Jason Bowles's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ScienceFiction.com Reviews: 60
7.4Avg. Review Rating

Ame-comi Girls #1

Oct 10, 2012

I enjoyed this! It was fun and pretty!

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Ame-comi Girls #2

Nov 18, 2012

This is kind of an anthology book, so the next volume will feature different art, but a continuation of this story, so we'll see how I react to that. This book is entertaining enough.

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Aquaman (2011) #0

Sep 29, 2012

If I have one complaint or critique, it's just that this is a vignette. There's a structure to it and the developments and additions are invaluable, but… what happens next?! When will we find out? This is a special issue, slightly apart from the regular series. When will we find out what else happened to Arthur in Atlantis? Let's hope there's a follow-up annual or something coming down the pike.

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Aquaman (2011) #12

Aug 31, 2012

Like I said, the art is excellent as usual. This is one of the most solid straightforward super hero books out there right now. “The Others” will make for a great trade. But as a single comic…

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #3

Oct 8, 2012

This is a thoroughly entertaining, beautifully drawn book. It's not the usual, but it absolutely delivers everything you'd want out of a comic.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #53

Aug 25, 2012

It's a more down-to-Earth X-Men story, that doesn't follow established storylines or even embody the same tone as most other X-Books. It's not my favorite book of the week, but it's good.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #3

Aug 23, 2012

All in all though, a solid issue.

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Batwoman (2010) #0

Sep 21, 2012

Having been a devoted follower of Batwoman since her solo adventures started, I was already familiar with most of the stories referenced here, but even so, Williams delivers a lot of them in really cool splash page montages. And for a new reader it's a nice summary that will hopefully entice them to dig up the trades of Batwoman's earlier adventures. (Definitely worth it!) I'd say that as a stand-alone read, it absolutely delivers, while supplementing the regular on-going series. Solid all the way around!

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Batwoman (2010) #12

Aug 19, 2012

The book was starting to lose me, but this issue won me back over. It wasn't just Williams' art, although that was welcome. But it seems like a fresh, reinvigorated start. It moved along briskly, yet filled in a lot of information. I'm excited to see Batwoman step out of the gritty, supernatural norm of this series and venture into the over-the-top world of super heroics alongside Wonder Woman. Though they only meet briefly, I'm intrigued to see how they work together. And we also get several personal developments involving many cast members.

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Batwoman (2010) #13

Oct 20, 2012

This issue needs to win awards. It's not just satisfying, it's mind-blowing! You may have read ‘Batwoman' before and been impressed with its style and quality, but you've never read a comic book like this!

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Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan #1

Aug 22, 2012

Once again, another excellent book in this line of comics. Fans may have been outraged that DC would even dare to revisit The Watchmen, but every creator involved seems to have grasped the weight of this undertaking and has accordingly stepped up their game. Another excellent example!

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Before Watchmen: Minutemen #3

Sep 3, 2012

Overall, another solid installment!

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Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #3

Sep 6, 2012

But overall, another strong issue!

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Birds Of Prey (2011) #0

Sep 21, 2012

While this book was fun, honestly, it was just okay. The story and dialogue was fine but not gripping of snappy. The art is decent, but didn't wow me. Overall, it's a good book, but is it a must-read? I'm afraid not.

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Birds Of Prey (2011) #12

Aug 20, 2012

I don't mean to paint this as a bad issue, by any means. But it's off. Hopefully things get back on course soon.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #2

Aug 17, 2012

It's well-written, but a bit slowly paced and heavy on talk and a bit light on action. I want very much to like this series, but I'm still waiting to be wowed.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #3

Sep 1, 2012

This title is definitely shaping up. I wasn't bowled over by the first issue. But the second was better and I think this one is even better than that. PS, I love that cover. I think I might have found my next tattoo!

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Captain Marvel (2012) #4

Sep 28, 2012

Overall, a decent read, but not without its flaws.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #5

Oct 19, 2012

I feel like I may have been overly rough on this series in the past, but I love the character and am really hoping this take on her is successful. (Successful enough to cross over into the movie franchises, which is rumored.) I only worry about the less-than-mainstream art, because I'm worried that it could scare off less daring readers. I would say Rios' art is a bit easier on the eyes than Dexter Soy's, so maybe that will help. But I definitely feel like this issue really pulled things together and that suddenly the book has found its proper balance.

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Danger Girl/G.I. JOE #2

Aug 24, 2012

Just loud, colorful fun!

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DC Universe Presents #13

Oct 19, 2012

So, honesly, I don't know that I liked this issue to even want to give the next one a shot. I really think Black Lightning deserves more exposure and a heightened presence in th DC Universe, but this issue, throwing him against human gangsters, just doesn't have enough weight. The art was very good, but the story was nothing I haven't seen a million times.

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Demon Knights #0

Sep 15, 2012

This issue is a good read as a supliment to the regular title but definitely holds its own as a stand-alone. Though I know the #0 issues this month won't sell even remotely as well as the #1′s from last year's launch, I personally have been picking up a few for titles that I haven't been reading and in some cases have considered maybe trying out the regular titles. If you haven't been following ‘Demon Knights' try this issue out. It may convert you!

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Earth 2 #0

Sep 5, 2012

Honestly, the story read well and the art was good, but the simple fact that it was so unoriginal forces me to grade it fairly harshly.

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Fairest #7

Sep 9, 2012

Overall, a nice, single issue read.

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Fairest #8

Oct 5, 2012

Overall, even if the story is just beginning, it's off to a pretty enjoyable start.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe #2

Sep 13, 2012

I like the more mature, violent take on MotU. There are a lot of references to some die-hard continuity, for instance Trapjaw's real name Kronis and the fact that Skeletor is Adam's uncle. (I'd actually forgotten that!) It's kind of neat how they are rolling this series out. Last issue, we met Adam and Beastman. This issue we meet Trapjaw and a certain female warrior. I will say, the dark tone of this series varies considerably from the old depictions in various minicomics and other juvenile materials and jars alarmingly from the old cartoon series, which at times bordered on comedic. Depending on your preference, this could be good or bad. Overall, I'm just enjoying the ride.

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I, Vampire #0

Sep 30, 2012

This issue is really necessary for this series. These were all things the reader needed to know in order to fully appreciate the overall title. So this was anything but a throwaway fill-in issue!

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I, Vampire #13

Oct 26, 2012

A great kick off to a second year's worth of stories. This may not be one of the biggest selling books out there, but it's one of the smartest and most unique.

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Justice League Dark #12

Aug 26, 2012

Don't get me wrong, this is a GOOD book, but I feel there's too much meddling. I think creators need to tell the stories they want to tell. That usually results in the best work. When there is constant shifting of creators and characters, you can't help but feel that they are desperately throwing things into the pot to see what works. Maybe the sales aren't what DC wants, but this book is just shy of excellent.

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Justice League Dark #13

Oct 26, 2012

If you've never read this title, this single issue probably won't make much sense, but overall, this series is exciting, beautiful to look at and has some fun characterization.

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Justice League Dark Annual #1

Nov 4, 2012

This is just a great, fun read! It's a bit pricey, but I think even if you haven't been reading this title, that this issue could make you a regular.

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National Comics: Rose And Thorn #1

Sep 26, 2012

Overall, this is a solid book built on a premise that I simply don't care for. Good luck to the creators, but if this becomes a series, I wouldn't follow it.

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National Comics: Madame X #1

Oct 25, 2012

It's worth a read. It's not my favorite and I'm not sure I'd read the entire series if it goes that far, but it's certainly above average.

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Phantom Lady #1

Aug 29, 2012

This book has potential. It didn't bowl me over, but was extremely solid, so I'll definitely be sticking with it.

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Phantom Lady #2

Sep 27, 2012

There's loads of potential here. Jennifer and Dane are likeable and have an evolving dynamic. Obviously, with the anouncement that writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray are following this book up with ‘The Human Bomb' the pair are working toward a Freedom Fighters revamp. Hopefully Jen and Dane, along with the delightful Lucien Gates (The Ray), will get a chance to fight on in the New 52.

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Red She-Hulk #58

Oct 11, 2012

All in all, it's a nice start, definitely worth checking out!

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Red She-Hulk #59

Nov 17, 2012

The storyline is a bit light, but the whole “misunderstanding between heroes that results in a fight” is kind of a Marvel institution at this point, so I'll forgive it. All in all, it's not the best comic I've ever read, but it's entertaining and has nice artwork.

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Revival #2

Aug 20, 2012

I'd like a bit more attention paid to the environment and moodiness from the first issue, but this story is certainly entertaining and unique.

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Sword of Sorcery #0

Sep 20, 2012

This book is worth it for the art alone. Storywise, it's less than perfect. Oh don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed both features, but I have read better. But even so, I definitely recommend this book.

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Sword of Sorcery #1

Oct 18, 2012

There is really nothing I dislike about this book! The art is so beautiful on both features. Both are very well-written and intriguing. Like I said, it's two great, beautiful stories for the price of one. I highly recommend this book!

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Team 7 #0

Sep 15, 2012

All in all, a solid debut. It was a lot more interesting to me than 'Blackhawks.' It wasn't compelling enough for me to keep reading this title, but that's just because I tend to prefer more out-and-out super heroics to military/espionage books. But if that is your cup of tea, this was a worthwhile effort.

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Team 7 #1

Oct 15, 2012

This book was not awful. It's just kind of pop corn, no-brainer, macho military action, done just the way it's always done. I prefer stuff a bit more unique.

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The New Deadwardians #6

Aug 31, 2012

I can't praise this book enough. It's utterly unique with intriguing mystery. As a whole, this book is thought-provoking and amusing at times, but the characters are the real draw. Suttle and Bowes' evolving partnership and Suttle's attraction to human prostitute Sapphire are all extremely well-handled and add to the appeal of this book. I can't wait for the conclusion, but the journey itself is so delicious and enjoyable. I'm fine prolonging the experience and know I'll miss it once this series wraps up in two issues. I'm only deducting a tiny bit simply because this issue doesn't stand on its own. But don't let that stop you. Go out and grab all the back issues. You'll be glad you did.

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The New Deadwardians #7

Sep 30, 2012

I've praised this series up and down since it started and this was the wildest issue so far. There's only one issue left and I REALLY want to know what happens! I'm on the edge of my seat to determine who did what and why! There have been so many surprises and insinuations, I don't know what's real and what's a red herring. Man, hope the denoument lives up to the rest of this series!

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The Walking Dead #102

Sep 19, 2012

This issue didn't quite read how I wanted it too, but maybe Kirkman knows that this is what the reader needs, but won't realize that until the journey concludes.

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The Walking Dead #103

Oct 18, 2012

Another great issue, but it's infuriatingly slow and obviously part of the larger storyline. Robert Kirkman is agonizingly teasing the readers, who are all thirsty for revenge… bloody, bloody revenge… but rather than delivering that satisfaction, he piles on more and more reasons to WANT that revenge. It sucks, but at the same time, it's brilliant.

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The Walking Dead #104

Nov 17, 2012

The negative is that this is another of those frequent “slow” issues. I guess you can't get a giant shocker every issue and I'm sure once collected, this issue will fit in just fine in the larger picture, but by itself it's a bit light. But that's fine. It's still good. I know it's part of a bigger story and stories have highs and lows… and this series has had lower, so that's fine.

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The Walking Dead: Michonne Special #1

Oct 11, 2012

This doesn't introduce any new information. Her origin was already explained, but seeing it depicted was nice and added some additional depth. It probably serves as a nice introduction to viewers of the show who aren't familiar with the book or maybe started reading after they saw the show. I'm actually glad the earlier portion wasn't shown prior to her physical introduction in the comic. She was more of a cypher, which I think made her more intriguing up front. But it's nice to get it now that she's already been established and developed in the series. So for a book of reprinted material, I was still satisfied!

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #14

Sep 7, 2012

Another month, another awesome issue of this book!

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #15

Sep 22, 2012

It's a slower issue, but still entertaining and it does add to the overall book as a whole. The writing and art are top notch as always.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #15

Sep 19, 2012

Overall, was this a must read? I'm not so sure. To be honest, I haven't read ‘Ultimates' in quite a while, so I wasn't immediately up-to-speed. I don't know who this Morez guy is or of he's supposed to be an Ultimate version of a 616 character. They do summarize things in the beginning, but it's not a clean pick-up-and-read issue. It's okay, though. Solid characterization and storyline. Average art. Not bad.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #16

Sep 27, 2012

I don't know. It wasn't awful, but it didn't read as believable enough and was way too over-the-top.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #15

Aug 31, 2012

The tie-in to ‘AvX' is annoying, but this is some of the best characterization I've read in ages, so I'm not even going to deduct for that. I think any reader could pick this issue up randomly and truly enjoy it by itself.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #16

Sep 14, 2012

This was another excellent issue of what I think is the best X-Men comic out there right now. The writing is top notch. The art is amazing and very unique. The story is a perfect stand-alone, but will surely impact have a huge impact later down the line. (These kids were, of course, the antagonists in the first story line of this series.) The only thing missing oddly, was… well, Wolverine and the X-Men.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #18

Oct 12, 2012

This book has been so smooth and entertaining, with only the ‘AvX' crossover disrupting it. And while that has resulted in less fluidity from issue to issue, the book has never failed to entertain, taking on a more “one and done” format for these past few months, delivering stand-alone tales each chapter. This book always delights!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #0

Sep 20, 2012

This series in general is pretty dark. This issue was very whimsical and light. It was a welcome change of pace. It explores Diana's seemingly contradictory nature, a least in some readers' eyes– preaching love, while serving as the ultimate warrior. And the artwork, as usual, is excellent!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #12

Aug 20, 2012

Definitely a high point of this series, thus far.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #13

Oct 19, 2012

It's Wonder Woman, who for me is like pizza. Even bad pizza is still pizza, as they say. The writing is good, but I'm getting bored, which is bad. I can't really point to any flaws, but I'm just ready for something new and fresh and different.

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World's Finest (2012) #5

Oct 4, 2012

Maybe it just needs to find its proper path. The last storyline was a yawn. The zero issue was okay. This issue was a mixed bag, with a gleaming moment. That's something, right?

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World's Finest (2012) #6

Nov 8, 2012

This issue felt a lot smoother than the prior installments. It seems like the book is finding its groove, which is nice. I'm intrigued to see what happens next for these character.

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