• Once Matt Murdock's alter-alter ego and fake twin brother, Mike Murdock has been made flesh and blood thanks to the Inhuman Reader.
• But Mike Murdock has motivations of his own, and all the cunning and skill of his "brother" Matt at his disposal to make them come to fruition.
• And things only get worse as Mike zeroes in on the people Matt cares about most!
Rated T+
Fans who were expecting their own fan theory to be proven right may be disappointed by the revelation of who, or what, Mike is. However, Soule has set this up quite easily in the text, and the execution is a mind-blowing example of great storytelling. With Noto as his cohort, Soule seems to have some real devious things planned out for Matt Murdock. Mayor Fisk will have to wait. Read Full Review
Even if you haven't been following along with this comic, it's still total genius watching Soule connect a made-up identity and morphing it into a real character in the Marvel Universe who could be around forever. However, I recommend buying DAREDEVIL #606 with it to get the full effect. Excellent job to everyone involved in this issue. Read Full Review
Soule and Noto are absolutely on fire with these last two issues, and I only hope they can keep this momentum through the rest of their run because this is the most excited I've been about Daredevil in years. Read Full Review
I enjoyed this comic. The story has elements of Science Fiction and Mystery with a Soap Operatic Twist! The art is very well suited to the story, and I love how Phil Noto has a style that really brings out the silliness in the retro fashion sense of Mike Murdock. The Story has a good amount of action but is as compelling and entertaining as the plot thickens and Soule unfolds the origin of Mike Murdock. I like the setup and the knockdown of this tale, and I think that Noto and Soule are a great pair! More please! Read Full Review
I am not really sure of the purpose of Daredevil #607 is story wise.It seems like a very odd placement for this story line right in the middle of what was happening, but it is also a lot of fun. Soule brings a little levity to the life of DD by bringing back one of the oddest things Daredevil has ever done. It is also hard to complain when you got some magnificent Phil Noto art to look at. His bright colors and classic feeling style, coupled with this odd story line gives Daredevil #607 this delightful rhythm, that while you may not completely understand the who, what, where or why it is very hard not to enjoy! Read Full Review
The book opens with a history lesson of Mike Murdock, the fake twin brother created to convince people that Matt Murdock is not Daredevil. It's as ridiculous as it sounds but Soule does well to channel an acknowledgement of said ridiculousness through Daredevil's retelling the story. " . . . seems like everything was more elaborate back then", Daredevil muses. Read Full Review
Sure, the issue's only truly tense moment is when a dog gets held hostage at gunpoint, but Soule keeps the humor level somewhere between bemusing and pure slapstick, and it really works. Read Full Review
Daredevil #607 is an unexpected but not unwelcome digression for Charles Soules book. We are returning to an old Matt Murdock cover in a new and almost unnerving way. Mix that with wonderful work from artist Phil Noto, and you have a book well worth recommending. Check it out. Read Full Review
Daredevil #607 continues the mystery of why and how Mike Murdoch is suddenly real with great character interaction and art. Read Full Review
I liked the humour in this one.
I actually don't like the idea of how Mike came to be (probably because I think The Reader is a silly character with silly powers), but the story is super fun, and the art is exceptional, so I can't complain.
Soule’s explanation for Mike being real is that Reader read his name in Matt’s files after falling asleep and thus he came to life. It makes sense but Wow it is unsatisfying. Great art and pacing, though
I thought this would be a fake out but apparently not. Cool, only in comics!
The creators really seal in the "Silver Age goofiness" of the saga of Mike Murdock by kicking this issue off with a fight against D-list villains including the Trapster. This comic walks a fine line. The inherent absurdity of everything about Mike makes for a solid comedy digression from the larger, more serious plot to bring down Mayor Fisk. The jokes are funny, but the logic behind Mike's resurrection is a little threadbare. Superb art helps sell the reality of the situation and makes this a satisfying read.
the art is really growing on me, and the story, while very comic-book, is getting a bit interesting. it IS a comic book after all :)
• Invested in the twin brother storyline
• Invested in Kingpin storyline
• Great art
• Juggling a lot of storylines now
See my review video of August 22, 2018 comic books, for my full review on this book, as well as others from the week.
Link here ==> https://youtu.be/CvFFOdDXfuo
Awesome. I'm glad the train is back on the tracks after that wild priest arc. I am also glad that Noto is the artist here. I don't think I've seen his art before and it has just been such a great addition. He absolutely kills it and it fits the book well.
Art: 4/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 7/10