Wanda Maximoff set out to investigate the whereabouts of Kang's "missing moment" by asking demons, ghosts, and any being from other worlds and they gave her an important clue.
Kang's "missing moment" is going to be auctioned off at Grandmaster's Biggest Casino of the Eight Cosmos, so Captain Marvel organizes a robbery, where all the Avengers play a key role. Storm and Wanda act out a fictional fight to get attention, while Tony, Carol, and Sam dressed as the Wizard of Oz arrive at the vault, to discover that it has already been stolen.
Vision discovers that the person responsible for the robbery is Black Cat who is working with Kang, as well as Myrddin and Grandmaster have an alliance.
With many textures that allow the impressive details of this illustrator to stand out, where the facial expressions are almost real. The color palette works in order to highlight all those textures. The art is mesmerizing and magnificent.
The Avengers try to steal the "missing moment" but Black Cat got ahead of them.
Excellent new story arc full of robberies and mystery more
The one thing going for this issue is that the characters seem like they're having fun, but most of it just silly. What the hell is the Black Cat doing is space? It just doesn't make any sense. And what was with Tony and Sam being the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion respectively? And with an umbrella in space? WTF. The art was good and like I said, the characters where having fun, so I did as well, but in the end, it's just silly.
My Comic Review Channel - https://youtu.be/PpZnKwHTmXw
I liked Farid Karami‘s art much better than that of regular artist Valerio Schiti, but that’s about the only positive thing I can say about this issue. This title is just not fun. There’s no synergy, no magic, even when heavyweights like Storm and the Scarlet Witch are battling it out. This issue also suffers from the same problem I see in many Marvel titles lately: there’s no arc of suspense, the issue just ends at some point.
I started reading Avengers because of Storm, but honestly it’s such a bore - I might as well drop it.