Andrenn's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Revolution Reviews: 136
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #601

Aug 11, 2009

I liked this issue quite a bit. It had it's fair share of flaws but for what I was expecting of it I was very impressed and I look forward to checking out what is in store for me next week. While I won't be reading Spider-Man on a regular basis for this fan it seems like the wall crawler is finally on a path to redemption and becoming one of the best comics out there again.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #611

Nov 19, 2009

Despite some obnoxious points in the story and mediocre art I highly recommend Amazing Spider-Man #611 for it's off the wall story telling and absolutely brilliant character work between Spider-Man and Deadpool. If you're looking for a fun Deadpool read but can't tell from all the Deadpool comics out there, I highly recommend this as your Deadpool read for the month as it's a guarantee great read.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #625

Mar 26, 2010

I really did love this issue and give it a high recommendation to anyone looking for a great exciting and heart breaking story. Despite its glaring flaw it still manages to be one of the best comics Ive read in a long while and any fan of Spider-man should enjoy this.

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American Vampire #6

Sep 29, 2010

I was easily won over by American Vampire #6 and I am looking forward to reading this great series on a regular basis. Despite the huge Vampire boom nowadays, I definitely give American Vampire a big recommendation and this issue is a great start to it. If you are unsure and want to read the prior story arc then the first volume will be in stores soon so you can pick up this great issue to get you started and then read the prior story arc. American Vampire is a book that I am looking forward to sinking my fangs into on a monthly basis and I recommend you do the same.

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American Vampire #8

Nov 26, 2010

Art Comments: As always, Albuquerque's art is strong. Having said that, the art does look a little rushed here and there. Still, in the end, these minor defects do not hurt the overall quality of Albuquerque's nice artwork. The characters' facial expressions are all well done. Albuquerque captures big and small moments perfectly. I especially dug how Albuquerque drew the big reveal page for who the murderer was. It is simplistic in how it is done but effective.Albuquerque's capturing of emotions is where he excels most in this issue. The Pearl Discussion scene is a perfect example of it. Never do their faces not match what they're saying and sometimes the artwork conveys the discussions better than the words. Especially the final panel of their little chat.

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American Vampire #9

Dec 13, 2010

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American Vampire #16

Jul 8, 2011

I cannot recommend American Vampire enough to you all. Each issue is packed with great storytelling, great character work and amazing artwork every time. It defeats the wait for the trade mentality that so many other comics have by making sure each issue is packed to the brim with enough great writing and art to make sure that your $2.99 is always well spent and leaving you satisfied and excited for more next month.

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American Vampire #18

Aug 31, 2011

Ghost War went out with a bang. Seriously, there was a huge explosion in the middle of all that great action and character work. American Vampire has been one of the best titles continuously on the shelves each month and somehow its managed to outdo itself with what is definitely the best story arc yet for this series. As the world of American Vampire lost one character it still becomes a rich and exciting comic book.

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American Vampire #23

Jan 31, 2012

American Vampire #23 is more greatness from an already great series. It also ups the ante from an already strong first issue for the Death Race arc. We are only two parts in and already I have a good feeling that Death Race could somehow outdo Ghost War, which would be no easy feat. But as American Vampire has entered the 50's the quality only seems to rise and the tale of Travis Kidd is sure to impress.

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Angelus #3

Apr 17, 2010

I highly recommend Angelus #3 as your starting point into this mini. Issues #1 and #2 are avoidable at this point and with the recap page you get all the information you need to start here. This is an excellent start for someone wanting to jump onboard and get a great read with great characters and amazing action. Things are really looking up for this mini and I couldnt be more excited for it.

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Angelus #4

Jul 17, 2010

Angelus is quickly becoming the best mini-series of the year. Plain and simple, I'm loving it. It took a little while to get off the ground but its flying higher then ever and I couldn't be happier for it. While its a little late to catch up, when this one hits the collection I highly recommend you pick it up, or if you really want hunt down the singles because its definitely worth it as the final 2 issues are looking to be p

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Angelus #5

Sep 5, 2010

I've been loving Angelus, but this issue really killed it for me. I'll stick around for the finale because I am still excited to see how it wraps up, but seeing such a cheap lengthening filler issue like this really kills the quality this mini has had for me. I can't give this issue a recommendation, unless you like lesbian sex scenes, other then that it was a big waste of time. If you enjoyed the other issues then just pick up #6, that's where all the real important stuff will be. A great mini-series that just lost its way in this issue.

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Artifacts #1

Jul 29, 2010

Artifacts is off to a great start, this doesn't exactly leave the world in shambles and leave me dying to see what happens next because of it, but its great character work, gorgeous artwork and the promise of great and epic things to come heave me very excited. While 13 issues is a big commitment, I highly recommend you jump on now as things are really going to heat up now and I can't wait to see more, a great start to what I have high hopes to be a great event.

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Artifacts #2

Sep 28, 2010

I couldn't be happier than reading Artifacts. After being burnt by Marvel and DC event comics Artifacts is what I need to be reminded what an event should feel like. Something important that affects the characters more then someone just randomly dying and big explosions happening. Artifacts #2 continues the strong start of this opening arc and I give it a high recommendation to readers old and new, there's a lot to love about Artifacts and it looks like its only getting better from here.

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Artifacts #3

Nov 18, 2010

I can't say it enough: Buy this comic. If the idea of it being an event put you off to it then I assure you its better than anything Marvel or DC could ever hope to put out. It's got the great characters that make up any great storyline and it's got a huge building plot that's sure to please. Artifacts is still building up but the journey as it builds up is an excellent read that no one should miss out on.

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Artifacts #13

Jan 9, 2012

Artifacts #13 is not a badly written comic nor is it badly drawn. The characters are good and the dialogue is strong work from Marz. Keown also gets to do some good emotional work in the opening. With all of that said, there was clearly something here that could have been better or more worth your time. So it is not all bad.

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Avengers Assemble #9

Nov 15, 2012

If you love the Marvel Movies, like many people have, Avengers Assemble is a great place to jump into the comics. If you are a fan of the comics and either have never been big on Marvel or just have not been around for a while this is also a great place to get back into it. DeConnick does a great job of making Avengers Assemble a fun, accessible first issue that stands out from the rest.

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Avengers: Children's Crusade #1

Jul 17, 2010

Was Children's Crusade's debut issue all I had hoped it to be? Sort of. Despite its fair amount of weaknesses, the character work really shines in this issue and blew me away, even if not all of it was perfect. The art alone is worth a buy and I really did enjoy reading this issue and am excited for more. I recommend this highly to big Young Avengers fans or someone looking for a great start to the series. I recommend you pick up the first volume by Heinberg and Cheung then Children's Crusade #1.

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Avengers: Children's Crusade #2

Sep 1, 2010

By now I don't think anyone will be surprised to hear that I give this issue a huge recommendation. Even if you missed the first, go out and buy it then get this issue with it and you will have an amazing read you will not regret buying. For big fans of the Young Avengers its a must have and for anyone who loves the Marvel Universe. Even if you're a newbie wanting to get into this great team this is a great start for you. Do not trade-wait what is now looking to be one of the biggest Marvel stories in a very long time. Bi-monthly or not it is clearly worth the wait.

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Avengers: Children's Crusade #3

Nov 19, 2010

I continue to love Children's Crusade despite the delay. While I would love to pick up Avengers The Children's Crusade #4 next month, this series is without a doubt worth the wait. It's a big Avengers event with no crappy tie-ins and its got all the feel of a massive storyline set to reshape the Marvel universe and key players in it. Its got excellent character work and amazing artwork and while this issue does have some minor problems I still give this mini a huge recommendation so if you missed issues 1 and 2 do not delay, go pick them up and then this issue with them.

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Avengers: Children's Crusade #6

Jul 6, 2011

Children's Crusade is looking up again. After the Young Avengers Special and last time I was getting very worried about this series. It hit a snag badly and I was thinking the worst about it. But, Heinberg and Cheung got off the snag and it seems they are heading for clearer waters with this issue as the pace picks up and the character work continues to be excellent.

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Batgirl (2011) #1

Sep 11, 2011

Batgirl #1 gets things going strong. For anyone who was nervous about Barbara Gordon's return to being Batgirl I can happily say your fears can be calmed. While it may have some kinks to work out in the coming months, Batgirl is still a good read. Anyone who is a fan of Barbara Gordon or how Gail Simone has been writing her needs to pick this up.

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Batman (2011) #5

Jan 21, 2012

If you are not buying Batman, for whatever reason you may have, you need to fix that. Even if you are a Marvel Zombie, buy it. Even if you are an Indy fan only, buy it. Even if you are a DC fan and you do not like Batman, you need to buy it. Batman is one of the best comics out there. Not best super hero comic or horror comic or any other kind. One of the best comics out there period.

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Batman and Robin (2009) #3

Aug 28, 2009

Batman and Robin is finally reaching the potential this series had from day one. Morrison has sold me on the series and hopefully will do the same for the rest of you.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #1

Jun 18, 2009

Paul Dini fans like myself should be pleased with Batman Streets of Gotham #1 and its chilling tales. This titles does have some issues that need to be buffered out over the next few months. And Nguyen seriously needs to start distinguishing ages with younger characters. Having said that, if you're a fan of Dini then you should check out Batman Streets of Gotham #1.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #2

Jul 17, 2009

Streets of Gotham easily could be the best Batman Reborn book out there. It has all the making to outlast and outclass Batman and Robin and show that Batman doesn't need over the top action just to be enjoyable and that there is a lot more to Gotham then Batman and Robin.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #3

Aug 25, 2009

Streets of Gotham is a series I give very high recommendations. Despite the $3.99 price tag it's a well worth it comic that shouldn't be missed out by anyone who loves the Batman mythos and it's wide array of heroes and villains. Dini and Nguyen are doing a masterful job being the streets of Gotham to life like never before.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #4

Sep 24, 2009

Originally I thought Streets of Gotham would best be sold as a comic for Dini fans only. Now I'm seeing this as a comic that anyone who loves the wide Gotham mythos and it's deep character history should absolutely not miss out on this amazing comic. It's the best current Batman ongoing in my opinion and in no way should be missed.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #6

Nov 26, 2009

Fans of Huntress should definitely pick up this issue. Skip last issue as it's pretty much useless except for the Priest's little story. Fans of Batman who where disappointed by Batman and Robin #6 should pick up this series to get your Batman fill.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #7

Dec 19, 2009

If you haven't been liking what Morrison is doing over with Batman and Robin (I know I haven't) and are looking for a great Batman series that focuses on Gotham City as a whole and is really interesting and compelling then this is the series for you. This issue just proved once again why Dini is a modern master when it comes to writing Batman.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #9

Feb 24, 2010

This issue was a mess of bad character work, weak artwork, a paper thin plot and just total filler crap. Nearly everything about it was awful and if youve been looking to get into Streets of Gotham then I highly recommend avoiding this issue like the plague and waiting for whenever, if ever, Dini returns.

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Blackest Night #7

Feb 28, 2010

Blackest Night #7 still turned out to be the best issue of the event since the first issue. It had some good moments, an awesome cliff-hanger and great art and left me wanting more and eager to see what happened next. Not much more I can ask of an event comic so Id have to say it was a strong success.

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Blackest Night: Batman #2

Sep 15, 2009

Despite my gripes I must say that if you're looking for well priced and enjoyable short event tie-in you can't do much better then Blackest Night Batman. Fans of the current Batman Reborn status quo will definitely like it and for anyone who misses Tomasi writing Nightwing I'm sure you'll enjoy it even more. Definitely check it out.

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Bloodstrike (2012) #26

Mar 26, 2012

Bloodstrike #26 was a nice surprise for me. It had a great character that was well developed by the end of the issue. It had some really fun action with solid dialogue to compliment the big fight scenes and kept me interested through every scene. It also has some strong side-characters to keep our eyes on and it gets a few sub-plots rolling to keep going through the series and keep my attention into the next issue.

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Broken Trinity: Pandoras Box #3

Sep 13, 2010

I'm having a blast reading Pandora's Box. I think it still has a little bit more to do before it becomes a must read though. Still if yo like big fun action adventures with an awesome treasure hunt and great heroes and villains then you'll enjoy Pandora's Box. It's been lots of fun so far and things hopefully will just get better and better from here.

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Carnage (2010) #1

Nov 15, 2010

">Written by Andrenn TweetIf you missed our thoughts on San Diego Comic Con, I was very excited at the announcement of the return of Carnage. With a strong writer and amazing artist, one of my favorite Spider-villains returns. Does Carnage's return make for a bloodbath of great quality or is this bloodbath lacking any blood? Let's find out!Writer: Zeb WellsArtist: Clayton CrainStory Rating: 6 Symbiotes out of 10Art Rating: 8 Symbiotes out of 10Overall Rating: 7 Symbiotes out of 10Synopsis: Spider-Man is narrating how this is playing out with an armored car being rammed by another car and how this sounds like a simple story. We see someone swinging thinking its Spider-man. We pan out and see it is the Doppelganger in pursuit of the armored car.We switch to an invention expo, we get some technobabble and when the presenter asks Tony for Starktech to help. Everyone just laughs. He says they invented some chip doohickey that helps them control a robotic arm and when he goes to wave at To

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Dark Reign: Young Avengers #4

Sep 16, 2009

Young Avengers fans should most definitely not miss out on this amazing mini. From the story, character work and incredible artwork this mini is looking to be my favorite of 2009 and should not at all be missed. Very high recommendations.

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Dark Reign: Young Avengers #5

Nov 3, 2009

Despite not really concluding the Young Masters story I still loved this mini-series and I give it a very high recommendation to anyone who loves the Young Avengers or wants to see Norman Osborn get his sorry ass kicked. It had great character work, beautiful artwork and was just all around a great read that I recommend to all.

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Elephantmen #32

Jul 13, 2011

I am happy to say that this is another great issue of Elephantmen. Starkings delivers on so many levels. A great sword and sorcery tail that is a lot of fun to read. A great character story that has a brilliant moment for the main character. A fantastic looking comic thanks to Medellin. Some awesome bonuses that make it worth while to pick up the main issues instead of just waiting for the collection, this issue has all the makings of a must have.

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Elephantmen #35

Oct 2, 2011

For fans of the Elephantmen Wary Toys 2, Enemies Species is an absolutely must have. Starkings continues to crank out excellent stories out of the great war that created our heroes and for fans this is a very important time to read about. This arc succesfully added a wonderful new layer to that important time and continued on some of the great stuff that was building from previous story arcs. It is fun seeing how insane and violent this war was and the way the Elephantmen dealt with incredible challenges back then.

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Elephantmen #37

Jan 26, 2012

Elephantmen is still going strong and remains to be one of my favorite titles out there. Things do not look to be slowing down in Elephantmen. If anything they are speeding up and out of control and I like it that way. While this great series enters the new year I can guarantee you that none of the quality it had last year is gone. It is still the same great Elephantmen it was before. It may even be getting better, if that is possible.

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Elephantmen #40

Jun 20, 2012

Overall, I would say if you are interested in Elephantmen then I say skip this issue. Go read the Killing Season, a brilliant storyline, or wait until the next issue. Only long time readers of the series should pick up to keep up with what's going on.

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Elephantmen #44

Nov 27, 2012

Overall, if you have not read Elephantmen then this arc is a good place to jump in. This is the third part so you have only got two issues to hunt down. Its got the same great character work that I have been loving since I jumped on. So check this arc and this issue out to see why Elephantmen is one of my current favorite ongoings.

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Elephantmen: Man And Elephantman #1

Nov 30, -0001

Elephantmen is a great science-fiction series. I am not always big on sci-fi. But, the dark dreary world of Mystery City and the Elephantmen that live inside it has really won me over. I would recommend this one-shot to just about anyone interested in a great series like Elephantmen with wonderful characters. It is a quick and fun read. A near perfect introduction to this excellent series. I think this issue will make more readers fans of Elephantmen if they give this issue a chance.

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Frankenstein Alive, Alive! #1

May 17, 2012

Frankenstein Alive, Alive #1 is a good start to what has all the potential to be a worthy sequel to the classic that started it all. It is created by two titans of horror comics that know what they're doing and know how to deliver a great story and excellent horror. If you are a fan of Frankenstein or Bernie Wrightson you absolutely should buy this issue. If you have ever wanted to check out Wrightson's work, here is the perfect start.

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Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1

Sep 23, 2011

Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE has all the potential to be the best non-super hero comic to come out of the New 52. I have a feeling that with issues #2 and beyond I will probably be singing a lot more praise about this series when i has passed introducing the main cast and getting everyone situated with the premise and setting of the series. I could be wrong, but the potential this series has is immense.

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Glory #23

Jan 13, 2012

Glory #23 is an excellent start. I have a lot of faith in what Keatinge wants to do with this title. This series already has a ton of potential out of the gate and if Keatinge and Campbell can keep the pace going then we have got an amazing new series on our hands. Keatinge already has the right formula for the characters, all he has to do is keep things going at a good pace and I can see Glory being a great read every month.

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Glory #25

Apr 17, 2012

If you were skeptical about Glory because of preconceived notions from the older comics or even if not, you just were not sure if would be your thing, trust me, its worth your time. Glory has taken three issues to build a world, develop its characters and hook readers with a premise that is sure to keep you reading and then impatiently waiting for more next month.

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Glory #26

May 15, 2012

Glory is still going strong and is easily keeping my attention. After a strong first arc, the second arc looks to continue with that same quality. The title's only weakness is a lack of focus on the titular heroine though the whole cast is full of enjoyable characters which keeps this issue as a great read and keeps me invested in the series.

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Glory #27

Jun 20, 2012

Overall, Glory is one of those comics you definitely need to check out and once you do, you will be getting excited for it every month. Keatinge and Campbell are going places no other comics are right now with Glory and the quality matches the daring of the story. Glory is a new favorite of mine and I have no doubt it will become a new favorite of yours as well when you check it out.

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Glory #33

Mar 14, 2013

Glory #33 brings down the hammer and it hits perfect dead-center for another fantastic issue. This series is not only one of the best new ongoings on the shelves, its become one of the best titles Image comics has ever published. Joe Keatinge and Ross Campbell have worked hard this past year to deliver a story that will not be soon forgotten as one of the most engaging and important to hit the shelves.

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Green Lantern (2005) #54

May 29, 2010

Green Lantern looks to be shining Bright this day. Story and art come together nicely and Johns clearly has something big in mind for this series as he always has even past the big Blackest Night event. I recommend you jump onboard if you are interested in what I consider to be the best series with the Brightest Day banner.

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Guarding the Globe (2012) #1

Sep 17, 2012

Guarding the Globe is spinning off the best super hero comic out there. Its got a lot to live up to. Hester has taken the reigns of these characters and is making this title his own while keeping what's great about them. He's going to be taking them places they can go now with their own series. If every issue is as good or better than the first issue, that means this comic is destined for greatness.

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Guarding the Globe (2012) #3

Nov 27, 2012

Overall, if you love good super hero fun then you absolutely need to read Guarding the Globe. Hester is 3 for 3 in telling a strong story with great characters and lots of memorable moments. This issue better develops the title and helps it stand taller on its own. With only three issues in there is still plenty of time to check out one of the best new ongoings on the stand.

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Halloween Eve (One Shot) #1

Oct 31, 2012

Halloween Eve is a one-shot that feels satisfying as a done in one tale but also left me wanting just a little bit more than I got. Thankfully its additional content does add a little more to make it more worth that price of 3.99. Its a comic that takes place on my favorite Holiday but the story itself is still memorable and enjoyable on its own and doesn't feel like its relying on Halloween as a gimmick or selling point.

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Haunt #1

Oct 9, 2009

This was a pretty good and enjoyable read. As I said it's not great or as amazing as I'd been hoping but we still got a good read. If the creative team can work fast to take care of the art issues (getting a new inker) and the story can unravel naturally and become more coherent as to it's little threads then it could succeed better.

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Haunt #2

Nov 9, 2009

If Haunt #1 put you off to the series and you aren't reading it, I definitely recommend you give Haunt #2 a shot as the series really does seem to be heading for good things in the future. Try to get past some of the obvious influences and enjoy it for what it is and I think you'll find an exciting and enjoyable new series to read.

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Haunt #3

Dec 9, 2009

If you dropped Haunt after issue #1 and wrote it off as 90's Image crap then I highly recommend you check again as this series is easily shaping up to be another winner from Kirkman. Sure it's had some kinks to work out but as time goes on this is looking to be one of the best new comics out there and I give it a high recommendation to all.

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Haunt #6

Apr 6, 2010

I really have been loving Haunt, but this was the weakest issue of Haunt since its weak first issue. But I still really recommend this series to anyone. Pick up the first volume and I think youll find something to love in there. This issue was a sign of the weaker side to Haunt that hopefully Kirkman is going to be able to fix in future issues. Still not a bad read but it could have been so much better.

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Haunt #7

May 20, 2010

Haunt really is coming along and turning into one of the best reads each month. There are still plenty of hurdles to jump over. The series needs to start building a cast and getting a tighter pace but I think that as the series progresses that this is going to continue to be one of the bet comics on the shelves. Kirkman is a masterful writer and I know he can turn this into great series it has the potential to be.

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Haunt #8

Aug 9, 2010

I am enjoying Haunt a lot, the characters are fun and the artwork is great. If that sounds like enough for you then I say check it out, but the slow pace and unstable release schedule are really hurting it so I say add this one to the trade-wait list, pick up the first volume and wait patiently for the second. It's a fun series and I'm glad to be reading it, but in the end this is better for the collection waiters out there.

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Haunt #9

Sep 10, 2010

Haunt still has its kinks to work out. But I see this as a definite diamond in the rough right now and I found this to be the best issue in a while. It still has its problems but I really am enjoying this title despite them. For now I'll say that while I enjoy it, give it a cautious read. Pick the first volume and if you think you'd like to see more pick up volume 2 whenever it makes it out. This issue definitely gives me new hope for the series but it's still got some hurdles to jump over.

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Haunt #16

Jul 6, 2011

Haunt #16 is a solid improvement for the Apparition arc but, as a whole, the arc has been fairly weak. It has some of Capullo's best art on the series though and that is definitely a plus for the series. It was a very good read and the character work really helped boost it from being more of a generic issue like the previous ones have been. It got me excited to see how things end next time and that's also a plus. It is a good issue but hopefully things improve more with the finale of the arc.

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Haunt #19

Dec 2, 2011

Haunt #19 is a good start to a run that already is showing lots of potential. While Casey clearly has some issues to work out as he takes over Haunt, overall, I am hopeful for the future of this series in his hands. Casey is a writer with the talent to give constant insane fun to his comics on a monthly basis. Haunt is a title with enough potential and possibility that I think he can take it great places.

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Hellboy: House Of The Living Dead OGN

Oct 10, 2012

For anyone who has been reading Hellboy, House of the Living Dead is good enough that it gets a recommendation. The story is light on much character work until the end but that's what the main series is for. This is a really fun side-story that has great use of classic monsters. So for that, it also gets a recommendation to anyone who's a fan of old school monster mashes.

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Hulk (2008) #24

Aug 19, 2010

Hulk #24 is not the masterpiece that Incredible Hulk #611 was, but its definitely a good read that makes for a satisfying conclusion to the run. If you like or hate what Loeb did, I think you'll still find a fun and interesting read with this issue and some amazing art that really boosts it up a level. I'm very glad I decided to pick this issue up and I recommend anyone who's interested in a big fight and wanted to see Rulk get what he's had coming pick this up.

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Image United #0

Feb 26, 2010

Image United #0 was a fun read and it did its job of holding me over until the next issue of the main series eventually comes out. Whenever it plans to be released that is. If you, like me, are patiently waiting for the next issue then I highly recommend you pick this up or if you wanted to get into Image United but missed issue 1, pick this up and then the past 2 issues as well. Its worth the 2.99.

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Image United #1

Dec 2, 2009

For me and other longtime Image fans this series is a must read. It's got a great use of the characters we all loved growing up and is absolutely beautifully well drawn. Though if you're not familiar with Image this issue isn't exactly great for you. I say give it a read if you're interested and you may find something fun. If you already dislike Image, this won't change that.

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Image United #3

Aug 27, 2010

Even for a big time fan like myself this issue was bad. Story and art are just below standards and it just doesn't really feel worth it anymore. I'll keep reading because I'm a fan like that who supports these characters and their creators but I can only hope things pick up as we enter the 2nd half of Image United. For now though I don't really recommend this to anyone, even fans like myself.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #611

Aug 11, 2010

This issue was worthy of the title Incredible no doubt about it. The powerful emotional core, the intense action, the great characters and the stunning artwork made Incredible Hulk #611 well worth the $3.99 price tag. Pak has well earned his place amongst legendary Hulk writers in my opinion as not only someone who gets the Hulk, but writes him so well that you both care about the character and are excited to see what happens to him next. That is something you simply do not that often in comics.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #630

Jul 6, 2011

Any fears that Pak would not be able to end his Hulk run on a proper note ended with this issue. I have full confidence that Heart of the Monster will be as great as Pak has done before with the Hulk and be a strong finale to his amazing run. Hulk fans old and new need to jump on now as this is looking to be the most definitive and important Hulk story arc since Planet Hulk. While I am sad to see Pak go, I could not be more excited to see how he ends it.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #631

Jul 6, 2011

It is no surprise to me that I am still reccomending you check out Heart of the Monster at this point if you have missed out. There is only one issue to buy before this one. Track down the great opening issue of the arc then get this one while you are at it. You will not be disapointed, I assure you. We have got what is looking to be the biggest and most exciting arc of Pak's entire run and it should not be missed.

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Invincible #64

Jul 24, 2009

I know this review was short and I would have loved to make it more extensive but there really isn't a plethora of things I can say about this issue. It was short, sweet but oh so worth it. A must have for any fans of Invincible and as long as you can take your violence, anyone who likes a great super hero story.

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Invincible #66

Oct 1, 2009

Despite being a shorter read I still really enjoyed this issue and give it a very high recommendation if you're looking forward to the upcoming Viltrumite War storyline. Kirkman delivers a strong read and we get some gorgeous art along with it.

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Invincible #68

Nov 23, 2009

Longtime fans of Invincible have to read this issue, it will blow you away and make your mind melt with awesome. While the future of the series is still a little uncertain, it's definitely certain that Invincible is a comic everyone should be reading.

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Invincible #70

Feb 23, 2010

I really did like this issue and felt satisfied with the reading experience I got. Kirkman and Ottley delivered yet another solid enjoyable issue of Invincible and Im really excited to see what happens next for the series. But this issue was definitely weaker then the series has been and I think if you want to get into Invincible then definitely start with Returns in March. Otherwise though this issue was still good.

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Invincible #71

May 5, 2010

If youre not reading Invincible for some crazy reason, all I can say is that you should. Invincible has more heart, interesting characters, emotion and great storytelling then a large majority of comics out there nowadays. Story and art blend together to make an excellent read each month and this is the start of what is sure to be the best thing yet for the already strong series.

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Invincible #73

Jul 9, 2010

Invincible #73 is another excellent installment of what is becoming an amazing story arc. If you for some reason haven't been reading this story arc, I once again highly recommend you pick up the last 2 issues, as well as Invincible Returns as this really is turning out to be the best story arc for the series ever and its an absolute must read so far, and I have a feeling it won't be losing any steam anytime soon.

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Invincible #74

Sep 1, 2010

Invincible is in the middle of its biggest story arc ever and things are looking to only get more intense and epic from here on out. Sadly this issue suffers a lot for having to set up the big things to come but it still makes for a fun read and continues to keep me excited for more as the Viltrumite War rages on. While this issue may have suffered its still a good read and worth your time if you've been enjoying the story arc so far.

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Invincible #75

Nov 9, 2010

As an anniversary issue Invincible #75 is just all right. Being stuck in the middle of a big arc it does not get a chance to celebrate the series for making it so far. I am incredibly happy to see Invincible make it to 75 in such a cruel and unforgiving market like today. While #75 may not be the best issue, it is still a series that has earned it place. However, I do not give this issue much of a recommendation unless you have already been reading this arc.

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Invincible #80

Jul 6, 2011

If you dropped Invincible after the Viltrumite War or returned to waiting for the collections I highly recommend you jump back on with this issue. With the pacing picking up, the character work returning to the forefront and some great moments this is the best issue of Invincible in a long while. It left me rejuvenated for more come next issue and has me more excited than ever to be reading Invincible on a monthly basis.

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Invincible #81

Jul 29, 2011

Invincible is not just on back on track, its on track and giving the readers a great ride with this issue as things just look better and better. Kirkman's continuing development of Mark Grayson and as his view on the world changes is a huge step for the series. Fans of the character are going to read what may be the most important character moment in Invincible yet. As the character's view point changes it only means more great things for the readers.

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Invincible #86

Dec 20, 2011

I admit that Invincible is a series that's biggest strength comes from knowing the history of the series. That is not to say you cannot enjoy it without knowing everything about the series, but a big twist for a character feels a lot more important when you know where they have come from and how they got to this point in the long running story. Still, Invincible is well written on a monthly basis that I feel any issue, as long as you know the very basics of the series, should be enough to win you over and I feel this arc could do the same for you all.

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Invincible #87

Jan 11, 2012

Invincible #87 is another excellent entry in a series that just gets better with every issue. Whenever I think That's as good as it gets, there's no way he can top this issue. Kirkman is quick to prove me wrong and top whatever huge twist or big moment he just did. So while this issue's final page had my jaw on the floor I am not going to be surprised if next month I am telling you all Kirkman somehow outdid himself again.

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Invincible #89

Feb 29, 2012

Invincible #89 is a great start for what I consider to be the best super hero ongoing being published right now. If you follow my reviews then you know I love Invincible. You know I recommend it every single month. Now you have the perfect chance to read this series. See what I've been talking about and see if you enjoy it as much. There's really nothing to lose with this issue. It's a good place to start so you won't be in the middle of a story arc and unable to understand what's going on.

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Invincible #92

Jun 20, 2012

Overall, a new arc for Invincible gives me yet another chance to tell you that you need to be buying this book. I consider Invincible to be the best super hero comic being published right now. It has got a cast full of likable and memorable characters, all of which Kirkman continues to add to every new story. This story is another accessible start to this great series you should not be missing out on. So next time you are at the comic shop correct the mistake of not reading Invincible.

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Invincible #97

Nov 27, 2012

Overall, this was a good issue that was hurt by needing to set up things for the next arc. I understand why Kirkman had to cut off Zandale's story where he did, but at the same time it left me feeling a bit unsatisfied. New readers should definitely wait for the next arc to jump on. This is a terrible issue to start the series at. Long time readers will be split on the tonal shift. For this reader, it still works and this issue remains a good read.

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Invincible #100

Jan 28, 2013

Invincible #100 does enough to please long time readers and be a strong enough read on its own that even if you are not invested by 100 issues of reading, you can still enjoy it. New readers may not want to read this one since it wraps up such a major plot that's been going on for well over a year, but the fact that it starts a lot of new story arcs for the series makes it new reader friendly enough that it could be a good starting point. Though you may want to read all of The Death of Everyone.

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Invincible Returns #1

Apr 16, 2010

Invincible Returns was a solid enjoyable read. I felt Id purchased a product well worth my 3.99 and it did a great job of setting up and hyping the upcoming Viltrumite war. So overall Id say it was good. New readers looking to get in at this exciting time I highly recommend this to you, and for longtime readers then you shouldnt miss out on this either because it does do a good job of furthering the series and really gets you hyped up for the Viltrumite War.

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Jersey Gods #5

Jun 11, 2009

After five strong issues, Jersey Gods is officially a must have title to anyone who enjoys super hero stories and just all around great comedic action tales. It's not perfect, but for a brand new title out of nowhere it does incredibly well. Jersey Gods has easily won me over and is one of the best books coming out each month.

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Jersey Gods #10

Feb 3, 2010

If youre not reading Jersey Gods you owe it to yourself to check this series out. Its got everything, amazing pacing, great characters, fun comedy, great action and real emotion as well as great art. This is easily one of the best comics out there and this was another amazing issue. Brunswick and McDaid did an amazing job here as they have been doing with this series.

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Magdalena #3

Aug 31, 2010

I have mixed feelings about recommending this series now. If you pick up the first 2 issues you'll have a blast and you'll get an exciting read. But this issue really does absolutely nothing more for the story but stall for time. So I say pick up the first 2 issues and if you love them as much as I have skip this issue and patiently (see what I did there?) wait for the 4th. A great series so far with a bad bump in the road.

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Mighty Avengers #33

Feb 2, 2010

This was a solid fun issue with an enjoyable resolution to the current plot as well as leading into the next issue well. Slott is doing a good job with this series and for anyone looking for a fun Avengers title this is definitely the book for you.

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Mighty Avengers #34

Mar 5, 2010

Mighty Avengers #34 was garbage, Slotts worst issue all the way around and definitely something I dont recommend to anyone. Hopefully this was just Slott trying to tie up everything else for the big series finale but its no excuse for crap and this is definitely crap.

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Mighty Avengers #36

May 8, 2010

Mighty Avengers ends on a high note and anyone who missed Slotts run should definitely give it a try. While it had some major low points in the end Slott ended things off right and delivered the Avengers book Id been wanting since Disassembled. Slott has really given us a great Avengers series that will hopefully be remembered as time goes on, and he definitely ended it as best he could.

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Predators #1

Sep 13, 2010

It wasn't that the Predators were using their guns, its that they were using them randomly. I don't want to spoil it but one character just gets randomly blasted to bits, he had no gun or weapon on him. A Predator just walks up and blows him to chunks. He could have at least stabbed him or something, that would have seemed more like what they do.Quote 0#3Mr. Tulkas2010-09-13 22:06yup the movie was truly truly horrible, I dont leave too many movies angry but this one managed to hit the right spot. total sac of crapQuote Refresh comments list

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Secret Avengers #1

May 27, 2010

If Avengers #1 didnt satisfy that big hero book craving youve got and youre in the mood for some dark espionage then look no further. Secret Avengers has everything it needs to be one of the best books on the market and Brubaker and Deodato are doing a great job of making it a strong candidate for best new series of the year.

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Severed #1

Oct 1, 2012

Bringing it back to my opening, Severed is one of the most terrifying comic book experiences you can get. The world that Scott Snyder and Scott Tuft build feels very grounded in a real world America in the early 1900's and they add just one small twist of the impossible to make it scary. The Salesman even feels and acts like a real person through most of the story, making him even scarier when he shows his true self.

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ShadowHawk #4

Sep 13, 2010

Shadowhawk #4 was a great read. If you're interested in a great Image comics hero, check out Shadowhawk. Sadly its a little too late in the Resurrection arc to recommend it so I suggest you check out the first volume TPB due out late this year. It had some bumps on the way but it's finally hit smooth ground and it's on the road to more greatness.

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Shadowland: Ghost Rider #1

Sep 17, 2010

If you, like me, had a slow week and have a spare $3.99 then here is a good place to spend that money. This issue succeeded as a fun tie-in, a great read and an awesome story for the character. Shadowland Ghost Rider is a must have for Ghost Rider fans and a great tie-in to what is an otherwise lack-luster event. I give this one a high recommendation to everyone, old fans and new, to discover one of my favorite Marvel heroes.

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Shawdowhawk Vol.2 #2

Jun 30, 2010

I really did enjoy Shadowhawk #2 and I'm so glad for this series because the character really deserves it. I want to recommend this, but the little things really do hurt it. Its far from a bad comic and I can tell that this series has greatness in store for it, but as of now its having a hard time getting off the ground. Still I say check it out, but proceed with caution for now. Still a good read regardless.

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Siege (2010): Young Avengers #1

Apr 21, 2010

Siege Young Avengers was a decent read, I felt it was still worth the 2.99 despite its failings. Young Avengers fans have read better, such as the excellent Dark Reign mini, but for a one-shot involved in such a boring event McKeever did his best and I applaud him for it. Fans of the team should give this a read if youre dying for some YA goodness like me and just cant wait until July.

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Spawn #193

Jul 5, 2009

Spawn #193 isn't a perfect read, McFarlane needs to either pick up the pace or drop some of the dead weight. Spawn has come a long way these past nine months into one of the best books on the shelves. But it is a bit late in the game to jump onto this title. Lucky volume 1 of "Endgame" came out this week, so go pick up the last two issues and "Endgame" volume 1 if you're interested in this story.

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Spawn #194

Aug 5, 2009

If you decided to wait for the Endgame collection books then it looks like you made the smart choice. While this one single issue doesn't bring Endgame down and turn it into a bad story as a single issue on it's own it failed miserably to either entertain or interest me as a reader.

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Spawn #196

Mar 9, 2010

Endgame was a solid but severely flawed story that did its job with establishing the new Spawn status quo. Anyone looking to get into Spawn I recommend you jump on now while you can because it looks like were in for a hell of a ride. var jcomments=new JComments(260, 'com_content','http//');jcomments.setList('comments-list');Add commentName (required)

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Spawn #198

Aug 3, 2010

Spawn #198 is just plain bad. Not even the funny kind of bad or the so bad its good kind of bad. It's a mediocre underwhelming waste of 2 dollars and 99 cents. I'll probably keep reading Spawn until I die (or jump off after #200) but I can't recommend this mess of an issue to anybody. Spawn is near hitting rock bottom, it's going to take a lot to bring it back after this. Avoid this series for now at all costs, I'll be hoping things improve as the series continues.

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Spawn #199

Sep 26, 2010

this is the issue of Spawn I needed to restore my faith in the series. While its future is still uncertain this has convinced me to stick around a little longer and hope for the best. While it doesn't appear that the best will come I still will have hope and after a strong issue like this my hope is greater. If you're really excited for the upcoming 200th issue but aren't sure if you'll be invested in it then I say pick this issue up to get yourself hyped, its a strong read with great art.

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Spawn #204

Nov 30, -0001

I really want to like where Spawn is going with this new run. A solid artist, a new writer and a decent premise to lead us but right now this series just isn't cutting it anymore. McFarlane and company need to get their crap together and fix the problems or Spawn may not be around a year from now. This issue was a mediocre waste of time and if this keeps up it can only get worse and worse.

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Spawn #219

May 8, 2012

Spawn has hit a high point for me. A point it has not been to in a while, but now that it's there, I could not be happier for it. As a long time reader this issue really gives a satisfying conclusion to everything that has come before, and is an exciting lead in for what will now follow it. It make good on years of reading and for that it's a great read.

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Spawn #220

Jun 20, 2012

If you've wanted to check out Spawn, I'd say this issue is a solid place to start. There's plenty of exposition without spelling out every single thing we've been told so far. Long time Spawn readers should definitely buy this issue for being such a great celebration of the title's 20th anniversary. Spawn is 20 years old and this issue is a reminder that it is still going strong.

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Supreme (2012) #63

Apr 2, 2012

While a bit uneven, Supreme #63 is still a really good comic. The story is a solid introduction to the characters both the heroes and the villains. While there is not a lot of action it helps us get to know the world better and gets us as readers interested in what happens next, which looks to be great. So as a first issue, despite some references that may throw you off, its still good. And while it may not have reached the hype I had personally for it, I'm still happy to be reading it and looking forward to more.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #1

Sep 9, 2011

Swamp Thing #1 is a great start for one of the most important characters to the Dark of the DCU. Long time Swamp Thing fans should not miss out on this as the introduction to Alec Holland is not just feeding you the information you already knew. New fans who are interested in getting in to a great character need to pick this up for an introduction that will get you excited to see what happens next for Alec.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #5

Jan 11, 2012

Swamp Thing got the proper shot in the arm it needed to win me back and sell me on sticking around for the long haul. While the series still had some weak pacing before this looks like a sign of good things to come and if Snyder can keep the pace going and building from here then it will definitely be flying high.

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The Darkness (2007) #84

May 10, 2010

The Darkness #84 was a great new reader friendly dip into the dark. While I wont be reading on a monthly basis, I do highly recommend this issue. Its easy for new readers, has a solid done in one story and has absolutely amazing art. Definitely worth your time and should not be missed if you see it on the shelves.

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The Darkness (2007) #86

Sep 14, 2010

This issue is a must-read from start to finish. If you like the Darkness then definitely pick it up but if you're not too familiar with it then it's still a solid fun read and won't leave you feeling lost. It's a great read and with some very strong moments. Jackie's war with the Sovereign may have taken a detour but it was an amazing read all the same.

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The Darkness (2007) #87

Dec 9, 2010

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The Darkness (2007) #104

Jun 20, 2012

Overall, if you're a fan of The Darkness you absolutely should be reading what Hine is doing. If you are not a fan but interested, I highly recommend you pick it up from the start. Hine is really making his mark on the character and building up Jackie's world just to make it all crumble around him. It is an excellent read that balances characters, violence and drama just right.

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The Darkness: Four Horsemen #1

Aug 22, 2010

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The Death Of Dracula #1

Oct 15, 2010

The most amazing thing of all is that they are resurrecting Dracula... in a X-book, of all places.Quote 0#2babs2010-10-15 16:06question . are we going to get horror themed reviews instead of normal ones like cap america ultimate spiderman thanos?Quote 0#3Andrenn2010-10-15 16:09@Two-Bit Specialist: I saw that they already brought him back. Jeez. So much for his Death, he's already back. Great marketing plan Marvel. Maybe next you can kill off Aunt May only to revea-oh...wait.Quote 0#4Andrenn2010-10-15 16:10@Babs: I said in the Halloween announcement that my horror reviews wouldn't stop regular comic reviews. Kevin and Rokk have still posted their regular reviews like normal. I'll have a couple of regular reviews as well still.Quote Refresh comments list

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The Private Eye #1

Mar 21, 2013

Private Eye #1 succeeds where every first issue should. It builds the world enough to make it feel believable and gets you excited to see more of it. Then it gives us an interesting main character with a strong motivation for being the way he is in this world. It also teases us enough near the end to show us there is a much bigger story about to unfold and that you'll want to see what happens next in the series.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #1

Aug 14, 2009

Bendis had a huge chance to give us a strong debut issue that could have let us get up to speed and establish the status quo of the book. Sadly he chose to give us more questions than answers which makes this a hard to recommend read. Still, even for all it's faults, the art alone could make it worthwhile and fans of the characters will at least get something. Therefore, I am giving Ultimate Comics Spider-Man a cautious recommendation.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #2

Sep 7, 2009

Ultimate Comics Spider-man has a lot against it, but somehow it manages to overcome it's problems and still be a fun read with incredible artwork that I give recommendations for. Even with a slow pace and some hit and miss moments I can't help but enjoy this issue much more and am hopeful for more enjoyable reads in the future of this comic so I give it a strong recommendation.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #150

Dec 11, 2010

A webbed up AIM goon causes an explosion and Cap springs into action. Spider-Man tries to web one of the goons up but hits Cap in the eyes. (That HAS to be painful. OUCH. Imagine getting that gunk stuck in your eyes?) Spidey swings around and Cap tries to stop the agents but an explosion makes the collide and they get shot into the web, stuck there though the Agents were thankfully knocked out by the blast.Cap says that Spider-Man is too young and irresponsible but Iron Man retorts that if not for Spider-Man everything would have been a lot worse and lives would have been lost. Carol then asks Thor if he has got anything to say and Thor starts up a tale of how he recently met Spidey.Thor talks about a Norse Mythology exhibit that Peter Parker and his class just happened to be at. Peter's Spidey sense goes off and we see an older man approach one of the exhibits. He breaks the glass and steals the magic half ball/half hockey puck (Well, that's what it looks like!) and transforms into M

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Velocity #2

Sep 26, 2010

Velocity #2 was a fun read. Its got a good pace and a great main character along with excellent artwork. If you are interested in a speedster that is not wearing scarlet then I definitely recommend checking out Velocity #2 . Velocity #2 has some bumps, but, overall, it was still enjoyable and is certainly worth giving a chance.

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Velocity #3

Dec 15, 2010

If you are not reading Velocity then I recommend checking it out. Velocity is one of the most fun titles I have read in a while. Readers that enjoy titles with a great character and a story that delivers plenty of fun should definitely pick up a copy of Velocity #3.

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Venom (2011) #4

Jul 6, 2011

As Venom wraps up the debut arc I can happily say that Venom is not just one of the best new ongoings out there It IS the best new ongoing out there. Remender and crew have given us the best new comic from Marvel in a while. The over the top espionage and fun adventures of Venom have made for a fantastic read this issue and have smoothed out most of the bumps this series was having in the previous three issues.

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Witchblade (1995) #135

Mar 6, 2010

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Witchblade (1995) #136

May 14, 2010

I cant recommend Witchblade enough. While its going up in price, trust me when I say its worth the extra 100 cents. This comic works hard each month to earn every penny from me. This arc was a return to form for the series and has me very excited for the near future of Sara Pezinni and I hope you are all there to enjoy it with me.

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Witchblade (1995) #137

Aug 10, 2010

This issue was a fun read with a great introduction to an interesting and fun new character that I'm not at all familiar with. This issue isn't quite as great as the series has been, but its still a good read and I recommend you check it out if you're interested in the Top Cow Universe and a great new addition to it.

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Witchblade (1995) #138

Sep 24, 2010

Witchblade #138 is classic fantasy meets a great series. This has to be my favorite post-War of the Witchblades issue so far. So simple, yet so brilliant. I really did love Witchblade #138 and I cannot help but re-read it again and again whenever I get a chance. I definitely recommend picking up Witchblade #138 if you want a highly entertaining one-shot issue.

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Witchblade (1995) #139

Nov 11, 2010

If you are reading Artifacts and you want a bit more of an emotional impact from Jules' death then definitely pick this issue up. It does not change the way we look at the series or characters and all in all this is not the most important issue of Witchblade ever but it's still a solid read with some great character work as always from Marz. It makes you care about an important death and as always the characters are as great as ever.

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Witchblade (1995) #140

Dec 7, 2010

Witchblade #140 certainly succeeded in setting up what was a great detective tale, with a pretty creepy super natural twist thrown in. Marz works some character magic like always. Witchblade #140 is a fairly simple read and there isn't much you'd need to know to jump into it so I'd call it fairly new reader friendly. If you're interested I say give it a buy at your local comic shop this Wednesday.

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Witchblade (1995) #150

Dec 13, 2011

In case it is not obvious, I am giving a very high recommendation to Witchblade #150. Ron Marz' run on Witchblade has been one of the best runs of the decade. With this big 150th issue Marz ends it right and leaves me satisfied with everything he's done for the title as well as excited to see what is in store for Sara Pezzini come next month.

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Witchblade (1995) #151

Jan 4, 2012

Witchblade #151 is the testing ground for the new creative team. This issue tests if they will sink or swim. I am happy to say that so far they are swimming and the series has not taken any dives in quality. Tim Seeley continues to write Sara Pezzini as one of the best leading female characters in comics. Bernard impresses as a new face in the industry. Both of these two making for a strong new creative team for the series.

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Witchblade (1995) #151

Jan 4, 2012

Witchblade #151 is the testing ground for the new creative team. This issue tests if they will sink or swim. I am happy to say that so far they are swimming and the series has not taken any dives in quality. Tim Seeley continues to write Sara Pezzini as one of the best leading female characters in comics. Bernard impresses as a new face in the industry. Both of these two making for a strong new creative team for the series.

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Witchblade: Due Process #1

Aug 18, 2010

A dark story with some really great moments especially near the end, I give this one a solid recommendation. While it's not the same Witchblade I read and love on a regular basis, it's still a good read with some really good artwork. I came into this with some worries but overall I had a great time reading it and I think you will too.

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