It's a family affair as GRAYDON CREED, the maligned son of VICTOR CREED, A.K.A. SABRETOOTH, brings the fight to his father. The winner gets WOLVERINE - or...what's left of him...!
Rated T+
It's a good sign that, in the midst of so much gore, the book hasn't lost sight of Wolverine as a character. Read Full Review
Wolverine #48 feels familiar with many of the previous issues in The Sabretooth War, with Wolverine and company preparing to face Sabretooth, but there are a lot of fun elements that make it worth it. She wasnt covered in the main review, but Lauras participation in this issue and the previous one have been a lot of fun and leaves the feeling that this event should have had the Wolverine Family front and center. There are two more issues to go, so there is still time. Read Full Review
A big showdown between Wolverine and Sabretooth builds as stakes are raised in part 8. While it's cool to see time spent on Bad Seed, it undoubtedly raises the stakes. This issue neglects a few elements while requiring you to suspend disbelief too much. Read Full Review
Wolverine loses his healing powers, but he still has an ace up his sleeve, a weapon that Forge made him with which he can be equal to a fight with Sabretooth, the Exiles take him to test it.
On the other hand, Laura managed to escape, but now the Sabertooths are led by Bad Seed, who is Graydon Creed, in the most cruel and technological version of him.
With details and many textures, they provide a gloomy and dynamic tone that reflects the tension that Wolverine experiences in this race against time to stop the Sabertooths.
Wolverine unleashes a weapon against Sabretooth, while Laura manages to escape
I'm liking that the quality of this book is going back up and I hope it continues with the next, and final, two issues. I liked the self-reflection from Logan and Victor in the first few pages of this, and it also seems that I'm enjoying the issues "headed" by Percy more thus far. The first two issues had Percy listed before LaValle on the writer section, as did Issues 44, 46, and this one. On Issues 43, 45, and 47, LaValle was listed before Percy. Anyways, yeah, this was a good issue all around.
This is another set-up issue as the Sabretooth War prepares to enter its finale. The art, as always, is really good and serves the story well.
Not much happens in this issue. The best highlight was the contrast in mindset shown between Sabretooth and Wolverine at the beginning of the issue, showing the difference in not only how they view life, but in how different their lives turned out, with Logan having positives in his life to fight for, and Sabretooth's life being filled with nothing but tragedy. It's a nice contrast, and the way the pages are laid out helps sell this difference between the characters.
The full cast of X-Force makes their appearance in this issue to begin their involvement in the finale, and Loga more
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10