Cindy Moon returns as the web-spinning Spider-Hero SILK in an all-new, all-star series! As Silk gains popularity in the public eye, Cindy is questioning her place in the world. But existentialism will have to wait when a powerful new villain is turned loose!
In a race against the clock, Silk discovers the dangers of ancient Korean magic - and social media. Don't miss the comics debut of stunning storyteller EMILY KIM and the return of legendary comic artist TAKESHI MIYAZAWA!
Cindy Moon is back in action as a whole new Silk series has arrived, giving the breakout character another chance to showcase why she's so great by embracing aspects of the Spider-Man universe while still being fully her own character. There is a fun energy that permeates this book that digs deep into the best aspects of comic books and builds a solid detailed and emotional world around the character. Read Full Review
Overall, Silk is an excellent issue for first-time readers or long-time fans. The story builds up the contrast between Cindy Moon and Silk. That contrasts gives the readers a unique look at how she has navigated life after getting out of the bunker back in Amazing Spider-Man #1 (2014). Kim and Miyazawa's story and art blend perfectly in this issue, giving us a promising start to the series. Read Full Review
Overall, this was a good (re)start for Silk and was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. Read Full Review
Kim seems to be a perfect fit for Cindy Moon. The story that will play out throughout this and the next four issues looks quite appealing. Its too bad that there isnt more momentum on a full-length series for Cindy, but itll be fun to spend the first half of the coming year hanging out with her. Read Full Review
Silk kicks off a promising new run with Cindy on the run and her clout bigger than ever. Read Full Review
If you liked the last run, then to be honest, this is more of the same witha mix of diversity that feel natural and not forced. Maybe not as biting on social media as say, Netflix's Don't Look Up, but there is a kind of social commentary, An interesting start to the chapter of Cindy, and Silk's life. Read Full Review
Silk #1brings a new writer and a new threat for Cindy Moon to face while keeping the same artists and the same grasp on characterization that's made her a beloved figure in the Spider-Man mythos. I look forward to future issues and hope that fans make their voices heard if they want to see more of Cindy's adventures. Read Full Review
As a new reader to the series, I found Takeshi and Herrings artwork and colors respectively to be a nice change from what am used to in other comics. The action sequences are well-illustrated, making it easy to follow the events happening on each of the panels. These combinations are also factored into differentiating between Cindys thoughts and actual dialogue. Besides this, the first issue ends in a cliffhanger that has left me wondering how the Silk (2022) #1 creative team expounds on the mysterious witch figure. Read Full Review
Silk #1 promises an exciting new story for an underappreciated character. Read Full Review
Silk #1 is a good start to a new story if you're new to Cindy Moon's adventures. If you're familiar it's a bit slow as it catches us up on details we already knew with nothing new to change the character. It makes the #1 branding a bit confusing, but as a fan of Silk, I'll take what I can get. Read Full Review
Final ThoughtsSILK #1 starts the volume off right with the introduction of a new and intriguing villain, an improvement in the depiction of J. Jonah Jameson, and the potential for a little character growth for Cindy Moon. That said, Marvel's need to incessantly insert a super-obnoxious character in every Silk volume is wearing very thin. If you can get past Lucas, everything else about this first issue is fine. Read Full Review
The meat from the story comes less from who she is fighting and more about who she wants to become. Read Full Review
Much of what fans have come to expect in early Silk runs is still present here including Cindy's internal monologue and narration, her dual jobs as an online journalist and super-hero (including taking down some dimwitted robbers), and keeping up with her therapy appointments in a less than full social calendar. As to what was awakened in the museum, it can't be anything good. Looks like Cindy's dance card just filled up. Read Full Review
reading this book made me realize how much I missed Silk back in the day. She was one of the few Spider-people who can carve out their own path and not rely too much on Peter Parker.
Publishing mess to not have this be #6…
And this is coming from someone who’s never read a Silk comic!!
Better late than never again, now I gotta read all the previous stories, this was fun!
This was pretty good. I'm wondering what the gameplan is with Silk at Marvel. It seems like there isn't one.
I liked Silk before reading this. I like Silk after reading this. It didn't change my Silk-pinion in any meaningful way.
Which might be a problem. Maybe if solo Silk comics weren't always "not great, not bad, just satisfying", she wouldn't be getting constantly restarted.
And maybe the two problems are enabling each other -- one thing holding back too many Silk issues (like this one) is that they have to reestablish her status quo for the spillionth time.