This arc has been creative in how Peter has to outsmart the villains rather than just punch them.
I especially liked the twist with this one and Peter using her abilities against her. its an enjoyable arc so far
I'll be honest. I liked this. A lot.
Maybe it's because of new writer who was doing something different? But damn, the writing here felt so much better.
Both Felicia and Shay were written well. I was actually invested and not just being tired of doing the same thing.
Ireland doesn't break new ground here. But she does something effective and has a great voice for Peter. Something that is more mature and not just sad miserable loser who shoots jokes from a machine gun like Kelly writes Peter.
Art was really nice too! A bit rough, but good enough.
Overall, I want Ireland to be new writer for ASM, not Kelly.
Spider-man faces Cyrios, she has the power to travel in time and makes him see all his past tragedies that Peter identifies as failures, she has control of his movements while she watches him suffer. Peter understands the temporal paradoxes and reminds himself that he hits her as Spider-man, and thus defeats her, but dies.
Peter feels that he does not achieve a good balance between Spider-Man and his responsibilities as Peter Parker, he asks Black Cat for advice and she tells him that he should take advantage of the joy of small moments and not wait for the great successes to enjoy later.
This installment does not show an advance in the story, it is like a bridge for what is coming, of course it closes with Juggernaut being called by CYTTORAK to attack Spider-man.
It is very detailed and maintains a very straight tone and similar to John Romita Jr, but without the textures.
Spider-man relives his most painful tragedies and turns them into powerful failures, but a piece of advice makes him change his perspective on life. more
It's a type of story that's been done before with Peter facing his biggest failures, but it's more entertaining than the last 2 issues were.
Art: 3/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6/10
I was really close to actually liking this one but I had a hard realization at the end. This is not Peter Parker. No matter how down he gets, what is going on in his life, people dying, him struggling, whatever. He would never yell at May like he did. Add in the fact that there is still no real weight to any of his deaths and this still isn't a story worth it's time in reading yet. I am more engaged than I was previously but the fact that we still have several more issues before this arc wraps does not excite me. We're only on death three of eight. It's also incredibly derivative going back to Peter's "biggest failures" for no impact whatsoever. It didn't mean anything. That's worse than not having done it at all. Take these moments when Peter was at his lowest, have him barely react and poof they're gone. No resolution. No fallout or lasting guilt. I understand that he has long since moved on from these tragedies but to be IN them once more would wreck Peter more than any other hero. He is defined by his failures more than his successes.
There are some positives I will add to this. I really enjoyed the conversation between Peter and Felicia. It felt natural, funny when it was appropriate, real and weighty when it needed to be. I want more of that in Spider-Man. He's not just Action-Man. What makes him relatable is that he deals with things like we all do outside of being a superhero. We've been lacking that tether to Peter Parker for a while. Additionally, Gleb Melnikov really hooked me. I liked the art here a lot more than I have McGuinness'. It's like a cleaner, prettier looking though inconsistently off model John Romita Jr. more
This felt like reading a crappy backup story in an old annual. The clunky dialogue and average 90s art don’t help either.
How much longer does Marvel think they can keep shoving this tired version of Peter down our throats? As long as we keep buying this book I guess. This was a train wreck of an issue. It's meaningless and vague to the point of exasperation. The whole deus ex machina moment almost had me stop reading right then and there. Fun and interesting art with terrible dialogue and an asinine plot equal a big miss/mess for what is supposed to be one of Marvel's flagship titles. I'm giving it an extra point for the one joke I liked. The inevitability of bed time line was cute.
Amazing Spider-Man is dead.
This was nothing but the Demon Cyrios dragging Peter through all of his tragic 'member moments throughout his life. The dialogue was even worse than the previous issue, no improvement at all. Was willing to give it another chance but I'm dropping ASM for good. I lasted 14 issues with Zeb Wells, this lasted me by issue #3. And I mean for good...
Not a single line of dialogue stuck with me, it all went out one ear and out the other, not a single panel had a decent action drawing or just good drawing at all.
The best part about this comic was page 12 or 13 where Peter fools Cyrios punches her down the floor, and she is shown laying down in a sexy position wearing lingerie with her ass pointing right at the reader, no joke.
Amazing Spider-Man is dead, your all just fondling it's corpse at this point and I refuse to support this trash. more