 4, 2012

    However, the book also follows many of the same tropes as familiar serial killer dramas, and there is a chance that this could be more Dexter than Mr. J. We'll definitely come back next month though. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Nov 8, 2012

    Bedlam #1 is an issue that aims high and attempts to do a lot in the first issue in an interesting way. Even with an extended issue, it just doesn't succeed for me. I'm sure once the first arc is over, it'll be made better by the whole, but, on it's own I feel like it could of been so much more. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Nov 9, 2012

    The opening may be a great introduction to Madder Red, but it is a poor introduction to the artwork. Colorist Jean-Paul Csuka limited his colors to a kind of black-and-white style with spurts of red, mirroring the artistic style of artist Riley Rossmos Sin City. The opening pages have people who look like Ronald McDonald because of their bright red hair. I understand a few colorful exceptions, like Madder Reds mask and his bloody red shirt, otherwise I would have preferred the red color be limited to blood. The character designs are very simplistic and never is that more impactful than with the characters costumes. I love how the Firsts helmet reflects images. When he looks at Madder Red the two red eye sockets on Reds costume reflect well on his helmet. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - Edward Kaye Nov 1, 2012

    The script is incredibly text heavy and dominated by the antagonist's non-stop annoying chatter. The plot is also obvious and predictable. Riley Rossmo's artwork is the comic's saving grace"providing nice dark and moody visuals that keep the reader interested through the tedious story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Oct 31, 2012

    I understand this is a first issue, but to me, that’s when the comic should grab you and hold your attention. Bedlam, thus far, is banal and boring. Read Full Review

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