Todd Young's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: AIPT Reviews: 48
7.9Avg. Review Rating

The team behind Eclipse has shown a flair for making a nice, tight story arc that is interesting on it own, while still adding to the overall concept of the comic. This issue sets up the climax of the arc and really makes you excited to see how everything shakes out. Assuming the team keeps up this level of quality, Eclipse is one of the best written and looking books out there today.

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It's a great story that doesn't seem close to running out of ideas or steam, with the perfect team behind it, at the moment.

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There really isn't enough in the story to show what makes Doctor Who special.

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After a year, Eclipse is back and it doesn't feel like it missed a beat.

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A great story about having to grow up, set against the familiar backdrop of a summer vacation.

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While RWBY has a lighter tone than some action manga, it's action packed and the four tough and likable female leads give new meaning to the phrase "hits like a girl."

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Beautiful Canvas is an interesting book, featuring a mix of hybrid mutants, a pyrokinetic little boy and a hitwoman suffering a crisis of conscience, that may not have come together as well as I hoped.

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Overall, Beautiful Canvas seems to be painting a bigger picture that might work better once all the pieces have been combined.

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The final season one episode of the Sherlock TV series is given the manga treatment in a well drawn volume that accurately captures the tone of the BBC hit.

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File it under noir, action or sci-fi and you wouldn't be wrong, in this mind-bending original comic.

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A smart debut that will makes you pay attention to detail, with an interesting main character who's both violent and conscientious of the choices she makes.

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Eclipse is setting a standard for gripping, fast-paced storytelling, full of tension and believable characters. It has only gotten better as it reaches its second story arc conclusion.

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Knight Errant has more to offer in the second issue, giving background to the characters and adding more action, which helped the pacing throughout.

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With a fast pace and character defining decisions, the seventh issue of Eclipse doesn't just keep to the high standard of the series, but nudges the bar slightly upwards.

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Expanding the universe of Dragon Age with a new lead character, Knight Errant has a more intimate storyline and smaller scale, but delivers familiar fantasy appeal and characters that fan of the franchise will get more out of than newcomers

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A good action manga that treats longtime Naruto followers to some great fan service, with likeable characters and a nice pace.

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We're seeing the Eclipse team at the height of their powers right now, with two good storylines and a unique art style that feels both haunting and realistic.

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A fitting conclusion that looks great and gives plenty of nods and winks to longtime He-Man and Thundercats fans.

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There's plenty of intrigue and unanswered questions in the world of Eclipse and this issue shows it will be a world worth investing in for the foreseeable future.

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This was, sadly, probably my least favorite from the entire series. It wasn't bad, or boring, but the books really hit their stride around issues #3 and #4 with the inclusion of the muscle-bound sax player as a vampire hunter and the epic underground confrontation with the female vampires. It made the last two issues run a little cooler, since the "Lost Girls" angle was essentially wrapped up by this time so that they could include the surprise reveals of the bigger baddies just when you thought the Emerson family had won. In all the series was a better sequel than the two straight to video installments and I'm glad I read it. I just wish it had gone out on a better note.

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It's a battle, from beginning to end. We get to see some other characters take the lead, besides He-Man and Lion-O, but it didn't feel as epic as some of the other moments in earlier issues. Those moments, like seeing He-Man unleash his power in a way the television show never allowed, brought a fresh and intriguing angle to the familiar characters which made them worth revisiting. There weren't any stand out scenes in this one that couldn't have been in an actual episode of the animated series, as character interactions played out much like you would expect if you had watched the shows. Here's hoping next issue Lion-O and He-Man return and bring something unexpected with them.

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The book may be a little too long and at some points the novelty of the journal-entry prose slowed down the book and brought me out of the story. However, that's the only real complaint I have. There's a fantastic amount of thought and work that went into the story and the art is simply amazing. The plot is sad and shows some of the worst examples of humanity, but there's very little self-pity from the book's terrific narrator. Her characterization is handled expertly and her innocent viewpoint takes some of the edge off of situations that could have mired the book down and turned it into a depressing slog. You're not going to find anything else like this in the store for a long time. If you're the least bit interested, you should definitely check it out.

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A quick pace and lots of action define the past two issues. I didn't enjoy this one as much as number 4, as the reveals and confrontations had been a long time coming and this was more a continuation of that than a new chapter. I might have to revisit it after the series is complete next issue, as there are characters that are introduced in this chapter that may or may not appear in the finale. If this was it for them, then I feel the part of the storyline could have been skipped completely and instead focused on the reveal from the end of this one. In all, it was a fast, enjoyable comic that sets up the concluding issue well and resolves the fighting from issue #4, but doesn't stand on its own quite as well as the last one.

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It's not my favorite of the mini-series so far; I'd roughly put it on par with the first book. Most of that is because of the high standard the last two issues set in terms of breaking from the confines of the kid-friendly TV show and defying expectations, rather than anything being wrong with this one. If the big confrontation in this issue had landed for me, I would have enjoyed the book more as a whole. Still, the writers and artists are delivering a strong series and set up next issue to really let the sparks fly. I'll be looking forward to seeing how that book turns out.

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This was the best issue so far. From the satisfying story to the art, the book really came together and rewarded readers that had been following the series up until now. I found myself not wanting the book to end, as the creators have really proven that they were the right choice for making a sequel to the cult film. It's going to be missed when everything wraps up in two more issues, but with the creative team hitting their stride, at least there will be two more months of bloody fun to look forward to.

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The book looks good and I could see myself liking the characters, as I got to know them, in future issues. There's a battle scene, but otherwise there's not much happening other than watching the team try and regroup after a crushing defeat in the last series. There's a bit of a tease at the end of the issue, but what it means and whether past readers would get more out of it, I don't know. That may be the biggest knock against the issue, as I feel there isn't much here, plot development-wise, for newer reader like me.

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Once again I enjoyed the book more than I thought I would have. I didn't find the ThunderCats as compelling as when He-Man/Prince Adam was the focus, but there was a limited amount of screen time to divvy up between the team. There's plenty of action and no denying that the book looks tremendous, especially it's standout use of color. It'll be interesting to see how the book moves forward after the end of this one, but overall the series is engaging me and making me want to come back and see what's next.

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It's the fastest paced of the three issues so far, with more action and vampire battling than the last two. There are a few scenes towards the latter half of the book when Sam and Mike are at the concert where the panels didn't seem to flow so well and it was hard to tell who was talking. However, the action scenes were imaginative and much more of the plot was revealed. This book really makes it feel like the story is coming into its own and not simply a rehash of the film's plot, both using elements that were already present from the film and adding new background to deepen it. Hopefully, since there's no more getting reacquainting to be done, the rest of the series will follow the lead of this well written and paced issue.

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I really enjoyed this second issue. I didn't dislike the first, but the He-Man battle was badass and whet my appetite for what else the series has up its sleeves in coming issues. I would recommend this one to anybody who remembers and was a fan of either show growing up, especially He-Man. The creators have got their fingers on the pulse of how to turn an old property into something fresh and exciting. If they keep it up for the rest of the series, it's going to be a great ride.

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I also have to apologize for a statement I made at the end of the last issue about a certain character. If only I had waited for issue #2's last panel! Overall, you will probably enjoy the series more if you are a fan of the movie, like I am. If you are, this is shaping up to be a worthy sequel, with an engaging story, and not relying on a simple cashing in on the name of the film.

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In fact, it is. I said I was a little let down by the last issue after such a great debut issue, but I have not problem saying I liked this one just as much as the first. It moved quickly, but didn't feel short. It also felt like the story progressed in this one and momentum is once again building for Bax to have major confrontations with some of the other characters in the book, and not just the killer. I'm really looking forward to where this story is going, and how it's getting there.

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This issue does a good job recapping and transitioning into the new story. Not much has been expanded on yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing if any of the baddies from the film make an appearance. There's a lot of fertile ground to work with here. The movie was light on details about where the vampires came from and any of the history the town has with them, especially since we know there is a history, given Grampa's vampire hunting club. It was a good start and I can only hope in the coming issues the comic lives up to the movie's sense of fun and blood in the way only an 80s horror film could.

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I had my hopes up for this one, but I don't think my expectations are the reason I feel let down. It's still a compelling world and story. It keeps me interested enough to want to know where its going, but this issue felt like it would come off better if it was read as part of a collected volume, as the story doesn't stand so well on its own. There's some background that will be important moving forward, I'm sure, but by itself this issue isn't particularly memorable.

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It is if you're not expecting an update in the vein of The Dark Knight Returns on some familiar characters from the 80's. He-Man/Thundercats #1 felt like a big-budget summer tentpole, with a lot of flashes, bangs and fighting involving larger than life characters. Some of the moments are, unsurprisingly, for the fans, like a meeting of Skeletor and Mumm-Ra. There will be plenty more moments like that as the series continues. However, there are some moments that will surprise too, like a main character raised in the air on the point of his own sword. It's not Hanna-Barbera He-Man, and its not Frank Miller either. If you're willing to go along with the flow, He-Man/Thundercats looks like it could be a fun ride.

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By itself, the story stands out for its fable-like telling of a very modern plot. It's told simply, but doesn't miss a beat capturing the heartache and regret a person faces as they look back at their life. On its own, the art is unique and eye catching enough for me to want to own a copy of this book. It keeps in step with the story, with its changing tone. Married to each other, I found them a perfect fit and a book I've enjoyed as much as any I've read this year.

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It was about what you would expect from a first issue of Doctor Who–lots of setup and references from the series, and hinting at bigger things with a cameo from the "Master" at the beginning of the book. It's likely the problems for the Doctor are going to get much worse before the series concludes. How the plot continues from this point will tell whether it is a fitting tribute to Jon Pertwee's character or just a chance for a few fans to revisit an old favorite.

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It certainly made me curious as to what comes next. There's a lot to play with in the premise that is set up, so it will be interesting to see if the story focuses on the big picture of the new society or keeps a narrow focus on the killer storyline. By the later chapters of The Walking Dead, even though the zombies are an ever-present threat, it's clear the book is about the survivors and character development. If Baxter's story unfolds into a compelling narrative, with the sunlight angle taking a backseat, this could become a "can't miss" book. The first issue was a fun, inventive read, so I'm looking forward to seeing how the next issue plays out.

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I enjoyed Chum, especially the first two issues. Issue three has the same problem most finales have, of being almost all conclusion. You're already invested in these characters (or not) by the time we get to this issue. There is less time to enjoy the scenery and buildup, because all the loose ends need to be taken care of, so this issue might seem a little thin compared to the rest. Read as a whole, this is a fine conclusion to the series, with plenty of action and heartbreak. Reading the entire series in one go might be the optimal way to enjoy Chum. I hope there's more coming from this talented team.

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Both issues of Chum have been great so far. There's an economy of space when you only have three issues to pull off a plot like the one laid out so far, but the story is tight and fast paced, with little wasted. You have a feeling the team behind Chum know where they're going, if this strong second showing is any indication. I'm looking forward to the conclusion already.

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A compelling first issue. Hopefully there is more where this came from in the chapters to follow. Not just for someone who enjoys the genre, it both looks great and has a cool feel in both setting and plot. Like an HBO series in comic form.

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It was a bit disappointing in the end. The way the comic focused on the characters over plot made me hope the relationship between the two had been outlined and given a clear direction from the start. Instead the book came to the end either not having said what it wanted about Marius and Tessa's relationship or just not knowing what it wanted to say in the first place. Ultimately it turned into a companion piece for the video game and not much more.

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It's a good start to the three issue arc, with the return of a familiar villain and more time with fan favorite companions Rose and Capt. Harkness. The spirit of the ninth Doctor is captured well, and newcomers to the Who universe will be able to jump in without much problem. For longtime fans it's more like additional episodes of the first series, with few surprises.

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Yep. If you picked up the series because you like fantasy, then an issue that is basically an origin story of a group of specialized warriors coming together for an adventure is as old as The Hobbit. It's exciting because it opens up a lot of possibilities for the narrative. Of course we don't know if this was a one shot and we'll go back to just Marius and Tessa in the future, but for this issue it made the story much stronger and enjoyable. We also got an answer to whether this series would be its own thing or ape the Inquisition video game. It seems Rucka and company are happy to throw in some references for gamers without making it mandatory to have played it. All in all a good effort.

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I enjoyed this issue the most of all Dragon Age: Magekiller offerings so far. The new story turn seems more interesting than the first two books and I feel like I'm getting to know the characters. The art is colorful and pops during action scenes. I'll take a wait and see approach to how well the tie-in with the game helps or hinders the story, but no sense looking for a problem until there is one.

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"All in all, a decent outing for number two, but I had hoped the flow of details about the main character's relationships would have been turned up past a slow drip. Still, we're left in an interesting place and I find myself still invested in their story and wanting to see what happens next.

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Fans of the game may find a little more here; certain references and an understanding of the general dynamic of the world. However, this title is written well and there is an opportunity for the characters and story to be really interesting going forward for any reader. Fans of fantasy have something to look forward to in the coming months.

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It could be better. I want the mystery to pull me along, have me chomping at the bit to see what happens next, but we're given very little of that. It's a one off story and the it's fine for what it is, but it's neither ground breaking nor informative of the Doctor or Josie's character or motivations. Completest fans of Doctor Who might want to pick it up, but everyone else could probably skip it and not miss much story wise.

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It moved a little slow and the suspense wasn't able to build unfortunately—this being number 1 in the series, things are being set up for future storylines so the underlying tension of the larger mystery isn't really there to push you along yet. It's a necessary issue for background, but probably not a must-buy on its own.

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