As the greatest heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe are trapped within the battle to decide the all-new Phoenix - a bloody battle that has narrowed to a handful of desperate combatants. Thor leads the rest of the Avengers in the fight to contain the Phoenix Force on Earth, in a quest complicated by the Thunder God's own mysterious connection to the cosmic firebird.
Rated T+
AVENGERS #43 gives readers an intriguing look into the mind of the Phoenix Force itself. Read Full Review
Garron delivers some stunning art throughout the issue. The fights are filled with great details and the characters look amazing. Read Full Review
Another quirky, yet fun issue that helps this series become more enjoyable. Read Full Review
This issue was filler, and doesnt move the story more than a few beats forward, but the art (and my OCD) has me firmly committed to this title. If I had to say anything its Jason Aaron really needs to stay away from the Phoenix. He doesnt seem to understand what it is on a fundamental level, and is using it to give the story some cosmic gravitas thats just missing the mark. Read Full Review
The battles are fun, but Black Panther/Wolverine dominates the issue a bit too much, and the Thor reveal is hovering in the realm between Genius and Cheese Sandwich. It could go either way, but this issue manages to pull everything together pretty well. Read Full Review
A lot of things are happening but not a lot of meaningful progression is made, so hopefully, next issue's conclusion can change that. Read Full Review
A few issues back in had my doubts but I have loved these last two!! I can not wait for the conclusion! Fantastic writing I absolutely love how jason Aaron has written the inner dialogue of these characters and really explored the inner workings of the phoenix force it's terrific. The artwork has been consistently fantastic as well. Bring on issue #44!!!
I liked this number, the action, the dramatic Star Wars style moment, I had a lot of fun. The phoenix from its first appearance was marked as a universal force, but unstable, it has always been an enigmatic character so to speak.
Good story, excellent action, good art, and great price.
Part of me wants to let go and have fun with this arc, but I have such a nagging feeling in my head reminding of what's wrong with the arc. Its pacing is really bad. You could cut some of these issues, easily. Nothing cool or interesting is being said about the characters. It's a tournament comic, but not a very fun one.
Slightly better than the previous chapter, but still a huge, unnecessary mess of a storyline. Cannot wait for this to be over.
Volume: 8, Issue: 43
“Enter the Phoenix, Part 4: In the Beginning… There Was Not Darkness”
Publisher: Marvel @marvel
Writer: Jason Aaron @jasonaaron
Artist: Luca Maresca @lucamaresca
Colors: David Curiel @davcuriel
Letters: Cory Petit
Cover: Alex Ross @thealexrossart
The contest to decide the next host to the Phoenix force continues. Each contestant has been bestowed a small portion of the Phoenix’s power in order to bear the burden that comes with. But while the tournament moves onward, Namor’s forces wage war upon Avenger’s Mountain in hope for their King to rightfully claim the Phoenix Force as his own once more. But the more shocking aspect is the Phoenix’s claims to be the true mother to Thor!
The artwork for this entire series has been solid. I’ve just personally had a difficult time finding anything in this book that hooks me. With that being said, I didn’t dislike this issue and feel like it was superior to the previous issues of this current arc. I’m just not super invested with this series though. Jason Aaron is an amazing writer, and it’s the Avengers, so I’m in and will stick with it because I have faith.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5)
Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram
Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews! more
There's a place for "Black Panther has a Vibranium grill" and it's in Black Panther Vs. Deadpool, not Avengers.
I can't wait for this Phoenix arc to come to a conclusion. It just doesn't work for me and the fights are mindless and boring.
God this is too much talking. I am losing so much of my patience.
Eh.. Not sure if its any good. It felt like it was trying to say important stuff but it just felt more of the same. This arc hasnt been too good in my opinion. Might have to hop off at 50.