Michaelbn's Profile

Joined: Apr 10, 2019

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Avengers (2018) #33

Jun 1, 2020

So what's next? MK has f**ked Doom's mom and has his powers. MK has Spider-man's powers. MK has Franklin Richards' powers. Man, I love Moon Knight but this is absolute shit. Jason Aaron is a joke.

Avengers (2018) #36

Oct 3, 2020

Who thought it's a good idea to let Aaron write Moon Knight?

Batman (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

All hail the KING!!!

Batman (2016) #69

Apr 18, 2019

Even King has no idea what he is doing. Fanfictions are better than this.

Batman (2016) #71

May 17, 2019

I dislike Bruce Wayne overall and like the persona of Batman but this is too much, it's making me like the usual Bruce Wayne I don't like; it's really impressive for this fetish-trashy-badfanfiction-garbage for doing something like this. At this point I don't even care if editors are going to change King or something, all I want from them is to use Janin's art for better stories.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

May 30, 2019

It looks promising. I liked it; this Bruce Wayne seems much more caring and light-hearted than the usual Bruce Wayne throughout decades and he is starting to grow on me, but there are some things that I didn't understand like what was the purpose of those baby GLs? they've felt out of the place. Wonder Woman becoming an apocalyptic-punk leader with a mohawk doesn't suit her. The way they disgraced Darkseid was stupid, so he got his head chopped off by a punk named Omega? there were better ways to prove he's a lethal threat that needs to be reckoned with; they mentioned he was an associate to the original Bruce Wayne so I hope it's either a pissed off Damian or a sensible Jason whom we can understand his doings and relate to him instead of Snyder's usual way of "Batman's enemies are evil because they're against him". Everything else was great but Joker really stole the light, every panel with him was golden. It's nice to see a clone of Bruce Wayne who is determined to fight for earth and is serious yet light-hearted instead of Tom King's crappy Batman. I'm eagerly waiting for the next issue.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Oct 3, 2020

Story: 3/10 Batman and Joker are overrated beyond words, and this is just some nonsense with no clear direction. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere despite all of the hype. Art: 10/10 Jason Fabok never disappoints, his art makes this really enjoyable. Bonus: 1+ Johns ships Jason and Barbara, didn't see that coming ;)

Captain America (2018) #10

May 17, 2019

This is a really nice take with a great concept. Adam Kubert's art can get better on some panels but it's still awesome.

Captain America (2018) #19

Apr 8, 2020

Ta-Nehisi must go back and write crappy articles about his ancestors instead of some nonsense story.

Captain America (2018) #20

Apr 8, 2020

Coates is mistaking comic books with internet journalism.

Captain Marvel (2019) #5

May 17, 2019

Please, this is another SJW crap.

Daredevil (2019) #4

Apr 18, 2019

Chap knows DD's stubborn spirit and loneliness. Art is great too; one of the fewest comics from Marvel that actually worth reading.

Daredevil (2019) #5

May 17, 2019

Looks like Chip is really motivated to make DD the best character in Marvel Universe which is totally fine by me. P.S: Now I want a mini-series with DD wearing Punisher's T-shirt.

Daredevil (2019) #6

May 30, 2019

The art was a bit off but I loved the story. Shows how Daredevil (Not Matt but Daredevil) impacts the lives of others, these ideas by Chip is really appreciated.

Daredevil (2019) #20

Jun 16, 2020

Can't Marvel hire more writers like Chip and more artists like Marco? is it that hard? This book is just too good to be a 2020 Marvel thing.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

Jun 16, 2020

I used to like Batman. But I hate him now. Everything is about him.

DCeased #1

May 3, 2019

It's funny how someone writes Batman in a spin-off series better than a guy who writes him in Batman's main series.

Doomsday Clock #10

May 30, 2019

I don't want to sound rude because this is a nice issue but I think I need to say it: Look! we have a series named doomsday clock! It's kind underrated and unpopular; it's like it doesn't get the attention it deserves which is a sad thing *sigh*.

Flash (2016) #70

May 17, 2019

This is The Flash we need (but not deserve) not that CW nonsense. This issue was superb you can easily feel the passion and love that Williamson and Porter put into this.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #6

May 12, 2019

Tom Taylor never fails to impress. Such an underrated gem he is. This book is amazing.

Gotham High OGN

Apr 8, 2020

Let's make Batman Chinese because I'm from Eastern Asia. Wut?

Heroes In Crisis #8

May 3, 2019

I admire and respect those who have liked this issue and series. You guys must have a serious willpower and mindset (no offense).

Heroes In Crisis #9

May 30, 2019

Finally! (This crap shit reached its end) our battle will be legendary!!

Justice League (2018) #22

Apr 18, 2019

Not bad, not bad at all. Despite flaws, there is more good to enjoy this issue.

Justice League (2018) #24

May 17, 2019

A lazy knock-off from the amazing Tower of Babel story.

Lost on Planet Earth #1

Apr 21, 2020

Do you remember the last time Mags wrote a good story? wait, she has never written an OK story let alone a good one.

Lost on Planet Earth #2

Jun 16, 2020

Lesbian lost on Planet Lesbian.

Marauders (2019) #10

Jun 1, 2020

How to spot a bad marvel comic: 1. It's written by "professionals" 2. It has a high rating 3. The summary is absolute crap. This comic in short: Russia is bad because they're not gay USA is good because they're gay

Naomi #4

Apr 18, 2019

Are we supposed to care about this Mary Sue? Bendis knows how to write good stories but he doesn't know how to write new characters.

Naomi #5

May 17, 2019

I don't know what I should do, read and bore the hell out of myself with dialogues or read the dialogues and trying to understand what is going, wait...

Nightwing (2016) #59

Apr 18, 2019

This is a good issue but not a great one. Art is nice to look at and the story keeps you engaged but what makes it worse is the pacing. The story doesn't know what's going on and just wants to reach the end.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #33

Apr 10, 2019

The ending was a bit disappointing but other than that the overall quality was great. It is action packed with the return of a long-time-no-see character mixed with witty quips from Jason. This Casino arc looks promising.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #34

May 17, 2019

It was kind of weird but somehow interesting at the same time. I think Jason needs a better romantic interest than Isabel or Lobdell trying to improve her character at least. I'm really curious about this Casino arc, yes it's slow but it looks promising. Nice Fallout: New Vegas reference too.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #44

Apr 8, 2020

Can't Lobdell be removed?

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #47

Oct 3, 2020

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #49

Oct 3, 2020

Just one more score and we will go to Tahi...oh wait, just one more issue and we will get rid of Lobdell. Hopefully, someone better will takes his place.

Spider-Man: Life Story #2

Apr 18, 2019

All of these SJWs and MCU fans who don't know good ol' spidey's comics are whining "this is not how Spider-Man is" or "Captain America is all-American and mustn't fight against them" and etc. Chip's stories are the fewest of Marvel comics that worth reading right now.

Spider-Man: Life Story #3

May 17, 2019

I love this kind of realism and the interesting take of him aging real-time. My only problem was how ugly Peter's face looked, in previous issues it looked nice but in this one, it was liked artist was lazy or something.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion Collected

Jun 20, 2020

A REBEL SCUM will like this.

Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Jun 20, 2020

Tom King somehow is doing decent with C-listers.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #1

Apr 26, 2020

Better than the crapshit that Brian "Loser" Bendis writes.

War Of The Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants #1

May 25, 2019

You know the book is gonna be awesome in terms of the story when Tom Taylor is the writer. Visually it's stunning too. The interactions, the chemistry, the action and pretty much everything is superb and it also manages to be very hilarious; I haven't had good laugh for a while but this did the magic.

Wonder Woman (2016) #754

Apr 8, 2020

Bullshit. Bullshit everywhere.

Wonder Woman (2016) #755

Jun 1, 2020

I wish they leave Diana alone; let her be an interesting character with proper stories, character-trait-flaws, vulnerable, and decent personality; with stories about overcoming odds and overwhelming situations. But nope, f**k that, she's just an icon of feminism and strong independent wahman. They just don't realize by writing a good story and making her understandable they're doing that.

Wonder Woman (2016) #757

Jun 20, 2020


X-Men (2019) #9

Apr 8, 2020

Be honest with yourself, Hickman can't write X-Men.

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #3

Apr 8, 2020

Chip writes X-Men better than Hickman.

You Brought Me the Ocean #1

Jun 16, 2020

"I'm gay" "no shit" 10/10 writing. I really want to know what qualifies as good art because this book's art is worse than dogshit.

Young Justice (2019) #15

Jun 16, 2020

Go home Bendis and retire. You're delusional.

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