The Fantastic Four are finally settling into their new normal...but something very ABNORMAL is happening outside their farmhouse. Sue and Alicia get to spend some quality time together in town, but when they return, everything is not how they left it... ...and a very different Fantastic Four are left in their place! It's Sue and Alicia versus the world - and the start of a special two-part story!
Rated T+
Fantastic Four, more than anything else right now, is a fun series. North knows what to take seriously, what not to take seriously, and when to lean into each. And at this point the issues are still largely self-contained, so someone who didnt hop on in the beginning can jump on at any point. And Fantastic Four #8 is a great time to do just that. Read Full Review
Smart and clever with impeccable attention to detail, Fantastic Four continues to be as good as its ever been. This issue is slower to get going, but it's impossible to miss the character work, love of the characters, and nuanced storytelling. Read Full Review
Fantastic Four #8 brings a new story, a new mystery, and a new villain for the team to face. It's Sue in the driver's seat this tine as she and Alicia are the main characters for this misadventure, and it doesn't take long before they find a mystery to solve. The writing is solid and the art is good, but the new threat Queen Xargorr feels like a rip-off of Jack Kirby's original monsters in Marvel Comics. Not exactly a bad thing so long as the creative team pulls it off in the end. Thankfully, it looks like things will pick up in the next issue. Read Full Review
Fairly simple story is bolstered by the usual strong character writing and artwork. Read Full Review
Fantastic Four #8 is slow to get started as it establishes a new status quo for the team while they take shelter at the "Fantastic Farmhouse," but once the mystery begins revealing itself things become increasingly interesting through a "To Be Continued" that's bound to keep readers hooked. Read Full Review
Fantastic Four #8 is a mild improvement over the previous issue but still too far away to be considered a worthy run for Marvel's first family. The formulaic Scooby Doo mystery in a small town is becoming repetitive, characters take random actions without explanation, and the pacing in this issue is terribly uneven. Read Full Review
I love the Twilight Zone style stories this series has been giving us! North writes each character perfectly, and they interact like a true family. I love the slow, deliberate pace that builds the mystery, and the art and colors are beautiful. Plus this seems like a fun villain! I’m so glad to be able to say this is a must read series from Marvel!
Oh, no big deal, it's just a fantastic recreation of a 1962-style FF story that's received a fantastically-executed 21st-century update. I love it.
Alicia's right, Flame-O is great
Great setup from North. Feels like old school Dr. Who and twilight zone world the F4 are in. Fiorelli as a back up artist is very good.
Sue and Alicia were shopping a little too long but I like the 60s esque approach.
I really enjoyed the Lee/Kirby vibes of this. A Silver Age throwback is always appreciated.
Fun.. enjoyable