Cosmic Ghost Rider #1

Writer: Stephanie Phillips Artist: Juan Cabal Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 1, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 14
8.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

In a far-flung corner of deep space, Frank Castle has eked out a quiet existence, his days as Cosmic Ghost Rider finally behind him. But across the universe, a vicious bounty hunter is leaving a trail of bodies in his wake and his name is Cosmic Ghost Rider!
When Frank's peaceful existence is shattered, he must suit up once more and face his most savage enemy yet - himself! Be there for the start of a sprawling space adventure with shocking twists and turns in the saga of Cosmic Ghost Rider!

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Mar 4, 2023

    Overall, Cosmic Ghost Rider‘s debut feels like a space western, something we have never seen Frank Castle in, and it is off to a good start. The stories by Phillips are action packed and astounding. The art by the creative team is gorgeous. Altogether, a story which shows a Frank that we are not used to, and a welcome change. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 1, 2023

    I'm reading for more Cosmic Ghost Rider, and given the pieces put in place, Cabal and Phillips have a surefire hit on their hands here. While the main story is a bit slow to the punch, the twist is compelling, and it'll be interesting to see how this future Frank Castle continues to evolve and grow. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Mar 1, 2023

    Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 brilliantlybrings us back to an obscure corner of the universe. This wholly unique character, existing out on his own, brings with him a hardcore take on the cosmos and dealing vengeance. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Megan Peters Mar 1, 2023

    Filled with quiet rage and clever violence, this debut issue sets up Cosmic Ghost Rider for a wild ride, and it promises to do right by our favorite intergalactic anti-hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - mrgabehernandez Mar 1, 2023

    Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 resurrects one of the weirder characters of the Marvel Universe with a promising start to a mystery about a killer who may or may not be Frank Castle. Juann Cabal's art is fantastic, and Phillips lays a solid foundation for an intriguing story. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Comic Watch - Tyler Davis Mar 2, 2023

    COSMIC GHOST RIDER #1is a promising start to a new Marvel ongoing that promises mystery and the ever enticing setting of a 'Western Space Opera'. However, it is skimpy on character history details that may be difficult for any new readers jumping into the character for the first time. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Mar 1, 2023

    Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 isn't a bad start but the issue feels a little short and could have used some more pages. Where the main story cuts off and where it leaves readers is a little frustrating and jarring. Hopefully, it smooths out with the second issue but as a whole, while there's potential here, the comic overall doesn't quite have the hook it could have. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Mar 1, 2023

    Readers need to know the point and purpose of the series (or at least the vague idea) in the first issue. We get nothing but dream after dream. Whos after Frank and why? Is it Kral and if so who is he? Did the Cosmic Ghost Rider actually do something to the Sakaarans or not? Is someone really using a magical gem to attack his dreams or not? The issue is too vague to affirm anything. I love the Cosmic Ghost Rider. I wanted to like this. And part of me still kind of does. However, I dont know if my desire for the Comic to do well mixed with my appeal for the character is outweighing what is actually on the pages this week. Read Full Review

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