danielannam's Profile

Joined: Jan 24, 2018

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Overall Rating
All-New Wolverine #30

Mar 8, 2018

I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I JUST GOT AROUND TO READING THIS! Phenomenal story. Excellent in the best sense of the word. The whole story arc was fantastic. The story is so compelling. I love the characters more than ever. I love Gabby (Honey Badger) SO MUCH! She's so cute, and quite naive, but she's not stupid. The final page of this issue damn near brought me to tears. And that panel where Daken boops Gabby's nose had me DEAD lol. Every issue of this series has been sensational. There's too much to say about it. The conclusion was wonderful. 10 out of 10. Great job by Tom Taylor and Juan Cabal.

All-New Wolverine #31

Mar 8, 2018

Just a feel good issue. I love it. I love Gabby. She might be my new favourite character lol. Z O M B I E S L O T H .

All-New Wolverine #32

Mar 14, 2018

Meh. Nothing special about it in my opinion. Not at all a bad story, but also not an amazing one. It's not supposed to do anything phenomenal; it's just to establish a relationship between Laura and Amber, which it doe well. It's alright.

America #1

Jan 24, 2018

Can I make the score any lower? This series is embarrassing. It's a disgrace. There's little in the way of storytelling, with the writer (God save his soul), opting instead to make the whole thing about how she's a Mexican lesbian. SJW shit is ruining Marvel. Far worse than Miles Morales Spider-Man (obviously). I will now end this review with these immortal words: "Holy menstruation"

America #12

Mar 7, 2018

Final issue? Well, thank God.

Avengers (2016) #675

Jan 31, 2018

I really like this story. More than that, I like the storytelling approach. Told with added narration from Lightning, a lesser known superhero, it successfully shows how serious the situation is, while introducing us to the character of Lightning himself, who is a pretty likeable guy. I also like their handling of Lightning as a gay character; we know that he's gay, but it's not forced down our throats like it was with the character of America Chavez. Great book, a step in the right direction for Marvel. Hopefully, they can keep this quality of writing going.

Avengers (2016) #681

Feb 22, 2018

I really like this story and the direction in which it's going. I like how it takes the story from a different character's perspective in each issue; it makes them more interesting, while providing exposition as to what led to the present situation. I just feel like the constant Hulk teasing is getting a bit redundant. We know that it's him; you can stop now. Overall, very good.

Avengers (2016) #683

Mar 7, 2018

The story is still nice, but this issue failed in my opinion. It definitely adds to the overall story and thickens the plot, but it's just poor; this is mainly because the dialogues/monologues come across as annoying, simply because they tell what we can already see, making it read like a children's book. The plot twist had me fucked up in a good way though. I'm definitely picking up the next issue, but this one just wasn't it.

Batman: The Dark Prince Charming #1  
Damage (2018) #1

Jan 24, 2018

I personally didn't like it. It reminded me too much of the mean, green, wrecking machine (I mean The Hulk, incase you're an uncultured swine lol) to really take him serious. The writers should've know that it would be impossible to avoid comparisons between Damage and The Hulk, and should've given him a fresher, more compelling story. Everything I saw in the comic felt worn out and recycled. I don't even see why he was introduced to the DC landscape, he's really not needed; unless they're saving up new characters (like Sideways and Brimstone) for a future event. Either way, it didn't work. DID NOT ENJOY.

Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1

Feb 28, 2018

I'm bored. This shit is confusing, and not in a good way. Milk Wars is confusing in a great way. Dark Nights Metal is confusing in the worst way. Why are we taking it from Detective Chimp's perspective? What does he have to do with anything? He's not an interesting character in the least, so why would he be important here? What the fuck is Earth 53, and why is it an ape planet? These are questions that I don't even need an answer to; I just want the story to be over with. The story just seems to have lost direction; like it's being made up as they go. I'm tired of this story. Thank God there's only one issue left. I wouldn't have a problem if this writing was in a Young Animal story, where you should expect things to get pretty wild, but it has no place in Dark Nights Metal, where things are supposed to be taken seriously.

Dark Nights: Metal #5

Jan 31, 2018

I liked the series a bit at first, but the writing just seems to be getting more and more lazy. There's too much detail in the dialogue, so much so that, instead of complementing the actions (drawing style and overall visual art) of the characters, it just overwhelms the whole thing. The story's explanations are too explicit, in that they tell you everything that's happening, instead of letting you see it for yourself. It's writing like a novel instead of a *graphic* novel. The whole Dark Multiverse concept never really did it for me, but I was curious to see how they'd handle it. I'm still not too much of a fan, but it's pretty cool, I guess. This issue also added very little to the story. There was almost no progression in the plot, which made it all the more a frustrating read; no reward after the ordeal. It was almost like a filler book. I did not like this book at all.

Doctor Strange (2015) #385

Mar 8, 2018

Perfect. Bats is a very good boy.

Doctor Strange (2015) #386

Mar 8, 2018

Doomsday Clock #1

Jan 28, 2018

Doomsday Clock #2

Jan 24, 2018

Doomsday Clock #3

Jan 24, 2018

Imaginary Fiends #1  
Infidel #1

Mar 15, 2018

um...that's a lot of liberal propaganda.

Milk Wars: JLA/Doom Patrol Special #1

Feb 8, 2018

Goddamn, this story was weird. And fun. So much fun. I admit, I'm not really a fan of Doom Patrol, but after this, I'm definitely checking out their other stories. The team seems to have a dynamic, a chemistry between characters that is lacking in other comics. I still don't know the characters well enough, but this is what I like in a comic book; the characters had clear personalities, the verbal exposition was kept to a minimum, and the story was unique. Excellent book. And don't get me started on the art, yo. The visuals kept me entertained throughout the reading, and it worked so well with the story. It was implemented appropriately, and made this book what it is. Do yourself a favor and read this. 10/10 from me.

Milk Wars: Mother Panic/Batman Special #1

Feb 8, 2018

"LMAO WHAT?!" That's what I was thinking while reading this. It was weird and fun. And weird. It kept verbal exposition to a minimum and kept the mood light and funny without destroying the personality of Batman. Did I mention that it was weird? Great read. Fantastic direction.

Punisher: The Platoon #5  
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #10  
Thanos (2016) #15

Jan 24, 2018

OH MY GOD! This story is amazing! In my opinion, it's the best of the series so far! We learn a bit more about the Marvel Universe leading up to Thanos' rule, we have some interesting fucking reveals, and the plot thickens! This story just gets better and better! 10 out of 10 would recommend.

Thanos (2016) #16

Feb 28, 2018

This story is still going strong. We finally have the origin of the Ghost Rider, which is actually really interesting, and we saw the fight between the Thanoses and The Fallen One. While the fight isn't over, I feel like this first part was pretty short; I wish it was longer. But that final panel, though. Marvel really has me fucked all the way up with this Thanos run. It's mad like the Titan. Still 10/10.

X-Men: Grand Design #1

Jan 24, 2018

This issue is an amazing piece of work that tells the story of the X-Men, and by extension, mutants, through the eyes of Uatu The Watcher. The story not only recaps the rich past of the team, but also sheds more light on the Marvel universe as a whole, emphasizing the part that the X-Men play in the grand scheme of things. The art in this comic is also loaded with nostalgia, and meets well with those who remember comics from THAT era. It is a great read; fingers crossed, hope that we get one of these for the Fantastic Four.

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