In this heart-stopping conclusion, Jessica discovers who is actually BEHIND the appearance of the VARIANTS who have been ruining her life...but it may be too late to stop them from destroying the Multiverse!
Rated T+
This final issue proves that The Variants is, by far, among my top comics of this year. Read Full Review
Noto delivers some beautifully drawn art that has a unique and visually fun style. The art is compelling and engaging both in its action and its emotional moments. Read Full Review
The Variants #5 on its own is just ok. The battle is a little anti-climactic. But, there's an emotional aspect to the ending that feels really nice. This isn't a comic that's completely wrapped up by punching as we might expect with Jessica Jones. And in a series that explores her character a bit, it's a nice change of pace in a lot of ways. Read Full Review
This was a fun little story but the ending is only lukewarm, as it tries to cream the villain's entire deal into a single issue, without much obvious connection to the story that came before it. Read Full Review
The series wraps with a quick explanation of the antagonist and a satisfying fight. It looks and sounds great; it's a lot of fun.
In hindsight, though, the "evil Jewel" idea just wasn't enough to fill the whole miniseries. Thus the Killgrave nonsense, which I enjoyed rather less.
Honestly, as someone who hasn't been a fan of Simone's recent output, really thinks Jessica Jones is a limited character, and didn't have a ton of faith in the premise, this miniseries exceeded expectations. It's great. I hope it didn't fly under the radar as much as I feel it probably did.
Not by any stretch of the imagination a bad issue, but after the depth and imagination of the first four issues of this series, a standard "bad guy explains her plan and then they punch each other" ending is a little disappointing
Dissapointing final issue.
Disappointing end, starting with the “let me supervillain explain my plan”. This was very comic book-y, but when I consider the real JJ comics is the opposite in many ways
There wasn't much of a mystery here. One of the variants is evil and she has a handful of the others working for her because she threatened their families? It doesn't make much sense and some of the variants are way over the top and silly. Without much ado, it's over and probably forgotten in a week. This series definitely won't stand the test of time.