Tariq Geiger surrounds himself with some dangerous friends. His two-headed wolf Barney bears the trauma of the fateful night that Geiger found him. And he and Geiger's surprising new companion try to atone for a life of unfettered violence and brutality. But even between the three of them, they are no match for the many threats in pursuit. Plus, the return of Junkyard Joe!
Geiger #3 shows why this series continues to shine with little doubt of its spot atop the Ghost Machine brand for now. Read Full Review
This universe and world the Ghost Machine crew are building felt a little larger in this issue. Issue #3 of Geiger brings us to a slower pace, yet, the little details and backstories give us so much more. Geiger is well on the path to becoming a household name and you should be on this train from the start. Read Full Review
As Geiger continues to unfold in this universe, it's clear that as a character he contains a lot of layers. As we peel those back and see different angles of him, he only becomes more intriguing. Also, the world around him can feel so big and yet grounded at the same time. He's a seriously heavy hitter as far as powers go, so to see someone really put him in harms way is great. I'm really excited to see how this confrontation with The Electrician unfolds! Read Full Review
GEIGER #3 continues Geiger's journey to find a cure, but his trip gets sidetracked by an emotionally poignant side quest that teaches Nate a powerful lesson. Gary Frank's art is untouchable, and the emotional weight of Geoff Johns's script is an unexpected treat, but the plot's pace needs more pep. Read Full Review
Now, we are only three issues in, but I just want to go on record that Barney better be ok. No mutated wolfs should be harmed in the making of this book Geoff and Gary… Just sayin. Read Full Review
Gary Frank still fills Geiger's skull with fury and the landscape with loneliness and dread, and those offer cause enough to continue reading Geiger, even if there's not much to be found beneath that surface. Read Full Review
I’d give a 12 if I could.
Geiger and Nate continue on their way north, where the other being that withstood the radiation and was cured is supposedly located.Along the way they stumble upon a library where Geiger searches for a copy of the book Dangerous Friends by Ward Just, which means a lot to Tariq since he burned his previous copy when he couldn't control his powers.
Nate still does not understand the meaning of the book and becomes somewhat careless because he does not know how to live in the wasteland, he also feels protected by being accompanied by the Glowing Man. They are both attacked by the Organ People, people with mutations due to radioactivity and they are looking for healthy bodies to exchange organs or eat them, the brief fight more
The problem although partially addressed in this issue is Nate. The art was better and the size of the environment feels amazing but I just can't stand the constant drivel that comes out of Nate. Fix this issue and I would be in foe the long hall.
solid series
I like the art. There were good moments. I'm just not very interested in this Nate character.