nedf23's Profile

Joined: Jan 07, 2014

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.1

May 14, 2014

A very interesting spin on the early stages of Spider-Man.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.2

Jun 21, 2014

Amazing X-Men (2013) #3

Jan 27, 2014

Like always, I'm really enjoying Ed McGuinness's work in this book. This issues does a good job of explaining what Azazel's goal is and let's Beast let loose. The Nightcrawler and Storm part seemed a bit out of place, but it eventually circled back around to something relevant.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #4

Feb 19, 2014

Wow! This issue does an excellent job of setting up the next and final issue. All the X-Men are finally brought back together and we get a little background on how the BAMFs came to be. We also get to see some nice flashbacks to X-Men and their interactions with Kurt prior to his death. Very nicely done. McGuinness's art is freaking amazing!

Arkham Manor #3

Dec 27, 2014

They peaked my interest with the new villain. I'll stick with it until its end in #6.

Batman (2011) #29

Mar 16, 2014

I really liked how Snyder didn't exactly try to retell the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne, but opted to expand upon that nights events that ultimately lead up to the tragic event. The father and son points of view really stood out to me as a very touching moment. The rest of this issue really sets up the remaining issues and explains how Gotham became the way it did, as we saw all the way back in issue #21. Capullo is still killing it with his art and I am really loving this story arc.

Batman (2011) Annual #3

Dec 29, 2014

This one was a lot of crazy fun and reminded me of one of my favorite Batman: The Animated Series episodes, Joker's Favor.

Batman and Robin (2011) #32

Jun 21, 2014

I really enjoyed the fighting in this one.

Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #2

Jan 29, 2014

This was a really fun story that covered Dick Grayson's first experience going out on duty with Batman and how Damian was always able to one up Dick. The art in this book is very impressive.

Batman: Eternal #5

May 14, 2014

Nice to see some of Death of the Family still having an impact. I also really think I'm going to enjoy Harper's story.

Batman: Eternal #8

May 30, 2014

Can't wait to see Forbes go down.

Batman: Eternal #11

Jun 21, 2014


Batman: Eternal #38

Dec 29, 2014

Really been enjoying Killer Croc since Forever Evil.

Clive Barker's Nightbreed #1

May 30, 2014

I'm not familiar with much of this aside from this issue, but it's definitely something I think I'd enjoy.

Daredevil (2014) #3

May 30, 2014

I'm really enjoying this title.

Daredevil (2014) #4

Jun 21, 2014

I was hoping for more.

Deadpool (2012) #22

Jan 12, 2014

This book was filled with a lot of action and laughs. Exactly what I'm looking for out of a Deadpool comic. I even thought Coulson's cameo was worked in rather nicely. The story moved us right along and with Agent Preston's LMD getting decapitated and people still trying to cash in on the bounty for Deadpool's life. Definitely worth the read. The art and cover work nicely too.

Deadpool (2012) #24

Feb 27, 2014

Again, we take a trip back into Deadpool's mind and get to explore how truly messed up he is. The jokes work well and we get a glimpse at some version of Deadpool that seems to be a calm, cool, and collected fellow. I'm sure he'll be making an appearance somehow in the future and I'll be looking forward to it. We also see Agent Preston get what she's wanted for a while. I've enjoyed her being in Deadpool's head and the way the conversation went back and forth, but now Deadpool is alone with himself and it's questionable how he'll handle recent events. Will he ever get paid?

Deadpool (2012) #25.NOW

Mar 16, 2014

I really like the cover to this issue and the content inside is just as good. The story arc closed up nicely and there were a lot of laughs to have.

Deadpool (2012) #30

Jun 21, 2014

Deadpool (2012) #39

Dec 29, 2014

I'm really getting sick of all the Marvel events, but the creators keep doing the best with what they got.

Deathstroke (2014) #4

Jan 29, 2015

There is a lot of background that this book tries to catch you up on and it's somewhat tedious, but the ending picks up enough and hooks you for the next issue.

Detective Comics (2011) #30

Apr 4, 2014

Excellent start.

Detective Comics (2011) #31

May 14, 2014

I know Bullock is normal a pissed off guy, but I really like how it's directed at Bruce instead of Batman.

Detective Comics (2011) #32

Jun 21, 2014

Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult #1

May 30, 2014

An interesting start, but not sure if I'll continue the journey though.

Earth 2 #19

Jan 14, 2014

Aquawoman is freakin' badass! Batman is acting like the Mad Hatter. A pretty quick read, but definitely entertaining. Looking forward to the next issue.

Earth 2 #23

May 14, 2014

Forever Evil #6

Mar 6, 2014

David Finch is crushing it with his art. Johns is killing it with the story. Highly recommend you check this one out.

Forever Evil: Arkham War #4

Jan 12, 2014

For a pretty cool setup from the last issue, this issue just seems dull. Outside of some good art, it is just a filler story and just states things we already know. There is no real take away from it to carry forward, except the fact that Cobb is back and working with Bane. The cover is pretty cool though.

Harley Quinn (2013) #3

Feb 19, 2014

Not as funny as the previous issues, but this is still a good issue. A group of escaped convicts all chasing after Harley, because she smell good to them makes for some interesting moments. I really hope they focus more on the jokes for the next issue.

Harley Quinn (2013) #7

Jun 21, 2014

Of course it was who it turned out to be. Still a good issue though.

Harley Quinn (2013) #13

Dec 29, 2014

Magneto (2014) #1

Mar 6, 2014

Based on Magneto as a character, I did have some expectations set prior to reading. Bunn was able to surpassed those expectations and deliver a really entertaining story that flows like a serious crime drama. I've never come across a sentinel like the one seen in this issue, but I thought it was a really creative and tied into the story nicely.

Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 5, 2014

Excellent work! I loved the story, the way they handled the character and the art was top notch.

Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 4, 2014

Good, but a lot of white space and a very quick read.

Moon Knight (2014) #3

May 14, 2014

Like the story. Loved the art. Just wish there was more.

Moon Knight (2014) #4

Jun 5, 2014

Awesome art, but still a quick read. I will have to drop for now and maybe pick up in a GN.

Night of the Living Deadpool #1

Jan 15, 2014

First thing you'll notice about this book is the black & white & red color scheme, which works very nicely. Who hasn't woken from a food coma and were left wondering what events occurred while passed out? There are a ton of shout outs and quotes from films in this that make it worth the read. I thought what they did with the zombies was interesting and I am curious how that will play out over time. Overall, a good start.

Night of the Living Deadpool #2

Jan 29, 2014

More laughs and self-awareness. I also really like how it cycled through all the different locations that people hide from zombies in films, very well played. The story moves along and of course people die, but there is a pretty big setup at the end that will make the next issue very interesting. The art and particularly the coloring of this book really make it pop.

Night of the Living Deadpool #3

Feb 19, 2014

This mini-series hasn't let me down yet. This issue picks right up where it left off and even provides you some background information on how the zombie breakout occurred in the first place. Again, the art is really cool and I love the coloring that is used. There is a very interesting twist at the end and I'm definitely looking forward to the final issue.

Night of the Living Deadpool #4

Mar 5, 2014

This entire series was very entertaining and it's sad to see it end, but at least it does so on a high note. I also enjoyed the shout out to the other Deadpool writers.

Nightwing (2011) #29

Mar 14, 2014

It's sad to see this title come to an end and this issue being Higgins last, but he ended it on a high note. Well done, Sir!

Nightwing (2011) #30

May 30, 2014

This has raised my curiosity for Grayson.

One-Hit Wonder #1

Feb 27, 2014

I wasn't super impressed with this one. I'm not sure what Richie's strategy is for accepting a contract, but he seems to have one. I could also care less about the the whole child actor sob story that ultimately seems to have pushed him into becoming a hitman. I think I may have figured out why it's called one hit wonder and it's not only because I'm not buying any further issues. With all the things that annoy me about this, the art is rather good. I don't have too many complaints about that.

Punisher (2014) #4

Apr 4, 2014

Really enjoying this title, but I could do without the constant reminder that Captain America and the other heroes exist and that this is a job only for the Punisher. Stop it!

Punisher (2014) #5

May 14, 2014

Definitely a filler issue until the last of the arc. Too quick of a read too.

Punisher (2014) #6

Jun 5, 2014

Time for me to part ways.

Revenge #1

Feb 27, 2014

This one was very graphic and I really think that's one of the selling points for this book and I'm perfectly fine with that. Almost Punisher like in nature, this book is setting itself up for a pretty interesting ride of Griffin getting revenge. The art is very erotic, graphic and pleasing. I think this book has some solid potential based off it's first issue.

Robin Rises: Alpha #1

Dec 29, 2014

I don't feel this one moved the story along much.

Savage Wolverine #13

Jan 14, 2014

A strong message in this book and it get's pretty graphic to prove that point, but it also gets pretty trippy when Wolverine becomes Dr. Dolittle. I liked the art in this book and on the cover, but there was something off with the story outside of their main point.

Savage Wolverine #14.NOW

Jan 12, 2014

I'm usually a pretty big fan of the prohibition era and with this story having Wolverine there, I'm on board. A family using bootlegging to make a living in tough times isn't something I've seen utilized in stories, but I thought it made complete sense. For a wolverine comic, this one is focused more on the story than action, which is perfectly fine for me. I like most of the art in the book, but there is something about how faces look that holds me back from loving it. The cover to this one is pretty cool with the yellow costume shadow and the blood in the snow.

Savage Wolverine #19

May 30, 2014

The cover was pretty cool and the art was ok, but overall, wasn't too impressed.

She-Hulk (2014) #1

Feb 12, 2014

The dialogue in this book was very entertaining, but the overall story didn't accomplish much and didn't leave me wanting more. The art was also something that I didn't find to be very impressive.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Mar 27, 2014

I jumped on Superior Spider-Man title for the Goblin Nation story and have been impressed. This issue really stands out.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #6

Mar 16, 2014

An interesting match-up between the couples. They definitely proved they would go to the extremes to save the world and it will be interesting to see how the recovery is accomplished and what can be salvaged from the debris.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #9

Jun 21, 2014

Really enjoying this story.

Talon #17

Mar 27, 2014

Sad to see this end, but it bows out with grace.

The New 52: Futures End #4

May 30, 2014

The New 52: Futures End #7

Jun 21, 2014

Wanted to see more from the Terry and Terrific confrontation.

The Woods #1

May 14, 2014

This was a lot of fun and I look forward to the next issue.

Veil #1

Mar 6, 2014

I'm not quite sure what to think of this. I liked the art style and I think the story has some great potential, but I can't really make a call based on what I've read.

Wolverine (2014) #2

Feb 27, 2014

The first two issues of this series haven't had too much action, which I guess is to be expected now that Wolverine is killable. Of course, that means he's had a few close calls and now wears body armor. These are all things that I should find interesting, but I don't. The direction they are taking Wolverine aside, I did really enjoy this issue with Wolverine catching up to Spider-Man and having a conversation about changing, I thought that was very nicely handled and made me reflect back on myself a bit. The art in this run works better for me that the previous, so definitely keep that up.

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